OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 18, 1908, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1908-05-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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Mostly Hwm1 l,mr '",
Klamnth FiiIIh
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
gEC0ND YKAII, N(). Iff. I.
Price, 6 Cents.
Files Suit Against the Klamath
Hearing in the Case Will Be Held
at Lakeview Next Week
CMe I Attracting Much Attention Hecmisi! of Voluubloj
lands nnd l.orgo Number of fortius Involved in
tin; long Drown Out I iticjotion
A, TV IjIIiiK, IIk well known 1'oit
UnJIml U" urn iIktII)- In ion
wctU ullli tin- (4iii nit 3M0 ce
tbklicii'i'iii4l Ijli'Vli'w next Mini
it). II I ultoini'V for it iiiiiiiIm'I nl
tktrlllr of tlii'ill-i'iUnl illililcl ml
till U drrt lr li ill) taking do
kwitlont Mme ( uiiuty Clerk Chattalii,
Hi lUtrt lint lip has already taken the
JtfQilllom of ll.i- Main iiilirUU III con
Mctlm with llif Ian. I llllnalliin and
tatt Hit evidence will l-o submitted
UalUctie comes iii fur hearing be
Ulbtltrl'lir and Het-river ni'il Mnn
it, Attoiiir)i Millt ami Stone ale alto
rtartKnllng a number of tht illicit,
tail flro. J.l'rikitu, i. tin- legal llrui,
rUtt A I'lull l I'mlland It here In ic
trttKt A.D. Daniel), uf Itliitirland,
Wll., Iht tnmi who placed Iht- rrlp mi
TUfMO Ian I tight hai L-coine Uiii
eaibrrsuie ofthnaiimtiut ( Uml ami
tUtomUcrof -nplo Involved. The
lu4lfll.t ttn -IrCllftll li.lt llllt
tu lltli.Itixn riiiI mi attempt waa
Mi tu place ulliur ixilp In-full- tl u
irllataUhiiirni hui nuJo it matter it
lioifj. TliU aerip Mut leirctcl by tliu
ofitUUoftli- U.cvien ulllcii Ufailiu
U lltl to lli lamia Mniiged lu-llio
hut iml m,t Hip liovcinment. The
8ul' irlliiiiutliiiiriit Was next er
P'I nJ tli lamlt m it became o en
toHttlrmmt in, wrra fllnl mi by
iw' t' i'v"i'U '""" ,l'1, n"'1 Uk
WW. Tim in i Inn non In I hi di-
UllIItUiitlli.fi. nud timber mul
tllnuntiiu. In liul.l nr If tliu
wlpolliiiilm ,,)(, ,,rw.wrlie(1
ai ,,vl (,y ,K. (rlllril
lAftd Offlrc aii.l tin. inlaull ut given
tlrtt,r,, l.iil S.crelaiy liaill.M
Paalflllie imlliMt,. niiull...r iu-a-lni-
-- rrtult , imt t, h,oI ground
gone i,v, riig.il!,. Inn number
Hcstes Hie (lineiiiiin.nl l.i.i...... .!..
"-- lutont, lo auiuo f Uio lamia ami
liiocliani.Ml luiml. . i,iln,u.
- 'an. II111111..1....1.... i
-..vn ,ia),u 1VII1-
tl and nil..... 1V .i,i,i ' ...
.UntU lor inr.ra. tlian futir yenra mul
Iijmj r.-nl liiiiiiln-.il i, ili.Hiii linpnn
1 1 i i.-.- ',i i. .i... .
.." . . - , .... . .. ,. wni'iiiii
itliacllng it ulratili.il i.l nlli-nttun arid
HwlllllMy rolitllitli' In Iltij4tinn (hi
avrritl liinin Jr.nr.
Injured hy Blast
Jmupt K.Util, loiiimn of llirxjimrry
Vir at Millrr lilll, hai pi'iloml) n'irri
liy n iii'iimluip Matt hatunlay nltri-
iiikiii. Hi-h I'liKaKnl In "iuif)ln
lura tu O iii-. In tmllillnit tin, (ouri.l
tlun (ui III" lt iltprlliitiio ainl In aM
tliu; a dlatt "inn arrlilint wcurrol tint
rjul II illichtrp More lio rouM ittt
way. Ir. Ilainllloii t iiiiiiiiinir.l
ami al lint it Mai (mini that llii man'
ryrtliihl hiiiiI.I I' iiiliiiil, lint illnlrr
tlin ilocliir'aratDlir lairi;aliiliit;liitUlit
ami liVi'ty vi ill tuflvr no inlm't Injury,
tin uf lilt liaiuli ttn liailly liitn, liKt.
