Newspaper Page Text
"$ mv THE EVENING HERALD bmd 4ath. mol 8bJt. b tka ttorald PubHsMng Company W wMllWf EPJpC SUMOUFTlON RATSS Mir, kf iMil aU HMiUuy . . pUr.WMU.rMinmUM. . . UUr. W ". a ""! UN l.M 0H.drtllliMTtar.iMjk. . . ItOW TO IMH1T. IMW IWWWW pnwwy wot. ilrM onlr.iMoMickwkiirwlMlvBk. tump, win, or uttw. Nmrtm Law or ouaoM.-BMtk MM of Um tan t Orwoa linkkt ttet wkmnc Ul pnmcaBtroHlM if, kU Mt Mwfc man w um im wtopi ant rmMnc erdw Iterator. mm iW" tMil W mm Id b a titt. awl M r " tM tktU arrrw MmtaM nek jMrwa.rah UiinniiirmmiiTWWiMKM "" breriqn's richest soil mm. aw. am k-bmvw mj n . bm. m ; i.iiajuii miaab . IVlMJan LLtlXUO V1tr AR17T 80 per c.t. matter. Mm rt $20 ft" .ere and upward.. Emj Term A. AD1 HM--N" IIWnnleriMt. RATUHDAY. MAY 16. WW. All school officers should bear in mind that the new school law requires that at least 85 per cent of the state and, county fund re ceived during the school year must be spent for the payment of teachers' salaries; and pro vides that should any district fail to apply at least 85 per cent of the funds received from the county school tax and the irre ducible school fund (state) on teachers' salaries, the un expended balance shall revert to the general school fund of the county. Fifteen per cent of the county funds may be used for current expenses and any part of the 15 per cent not so spent may be retained by the district and carried over to the next year. I Sallu's Kniflht Errant Bf MAY CLENDENN1NG. Copyrighted. 1. by tli A.cln x uirrary itim, j, eeeeeerfr-rvt'i-M-t-r nte.1 lir two Ji'ilin tilt')' llild lVII "keep- lti wiii'!i'' " niil ln hiul entered w III' Hie nlr of lino iintiirtil of wi'lenine nnd llli it lltsht npohijiy for tln l"1'''u"",i1I.O.,1t niiirki'l price. Aildreaa lilm .. i.i . ..-.I. .. ....! i,. I..i tttrit,riiial i liirs Wauled i: it WiINkii Id lii tlio market for nil kind "f ruin, for which In' will m " ni "He did iniller Fully' pje clou oil with excitement and her jtlutuv follow t the trnyly cnpnrlaoiied horn with II mall clad rider down the erowded thoroughfare. Mary McCmin. nt I lie next tuhle. iri" a auort of ronteuint. '8ur bo did." alio conreded jM.fl , lio hulk entitles In I In nlr four room huinoredly. "He'll ninlli tit itny lltll" enllei In wlil'li Sull) pu-iiiie.1 in tun aoftr he thluka la fool eiinuiih In Miille trei mid (. Av he i.iuie of Mi iinlMil. only In Ik Informal Hint It win n mutter of IndllTereutv in B.illy whether In' ennie or rvnmlued away. I'rwe-illy he slipped out of Hie little pnrlor with the itlmttlc "iif pxtloii that Sully would lo fi-elln lu'ltor on Hie morrow mid Hint "' would try to jwl iirouiiil onrly. Me win uiiiri'uril lor the i"ii.ii itli divliimtloii Hull kIic did liol ov lust (o Ik' IioIIH' lit nil. mid In' n tin tc down tliohlulrH In the of tin nnjter Hut roio 111 llK'l.t) nt II fell. Once down I he iiyl Ktltvt he told lilniM'lf thai Snlly hid n hendnrhe, " Klainntli I'iiIIk. Ou-jrwi loll I'M-Mc "V'r The Klmmth 1'nlln IMWIe l.lhrary la open iery iiflerinfin from l! In f:! o'ol.'oK nml each cvenlnjr from i!:!W to lOnVlerk. A oonlinl Invllnllon l en. temleil to nil. I .i nut l.iiv Winded whlev. When ton want puie Kin.rr) Me llml It I I 'put up under the K.iwniiieitl' "Immlri1 waii'houeiilainpl"H I' the Conllneli A chuivh where men can smoke and enjoy a moving pic ture show is the unique institu