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ymtly lU-ntl I,ftl"'r ln .Klamath Full fie HP H W, il T IT Ifl jstftlft. Our' Advertisers ' Get the Beat Results . . . LcOMpYliAW.N'o.Mg- KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 15. 1908. Price, 6 Cents. BIG SLUMP IN TIMBER MARKETj Republican presidential candidates large Syndicates Have Withdrawn Buyers From Southern Uregon territory DfPRECIAllON IN VALUES THE RESULT rations Greatly Changed Since the liiuintiul Hurry of ltt fall Miioy Applicants Unsuccessful In Horror -iu( Money tor final Proof 0:1 lands WL1W In tnaor ) ' Klamath ullu the pmi lititlnl i-ltrtltu, fur il . . ll( nut tnHviiil ("iiii llit palilr irin lliitt llie nioiirtt.l mi n nl llir ylptl'lll.irikiinctlilliitt lli remit It j Cut Ale rii'l llifllntil to Irl ku nf tl,0 .li..iLlrlll. lurllrct mi the timber 'Mill at till Hill. Mrtt ' t(llt '" """l noticeable, jjrtfljo tliiilwr wat roiitldrirl ! MMHfvlar,l ,,,r ,m' ' " IraaUtln bnircm mtf iixinoy un It or In Jjuutlai of 11 ' " rratonaUla llgute. Tlm .lump In the mail. I lint imiM'il 11 il-cira In the iiiinilx-r of parlh-t watil- Inn cltlnia unit ( t 1 111? n 1 1 locators now I fl t nl It ilinicult to gel 1-ertom to ki Into the tlNl til look at llallllt llut follller linnl burtrt who In Ihlt section thru ' appllrauts lime lallnl to prove up on. 1.1 (.... 1 ....... ... lliaa . I.I.I.. . 'lllMPlt Mill III! .it-till. III 1 1 I a null lull . w . IlltOl fHIIHIUII .I.E. --- IHV 'H I - Vl-ll'l- HI .III- I-1111'IU l- bakr lucalltir Mnce the financial lop' l",,n 'hat revert to the (lowrn- incut through lailiit.t il applicants to make tliti final i)iiirnl. btuUacvof la.l ji'r the market for aliiitnthiiiipliig until l the pre- nl tin ll' ) practically "'in in lW Ditkil f'H timlr Tlm largest taapaalttliatr withdrawn tlirlr men sadoelnu (tut llicn a plcco nf Imul btooflittnJ the price l not Mliat It MiiMI fi. Mint nf the patllc. MlilcUlnit In IliK lection III Hot al tsaatlef to trll mill niimitirnlljr there soawtfiueul In the land quritioli. J.W, Aliiainler.of I ho vWyerhaeUter CMftor,liln the city looking niter kVaUrtlt uf Hie couiny. He Is Kim for Hie purine uf buying, hut MMstrttliat wbrnivil inducement' MoaVnd lilt company buys occasion U'. lU.tatra llut Iiku companies Ttry Inllllcmil about acquiring ItWilllliti lime and that tlm market laHlaltr li vrr) ir F tlalma hate Uvii iujM In the pad oalli, snj incut nf these were ptlldus- aHyioull rapttallita who are Inljlnir bkoUfuraral.r. Million the null nf kt Fall Many partirs filed uu claims Uhlnut lulllclrul mvaiia tu piutn poalhf clilmi mill In a niiiiilxT of MtKtliiiJi went lack totliefluvrrn tithttnlcijinrii bating imaMit to Ww the money Up tn within a few Viol the financial illitiirliance innney WjiUatlful ami paillea avcurlntt IIIIiik iCMmitiprfiviirrJ little or no illlli- Mhjrlaborroiiii all the innnry iiinmI. Jlflf final pajruiiiit on tliu lamia. The timber mat Let m hit hanlcr In k lection than any other tlillitf. l'n mi x'rrepllblailepreoltt talnthe tallica of farm lainta, Imt In kUmbtrtliepriiu ,A, ,roppM from l-Mptrlli..iii.,ii, 7;, ivnta nml 11.00. Wn are K-arn. t that price. Tblaconlliioii uiii 11L..1., 1 1 Ifl.l I llllllllllll lllllll Government Contract Mont i:, llntchliini liai iccchil lilt KUteriuui-iil contract for the aurwjliiit of a townillpof ainl In llnlln valley. He ulll Ir.iro fur there liiiinclUti-ly after Hie election In June. He alto liaa ciiuaMemble work for IwlhMiul in that tivtioli iihlcli nlll keep him there mm I of the r-'muiiicr lifeiPlaWrj ' : mt,ifiux.v;rjnr,.n'Sjic;w l. VwSKNmMmMzir V mmamgtm im mSMh 1 JOSEPH B. FORAKER OF OHIO. FINAL CHAPTER IN LAND CASE Famous Clopton-Horning Contest Develops New Phase In Litigation DECISION ADVERSE TO FORMER WINNER Land Involved llns Been In Litigation for Nearly Two Years and Decisions Have Been Rendered Secretary of the Interior By U'twitn Kfiioaml JJarrla. unJ it li tahliahiMl that not inoro than two lionrt i will I lu-fonary to inakctherun. The , fare will lie the tame ai it has heen on the atage, 2 for one way. The machine Mill carry nothing hut paiteriKera and a tage will run to handle the baggage and light fait freight. Thia aenlcn