ItatltiK tlir nmiutatluii ul uiie u( tt.tr
fliixi'ia, Tlio lnjurr.1 man It wHlnx
almiK nlrrly an. I mlilp frnm tlirlatf ul a
linger lir hI differ riu vrinaiirnt In
I'iri. Alnrine News
im i itrsfmmrmm nr. zmm i .
rjT 1 ?railBKJBnirjlTr.'Tl
r.ni'i"' 1U .-Clin
v - JT. ', r m,
Lake Railroad Company
Action Is Drought in Courts at Yreka for $63,000 Damage
for Injuries Sustained by Ady in Railroad Wreck
at Thrall More Than a Year Ago
r.5'i '
. tr,..
t-it i
,r wy. - "
' jrinr vs
Band Smoker Is a Success in Every Way
and a Credit to the Organization
Accidently Killed
I Woril vvm mtiveil lirru yeaterJay
friiniMl lleliroiioftlio accidental ilioot
1 1 iik' t tin.- ti-ri yrarold on o( Mr and Mrs
. A. I liarnmii at about 1 :30 o'clock.
Ilo tfnd lili twelve year old brother were
I playlnK ii,talr uiinj; a (hot gun at a
! toy. Tliu elder of the lya had the gun
when It nna acrldcntly ilscliar(;vd, the
load tearing off the top of tliu younger
brotliir'e head. The father waa down
atalra and when hi) reached the
clilldron the biy waa dead.
The thot r.iii;cd initaiitenoui death.
Tlio llariiuun have not reildH at Mt
llvhron lonir, but recently moved there
j frnm near l.lttlc Shasta. They are re
lated to llif IUrnuma of thla city.
Here to Stay'
Adinlinl Ali't. Nntlcr ai down fiom
tin- l'i.'r Ijtkn tmla) and iented tlin
futliiwiiiK iimtlni iii.tra :
(Ml itiviicmt of Ihi'i'illeliip mtulineaa
of tliu Ukc the ateamer Unmet lay In
tlin let of D.ia'le mlut all day Sunday, rotjioi.aet that brought out a great deal
fihe h filly thoutaml fict of lumlrr In 'nlamuiemcnt and laughter were made
Tim meinbu r of tlio Klalnatli t'lla
Military lUn.l hare ettablliheJ repii.
latlun at enter lalncra. Thcamoker at
tnr ciuii roonn laat .-ntiirilay night aa
one of tliu inimt enj.iy alilii erenta tv
corded In the aoilal hlttorrof the city.
An tlaUuatu baii'uvl a aervtd and
one hundred men nere teale.l at the
tablea. JiiJku Helium, In Ida mual
.leaaut Mar. neted at toait matter and
Htenmer liltti Ciiul.t will Iw put on
the ) mt Meek.
Sleatnera Wlni'mit and Mui.uiu Mill
be in riiiumittloii to.ni ai they are not)
n(I (he ttuyi.
A. A. )aia, olio of the irumlneut
('.tttlemcu of the north end ol thuiounty,
I In I liti city for a few daya. He a)
tliu feml on tliu Klamatli inarali i not
at good ua 11 itumlly It at thla tlino of
the )rnr.
rveryllilni: the Intel In .Siinimor mil
lurry will U (ouiid nl Ihu Stilt Dry
(IihkIi (,'.i.
Let Us Measure
you for your Summer
Suit We can fit you to
the "dot"
A Doubt
isn't a fact until you
prove it Don't doubt us
until you have tested us.
You take no chances. We
refund If we fall to give
K. K. K.
The Newest and Best for
th3 Man who cares
by Alex. Martin, Jr., V. A. IMtoll,
J, I). Carroll, Dr. lA'onurd, Dr. Hamil
ton, l.'ev, I'M ward Adama Cantrell, K. II.
Hall, I'lerrn aiu, It. II. Dunbar,
II. I.. Hulk-ate, C. T. Day, J. O. ilnmak-
ter, W. O. Smith. A. I.. U-avItt and
M. D. WHII.imi.
A ailemlid nniiIiJil program naa reu
Irred and fully appreciated by the largo
nuuilier of gueata. The program uai
ai follow :
l'alallnut Hall Hand
Select ton Magnolia Club
New Colonial .... Hall Uaud
Vocal Solii Hand Accompaniment
Moon Deur....T. V. Zimmerman
Selections Mandolin Club
Ditto Land..... Mozart Hand
Vocal Solo Hand Accompaniment
Sing Mo to Sleep... Ilurgo Mnton
Wedding ol tliu Wlmli.. .Unit . . Hand
Charahtan...o... Hull Hand
The event waa one of the inott enjoy
able that lias occurcd In Klamath Fall
mid the band which la already very pop
ular timdo many friend through the
mokrr ami ll will alvtaya bu it privilege
for ouu to get nu invitation to the enter
tainments given by thai organization.