tion founded by Rev. Goodman, of Atlantic City, X. J The pictures represent the para bles and the collection taken up pay for cigars and pipes which are smoked during the sermon. Rev. Mr. Goodwin states that his plan of getting these men into the church is eminently suc cessful and that he will have to secure larger quarters. An average of 600 men attend his services at the "New Men's Church." back. I'll bet Ml t'ndy won't If mill In' wheu alio aeex how fur behind ,oii are with your wrappln'." (tally Uii.hed u he cant mi appro henalro look lu aenrvh of the dreaded fnrenomaii and bent to her l:I; with nimble fliunT. She a one of Hie fatteat wrnpiwrK In the riuuubut rnr alucv the kul;ht had taken to ihllu by her work had Kiiffentl. nml Mis I'ady, mho trutleil to Snlly to fct the pioe for the other Ktrl hi friendly lhalr. frowned oer Sally'i plivewerk II. kiH nt the end of the day. Until that week Stilly had U'ou the record bolder for more than n year It looked a though n lrl on the other aide of the room would wret her lau rela from her. 8ally only toovsl her head Indiffer ently. The new champion could not even aee the knight from whole 8he worked, nu.l that to Sally wim the lui Krtaut tblnj;. She km an oumlwiroiw reader of tic Hon, and the romances of the uoielette and the cheaper theater had tilled her On InMwi "n"n " nen uer kinxiii rone iuihi hi.. syuney flnt ,me nill cn n wnm Kian.e to ward the whitlow Ivl.le whlrh he worktU It aermeil to her that the ro ruance of the dead asei win rcltcd ajratu. The jrrlmy factory bulldluj; Il ea mo raatle. MUa C' wiih her hanl hearted Jailer mid the kulKht In the atreet below waa her true lore and ro coer. A doxeu tlinn that day he rode paat the factory on hU ineltleouie Imr-e. nd each time there wai the name up- houie when hit da;'N toll nai done to Kit down lo a on wiry in"" of mrm-d lvf mid ulib.ij:e with Sally m mi the In ble flMlu hlui. llur Sally 'h callii In Spain were btlltely wllllce. lhlvuj;el by kllljthl mid ladleo. wlieielu her knljiht I'd nil the othcnlu Uiiniy. ltiuv iiii.I Ul w Id-ley, Water Mill liiamlie iw and I'. I'. ' I'. WilUoii. III. key, .Nor. te. Sold by SlIlllUHHlS In ihi'Ciiriill foiiil nl Hie Slate ol On..n lor Kluiniilli I 'nil lily. John Ko-miU plalnllrt, . Amauda I'.IIh KiNinltdehuil'inl. mill ineully (or dlorie. In the iinuie ol Hie tlale nl 0icit"li I Im:. She wondered how (the had ew r I You aie heieb) ieiiliel l ap'r aim thouiiht Tim llolr.iu j;oo.l IikiLIiij; and nhtiildcrvd at her own want of tate I She wuh j; l.i.l itlie knew U-ttel ' now ; j;lad that idle had found out In I fore ll win too l.ile. . She did not own ml Tim wlun lie , fulled to call Kr two fi'lilni;. fur her j uuthlpatloua were nil leuteixil n!ut I the kulj:htly tlj:ure on the eoal blaik 'charter uhn xpelit the eiilllv da) ll.l I ni; up mid down before her window ai the factory mid who alwuj uh he rifle Kiive Nlleut f-ulu I e. Tho jilrN were held for a couple of ' hdurx l'rl.liiy eteiilnj; lo .! out a null i order, mid It win l.ile when Salt) hur I rlcd home There was 11 li.rt tut aiimwrll.econipl.iini nici Kaini )"" in tlieai"e enllllrd mill on or U'hue .Nuunb), June Will. I!m. 1-b'it H" lail d.t) pie-cilUfl In the older lor pill" lioitlnii nl (Mil loinimnm, the llil publl. callmiol nhlch IhIihtoii SatnuUy, Ma) Jud, llnW, nud II win (all ni to