Newspaper Page Text
;; t .1 -vV . Rifled Advci AdvcrtlscmcntHi house n( ll)ll 01 iirumi ..HILT MENTION luM'tcnln nt MiiiiiiIiik'h. I . .1. llowmi hn lilt iuhi.iik plant In FACTS ABOUT KLAMATH PROJECT -iKI-Ti' ""'' "T0 "', ' WAST''" ,.. .iriiiilil J MM. J. "" ' "" ""'" "r siXI c, f sir.l... Harry Nlch- i.t. ....i I' in' ' i f Dili "'l ' AL KSTATK rOH BAIK roHHAl.K-l'1'" H." "'""I olmiiiil I'ni.l IIih"jIi rtii lliitpiiKliii'iim. I - Itiiniiiirii lliilli'Hii. Merrill. Invckiiiicnl run Hpeculallon. HptliiK line I'nniiiim mill fltrnw HiiIk ut tint K K K stum. At the County linn. I Hilprrvlruta con I U'litlnn laal wiek, II mahiIitIiImI to pur. , I rliMii it rrmil lniil.llnn inarliliie fur each ! illnlili'l In lliu coijMly. Onii linn uln-aily ' been ohfcicil for h'llvtir l.nko, l.nkc j Cuiiiily Kutmlner, I lur lli Iwrt lit; In limn call nt tint mu WAIT. VI...., ll. Ui..l.t... II II' u. I. ! fun . ... ii'fiii .-ii"i.", . Mirinn, III ,.), rr Mr-Aii -rll. IMm-jl"1"""- ! I'Iikiiii inn in I i iir rinm it' iiixck i.ii, linn rirelwn 1 1 iti'i'iHUIiiitiii'tiliiiiirii"li'iiiilri'i;""l" Cull mill liiii'il tin-iiru line. ,,,-lmil.liullMlly new ll.-lllK- H i,ltll. nidviil III II... illy Mo,,. ll.JUll" "xU"' "l U'U' """ W ,lAy from Khtniitlh Calla UIliK - l.l' Irtlirh III IjliKfll Volley. niiiiiiiii'. by C'liiinty Huney. .. .. t. ....... ,.,, UU,. "r M. I. Wllllnms who will tjlm wca- Kill HAM '"" ''""" i """ ""' i.r.1 ih.V.Iiiie fllr.HM tl.lwitinl ' mii'im-iiU i.f lln Miller Creek I., Litre iuniV n.ii .. i i .i. .. hi i ii.. ,i i Irstll'lE l"lc UM al '' ' """ n "ii, '" Hnnrii iy iiii'rniiiiiv iiiiu inlialmicia. I lie Inline will l.c ,Hctil i In U"'l riiiiilltlnii mul tin- rut'l i liaiiiEnl Inn limiiililj. line. llnnniiM lliilli'Hii, Minn I'-Hiunm lliila K I. K at'iii'. I . . i . ..... t (. I 1 1 h n lime Lfc, ,,,,,, I k.T,l..r. ruUm -TJIsCKUANEOUS . iil'IMI.Ml A ''" '"r "'r'","," g, .Vl ln. Mi-I'I""IAiim-iI-fin lli'l'l- H,lllil"lli"'. llill'N-""1 "" ' " liny limn Kii'""-":,-,1mii7' 'r1'1"- 'ii.u i ilorf, If IXIItfAl.l! Kllrhrn ultui,il, tllnliiK put kI mil "'I''"' niinlluti'. '''I'lj"' . II...I.I OlIW e. '' m'" 2500 Acre Free Mrnlll Oii'Knii. Iroasurers Notice Jllfllce ill llie .'Uireliie Cdlirl It. S. Itillet ami (,'lillilicm Mfn llnU nl I'Very ileprililun il KK K nloti'. Tim Ultolilc r jiilijr li t!.VM rir " .... i.i .1 i ' .in.!, ii.Ai ii Rcimh cn UimJIilntcs tJUhlun.Irr llm AiUni illlrli mm n ' ill i llliN F I lllir. If n )"'. ' . I'riulm Him II. M. Clr, nii ttii lurlii'li' ll'i il"' "I 'I'" Ii'"' ""'' I'. H. r'iilinl'ir, l nil llml hi' rnn nk (n iilir, Tlir I. nli-r limit rletr mnl In nnc t'dinlliUte. Mr Cake In n tun n Jit U lunl iiiriilllVrttlnn. Tl.i'frnl. i.l .i3.lm: ii.-muii('. am il(.nrnl ftt!lll llifiK'l" Imt li'enii llie MnVet, a limn t lint tiiiirmlmi'l the ilMloi(iliirK llif lulilili. illtll lltiillmi. Wlillii inniiy renrrt Tlii. I.nke.l.le ('niiiimiy, I tin t Mr. I'lillon 51 U'ntrii, )it e J I'rfliiV Ailnum, Mnnnitrr, , ii-nllrr, li Hit vnlu Mr. Ck In IiIb liuiiir county llml l.e la Ki'iiUr ll.ere" Ml. Iilltnli Hnnlieie. Mi.('iil.e Ititeimlliti l III' I'nrty ti'le, 1'iiHKii'tiiiiaii W. ('. Ilnitlry ilnli Xollf I. Iinrliy Kh.ll llml llif I" ' , ,,,, , .,., H, ,,,,,.. , ,,,, ,,,. f..l. t il... f.Mfifk- I tHitiin i Iitr llii m, i J,.tl.,n ..I .11 iHifLhilinK .imiily ,rru"1 ' l'1' '''"'' iwrtott timlrali"! mi nml pllnr In Jurllri' ul lln' .kUirrl Jtly 5. Il). Inti'ii't mi mmr hIII u-au iiiU m ktUI iiiriitlnii. ntM notii inn naie, I ...... ItUt KUiiiaIIi I'ulla llila IMIi ilnt , lUIr) mnl luol ('niiiiiilaaloiiir-J. V. I M "II. I'.,(' llilley . kl.l. WIlllllT. '" Al"..!i;T,..l,rr. I " ,'..m..rr-r. K. r.n..WI , la iiiaii (in lliu tiiiIii mnl la t'lilllliil Htm. Pro;rly U reaioiublc. '" "'" "I"-"1 "' ' ''" !"" j'iitlin: Aiinimy l. Kiiylru. Jin. W. V.. Svlmiii Imt taken i lntlu , 'lHi ' I'mki-ciiIIiik Allom-y, l i""t- e( lU Amrilrnii lliiln,' loom, hIiKIi Intlly hIiIiuuI ii.iaiiii. lie I' mil dularii iiiin.lrli.l. ,ll wniiii'ii riml ijiiaIIiU'iI mnl KlaiiiAtli ami Lnkii (,'itinl MMi...)i-l. llu, la ll..i,r....l'1. ,,,. ....nmlmiil in, I.mIi.)