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h.JJ "", ! ,.. B M CHE EVENING HERALD liMnd dkltr. aietet Bund.?, b? Ik Herald PubRsMiifl Company W S). SwJHS, wassT lie .M II BUMaurnoN ratsb Ualty.tossaikasw, . Dtilr, br mail limoxtM, IXtllr, Wr tso.ll. Una moaUia, . . DaUr, ar aaaU, a amua, ilailr. .MlTorod br earrifr. a "Mo. How to RMiiT.-t IVtt maMTarttar, ..rase onior. tuctnaal .hock oa rr taoal bank, ilaiapa, eotn. or oirrwcy, Knwm Law or Oaaoon.-SoMkm (Mol tn. lasm of Ormon tntaa Ikal wkoamr any imoonaaBVaUtaa- a Mwaaapar.akaU taau Mtfc W tea? tma " Ula BUI wltkoat Ai.t mwrrlaa an ardor Ikarafar. oork amvapor .hsllboit ltoPaW.a4aot0Tojk1lp- In akall imw aaalart sort ponu. wkMkw nJ iiaaaiiaDOT U rwrlvW b tko aarooa la wkon It M wnt r not. Kill DAY. MAY 15, I90H. RMDLATINO Til SALOONS On Wednesday morning the new ordinance in Salem went into effect requiring that all aa loon fronts hH be opened in such a manner that people walk ins; along the sidewalk may have a full and uninterrupted view of the barroom. Previous to this many of the saloons had com plied with the law, a few of them having opened their fronts two weeks ago. The new ordi- tianr alan nmhifiW thst iuu of boxes in the saloons and forbids' "''"viiiui' or ro! MARSH LANDS Orego richest soil. ao rnt. vedetable matter. Klamath's dreatest bargains at $20 per acre and upward.. Eaay Termi. ABEL ABY ytteei-HH-; A ROSE ! I BY ANY OTHER - NAME. Bf ). LUDLUM LEE. X "llere. Mlck. .vim." riled hl minter. 'Come ImrU here' I want In talk In ynu" TIumi In uhNtled. nml the liuu wni Unit of "Hiil MrCiie. ou, mlck, oii, You mlcU, on " "I did not iliwn my tmim, nml I wouldn't take lulwuitni:.' of n womiin ! I) furs Wanted WllliMW In III Hi1 market for all I Ural iif furs, for which lie will 'my the itmrket nrlce. Address hlni at Klamntli I'iiIIi. Ori-nim. KI.iiiiIIi l Pu.Bc library llu Klanulh Full I'uMIe Library l okmi eery afternoon fmin ' B:l o'clock iiml each eu'iilnc from l):.W In WtWN'WH-t-H l tret mid lelurely shook the iiahc-i from id o'clock. A cordial Invitation Auy true musician known what n ' d VV nml irHtv.lisl In letlll It. J ,,. ,rt lo . trial It la to practice Chopin's "nrtli . " "'. ."'""" '.. I ,. ,, tft hl.kev. When Copyrighted, 1M, Ivy llir Aaaoelntr.l uirrary rrr.a. If I urn u (treat Mi: man," walled a volet In Hit' I ret. 'I'll. 111:111 curled iii nl tin1 f.sit of tin l'lftli "lint tin ,mii mink or nun. Jiuki aociurue uuiitf n uauti orvnii on me, " " " " " ,- , i.i....... ... 11..1 11 1. a itikiiiit-riint' iiitiiiiiii in im.t 11 imitti ih' inn iiiiiib iMiii' imm"-i 1 "' ..--. .- .1 laity tret 'tiutM It mii talk -im'.ui up iimlcr tlif r.itiiiiiiiiI,"ImiihIsI limn lailli'H cim talk. Mick, mill unit miifliointc utiinip," U llio Conlliif n llim lli.'V I'M 11 Hit. oil. lllll into!) 1 .1 ..I. I. !.... . iVnivr Mill lilki'V. Nnr. UiIiiK-t. Well. tliN tits. iliH'Sii't curt for, uiill(. itcuml K I". V. r.e. Nil. I liy trect Is ErlntlliiB out "Way IKiwn In Honolulu' au.l tlie plmiolii In the tot ts ueit d.wr I. iHslillltlK out "Tin Merry Widow" waiu. Xunili McOn knew nhnt It ineaiit, for nlu had Ihsmi tteuiptlnc audi n miracle for the lat hour, cU luir of iiiimlc lntersiernsl Willi certnlu portluvut expretnloiM wblcti her mottier would lime teriutsl "hocking." Tup doorl!! rniic nml n Nonli roie to autwer It xlie Kilt. dlK-ordaut pound usm the kei ih If to Illustrate tier mood. She ulx' I lie door, to U fjcrtl Willi the errand Uiy . Ioiik un.l 11 lilt fonnldahle, froui the ntJllun. stolidly chew lim pint ' withal 11 unod utiiiie: et. her name. I don't it tint 11 name liinllers lunch. I'ts'ls h.nt hceii llslit I111: llmt mil for jeiiru-'' In a inline' mid . roe liy 1111) oilier name' mid nil that sort of rot." Mlck'x little eies mvimsl to sejrili ,1 ' those of his mnsler. 