ali.wer, (or want then-of, the plaliitlll will apply lo the mint lor the relic! demanded In the inuiplnliit, filed hetelu, Io-nII: lor aihctw'dinilii: the lind ol inatrb iiinti) enUllnj! In'twccii plaliitlll and de len.l.iut lliloiiiuiiiotia fiil by pul.lti'alliHi in Hie I irain; Herald, liynriler nl Hon. Ilinr I. Ih-nxirr. Jmlce nl thel'lrrult ill. Ilkt nl through uu unsavory irtln of Hovl'mul lr the lnt Indielal town. mid. unmindful of Hie herliu t)iet;i I.1I1-.I May l-t, llH, which or- jllaliceH throwu nt her. tie hurried ,,t ropilii uuinioiia to U piibllihrl nloiic. Intent only upon jctlluj: home i,,lin. a nnt (or il ioiimviiiIw wrrki In his capacity of Governor, George E. Chanberlain has made free use of the pardoning power. Governor Chamberlain has granted 186 full pardons, commuted 90 sentences and re- mitted nine sentences, a total exertion of the pardoning power during Governor Chamberlain's term to date of 285 instances. Full pardon has been granted to 13 murderers, to six convicted of murder in the second degree and 14 convicted of man slaughter. Two men convicted of murder have bad their sentences commuted. John Mitchell until recently) president of the' minerr union is to be the Democratic candidate for Governor of Illinois if the Democratic leaders can force the nomination upon him. Mr.. Mitchell declares that he will not run, but Roger Sullivan, the Illinois leader, says he will make Mitchell the candidate with or without his consent. The overwhelming Taft vic tory in Kentucky has convinced the friends of Vice President Fairbanks that there is no possi bility of his nomination and it is expected that he will quietly drop out of the race without any .formal anouncernent of his with drawal. A 3 year old baby in New York fell out of a third floor window, landing in a sitting posture in a baby carriage which bad been left on the side walk, without receiving any in jury. When a woman cannot (ell the difference 'between her hus band's fault finding and the dog's growling, it is time some lawyer got a divorce fee. jwfSsiKy v vc 'wPxafVlrnlv K X PShlrV fS-Vv Now comes the time of year when angleworms squirm for affright when Little Willie, sings that popular aria. "Get tfee Hook." TOM MS SABPTOSOLA1TKJI OF HOOrW. ward stance, the aarue llftlnj; up hi lance, and Sally's bean heat more rap Idly u aba bent orer the pllea of cam which were to be wrapped and atacked In tbe traya to gt to tbe packing room. That ntgbt tbe knljtht rode on and on through her dreama. Always tlio Ha me he aeeuied to he, and yet ever he j;rcw more glorious lu Kally's dretiniy i-yen nn be aulfered untold riilerlei nnd liraied perlU luuumerahle fur her sake. He was the hero of "Irnuboo" nnd tales of the Hound Table. He wns of all countries and time, but uluuys ho was tbe wan of tbe day before, and Sally went to her work with euuer- neas, because she knew Hint presently tbe knight would come riding past and that be would look up and salilto -ber with his lance. And come lie presently did. Ill be! met shone gleamlngly lu tbe sun; bis chain armor displayed to tho best advantage tbe finely muscled shoulders and act off well agslnst tbe rich coparl aoalng of bis steed. That there was a theatrical ndrertlscuient embroidered upon tbe trappings -of the horse she did not care. Hbe was looking for the silent lifting of tbe