!1 Il.elrtl inrnl'ln (iihii. Il . .... ' Ui'ii nlile In ilnri iriiiiii'li'til an Al- naVAkiHi:Nroi'Tiii:iNTi:iiiiiii.uKNiAi "'" '' tn.litt'.r. (r lh .lr. iurrV,ri'i't,;.r;,V,r.i!I; ' him., s . nor- i.-... 1 1. mw i..m. I il&nli&WMrf!?&&r& l.,I..H...,.U.,r.l..l.l..l? ...... S ttiZm1lu ""' ! In inl in- trrm In llm l- KsrosjsriiiiririffiiffiiJS "' irmui..u.ini ... .wmy.1 nwvun.iilll .Inrillxl l.n.l. , i-i,,... II. ir Wlnle lien. JWlutorOnt.An.l It 1,1. .Ulltlr.uh l.i'iti'il,tnlli- "iir Mitli- I.i " WwK.!KlKllE!5 ir.ri,Ullir..H.IMWki,.,.il.J II. A. ratj;.'''.;,'.!:.! HwIUIi., .... .I..,,.,: r. .I.i ami Hill g iKIm"T.uiR," """" "'"' I-" ""''' l'ty-trinKll,. VA MUl, Ulwl ,4rU .1 laliilav. (lrHi.n ... .. t. . . 1 .. . II III!.. I ?MWtiMlriil.iil..iiHiiTiiiil '' -. ii.nnriH'. i.i.,...i -. ar'JS,.flrUrS'jl;s!; ci. i.. mi u. . iib "-1 " , t,,ISFAT-"",r-(lli.l.Miilllluil.MN I" ii arllw mK mi?nBU,n''",,u,'',,,",u,,',om mn, well nr-ioalntiil will, nil the,l.'r ruimin. ollIny m,,l lnki nil I'lllcli'llt ! , ' olIlciT. Villi" Cor hlin. j Comity Cli'ik-O. It. Ielai, niCminty Clerk, I, Hell known to ynii nil, liavlntt I aeiveil llil iinnily Scliwil Siiicrln' leiiileiit In n wuy lli.t l n ereillt to lilm j Hell. Ho hnnwcervlni! n Deputy Slier Iff tif thin omiiity timl lu known tn Im n lliroiitilily riiiiieuMit man. . t Ciiunly Tienmiror I. Alvn U'wlc, it, , Trensurer', Im well known In you nil mnl lie poluta will, 1'iiJo to 1,1, I'iih! reronl. Miim.I fiuin'iliileiiilent J. d. Sn Ihiiiiiiiii llml lina I'li'n tonnplcuoiiAly ! liefnni llm publli) lor lliu wit live yearn nml liicii)inplllieil wonJerfliittlucnl' lonul llmw. lie i, ell lllleil or tl,t plnro, AmtonKor- licit I!. Vltlirow,nAfes,' or, U the rlnlit mim l H"' nitlit place, linvlms ferveil n minilior nl yenra In the. Abstract Olllrn nml liiwinir n cnmplole nlintinct o( every piece ol ilecilcil luml lu tho county, put" lilm l position to Iwller jiiiluo tlio vitlueol icnlestAtotliiin nny other iiinn we know. CoillllvHurvoyor-M. I. Wllllaun lias heen coiiHplcuously liuforo tlio pnlillc dnrlliK lliu li'rin nl nlllce. I"9 or'i penk. loi his ulllcli'iicy. ,P,mnty Oiiiiiiiilssloiior-0. .1. H Initio Ih iv ilonccr ol Klamntli County. Ho in n conscrvntlvo business 11111 iil ! iim'leR success with III" own business vcnlnrcri ami It Ii fnlr to nseumo tluil ho will 1I0 n ui'll Willi tho county bust G. Helming & Co. Fur Merchants MreM Msnhfltld, Oregon, or KUnuth rails. OrciJoii ZinTs Plumbing Shop ClricUng and Jobbing Ursulas. .0 f unili. Nc Speclfthle. nml llrnt '!" Workmnnslilp. A. 0. U. W. Building KUnuth. rails Jackson Hotel 'ort Klamath, Ore. Wean roonw, good bed, the table always sup- with the beat the ket afforda-Terma rea-owble. C.C. Jackson, Prop. Tho Klamath Project Tho Klamath Project is tho name Unit tins been applied to the reclama tion of about 100,000 acres of land now , 'i"r me overnow ol tlio itlamaln Hiver nml of Lower Klamath Lake and Tulo Lake nml tin irrigation of about H-0,000 acres of valley luml iiiljacciit to tlm Klamath River, uIoiik thu course i,r LoHt Hiver and tho tributary portion of the (treat plateau lyiiiK chiclly in Klamath County, Oregon, but iiIho cnibraciiiK a part of tiiskiyou and Modoc Coun tk'H, Califorila, a total area of 2W,000 acreft. The l'rojeet embraces the