1 "Now, 111) name Is n M'r) Cno.1 one. ' I thlnk-Joslah I'tvtIiiKliiDseti lUther I ndiiilt. lint Mltk. I Kite ('. I. Will Il the sale of liquor in the re course We're while stricted district The success of this new ordinance will be watched with interest through-1 out the state, as many of those most familai' with the saloon question believe this is the only way the saloons can be success fully regulated. The wettest town in the United States is said to be the new village, of Benbow City, in Illinois, which has grown up. around the Standard Oil Com-1 pany's new refinery. It has 18 1 registered voters and 23 saloons. I In addition to the 23 saloons, there are seven brewery agen-. cies, and each dramshop and each agency pays $500 a year li cense. Payments for the com ing year have already been made and the little village starts out with a $15,000 nest egg. The 18 voters will meet soon lo decide how to spend the money which they have received for licenses. Anr nr i,m M'liltiO" tie in. n. if. ..I I Mill my won! Unit It WHS .cortlttl latt to say U'lwrvii the lgorous move ' tditlit. I offered It to n certain )oiiui: I wouiiin tiloin: Willi nil in) nuri.iij KihhIs, iin.l-well. tiiil It mildly. Mirk. to spate your feellUKt ns lullie were spartsl Dot, I KUess ion mid I au t hum for nwhlle )t without fear of miy Interruption from n third party" Mltk Mvintsl In hai tllisl of this At a conference between the the leaders of the house and sen ate it was practically agreed that Congress shall adjourn Fri day May 22. The senate passed the agricultural bill carrying an appropriation aggregating' $12, 142,157. For building roads and making other permanent im provements in the national for est $1,000,000, instead of 500,000, aa provided by the house of represeutatives, was appropri ated, giving one-half the amount asked by the chief forester. V v ssssoasojssiaaasasss .,Twentyrseven states have de clared in favor of popular elect ion of federal senators, and Sen. ator Owen, of Oklahoma declares that of the 19 remaining, two thirds are ready to do 30. If four or five more tate legis latures should join the 27 in petitioning Congress for an amendment to the constitution, that body would be forced to sub mit the amendment to the people for ratification or rejection. lne senate committee on Usance has unanimously agreed to report the bill already passed by the House providing for the permanent restoration of the words "In God We Trust" to gold and silver coins of the United States. The motto was driected to be omitted from the coins by order of the President A favorable report was made to the House on Representative Humphreys-'. ...bill appropriating $50,000 for the erection of mon uments along the old Oregon trail. The bill authorizes the employment of a commission to erect the ' monuments at an annual salary of not 'over $2500. assBsssBiBSBsssaBSSBsaai Because a patent medicine concern published her picture and a testimonial which she said aha did not giye, r.Miss France Wynne, a saleswoman in a New Yory department store, has recovered $6,000 damages. j i fxteZTr STOW slu ' v r-avnA; :k v nHi mMcs hV A II S lla . 