Newspaper Page Text
""V -.I Tl 53iShMvertlcnient8 lirWD-T. real. lM ' '"". !,r !T fir Ml ". 0,,w HHIIJ MENTION IciU'ientu nt Mminltii, A ami Him Urn In Mr. ami Mm. I It, lllithumi llm llllliol Hilt month. I WW"" . ,, ,, cor.- . Nn. I; '' " Merrill. Investment not Speculation. , Clh til "iTufATE FOR SAW -lK-IHAft. Hititi-li IwwIimI HeMtofK -U'W'V-'- frxz '; l,Mrai""'V MIICtLLANKOUS Null 'itiuplnll Imn mlnr it'll from Aula InHiI wllfllt III) Went In .lull vt lilt din family. HirlK lltn' I'liniinin nml Htrnw I lulu lit tliu K K K Minn, i Pellinciatlo Cntiillilntr fur Htntu Krn. ' nlnr,(l, Hprlni(ir, nl wok county, will nn innii'liiiiilii , "Kak tli) limit Iiiiiim- Intilulil. ! ".".'. '.... I. n ill m fur nil klmli of I tlni Ih.i ! I.. iu,. ....II iLliiiin.ll'"' "''"l'l'"""''"A"""1' Mnninuilh rJlnble.. II.W.Hlraw, l'io- rOK 5 A IK ... 1 I -V. - ..nil t" i-.Ul All llil ght I Mill'" i , , piinahT ri' '" ' " joiicaiililii a Jualnr""""11"" . ' Ll.IlM- dfi"-- i i " inintor. An 'ii ini'iitliiK will Ihi IkM nt Hittnl I'liuii'o Imll tiiiilnlil fur llm iurin of l'l (if llm (internal cl Tun HiiillfHy ""W H,l"ie UI.MikI'1 ('. " I"""'1'' """ U J,rflHin.iiiii'l'J:Kliirli. In.M.). , Ji,i Htrnw lm hU tarl-n Itrmly fur, mill. It llrllkfiii.em irviy """"' Hid pUiitln of lit. iimal amount cab. . ..B.(in.".irMi.r ,m "nth- I '"""' II ha. I.I. prlvnt.. Irruption .).- V . ' , ... ...I. ...... lal.trntnil ' ImIII III flMl.1 ftllM It.) Ollll l I Irf'l ! Ill lllll. tMb"lw !"' ''" "' ",e "''c 't'""'' Hit nop llm )"'ir. lot. ' Mvn Panama lint) K IC K Mote. JOOiolllH'l Slid I'snama hntn 'Mm Vllliei.-li.eiil.eiiy ronl.'M cite ..u.lli,iit within ll' " M '') .III l-ni.-.t.-.l In lli .,.. , IA.hHlUn.1 "I..M-. II." pla.)t..Uy ,,, ,,,, , , ,,.. r'H,, '""' I liy (Ml. Dii.iiil-uy. A lull ai- ' -- ., co'int ol tlii. Innil cam wat Hilill.hi-I In iSooAcrci hrec ',.,,, ,,,,. TuUlf.l.lrco.....t.y l..ii' I ,. . ,. n rfUaJuml.rllio A III. It lUl ll WIM,,",W"" vhiiuiuuiw. till tr IIKNT I'HKIJ for ihii yrni, t'. H, hruatoi -lion. II, .M. VVv, n WiImM" llm o0 "' I'0 ''"' ""'' '' J-ii,,l"'' ' "II I'1"! w" ' . '"r nwr. Tlif null'' lu'ol ' '''" '""' '" '""' wn.ll.Utw, Mr. t.V.i I. a man ItslhtUndliiciillUallun. TI.phmiI-, .if ilrniliik' aiNMraiir', an i'IiifiiI Htt all lli lint irwrtK llm ix-nV.f, n ni.ii lli.l uiiilrittmula the rVdltniluti'llir utiil.l.l''. . lullllcal tll.ialliiii. lilli-iimny iritrrl Tli Ukflil ("ii.iiiny, ; tliat Mr, I ultnii Hat Unli-n, )rt Mr J Kiank Ailatiii, Matinifrr, ivallr, li) tlm olo Mr. Cko irfcUiil in lilt Iiiiinii muiily Ilial li I. a. -iuUr llirna. Mr. Pultun wlicn Mr. ('ale It .Ii'icmIiii; of lil. arty tote. OtfJrrtMiian W. ;. Ilanli-y ilnla I I., l.ta ulll. itti.l In far! lilt I...I.I. .i. . ...r... ll... .. ' ' IIMN.W IIK-tiMUii; lHr.., ..- ., .... ,.... Im&m of all ...iltun.lin( oMinly I ,Pr""1 ' M' '',s,fo"" Merrill Oii'itoii. Treasurers Notice Xolrff l lirrrliy itlirn tli.t llii'ir am , IwiaaU tirtitntol .m ami i.rlnr to IM; Jl, Wi. Iiitcir.l on faint will mmiimd im.uiii'. Mftlit KltmMli r.llt thl Kith it 41(411, 1WH. U Alra l.cnit, CoiiiitrTrMiirir. ftorty U reasonable. Mn. IV. K. Kn'liiuii dat taken rliaiyi' 14 ll Amrilran 'llntint iiiin, nlilrli Uttwa rtmulrUil, , houiimi rnnk. lutr4orr.l. Till It tli ycr to 1 ItMlMt inr.lilii tiimi tl JiiiIIiu ul tin-Supnnm Court It. H. Ilran nrrtla intHilal mention, Iblry ainl lowl CoiiuuU.loiif r J. W. 1 I IUIIiy It aim Wiiinrr, ( i It. It. CuiniiilMluiicr r. K.CaiiiiUII l.n limn for llir miili ami I. entitle! In llir auixrl of I lio entile I'.rty. I'lotvculint; Atlomvy I). V. Kujken-1 ilill, at I'rmecullui: Attomey, It rarl Ically wltliout niiotltloii. Ilu I. will iMll!leil mnt KUmatli ami Ijiku Count-' ie nin to le ronniiitilUtiil on linvlliK Ihi-ii alilo tu iUri iH)riiiii'li'tit an at- IrjOAamtNrin lli:iNTI.I(liill..i.Krai. i loim-y In iimiiliial'iin for III.) .laer. MJttZJL'-JliXXViJSl ' rut" r-ViMlor-Orti. II. M.iry.imn, a. E?"""" .''