construction of a very Krunt iniluiiHu of canals, laterals and drainage canals mnl will Imvu its principal source in Upper Klamath Liilic. Clear l.nku and JIoiHelly are reservoir sites .wheru flood water will bo impounded and utilized for irrigation of land included in the upper portion of tlio l'rojeet. Work on tho main canal was started in the Spring of l'JOli and the llrst unit of nine miles is now com' pleted. About 13,000 acres of land will be irrigated from the llrst unit, the laterals for which are being emiHtriieted under the supervision of the engineers huviiiK charge of the l'rojeet. lly far the largest proportion of the land under the first unit is now in siiKi-'bruHh and must be cleared and broken in time for crops in the Spring of 1908. Work on the sec ond unit is being done by the Government and em braces nineteen miles of main canal and twenty-sis iiiiliH of laterals to furnish water to about 20,000 nililitionul ucres of land. Work on this unit will be luiihcculed us rapidly us possible. Nearly onolialf of (he area to be irrigated is now under water lo a depth of from one to fifteen feet mid will be reclaimed by a system of drainage to lower Ukj level of the rivers and lakes. A large part of the swamp laud mid practically all of the valley land in tho Klamuth llasin are held In private own ership and some in very large tracts which must be sold in tracts of 1G0 acres or less under the regula tions Kovcrmui; the perfection of a water-right. KLAMATH'S For Its development aad prot- aitBATEST pcrity tho Klamath Basin must have NEED people, and the right kind of people at that. Its great need ii Intelll gent, practical farmers, who understand the meaning of intensified and diversified farming; men who will buy land, not for speculative purposes, but with the idea of clearing off the sagebrush and making per manent and comfortable homes. Such men art bound to succeed. There la room for thousands of them. Developing Suar beets have been grown ex- Various pcrimcntnlly throughout the Klam- Industries ath Valley. The percentage of sugar is Iiiaii, ns will be noted from the fnllnwiiiK muil.VNiM made by the United States De partment of Agriculture from beets grown near sugar in beets, per cent., 'J1.7; sugar in juice, per tent., LM.l ; cnefllcicnt of purity, 83.1. llNpcrience has demonstrated that excellent as pnr.igiiN, unions and celery can be grown, the title l.iiiiN beiiiK very similar to those of the Sacramento nml .Sun .Inaipiiu Valleys of California, where such vi'Ki'talih'H nro so Hticct'safully cultivated. Through out the world the reclaimed marshlands arc the best united for the highest development of dairy inter ests. There is no (iicstion that this will become a sugar bi'i't producing section and that a number of facto ries will be built and operated with the development of the industry. All kinds of fruit adapted to the temperate zone thrive here apples, peaches, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, apricots ami nectarines do well, and small fruits bear abundantly and of excellent quality. There nro n great many small orchords throughout the basin that prove the adoptability of the region to the profitable production of fruit. K. L. Smith, former president of the Oregon State Hoard of Horticulture, gives it as his opinion that tho foothill lands arc specially adapted to apple growing. Cultivation of the potato has passed beyond the experimental stage, the sandy loam of the uplands producing them in great abundance. Klamath County wheat, grown without irrigation, took the premium at tho New Orleans Exposition. Tho most important forage crop is alfalfa, the aoil being peculiarly adapted to its