1 1I I llllkTJ it alv lMlllsV'--""Tv.ff Sumnion.H In Hie Circuit Coml nl llie Mali id llieifiiii (or Klaumtli County. John K.MiiUTUIntllf, s. Kiln, mill In r.iilly fur dltoice, III tin inline nl the state id Oieiimit You nre lirreh) ie.pilicd In appear nnd niisni'i the complaint lllisl susIiikI you In the ntsite cntlllrd suit on or More fAluriU), June 13th, IWW, Mil the Utt dal pii-cilU'il In the order lor pot lli'iillmi nl lids summons, the Ills! puMI en I Inn nl which Miiunn Saturday, May L'ii.I, IISIS, nud if tun foil hi In misner, for want tliemd, llie i.lalnlilt will apply In Ih.M-.Miil fnr the li'll.l In U..III.. ,,,, I I. ...I .t....ul .. lK hit) sen IlKt-led his pipe and ,n,rr,, i llie aliil. Idisl leieiii. In-iillJ (nr nway with nu nlrof hall.f.i.tlou 'llie n ilccieo ill..lvilut llie l.nd. nl inatil lencs nulled u kIkIi, nud s.ime pink ' nmii) exMIni! U'twivn plsmtin nml di petnjs were wiifltd tlowu with the. friiditlit next hreere Another hreele nnd then riilsilliiiiuua. serttsl hy pilhlii'atlnli n slipper hit rrellui!liu)eii on the In the l.tenlii( lli-rnld.liy older id lion, heiid. lie siine.nil It rntlnr rrltlcilly Henry I. IViihhi. Jiiilift ol the Circuit "Itather n little fool thil, Mick ('ourt lor the 111. I judicial dUtrlct id We will take the slipper hnine nnd pill ' Oicisnli. iUlid .M 1st, IWW, wlilclmr It on the mantelpliHe, and some da) ,,.r rtspilres summon to 1st puldlthrd I iiiajl..- who can lelll-Cluderelld. in) ,,,,. ..t r ,u coiiefiille areks 7 I Cinderella, )uii midrrstuinl, not the I one lu lue rnir) ihwe, win come nioiiK nij.t,,., ,i. "MICK, TOD Aim I HATR PIStsjVKItCD A WOkPUirCL TIIIXO." 'Do I look like n inn. sapped Norab. Uttor "What's your uauiel" turleil the boy be besau to fumldo In his pocket for a letter. "My name la McCue." said Nornli, OBMWbat curtly. Tb boy begnu to buui. NurnU could not recall the air, but Ita Illusive famil iarity annoyed her. "Wbat la It you want, boy" she de maaded. "I'm look I u' for a gcut named White. That's wbat t want. Does be Ihe here or don't bet" "Certainly be doea not," Noruli ns aured hliu. "My name Is McCue, nud I lire here with my mother uo one else. D)ou understand, you stupid little" She atopped abruptly. The iy had beguu to sing the aame nlr with words: "Hue UcCuc. you mlck, ou; Vou mlck, you." Tbla was too much! Nornli slammed the door with great force. It was use less to et en attempt to practice now. Her brain waa In a whirl of euiotlous. Ever alnce last night, wheu ahe had ijuarrcled wltb Joab, thing bad gone wrong. Bbe would go out and alt In tb old apple tree aud flgbt It out wltb herself. Bbe would climb to her favor ite branch and write out that musical exercise for the professor. Wltb a few blank sheet of paper under her arm and clad lu a very smart while sweater, she emerged from the side door, saun tered around Ibe yard of the house and climbed up the old ladder that leaned ngaluxt the apple tree. HI 1 waa comfortably sealed ou one of the upper branches w ben she again caught distinctly those familiar strains of "Huge McCue," tbla time whistled. "If that Impudent boy hna come back again I'll" Hut Norab got no further la her one aided conversation. Instead of a tneeaenger boy appeared a tall, atrappluf youth, pipe In mouth, a UaT walking atlck In bnnd, followed by a sprightly little Irish terrier. He had atopped and wo talking to his companion. "Mlck, you