. tf.-Ml. I. I,..r u.....u I i.... , ci.i....: i-mii' rnui. h i"i. j TlZZZZX: USif.'i'B.a.r " lili.t vl oiwlrrm In n... u. . !Mr,rtiS?,fi,i!K-.,S,'r ll'.u.m..l In. aUllty.! 5S"r'l,Vi'..iir7u7h lt.'.ii-M-iitalnc.-iiur mh i.r-!2UK""h,'.,?.'.-".hr!'"'"" "? ...iU... ll. 1. Ilelknm. ami II. A. jzt7"; n"1 mnyiwiM, onirtii.Tn.rf,i . " sSP!Sri!rtiVffjyiU,S; ll"'"l. '" ' n.ll.Ul. ami lll &?!, MayjTiy&XXyuwu'. Il.un m,1I thrir nr.lrrulli. ranS;MlW2L7S! -f lirrlff- W. It. Hanie. I. HI ....llll.- ES-rlKliSrr-'X, litiJ filtt; I ' I"! tl... ..Hie. Imx Inie wrvnl ... ... i . d . i . ' W Mmoi- "' iwi om 'n ftmrl.iv ,.f K. Ininkir G. Helming & Co. jgr Merchants Marahfield, Oregon, or Wth Fain. Oregon flm's Plumbing Shop trtciln and Jobbing RritelM, ,ll0 f .UI,,. 7 SiH-clnhlcH nml ilwl. ) Worknmnahli. A- o: U. M'. Building KUrtuth ralli Jackson Hotel ' Klamath, Ore. Cl room, ilood bdi. Je table always sup J7 with the beat the WMtafforda-Terraaita-ble. ifckaon. Prop, ll.ilin. AUiKiiliiluratlon, 1. an nrllvu man, null illl. all tlio atir rniitiillni; county mi.l mak.' an rinclcnl iifllrer. Vol.) for him. Comity Cl.)ik-C. It. IMa., ui County Clerk, U well ki.onii In you all, havliiK tftvcl llil cmuily ni School Suxrin leiuleiit In a way tliat U rriHlIt to lilun lf, Ilu I. now Tvln a. IKmty Slier-1 IfT .if tlila.roitnly ami la knovwi to I llirmiitlily coiui.ciuut man, , T.....n,n, I. All's IjiuI.. n. I . oiling nvi' ... -- Trwrnirvr, l 'H knuwn lo you all uml lie imIiiU will, prlilu lo lii. hh1 roconl. fttiiool .Siiii'iliitt'inlfiit J. 0. 's Ifa limn Hint Inn iH'i'ti coiilcuoiialy licforo Hit. iml'llii '"r tlio ia.t llvo yenm mnl linMiccompll'ilii'.l Homlcralncliwal' loiml Ilii.H. Ilu I. "HI llltclfnr llio ilrtl't'. Aaavaaor Ikirl K. Wlllirow.naAiaciia or, U tlio rlttl.t mail In tlio nhl place, IiavIiik norvtsln iiiimlivrol year. In tlio Alialrnrl Olllco anil linvmu n complutu nbiitractofuvory plictiof ilecilwl Inii.l In thu county, puU lilm In n iwalilun to ltur, juilgi) tlm valuoof rculeaUtudian nny nUior mail o know. Coiinly firveyorM. I. William, lias liocn conipiciiouiily lioloro tlio imbllo ilurltiR III lorm of olllco, Hla work Huki for lila olllclency. County Oomnilibloiier-0. J. 8 IhkIp la a pioneer of Klmnnth Coiinly. Ho It u'couiCrvntlvo builneN mnii and luia made n succeaa with hla own bmlncM Vi'nluror, anil ll Ib nsiuino thul he will do,ft n"D wllh the county, bui-nem. FACTS ABOIT KLAMATH PROJECT Tim (-tilt. Dry (loud. Co, lint leiolvuil I I'.i'llll tlilpiuelil.of llmterll dri'M K'hkI". ('nil nml Ititpcrt (IidIipw Hue, The Klamath Projoot The Klamath Project 1, the name thut lion hcon applied to tlio reclama tion of ubuut 100,000 acres of land now ,,, iinuur tho overflow of the Klamath lIlviT nml (if Lower Klnmath Jako and Tulo Lako nml tin irrigation of nbont 1 1 '0,000 acre of valley IiiikI niljnui'iit to the Klmnnth Ilivcr, nlotif: tho course or I,o8l Itivcr and tho tributary portion of the great plateau lyiiiK chiefly in Klamath County, Oregon, but nlim emhrncitiK a part of .Siakiyou and Modoo Coun tii'H, California, a total area of 200,000 acrcH, The Project embrucci the conatruction of a very Krunt mileage of canal, laterals and drainage canals mid will have ita principal aottrce in Upper Klamath I -a lie. Clear