Mostly Hi'1"1 ,,,,,ur '"
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Klimatli Full"
Price, 5 Cents.
Three Large Dredges Will He In Opera!
Within Ninetv l)ivs
1 ' i
Machine Must Work Day and Night Sn Unit ftuilrontl i
D&c Across Marsh Will He Completed During
I ho lull nl I his Yi'tir
After Kterit tinnitus i'l Urn. Ii.i. I ii
jort In bulMIng ll" rallirw.l dike bcihsb
lUMnl'.tl" aiiiiuiihccineiit It nlllel
Jfwlll''"" '"""' ""'" '" '" llr
juaWl h '" '' k "' Kl.i'Mf I'l"
,, Kuuiliini,k'" Arililn .M'in ill"
uJ ol lii llit'lr.l III lint Mim Coil- I
UlUCll'' and n ll' cmn.
aurl'ti Urn tt.oroiinl.ly iMirgaiilivd
uJtUroii.tnicllon wnrk Mill I vigor-
mi), tunrculrd. flie company ill
Kli4tllllillrk'" Htm '" lh"orl
ladla sdJIIlu'i I" Ibis I "''HI
tmlftt till 1 iil ll'" )")' j'l'l
nooutlio Urf" bid finished. Ilnmil
iktUrfM I. mm Mi lli" coiirseul run
Unction and t ( uiatliinety Ii.i lliu
Jrd ll tt Hull" awaiting lt rumple-
Iwa. Thsollwr bargr will I l.ullt l
miaJ by llir tiuiv It I. conipVlol the
icMofir iH !"" ll'" ground. Ill
fiHUrUa lilyilays Iwfore either
illktuw Jlr-I'r-. Hill !. III Il-fll0ll,
Ull lli three midlines go on the
fork It sill I but a few niuiiths until
Iks salut title will U coinpleled. It
till lata I' iierrxary fur It to settle bo
tVttlteaaU leveled
TU wxpnl ull'in nl 1 1 ip company !
las direct result of llm demand lijr li
tattera l'rlllcCoui any that llm wmk
tsttptdlteil, or clo lliu CtUislriKllnii i
OsBptay lliuuM Ini felt It mlltlnrt. It
Istlalltrd t) llm ritttlitrcro that were
ktctlor lUtluw wutk that ha U-ni
oa l)i iimr.il tlit- mail viniilil likely
km bnn cuinili'tii In till, city a-uuel
lis litis rail.
TWiiiifiil nllh .i S. V, imur it
list lb dredges will wnrk ild)' ami night
sMtU n tint mi more lime Mill bcloal
laBJtlnic lli ullr Thti fad that
llsoa dredge mi llm wnrk haa imt dunn
sjUitoiloriev-ral weeks ha caused
CIW Engineer llnod In ilciuaiul ihat
lsorkU iroMuil In n way that
UllMure the cuiiii.lrtliiii nl the dyke
tils Fall. The orders tniii.lilliriiHiri.il
klianollir imllcallon that llm cum
Ny Is dulrcus of completing lino
totals city at the taillcsl possible- .lair.
Wsnts to He n Farmer
"Would rra fanner." aullloiitilted
OMUrt Urli f 1C Minus ('umi.anv.
"Iter I rncl,w ,m. Tuesday (rum
Lakrvlrn. "Hip former's I If.. u.'iil
tn Ini. Hi li'jilnnl nut nl hnl at 3
iiVIihI In lint iiinrnliirf mul cnrrlesn Inn
nl tn nl fnil In llii. iimi nlhl hnlMi.,
iilnl aUmt tin. 0.1111 miinunt ol nul.r: ll
Inakrn ii iiiaii'n IiiaiI fit'l ,"l In ..