lance and wonder ing wbetber the eyes were blue or brown beneath the heavy brows. She could shut ber eyes and remem ber every detail of faco and costume long after be bad passed, every detail save that golden legend, "A Knight of Old, tbe Adelpbl," that gleaund against tbe crimson velvet of tbo saddlecloth. Hbe recalled' the heavy flowing mus tache, with Ita graceful droop, tbe clear color of tbe skin and tbe ruddiness of the cheeks, and then remembered with distaste Tim Holrau's stubby, deter mined chin, with Its blue black tinge of clean shaven skin. Tim was al ready In disgrace because be was out of Job, and when be called that even lag tbe chill reception be received abashed area that self confldeut young to Miptiurns onk'Uy na poilile She had nltnott clenrwl the neelhili ' when, with u nhout, n ) oil in: fellow lurched out frvm one of the turner j saloon mid threw hit nrin uboiit shoulder. i Sally tn'renmcd lu terror, but the men atnndliij; In the duorwa or! lounging on the corner rei:anhil Hie scene IllillllSellHy. lUJtn Joe proba bly tiiejul only to klx the Klrl, uud anyhow he wuh notably quiet, with n knife. They were not minded to male It any niiieem of their. N Sally fi.njllit a bent ah euilld. but the h'crlui; face approached closer to liT, mid the man' breath lieal hot ly nuaiuil hirehoek Then aln heanl Hie i latter of In h .f. a whoop uuuil lata My Irlili nud her nvnllant went ri'IIuj; luruH the hidewalk from ihe forxv of ii mn.irt bl.-n i u tin- head from n t lub, With it r) of relief. Solly apniug to war. I her reneiier It wa her knltihl. who. tlirni. i Hie lurner. hid tome Umu the r.eue nil. I had rli.irifl IIih Itullan with liU lanre Now he allpM-d r.lT hi lnit. ami lltilnlnil ntT the Job wllh hi llclH (inly mue the knife llaclit-il. KlIjipluK thronxh Hie eoiit of mull mid kiral.Uilu Uj thmililer Iheli the weaiHiu uu LiukLiiI from Hie Italian' hand, nnd lie wa done up lu approwtl style until the couwuleiitly uemxlxhted polkemnn Interfered nut of pity for tin) bntlered wnrk. Then thu knlsht lurueil to Hally. Ill (IowIiik hair luid fallen hi the cult" alum; wllh hi Klltlerlu helmet. lilt flowliijt imiktuchio hiiiii; lont-joiii.-lv from uutMoruerof Ills mouth. Illieji brows, too, were Midly kew mul blood Mahied the Hlilrt of mull over Ihe nllOllllllT. "Comu nrouiid lo Ihe klablu illilll I can put me liorcy tip, nud I'll InLo )oil home," offered thu knljiht. "I wn afraid you would llud out I wa dnln' this 'UK)' Job iinlll I could Ret mo old place back." ' "Is It you, TltuV" pi-il fiully, I "Hure," was thu aheepUh reply, "A fellow offered mo IS to mlvertUo hi' show for u week, I needed soiuo loon i ey to tnku you to the lady lelephoner' hull totnurroir nljiht, mid I lw.W hint up. I IhoiiKht you wn ului when you threw u I:Ih to inu yelenlay." They were walking toward the utahle as they talked, nml now- 'llm led hi liorn liiKlde. Thu coat of mall, made of ford daubed wllh iilumluliim piilut, was koou klilpiied olT nud thu cut found to be u mciu xcrulch. lu u box Hlull Tim dlbcarih-il the reinuluder of hi j,'oruu out lit mul lexiimed hi own well worn Milt. As Ihey punned ihnwi tho street lu thu direction of Sally' homo shu slip pt'd her iirm IIiioiikIi hi euulldliiKly. "I'm Kind It wn you nnd nut a make believe knight who Itwilcil ine," she whlspereil, "It wii Imlh of us," i-euilmled