J.nltc and Horsefly are reservoir sites where flood wuter will be impounded and utilized for irrigation of land included in the upper portion of Hie Project. Work on the main canal was started in the Spring of 1U0U and the llrst unit of nine miles is now com pleted. About 1 If ,000 acres of land will bo irrigated from tlio first unit, the laterals for which are being eoiiNtructcd under the supervision of tho engineers luiviiiK charge of the Project, liy far tho largest proportion of the land under the first unit is now in NiigebritHh and must be cleared aud broken in time for eroiis in the Hpring of 1908- Work on the sec ond unit is being done by the Government and em hniccH nineteen milca of main canal and twenty-six itiil.'H of laterals to fiirniitli water to about 20,000 additional acres of land. Work on this unit will be proxecutcd as rapidly us possible. Nearly one-half of the area to be irrigated is now under water to a depth of from one to fifteen feet nml will be reclaimed by a system of drainage to liwr tho level of the rivers and lakes. A large part of the Hwnmp laud and practically all of the valley Inuil in tho Klamath Basin are held in private own cruliip and koiiic in very large tracts which mast be sold in tracts of 1C0 acres or less under the regula tions governing tho perfection of a water-right. KLAMATH'S For Its development aad proa- GKEATE8T pcrity the Klamath Basin must nave NEED people, and the right kind of people at that. Its great need is intelli gent, practical fanners, who understand the meaning of intensified and diversified farming; men who will buy land, not for speculative purposes, but with the idea of clearing off the sagebrush and making per manent and comfortable homes. Such men an bound to succeed. Thar is room for thousands of them. Developing Sugar beets have been grown ex- Various perimentally throughout the Klam- Industries nth Valley. Tho percentage of sugar is high, as will be noted from the following iiunl.vMK made by the United States De partment of Agriculture from beets grown near augur in bect.i. per cent., 21.7; sugar in juice, per rent., LM.l ; coefficient of purity, 83.1. Kxpcricncc has demonstrated that excellent as i:iriigiix, nuioiiM and celery can be grown, tho tule IiiimIh being very diiiiihir to thoso of the Sacramento nml Snu .Ioniuiu Valleys of California, where such vfgctnhlcH nrc so Miccciufully cultivated. Through out the world the reclaimed marshlands arc the best unite.! for the highest development of dairy inter est H. There !h nn question that this will become a sugar beet producing section and that a number of facto ries will be built and operated with the development of the industry. All kinds of fruit adapted to tho temperate zone thrive here tipples, peaches, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, apricots and nectarines do well, and small fruits bear abundantly and of excellent quality. There arc a groat many small orchards throughout the baniii that prove the adaptability of the region to the profitable production of fruit. K. Ij. Smith, former president of the Oregon State Hoard of Horticulture, gives it as, his opinion that tho foothill 'lands ore specially adapted to apple growing. Cultivation of the potato has passed beyond the experimental stage, tho sandy loam of tho uplands producing thorn in great abundance. Klamath County wheat, grown without irrigation, look tho premium at tho New Orleans Exposition. The most important forage crop is alfalfa, the soil being peculiarly adapted to its growth. Excess All landowners being required Holdings