Newspaper Page Text
MARSH LANDS tejricltjoja THE EVENING HERALD . ABEL m lass) dalrr. nmt iUr, br Um ' Herald PubHshing Company W. 9 5WHS1. MWf 50 dct cent, vegetable matter. Klamath's greatest bargains tit $20 per acre and upward!. Eaay Tcrmt j. ' . 1 1- "j M ,21 Mfe M. Ml 9HaW HH tm m I LOO 1. .M II uwaurnoN rat OtUf. b mil U Milks, . Dattr.tomM.Un.aMaUu, Uatlr, or nn, a bwshu, 0au, Mhrmd br Mirbra Una vo llBMiv.faM ra nvitM ankir. ittranal ctesck aa WW bxl bank, lampa, eeiii. r carraacy. Kawsrarca Law or Onaon.-Battk Mat at Uva law at Orwai rnwUM Ikl.tMwin anr MasneaatroUlM' a manias . shall Mil xih MwaMpar to ar pmm tn thla atafe wltkout Aral MwMna- an onlar tbwafar. MMh arasMBOT aHaH b anaml to bn a ctfl. aM aa dfM or abtla-a-Ikn shall accni amlMt neb panm. wbUMr akl Mwaaapar to iMtod br Ik. paraoa to whoa ttli Mat ar iC MONDAY. MAY 18. 1908. The University Appropriation bill has been given the tupport of the Republican party in Ore gon by the insertion of the fol lowing plank in the state plat form. "We commend the Uni versity of Oregon and the Oregon Agricultural College to the sup port of our people, and we de. plore the calling of the referen dum upon the appropriation bill for the maintenance of the Uni versity. We believe that the State of Oregon should support a first class university and to that end we urge upon the voters of the state the importance of sustaining the action of the hut Legislature, whereby an annual appropriation of $125,000 was made for the said University of Oregon. We pledge our unwav ering support to this measure." j. J ho Ipff tln company (o go ho om know wlioro. Hlueo llio llislil circuses lino kept nwny from tint iykIoii utiles well flilil for ilofoiiKc. Notlilnir so ln ronsc tlio cron.tT of tlioe parti it llio two uliorl words: "Hoy, lltilicl" i.Auitu.Ncr. ciiuncii. Would Know Lat.r. "Is tlio prisoner untio or Insaim)" "1 iloii't Know yet." "Hut jou tin o cxninlmM lilm." "Yes " "Ami j nn nro nn exporti" "I nm ono of tlio Nt. Hut, jou iro, Mil ylilot nro ilk-kerlin: ttllti mo for U wltm-M, niul I luncn't foiiml out Jot n lilcli Inn tlio moto mono)' Dairy cattle were never so scarce as at the present time, not only in Oregon and the northwest, but all over the ' United States as well. I know of no more profitable opportunity than is offered by the present shortage in the farmers of this valley than to engage in the ex clusive business of raising cows for dairy purposes." Such is the opinion of the State Food and Dairy Commissioner Bailey who says that the dairying inter ests have suffered a serious fheck in developement by reason of the short sighted policies in vogue among farmers and stock raisers. A dispatch from Manilla states that a big gold strike has been made in the Islands. Natives', Americans, "forty-niners" from the states and Australian pan washers are rushing to the dis trict Two hundred ounces of pure gold have been shipped from the mines controlled by Manilla capital mainly and the ru mors of rich surface deposits of clear metal have caused an un precedented excitement It has been known for some time that gold in good quality and quantity was obtainable from surface veins near the Benquet district MawaManavaX Colonel Sam Parker, his son-in-law, Prince David, of Hawaii, and John Bauer, were passen gers on the Siberia, which' re cently arrived from Honolulu. The distinguished visitors have come to the States for the pur pose of hunting bear in Wash ington and Oregon, and have brought with them enough guns and ammunition to wipe out every bruin in both states. In the party, attended by two maids, is the little princess. Kapiolani, Ave years of age. She will not participate in the bear hunts. X THE MAN WITH J I THE RED BEARD. (Original I It waa la tho wildest part of Nott' Mrilco daring lb wildest part of Hint region's history Hint n powerfully tnillt man with red board slid stool cmy tjt was walking along tlio m.ilu street of 0. Hearing it stop behind him, ho turned quickly, draw lug hU rowdier at to same moment. A gronoer win about to plunge ton lurhoi of steel lulu tb ml beard oil limit's buck, but the tatter was too ipikk for lilm mid dropped the knife with n pistol bull covering the liauil with blood. In a uiouieut the street win full of greasers. They