old boy," aajd the man, "you aee tfiat ladder over there. Well, I'm going to smash It In forty pieces. If there la anything I bate It la a silent reminder of thlug that might have been and happy days gone by," Mlck gave aaaent by a sharp bark aa the man etrode up and gate the ladder a rigorous kick. "How dare you)" came from beblud the screen of aoft green leaves aud pale pink bloom. The dog pricked up bis ears, and the man simulated amazement. ,'Mlck," be proceeded, "you and I have discovered a wonderful tulog-a talking tree." Mlck wagged bla tall. 'Brute!' cams from the skies above. "The tree la now addressing you, my dear Mlck." Mlck gave several delighted yelps, ran up and down the yard and started arojind. t dtveerner,. limn Die l-t .Ijt nl Ma, IWH. , l i.i.AVirr, Allnruevfor I'lalntllf. Professional Cards rrelluehiiysen m and at M ple. lie stauced up In the branchc of the tret with his head ou one ldc A shower of pink petult njiuixt lilllnl ed hi in, "Kb. little Cinderella," he said kI uaturislly "What say )ou" "What say IV she inluiltkcd. "I say that when a really truly fairy prince conies alnuc 'I'll ii with him and chance my horrid tiumc from Mcf'ue to" "FrelliiKnU)i.en." he sui;..'titl The mssuiiI nlliiiH-r hit It I tit iUn.-.-r Ollsly Hear llie tip of hit ll" ""iip. tun unit I li.l!ir Im.iiIT In lti . coM-rnf our family ri-jf. Mltk. 'riitii:f4 Omico .itr -.U.ince, Klamath r'alla. lor which we jmi nun I nsve no nn- ' Oregon DK. WM. MARTIN Dentist Olfice over Klamath County Hank C. F. STONE Attorney at Law llltsllate H -v iM't'til In Ih tiiuillli: our wa) " As the tall. Iirn.ul shni'Merrd form itnrtrd iiiniiiid Ihe cnriicr Nnrali're leiilisl, nud n liny streaui fume from Ihe tnlkluu tits. JimIi went Ixick mid p,-risl up niiiniu the l TcirrnoNr I) D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Kails, Oregon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist Arneiican Hank A Truat C..'a Hull.Ung nut-it mule brain Inn. "I'oillil I ! of mine serlte to )oil CIl il.T.llnV" he .lid, with a t!eep Imu "JimI )oil le such mi" rami' from the pint, in I whllv ci.-ni. lie ImiwisI iii'il'i. "And, Whit I inure. I denplie ) Vi-t, I in I tell )oil, I ilcrplM. on " "This, my dear Mls Mi Cue. Is only repentliiic I ml ululit's toitierMilInn," ci'd l'relliii:tiii)MMi "May I siikkosI )on hiiie already maile that mlnt entirely ilcir In lueV "Well, )u put that laiMer Imtk n'ialntl this trie IhU ery Instant I'm eoinini; down," he aid He picked up Ihe ladder mid Hlowly placed it nc limit I lie Inc. "And, Joslah rri'llliKhuyseii, tin )ou know what I'm Knlng In do wheu I get out of this trie nnd down on the itnrll.S Vnll tlnli'r All,' lIi.. ..ln,...jl -"'" -".. .. .. . ..v ..M,,1,. I .- Well, I'll tell you!" Hy this time J. V. HOUSTON. PlOn. ilder, her r' CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlors Oysters Served in Any Style wok nu the tup runt,' of the la skills gathered In n Huffy mass, "I'll tril jou." "8i you rcmarkid," he assented. "Well, then, don't Interrupt me, I'm Itol n to ci-t marrliil, I'm unlux to ih.inco my name. Just ltniiu.