Ii'iw llic tiKk 1-nJ.iy ll.rli li-l, thin
I'lilm-a llio rlvnniiiK nut nl the luni, mill
m V'Ulli' tmirli nl nii.i'lnlliiii (nun u
iiiul(.' hiwlt. llh, lln J nl iiillklntr,
i--jy hIi.-ii llif hiicki-t it kkl.vl
ul't, ll I" alwii) iiiilninnry In kit k tin
'm hIiimi llm run- klrk Ihn liurki'l , tin.
tnrk I. nlliinl.il t ami llirn tin. Imr...
ari- lillrhtil ii. ami alter a Itw ail nl
Irlllllr.'l an .rl. utrl tin Hi 1.1, ll.u
lirraklaat l.rll llm;.. lint nhy riiuiuci
al" the ilullrflilltll lrjiuii nl (arm lift'"
lluw uu all I. up lu K' l"ck tn thi- Ja)p
nlcnttlni; lir.ltff, Lllllni; lnv arnl pluw
Int; ciini nn a Imt July (lav. I am Kblni;
lurk tn lAkrrlra, lur lli.it Ii thi'lnan
(or tne. Thfii I "i'l my Vt.ilio. She
nataiarh Oh I hail a aHrll linn
tliotr. ainl hi. Ili' nn a (arm almnt trn
inllr. limn tnnn a if I hat a line liot.t
aiul lniff'y ai.il ynu juit U-t I hail a
tliinl) limn. Ikvli.ir f'.r inr, (mrrvr.
!)niiiM IIiiIIpIIii.
Hill Passes Senate
Mil. tilinlr) rlvil hill lia I'irii 'f.
liy I In' .'.null' Htlhmit any mati'tUI
aim inlinriit. TIiIp Ix-liik thu ra.r It If
.nfn tn iir.iimi. that Senator Kultnu
ik c ulnl in ifi-tlliiK Ihriiiitfli ll1!. 'iiatf
Ihn aiiirinliiiriil ap'iiiirllln.' IU,lM tn
tin- Cmtvr Ij1" .Natlniinl Park. Mnrc
III.- niraturi. hat arl tin t-euatu it if
v.-iy (.mhalilnthat llit.ro Mill U. iiuilllll
cult) In urcnrlim llif nllnwaiiot..
At the nuxt iiicetini; "I tht tllrcv'tora
n( tlio Clumlicr nl C'oiiinit'ife nti'ral
n..1loitliii Inr ini'iiilwrhli will I'"
illnnlllc.l. Tht Ooinmlllrf nuiitftl
In treurt. nn iiuhiIhti Iiu Imi-ii .IoIiik
jjik tork mul Imllcnllnin ati that thn
mem lwthlHil the orvanliallon will Ih
Kri'atlv Incica.iil In llm neat d vk.
V. II. SitIidiii ii'la In Ix-iilu f'
ravnllnn Inr hi Imth Ikiu.k nt lliu hot
riii llhin tin' l't l wka.
Tl ptjtir imlIt fr n larwn cnncrclc
inol In niMllliiu to tin. rlnlo hatha..
llarriman Tamily and Eastern Friends Will
Visit at Pelican Bay Lodge
Parly Will Arrive Here In July and Mr. HarriniM WHI
Remain I wo Weeks telegraph System ll Being
Overhauled Preparatory to Their Coming
Free Lecture Tomorrow
I'rv. Kiwaitl AilaiimC'autri'll,u( CM
canu, ulll lecturu at tin- ora home to
uinrrow altvriioon. Uu 1 one ol the
I IrailliiK lihvral tlilnkeri mul nm.inlouljts
'olthe MliMIe WeM, ml li Mill a(vak
'nn the ttihjt-ct "Thu Human Call ol tho
Wllil." Thu alti-ruoon lecture will he
! gin nt three ami Ilia evening lecture at
M'tM. lioth lecturea lll be (ree and
eeryniie la Invited to bo prccnt. Aa
wa atateil In yeitvrtlay'a HeraM Itev.
' Caulrell ia inwalijcmtinit the, country
1 Mlth a luu- tn hr!ii)lrit;anumbcrnrpeo
J pie here from the Kait to fettle nn the
i Irrlnaleil lain! nl tills rectlnn.