Tim. "Hut I won't be u fiilin knight urter tomorrow. I'm jrolti' on thu tralllc po Ike. The captain like thu way I rldu nml can Ret mu right through. Now wh cuu get inn rr lid lu spite of my loalu' mu Job." "I'm glad of thai, too," hj,1 HMy CMiiteiitedly a her -atl In Kpaln Hlirunl; to u four room Iiiiiii the Itldat ol May, llMS, a i.. i.i.wirr. Altoriterlnr rialntlll. Professional Cards l)K. WM. MAKTIN Dentist Ollire over Klamath County Hank C. F. STONE Attorney at Law Ollilre owr pontolllcr, Klamath Kalla, Oregon Ten run r l D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falls. Oregon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist Ameiicari Hank A. Tnul Co.'a Ihill.lInK CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining I'arbra Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. We Make Little Fuss Rut there i.s always something doing, at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL a SON At Ihe Brldjjc on Main Street Plain OUt. "Whur In the m.itk-r with Hunker one' o look won led." "I hear Im ha a lot of ilinllti-li He .uiltle." "Why dni't he rut out them funcy IlslitM uud Htlck to pie)" Wanted to 0 Right. "You iM'giin lliln letter 'l'enr,' though It la to etie unknown." "Yea. Bhould I hcjjln It Goatr" Klamuth Falls & Wlnema. Truck c Transfer COMPANY hiirnlturu und pmrin curcfully moved. liaKifOKn wauon und k-eneral draylr.K. AU work Klvcii prompt attention. Jiuan to ami from ull ImaU. I'hone ltt'l COLBURN & YOUNG Proprietor! Incorporated November 2tt, 19 Statement of Condition 111 the Klamath County Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon PICKMB1R 31, 11)07 RESOURCES ImnH ami Discouiitx $340.r.:m im 3,f25.04 DontlHMiitlSccuritivH Hol EitAto, BuildiiiKH mul Fixturiti . .. Cunlt and SIkIiI RxcIiiimho 14,745.18 0.247.69 $5Ur),040.fil UABILITIES CapiUtl Stuck, fully imltl SunluH and 1'rofltH DuoOthor llanks )t'M)sltN $100,000.00 21,753.11 32,000.04 431,205.46 $885,049.51 I. Alei Martin, Jr.. Ca.liUr nf Hi. al.rnninl hank, do rwilrrullly awear that the l.r ,t,if inriit la true loth Imt of my kiuiH.-.L'i an.ll-li.f AI.KXMAflTIN.JII ( ..Idrr Suhwrllxsl and aworn to hefurr rue Hu r.ilnl,. of January, UaiK, ' f .. ' II WlTlllil.H, Notary I'uMic f. r Onpi orncERs ALU MARTIN E. R. REAMES ALEX MARTIN, JK. LESLIE ROGERS President Vice-President Coslilcr Ass'l Cnshlcr Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Cholceit of Wlnei, Liquors and Clears $ Catrrato the bettrr rlaia of trade, itli iwthlajt lo l nl the moat critical. You'll noiirr tlm diifrrrnctalnra try It. Juat the place tu drop In fur a rrfrriMrfUiif aj when you neei! a llnuilant Cure Uruon tl d klnda for family trade a -fllty Ready for Inspection Our line of Ctrpeti, Matting, Tapestry. Linoleum. Art Squares, Table, Lountfe and Stand Coven, is ready for inspec tion. Something entirely new Also Silk Float and Feltolene Mattress Braaa and Iron Beds-Adjustable pe ell woven wire Springs, the only thiif for hot weather. Polahed Oak Dining Sets and all oik Rockers. HMMMMMMaMJMJMMMJMMMMJMMMaMMMMM W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. George Bishop Phone-Store, 61 Residence, 155 CHA8. K. WOHDRN I'rfaidcnt A. M. WOIIDKN Caaliler FIIEO-HJ"! Vlce-Pr" The American Bank and Truitft pjlllllllii iiiHsfiisilli CAPITAL. $100,000.00 Cor.MiMUIMataillrcd &X iua.4 f V "'' -? f-