will be put in effect llliln a few weekt, or a toon at mott of the butlneen can be clotetl up. Tliu Mclntlre Company now hai ha chief olllcc in tlila city and about the tint of the month K. M. Dubb will be traniifernit hero to oaaiit II. V.. Outh ridge who it in charge of the olllce. It la alto unileratool that Cap. Mclntlre 'ulll take up lilt rcildence In thli city as ion ai ho cloiea mot of thebuilneia at I'okegama. In.spcctiiiK Country Her. IMmd Ailauii Cantrell, of Clil cago, It lieii lietllgatlng the Klamath prnj.fl with the view to briliing people heln I111111 tliu Tatt IoUh'aIuou thulamla that are being rirlnltiiml by the fiueni mi'iit. He lll Ircturi' nl the o-nia MAILS WILL ARRIVE EARLIER Change In Time of No. 13 Will Expedite Service from Portland Morning Oregonian Twenty-four Hours Earlier fhan Heretofore .Voiding hat ili'rl(iil In tlio ihange ' of the new mall route from 1'ukegauia I to llorrlt. Manager K.T. Alilwtt, of the Klamath Iike Itailroad Co., kai giwu out I In- Infiirmatloii that hit rnm home Hunilay allemoon and ewiilng on ,.(l) )a, ,mc(mtract with the (5ocru- tin. tiibli-ct, "The Human Call of the I ., ... ... ,. ' mi'iit for rnrrj ing the mail anil ran oult Wild " J ' ; at nny time, but the tage company Me III lo let them. He atatel that tho tralnt on the Klama lb Ijke railroad will continue to run indefinably and will carry all patiengeri and freight that comet ita way. Mr. Ahliott alto ttatea that on the 17 th of thli ninnth the time of So. 13 will!) changed to that it will leare I'orllnnil at 1 :30 a. in. and thli will bring tho Oregonian to thli city at 4 Hearing Calf Case Juaticeof the Peace A. I. Miller hai been hearing the evidence In the Short t. Arant rate today. It it a civil nctioii In which Ilurrell Hhort reeka to recover damagea and coilt for feeding n itray calf which W. K. Arant claim' belong) (o Clarence llarrlt "and which he rcplcvlnixl from Pliort a few daj a ago. A nil in bcr of wit nef tel were tiimmonnl and tli hearing of the cate required the greater part of the day. Down From Reservation E. II. Henry la down from the Kla math Indian Rvtervatloii whore he hat c h i . r I contract U'Imii-n thla city and l'ok ennui iivi wi uia liiuina tlill hut toor three vearatorun. nVlnck n. m. tlm nut ilnv. Imi "I Imnra been for ieeral months working on the - 'I ----- - . 1 , art,! cannot ipiit until the Government ,fooner than it get here now. plana for the reclamation of the marsh. Tanner who are in today ray I i... ....... .... IrVey about filial itna talna Imlfrt tkamti a urataf litanfl Irt " ..... "" ' "" , . I completed and that by tho flrat of Jane ll.on.ui.lry. and that they are a. ll I X UAVf fOIINTY SF AT " ' Curry County where tnriil lair crop oi grain aim nay. iiii ' - . - - .-- . -w-... . xk., annio inttancra It wh ncce.iary tore- - . ei.l, hut the Indlratloiii are now faror-' . ... . VUi'Hiion oi cnangmg aeai oi uovernmem mil raoi tie itbhi for an average ) li-M. rinxwell--Wi5e Voted On at June Election Signers Withdraw Names From Petition Douglas Not Guilty BARGAINS THIS WEEK 1K.K.K. $5.00 5.75 2.40 .75 STORE ! $6.00 Khaki Sulfa (This week) -bdieg $7.00 " bte S3.00 Khaki Skirts - - -lhi Split Straw Hats, values up to $2.00, wudrens Blue and Pink Canvas Slippers, Reg. l.oo and 1.25, 80 and 95 the pair 10 Per cent off on all Shirt Waists Wi and Ends In China Below Cost. Watch this space for SpecialPrices OFFERED BY KLAMATH FALLS Best Value Givers K. K. K. STORE Kev. J. II. (Hlllltli veaterday evening K'rfnrinel the cor oniony that united Mitt V. Wltn and Mr. FlnronroT. Maanell In the bonda of iII.M:k. The contracting partlea will H'" "'" "' receiv.H. woru inroi.gii rvnldu at the Maxwell Wlie aawiullt IR NKPnt of Cal Ihiuglat, whole name Iwluvv Keno. wa. mentioned In connection wfll. the w- I i rrtlilui.v nf a fnur ilitvri nilrt lliftt 'mil. imi.mi Yi - -i...- -.