There aro now twenty member in tliu
baud and llfly associate members who
enjoy the prlu'lego ol the club rooms
mid all of tlio social functions. The
organization is one that la a credit to
the city and merits the support of the
peoplo of Klamath Falls.
Lectures Again Tonight
Itov. Kdward Adams Cantrell, who
lectured at tlio opera house Sunday after
noon and evening was greeted by large
audloncosand his lectures were fully ap
preciated by nil who heard him. The
subject of his afternoon lecture was
"lhu Human Call of the Wild." Mr.
Cantrell is a deep thinker and an able fioiu Salem oa business matters.
(Kker. He I very broad in hi view
and preaenta his thoughts In a way that
apiwal to hit auditor. (I Ma notice
able that many of tliote who hcanl him
In the afternoon weroat the opera houec
lu the evening to hear him a leeoud
time. Ilia lectures arc the kind that
et one to thinking and suggest new
Ilea-. He will lecture again this eve
ning at Hie opera houtu on the ubjvct,
"The next Step In Human Progress."
This lecture is alio free.
Death of Jessie Arnett
Word has been receive J announcing
the death of Miss Jesile Arnett at Red
land, Cal at 7:30 lait night. About
live, months ago she was taken to Calif
ornia, for her health as she was at that
lime suffering from consumption. Her
mother remained with her for some tlmo
and then her father Joined her nnd re
mained until a week ago w hen he left her
feeling quite well. Her condition had
been melt that for omu time her re
covery was doubtful, but It was thought
that the change In tlio climate might
improve her condition. Miss Milan Ar
nett, a sister of tho deceased, will leave
for Kodlauda in tho morning and alio
will be Joined by another sister who -resides
at Oakland. The remains w ill be
Interred at Hedlandt.
Deceased was tho daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. 1. Arnett of this city and on
tho :0th of this month would havo been
I'Jyearaofage. Shu was a native-ol
Klamnth county nnd resided hero most
of her lire.
A. I., llrown has sold his grocery storo
to V. A. Calkiii9, who recently came
here from The Dalles. The new pro
prietor took possession of tlio business
last night. Mr. llrown "111 remain here
Now line of Ellison phonographs and
records at Wlntem'.Jowelry Store.
W. S. Worden returned last' night
fioui Don is where ho spent several days.
He took In the big celebration while
llrighten up with fchurwIn-Wllliums
Paint. Bold by Baldwin the Hdw. Co.
K. P. McCormack, who hat large pto
perty interests In this county, Is here
Geo. O. Urandcnburg arrived here
Saturday night from I.os Angeles to
apend tliu Summer In this section. He
Is a brother of Mrs. O. lleltktinper Jr.,
and na litre for a tlmolsit Summer.
He says since that time be has been
able to talk nboutnothtngbut tho Klam
ath country and he has come back to
Birthday Party
Mrs.C. 1'. Gregory and Mrs. Mito
I Estes entertained a party of about 30
yeung people at the home of Mrs. Gre
gory Saturday evening In the honor ol
the birthdays of their daughters Misses
Harriet and Pearl. The house was tast
ily decorated with flowers. A large
birthday cake with their names and
date of birth was placed In the center
of the room on a table surrounded with
doners, ulicro it stood until served
with other refreshments to the merry
young people.
Abel Ady has begun suit against the
Klamath Lake Kailroad in the courts at
Yreka, for $63,000 damages for injuriee
sustained in a wreck at Thrall about
year ago. It will be remembered that
the engineer lost control of the loco
motive as the train was backing op to
the Southern Pacific station. The train
thundered down the hill and Mr. Ady
was cno of the passengers who saw the
danger and Jumped. The locomotive
and passenger coaches were piled up on
the Southern Pacific track. Mr. Ady
waa the most severely injured of any of
the passengers and after he was brought
to this city he was confilned to bla bed
for many weeks. lie suffered a severe
injury of one bis legs and was under
doctor's care for a number of wecka and
at times it was feared that be would
not recover.
Francis J. Heney It Ady'a attorney
and because of the prominence of the
parties to the suit and the fame of the
plaintiff's attorney the case will attract
a great ileal ol attention when It coeaea
up, in the courts at Treka. An Invest
igation was made at the time of the
wreck and it was then stated by the
authorities that the accident waa do to
negligence on the part of railroad em
ployes. Hurt in a Runaway
Word has been received from Lakeview
that Mrs. E. B. Kamsby, of thla city,
and Mrs. Eldon Woodcock, of Lakeview,
were both quite badly injured in a run
away at that place list Friday. They
were out driving when the horse became
frightened, ran away and the boggy waa
overturned. Mrs. Ramsby sustained a
dislocated shoulder aad a number of
bruises and Mrs. Woodcock waa quite
seriously bruised.
smwiu ssi ' js-. in
III IllQWJ l'(
i y tnp"
1 I ;&-'- -
Hardware Dealers

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