The Senator and His fnends Control the State Conven
tion und a Ta(t Delegation Will Go To the Republi
cs n National Convention from Oregon
A Fitting Finish
e'eiiatnr i-'iiltim an.l hla Irlemla hail I
ever)lhliii: lln'lr nayat tlu Mali' em- j
M'lillnii hell at I'urtlaiiil nn the lllli. I
The Senator will heail lliu ilrli;atlnn to :
the Natlntial riiiiriillou, hIiIi firo. II.I
Wlllhnu nl Mullnnmah, A.N. (illUrt
nl JUiluii nml ('. Ii. Huntley nl lark
aiiiua the oilier ileli'itatea from the
tale at larv, nml lliiljili V.. Williamt
nl I'olk. nml 0. A. ru'lhleth' ul Cooa at
tleletiatea (inui Ihf Fln-I Corif rcaalon ii j
ihltrlfl with Frank Ira White ol Kla
malli a alternate, nml II. W. Cnle nl
Mulliiiuiiah ami Am II. Ih ron cl
I'lnallllalrom the cecoml ili.tikl.
Tim I'reiililenllal electora weie e
lrcltiln (ultima ' It. I. Hutller ol Oil
Ham, A. Manter of Douslaa, J. I).
I.e-f Mullnniuali ami Frank J. Mil
ler ol l.lllll.
The convention pnoc.1 reanluiiuna lie
Calf In Court
K. K. K.
ei 6.00 Khaki Suits (This week) -bdles
S7.00 " " ,(
ei S3.00 Khaki Skirts - - -
Split Straw Htts. values up to S2.00,
wens Blue and Pink Canvas Slippers,
Retf. l.oo and 1.25, 80 and 95 the pair
10 Pr cent Off on all Shirt Waists
N1 wd Ends In China Below Cos!.
Watch this space for Special Prices
Best Value Givers
The call caie la mill orcup)luK the
attention ol Juatlcu A. 1. Miller. Pur
lug the luli. ilay there haa len n
lurxo cr.iml at the court homo llatenliiK
tu the evltli'iire ami a large iiuuiher ol
ilneeH hue U'eu cxainlneil. The
rail In rjueitlon Maa luouuht In the trial
ami MBBoffcretl aa evidence. It aa tied
In the court home )ard and It la aale to
ay uer two humlred people toped to
mi the call that la rospoiulble fur a
atllt that will coal aeveral hundred dol.
lata belure It la llnlahrd. Tho takliig ul
llm evidence will 1 concluded thla
PVonliilC J JuaJtlco Miller l render
hiadrcUlon. The rail la allll In the
IHiaaeaalon o( W. I'. Arant.
Springer Addresses Voters
Cl. Springer, the Oemocmtle Candldato
lor Joint Senator, (rom Culver, Crook
county, Oregon, u greeteil by a largo
audience at tho court house latt nltdil.
U udJrcaa was liuainetsllko nml he
made a (itvnrablo impreialon upon thoao
who heard him. He alanda llat-looled
on statement No. 1 and stated that he
would aupport II. M. Cake If ho received
the popular vote at the June clectloit.
Mr. Springer will bo hore a few day to
beconto acquainted with the voter o(
thla acclloH. Ho ia accompanied by
Mr. Springer on hla trip over the district.
Dog Poisoner Gets Busy
The dug io!oiier haa again been gel- J
ting in Ida oik and )etlerday three
Llewellyn tellers belonging to J. C.
Cruu'ii din! froiu the efTecta of olion.
Tim old ting aa aluiil at tlUnnd the
pii at alniut i"i each. A reward of
f 10) haa already been offered fur the nr-
rent nml conviction of the guilty party
or partlea. The doga had been ata)lng
at the Kxchange alable and tho poison i
was laid for them In that vicinity. The
motive fur taking tho poison to the
alable where the dog were out of tho
way cannot lie understood by the pro
prietors of tho alable or by Mr. Cravens.
The poisoning wai discovered too late
to save the doga.
Mr. and Mrs. I.. II. Yaden and boh ar
ried last night from Gold Circle, Nev
ada, to visit with relatives.