seemed to imp up from rery corner. TUoy surrouiiiitti mo msu with the red beard, kuoeked lilm down and hsd the life nearly kkkod out of bliu when tho sheriff came iiIouk and took him to Jail. There ho w i In the baud of grenvrs who put li 1.1 In Irons aud tortuml hlui In oierji iil ble way for thrw wii-V. thou, Kt-tttiK tired of hi in. turned him looxo. The red lenrded 111.111 wumlonil uorthwiird legs arms and In bandages-till be met a ilrcus. To tho manager he said: floln' aoiithr "Iteckon." "Stop at (1 V "Yea. O.'s ou the date book." "Want a hand!" "We need one or two more moil to pat up and take dou the teuti." Tiu wltb yon." The red bearded man worked noil. noUtwIthstandlng bis brulot Tho rlr caa men called hlui Itedboard. 'I lie) fonnd It uecvssary to stand together while lu that region, and tho shout "Hey. Huhe!" was frequently ghen Wheu some one of their tiumbor was attacked by greasers be would glte tho cry, and every circus luau would at one lay about bliu. breaking as man) bone of male cltlzeus as pHluli- Tbero wereau afternoon nnd mi rrti-I bag performance at O. The cti-nlug I show waa crowded with ureaicr. j about every person In the ton u being on band. During the day ltedt-ard , bad collected a lot of stakes and mU- ' of various kluds and piled them out side of the main tent lie was not observed aaylng much of anything to i ( Ha) Vaatl bUS MVt Will luri i..-.a t ttalllftl I illl to each other or any one elie. There ""'" '" '" "K 'k waa that dogged look on their farM ' lotlllon, do betel.) ie-linll , that portended a atorui. Among the lltlon jour honorable l grant audience was the greaser who had .and Imiic t Janea II U'lutler, a ion- j tried to knife the red bearded man dent of said pmltict, a llreiim to m-II I and aeverat men who had tortured him I a.irtoitt.. in..u, fem.enl.-.l or matt tin while be waa In jaU. lie apottod them llor, ,., i,,lllailllll,., ,imtl .. ....l.,,,. nil .Ink a..i1l.t. I ' i Tit Awful Ootilp. W llkl lit klHHk tlio KOM.t. Wo lull I mluiltu hrr ) Tihi intlili .tin crlllclarai Tiki lllrdIr I. lur pralan. Tlu fulllnc. of hrr iirlglihura Are ntHua un lUipUr. Hut still i pnuin to llilrn To what .lis lias In y Wo know John I, n't irfrctj Hut. Ilirii, It l.u'l kln.l To Uwrtl tin til. .hurtetiiuliiK. And fault "llli lilm to nml Itut still of utl ItN inratinM IVrliai'i He wuuMn't tlrram DM no lut Ui In llitrn Wlirn hi has on full steam. llul. HioiikIi o may abhor II That she hrr tomiu IiuiiM u.e In such a busy faaliton, Pt 111 wt liltul know (tin riowi. And If ilUln'l Hurt tirr Moil err)lirr e t.cnt WM lintn lu bur n l"lr, And that ttouU eoit u rrnt. Tr. vr uViiii tho Kiitl4 Wtio dainty morirU taa. Hut are vny rrrtaln W'ti nr not In the claat IVrhnpf lamination. An Inwutd luok util Nhnw When kitueKIni! Hi- projiramtn That ne t.r ri .no i t Petition for Liquor License to Tin: iiOMiitAiu.i: nii'Niv coriiT or Tin: stati: or ni:i:- tiOX FOi: KWA.MATII t Ol'M'V. Wo llio uinli'til nnl, leidtlfiitii and Itval voter ol tlio prirlnrt nl Vi Kher, In the Coiltil) ol Klamath, Mate ol Oregon, and actual nslileuts tli-rtin. minim have ailually loitlilnl tlnitiii ne til ill thirty tlnjn immiiliatil) ' I urs Wuntcd C I). Wllliton Is In tlio market for all klrtN of Turn, for which In' will pay tlio liluluiH market price. A'l'lr' alti at KUmmlli rutin. Oreumi. Klamath InlU rH.Nc library Tho Klaiiinlli Kail I'ul'He I.Hrry Is open eeiy nfleriloon from 'J tn ftil o'clock anil each evening from rtlM to 10 o'clock. A ctmllal linllallon Is pv teniletl to all. IMliol hut lilelidetl wlilnkef. Wlieli )on want puio wliltVoy no thst lll put up under Iho gutcriiuii'iit's "Uinditl wnioliousestaini,"as l llio Conlluen- t,.t Water Mill Ythlket . "'' inniiilit' no anil I . I . ' f. I Wlllf-n. Ntl.l by II Suiunions III Ihol'lieull Cnutl ol Iho SlalK nl (lii)iiii lor Kltuialli t'ouul). John KimiiU plaintiff, . Amsutln I'.lh KiHiutitleleiul.iut, suit In opilly (r iIIhui'i'. lu tlio name ol Iho slatn ol Oregon! You are lutein letpilieil In appear and nmwer the complaint lllnl aiialuit )m In IhoaUite entllltd suit on or Iwltirr .