- I ilon't like my inline. I'm gulug to marry you. Josh rrelliiKhii)Kn, no I nm. Just for pile." Dvsceiidliig ii ladder lu sIih-UIiik fiet lo tin. tune of iiueM own hiIiikIiik sar. rnsiu Is slow wort;, mid she hail now rcnclicil the inhMlo of the ladder. It hIIpih-,1. nt least .IokIi H.ihl it ,,, nnd Noiah laiuled In his anus. Ami then her loutract was cnleil hy a not mniiiKiii In Jaw ollki, hut which cisMiiisI o In iue hlmllni; mid very Niillifiii lory In nil panics (onierneil. .IlicluilliiK n hllui Inns mesKeiiKi'r hoy Piesmuiilil) Mr Whllo hei-u found, for Ihe I. nl li'iim-il on tint uato ."hilling frnm c,ir In ni he h.iiik: "llupi Mil'in. ,iu mlck, yii; V. i ml, j, uu " Whan Lovers Quarrsl, lleglliald KtaifKered doll the utrit. black of e;e, hrulm-il of face and bear lug other marks that maile him look decidedly unhappy. He was mot by his uncle, whontnrrd at him lu uiiirti'ini'iit, "What on cirlh h.iw )ii U-eii il.jlng to yourself'" exclaimed this worthy, "NotbliiK LeiloiiH," replied the young man, wltb a fuliil, fiiriiwny iulle, "Merely the erfecls of a lovers' nunr rel." "Ureal Scot I. niuii," .exila'luicil it iistmilshed uncle, "yoidou't iiieiin lo nay that )our girl 'hiisled you llku that'" "Oh, no," wus the mournful response; "her othe fellow did!" Loudon An-, owera. We Make Little Fuss But there is always something doing at our place in tho House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL & SON At the Bridge on Main Street Incorporated November 20, 19001 Statement of Condition of the.. Klamath County Bank Klamath rails. Oregon DICEMBIR31, 1007 RESOURCES Loans and Discount $340,530.80 Bonds and Securities . 63,025.84 Kval Kstate, BulldingH nml "'I"" 14,745.18 Cash anil Sight Kxchiuigu 160,247.09 $885,040.5. UABHITTCS Capital Stock, fully pnitl $100,000.00 Surplus and Profit 21,753.11 Due Other Bunks 32,000.94 IU'IhwUh 431,205.46 $585,040.51 I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of the nUvctuimd bank, do solemnly awvar that the above itslr iiieiit la true to the best of my know l.slei. and U Ih-f AI.KX MAllTIN. Jll . (Mii1, Kubacrilied and swum In In-fore mi. ihn i,l,..v of Januarv, l!W. '' ISralf (,'. Witiiiii.m Notary I'ul.llr fur Hrreun orncEKs ALIX MARTIN President E.R.RKAMIS - Vlcc-l'rcsidcnl ALU MARTIN, JR. - - Cashier LISLII ROGERS - Ass't Cashier Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT. Proprietor Choicest of Wallets Liquors and Clrfan Catera to the better clasa of trade, V llh m.tliln to offrai the moat critical. You'll rmtlce the dilTrrrnre wbrartt try It, Just the place to drop in fur a rcfmhlpg brut age when you need a atlmulant hire llunrl cf ill kinds for family trade a specialty Ready for Inspection Our line of Carpets. Matting. Tapestry, Linoleum. Art Squares. Table. Lounfc and Stand CoTers, is ready for inspec tion. Something entirely new Also Silk Float and Feltolene Mattress Brass and Iron Beds-Adjustable pes cil woven wire Springs, the only thlsi for hot weather. Polshed Oak Dining Sets and all oak Rockers. eaBsosaaaBaBSflSjSBjaBSBisjaBasjBjBsjaM W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. George Bishop Phono-Store, 61 Residence, 155 CHA8. K. WOKDKN 1'resldent A. M. WOKDKN Cashier VlcPrfifcW The American Bank and Trust Co. Klamath Falls 6 Wlnems Truck & Transfer COMPANY Furniture and pianos carefully moved.. Ilareafco wairon and Ki-iiurui urayifilf. All Utnailr Klven. prompt attention. Ilusa to nnd from all bouts. I'ljone 103 COLBURN & YOUNG Proprietors IRl lnV"rJHi TIM ' in i ii n i ii iii ffff ggw I aajajSjaw " -aalBjaajajgaji mifnmni anal IBl aajfj L,A.Al.M,Ilj ili m & CN aa fsSSi h aw 9 H He ilJHBlMIIIIi aSBBr-sBSaWSSalSfSaslSBSBBBmaaajaajai CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. SthsasMaia Street i ! H t if,WrViiL.-