Must to sell their excess holdings, there Be Sold Is n large area or good land for sale at reasonable figures, prices rang ing from about $15 to $35 for unimproved, and $20 to $50 per acre ror improved land. Land adjacent to the principal towns commands hhzher prices. The purchaser pays for the water right at a cost of about $18 per aere to be paid for in ten equal annual in stollmcnts without interest. This amounts to less than the ordinary annual rental paid private ditch companies. Some of the Irrigators of Klamath Val ley (and they ore the most prosperous farmers) have olreody poid out to sitch.companics for water $60 per aero and rwn no water. All of these companies hove been purchased by tho Government and included in tho system. No publie lands will be open for settlement for sovcral years. OlimaU The upland soil is mainly a rieh sandy and loam of great uniformity and composed Soil largely of disintegrated and eroded lava with an admixture of volconio ash and diatomacootts earth, tho latter material of plant ori gin, formed in the bottom of tho ancient sea which covered the greater part of tho Great Basin, and of which Klamath Valley is o northwesterly extension. Such soil, characteristic of many of the richest agri cultural sections of tho world, including much of Italy and the great plains of India, is extremely fer tile, and of lasting productiveness. The lako and tule lands are made nip of a volcanic soil containing much organio matter, a vegetable accumulation of ages, and is of a pcatty nature. The climate is extremely hoalthful aud not severe. There is rarely any Winter weather beforo tho latter part of December, and but little zero weather during the entire Winter. The annual precipitation is about fifteen inches, with little rain during the Summer months. . .. IT WILL DO That's what people often say when they get articles In the Gtocery line. We donn sell the "It Will Do" kind. We always guarantee absolute satisfaction. rhone si6 van Riper Bros. Get the Habit-Use Chase fi Sanborn Coffee Our new goods are now here and you are invited to call and in spect same. We can SAVE YOU MONEY on anything In the rnraltare line. "Our Responsibility ends whenever jroa arc Ssttstlcd." E. W. GQ1ETT B CO. Uert K. Wiiiirow, Vice 1'rraldenl Abstracting Maps, Plans, Blue rrlats, Etc. AixxnSuus, .Secretary Klamath (County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers C. E. M. t Klamath Falls, Oregon Don J. Zumwai.t, C. K I'rciidcnt M. D.jWiiXIAJis, C. E. Treasurer East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef. Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry Fresh and Cured Meats and "Sausages of all kiada. We handlo our meats In tho moat modern way in clean lincaj and surroundings. Try us and we will b most happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing In Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered nt bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys nt present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. Office on Fifth Street The Gem Restaurant and Lodging House Special accommodations for Family Dinier Par ties. The largest and best arranged eating house in the city. Open day and night. WOOD WOOD Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461 or K K K Store, Phone 174 J. L. FIELDER 1N$&SiaT rtaowea. Heavy Freighting a Specialty. Baggage Orders Are Given Prompt Attention O. K. Transfer & Storage Company Having up-to-date piano tracks we solicit your PHONES fine piano moving K1NYON &. THOMPSON, PROPRIETOR owe an arm ?! sTasslalisssflBl SsUaV SaWaiBansWW vwsa .-