-, - Doiiglaa did not leave Porrla ua waa to pnrtiol, hut that ho if "till at that place and la at present engaged in linking n well for C. Sly. It la alio atnted that ho doea not know tho game ol poker, or If to very tllglilly, and that he did not play ok(r in Dorr la Hut ho never ahowod up ut n khIooii In Dorrh with IL1H), inul that the uhiili) deacrlptlon na atated up penra to apply to another mail, that Pouglaadld aeo tho iinforlunato man who wni robbed by u cowardly thiol, but only to pluy the good kiamarltan to a drunken man along the railway Hue. At tlio time of tho robbery the Herald atated the caao as reported to tho uthorltlei by tbo conttable at Dorrli and gave the story told the offlcera by Jack Collins, who wai arrested In con nection with the affair. Douglas waa mentioned by both the Dorris constable and by Co)ilns and it Is unfortunate In deed thafa man who ai exercising the trails that have wade the good Samari tan of ancient times a blblcal character should he mixed up with an affair so dlsrepuTabio as the robbing of a drunk en man. he has a number of government survey ing contracts. He will bo gone mott of the Summer on thla work. Straw hata, straw hats, straw hats. 00 cents will buy a dollar bat; fl n 2 hat; l.S3a 2.50 hat; 1.60 a $3 straw hat at the Portland Store.. lwk Another chapter has been added to the already famous tract of land In volved In tho Clopton. Horning contest. This time Miss Horning appears to m unlucky. It will be remembered that Mlts Horning claimed the land under a settlement made prior to the time that Mita Clopton offered her timber and stone application for the samo tract. The evidence wav taken before Ueo. Chaitaln nearly two year ago. The re gister and receiver rendered oppoalte opinions and the cate appealed to the CommWiloner where it waa decided in favor of Mite Horning, again it was ap pealed to'the Secretary and decision rendered favorable to Miss Horning; an application for review was made before the Secretary and was denied about the 1st of March this year when Mist Hom ing's application was accepted. Mies Clopton dtd not care to pursue the liti gation any further and f. A. Plnkerton of Moscow, Idaho took up the fight and came to Klamath Falls and filed a con test against the claim the day that the entry was allowed at the local land of fice. On the 11th of March Mia Horn ing sold her relinquishment and for warded same to Lake view. Now the re llnqatthment has been rejected and the entry canceled as a result of the contest and Plnkerton has been notified that he has thirty days in which to exercise hi preference right to enter the land. Short Term of Court Attorneys J. 0. Butenlc and F. H. Mills returned last night roan take view where they went to attend a abort term of the Circuit Court Most of the important matters were pat over until the next term of the Court as at pre sent there are no convenience) for bear ing cases. The session was held in the Odd Fellows hall and all county matter are transacted in the same room while the court house is being built. . New rings at Winters. No vnto will bo taken on the removal of the county seat of Lake county. A petition was presented to tho Circuit Court Monday signed by a number of I New Pino Creek residents asking that I their names bo taken off of tho petition ' to have tho removal question placed on the ballot at tho June election. Tho Court granted the petition and the tltlon for the removal ol the county seat la now 11 names short of having enough algners to entitle it to a place on the ballot. Thla settle tho removal question for the present and tho build ing of the court limine at I.akeview can now I canted on without fear of being Interfered with by an Injunction suit. It Is very likely that I.ako County will rem in intact for somo time although there is somo report about having a .bill In tho next legislature providing for the creation of a new county. Large Car Coming The time for the inauguration of the automobile service between this city and Dorris has not been definitely detoimin ed upon, but it will be in the near future. While in San Francisco Capt, J. M. Mclntlre bought a car that will cairy eleven passengers and It will be in charge of a man who thoroughly under stands the handling of a machine. The Mclntlre Company bat for several weeks had a force of men employed on the road BBtVTTs' ' "HVM"S5iSL3B)BBgflaBajBm fl I JbVsbV'I aaVaT Il I HBI Mi I " aaaaaaaaalpa .afcaaamfcaaaaaaai iMMH " 1 fBllli ROBERTS 6 HANKS Hardware Dealers .j -,-Jml