growth. Excess All landowners being required Holdings Must lo sell their excess holdings, there Be Sold Is a largo area of good land for sale at reasonable figures, prices rang ing from about $15 to $35 for unimproved, and $20 to $50 per acre tor improved land. Land adjacent to the principal towns commands burlier prices. The purchaser pays for the water right at a cost of about $18 per acre to be paid for in ten equal annual in stallments without interest. This amounts to less than the ordinary annual rental paid private ditch companies. Some of tho irrigators of Klamath Val ley (and they are tho most prosperous farmers) have 0 1 ready paid out to such companies for water $C0 per aero and rwn no water. All of these companies havo been purchased by the Government and included in tho system. No public lands will bo open for settlement for several years. Climate The uplaud soil la mainly a rich sandy and loam of great uniformity and composed Soil largely of disintegrated and eroded lava with an admixture of volcanio ash and diatomaceous earth, tho latter material of plant ori gin, formed in the bottom of the ancient sea which covered tho greater part of tho Great Basin, and of which Klamath Valley is a northwesterly extension. Such soil, characteristic of many of the richest agri cultural sections of tho world, inolndiug much of Italy and tho great plaius of India, is extremely fer tile, and of lasting productiveness. The luko and title lands are made up of a volcanio soil containing much orgauio matter; a vegetable accumulation of ages, and is of a pcatty nature. The climate is extremely healthful and not severe? Thero is rarely any Winter weather boforo tho latter part of December, aud but little toro weather during the entiro Winter. Tho annual precipitation la about fifteen Inches, with little rain during the Summer months. FT WILL DO That's what people often say when they get articles In the Giocery line. We don't sell the "It Will Do" kind. We always guarantee absolute satisfaction. us Van Riper Bros. Get the Habit-Use Chase & Sanborn Coffee Our new goods are how here and you are invited to call and in spect same. We can SAVE YOU MONEY on anything Iri the Farnltare line. "Our Kcitponslblllty end.'; whenever you are Satisfied." ' E. W. GILLETT 6 CO. IlKItT E. WlTMIlOW, Vice I'rcMderiL Abstracting Maps, Plans, Blue rrlnts, Elc. Au.CN Summ, Secrets ry Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrlgatlon'.Englneers C. K. M. I Klamath Falls, Oregon Don J. Zuhwalt. C. K President M. D.iWiuiAiia, C. E. Treasurer East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry Ki : Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausages of all kinds. i'e handle our meats in the most modem way In clean- iness and surroundings. Try us and wo will be most happy to hnvc you for a customer. Free Delivery. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing In Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors "bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Boys at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. Office on Fifth Street The Gem Restaurant and Lodging House Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par ties. The largest and best arranged eating house in the city. Open day and night. WOOD WOOD s-saSTBSssssssssss. Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461 or K K K Store, Phone 174 J. L. FIELDER w"8ISte ' Fkotic84 Heavy Freighting a Specltlty. Baggage Orders Are Given Prompt Attention O. K. Transfer & Storage Company Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your nne piano moving PHONES Office 871 Ban ST1 KeaMcacc S4S KENYON ft THOMPSON, PROPRIETOR! .1 ' V.t . v."r.i