The .Muiig Company cloreil Ita engage
ment In tlili city last night with nnu of
the beat performances that It haa pre
sented during ita entire stay In thla city.
Tho play, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. H)degave
nn opportunity for Mr. Mong to show
himself at his best. In thW play aa In
the Clay Itaker, he Is all that any actor
ran be. The last performance was a fit
ting climax to the scries of excellent
plays tint the company haa presented.
Ihe entire performance waa well hand
led, and cveryono of the actor seemed
to (ll Into the part that he was taking.
It Is to bo hoped that Mr. Mong will
visit this city again if he should be In
this section with a company.
Services At The Churches
Services will be held In the acveral
churchea of Klamath Falla tomorrow aa
Christian Science Society ltegular
services will be held at Klamath Con
servator)' of Music tomorrow morning
at 11 a. m.
Haptlat Services Sunday School 10
u. m. ('reaching 11 n. in. II. Y. I. U.
7 p. in. Preaching 7 :30 p. tu.
Itr.Y.J.ll. OUIFKITII, l'uslor.
Methodist Services Sunday School at
10 a. in.
1'ieaching at 11 u. in. Subject i" Three
Kpworth League 7 iW p. in.
Treadling by Dr. Huaon at S p. in.
REV. I'. CONKI.IN, Pastor.
Church ol Sacred Heart Masa dally
at 7:30, Sundaya at 10:30 A. M.
Rev. 11. Keusl,S.J.
Preahvterlan Church-The pulpit will
lie occupied by tho Rev. T. P. Howard,
aunday school mUalouary for the I'rea
bytery ol ioulhern Oregon, who will
apeak In behalf ol the work ol the Board
ol Publication and Sunday School work.
The sermon lu the evening by the Pas
tor on "Humllty."
All, especially strange ra In the city,
will be welcome to all the services ol
the church,
REV. GEO. T. PRATT, Paator
Tho "Smoker" nt the band club rooms
tonight promises to be a unique and
very enjoyable affair. It la one ol those
times where the ladles are not Included,
but the men have a Jolly time, by them
selves. Elaborate preparations have
been made (or the occasion.
Call up I'hono 213 and have us clean
and adjust your sewing uiavhlno before
you start your summer's sewing.
Charges reasonable and all work guaran
teed. Singer .Sewing Machine Agsncy.
C. T. Day, the chief elect-lean ol the
Southern Pacific, la In the city looking
after the telegraph line between Pelican
liny and the main line ol the railroad.
He and two ol tho line men came along
the line (rom Thrall to this city and to
morrow Mr. Day goes to the Pelican
Bay Ixxlge to inspect matters at that
place. It will be remembered that Mr.
Day was here last Summer at the time
Mr. Hai riman visited Pelican Bay and
had charge ol the line and its operation.
His visit at thla time la (or the parpoea
ol making arrangements for the coming
ol E. II. llarriman and family and a
party ol Eastern capitalists. The plana
are that the party will arrive here about
July 1st and will at once go to the Sum
mer home ol the railroad cnlel. It can
not be stated at this time bow many
will be In the party or how long they
will remain but it Is understood that
Mr. llarriman will remain about two
weeks and that the members of the
family and Iriends will be at the Lodge
during the entire Summer. Many Im
provements have been made at the
Lodge during the past year and
the place is new equipped with
all modern appliances.
Will G. Steel announced several
months ago that he bad received word
that Mrs. llarriman and the children
would be at Crater Lake this Summer
so it Is very likely that the party will
make excursions to the Lako while they
reside at their Summer borne.
Mr. Day will leave Tuesday .for bis
headquarters at San Francisco bat will
return In about three weeks to superin
tend the making of a number of im
provements on the telegraph line in
tbls section.
Notice to Masons
A special meeting ol Lodge is' called
for Monday evening, May 18th, to con
fer E. A. degree.
W. A. Drxxttx, W. M. -
I." "rn '
'i ' . jr. ja. . Li
Hardware Dealers