-atunla). Juno lllth, ItsW. U-ltig the litttla) piofciihctl In the order (or pulf lieiitlon ol this sumuious,lho Hist publl cation ol which being on Satunlay, Ms) k'ml, l!". and II Jim Isll m to aner, lur want t, "i he plaliitllT will apply to Iho court (or tho relief ilemslidetl III the tiimplalnt, tiled herein, to-wlt: (or aileonotllMtiMiig Iho Uiuds l luatrl mini) exlillug l"tttii-ii plaititlll and lic it llil. iliniii(Mi sertetl In puhlirathili in the i:eniuie lliinld, liyimler nl Hon. Ilnir) I. Ib-iiMin. Jiidiro ol the (,'lnnlt I'ouit lur the llml juilulal tlMrict ol Ongoii. tlatitl M i) tot, lls, whlcli or der tnpilies minimum to l pulillihrtl nine .1 Mitk Inr U ttilirflllle wrrk In. ill the IHiUi nl Ma), llnH, a i.. i.r.AVirr. Allnriierlor I'lslullll. Lincoln, Nebraska has started the "daylight" saloon plan, a new experiment in the anti-saloon movement The excise commission issued the order which permits thirst emporiums to remain open only between sunrise and sunset. This will close all the saloons at 7:30 p. m. The liquor people will resist the order in court. No man ever amounts to much in this world who doesn't occas ionally step on somebody's toes. The one man it is hard to fool is the man who knows himself. The show waa over, and the audlcnrv waa leaving the tent when Itedhcard, hie beard looking redder tban'eier In the big light that Illuminated It and ble aleely eye darting Ore, leai-d iikii the pile of improvised weapons be hsd collected and, filling his lung with air, gave one long wild about: "Hey, Saber Every man connected wltb the clr cne made a dash for tbe pile. There were tentmen In ordinary apparel. there were ostlers In high lioots, there were negro minstrel In burnt cork and there were riders In spangled tlgbta. Every man of them seized his cndgel. swung It In tbe air and brought It down 0J tbe nearest greaser. The women and children scurried away like hens and chickens to coop through a storm of wind and ball and light ning. Some of tbe greasers bail their knives and pistols wltb them, but tbey had no opportunity to get together to make a nnlted flgbt Wbereier they attempted to strike tbey were beaten down by a shower of oaken stakes. Redbeard aeemed to be saving blm aelf for special objects. Tbe first of his old enemies be espied dodging boot In the melee waa tbe sheriff who 1M arrested blm. Bedbeard made a dire for htm, swung bis club high tn the air and brought It down on tbe man's skull. He sank like n Nicer In a slaughter boom. Then came the turn of tbe greaser who bail attempted tbo knifing, fledbrant found blm ou tbe ground whore he had Just fallen, tripped In tbe melee, and Jumicd upon blm wltb a pair of boots alono heavy enough to stun blm. lu another mo ment tbe greaser'a head was a Jelly. Lastly. Itedbeard attended to bis Jail er. One he held on n flaming torch rued to light a peanut stand. Another be poked wltb an Iron pointed stake. His thirst for revenge was unsatisfied till be had settled bla account wltb every one of them. When tbe affray waa over there were score of bodies on the ground, all of them greaser, either dead or badly wounded. There were others who bad either been carried away or had been able to drag themselves off tbo field. The remainder bad fled Iguomlnlously. Tbe manager, realising that tbe affair waa an unusual one, acted accordingly. He did uot fear a rally that night, but be dared not go farther south to re turn through Q. To return by any other route waa Impracticable, so he concluded to go directly northward. Before dawn everything waa packed In tbe wagons, and tbe show turned way from tbe scene of Redbeard'a vengeance. Tbe men of tbe company formed rear guard under tbe direc tion of Bedbeard, who as n fighting man bad won their entire confidence. Sney. were followed for a abort dls ince by a few greasers, but so few' that, realising the futility of Interfer ing wltb tbe retreat, tbey soon gave It op and returned to a. As to Redbeard, as soon os tbero waa o Jonger use for bla military, service in the pririni't nfnrctatil (or a rlil i( six month, from lh .Sril, day ol Juh, 1IOS. Nollio U heiiliy v'll) li by the under tllincdi tint thin 'tltlnn uill lt pre sented to the Ouiily ('mill iifntiiald at tho court riKUii in the city id Kla matli Kalln, Oiiroii, rn the ll, da) i.l July, A. I . I '., at ll.o linur of 10 u'tlotk a. in. ol raid tin) or a u thereafter mnald -etition tan It-lnanl. Pati-t! IliI- ImIi il.i i( May. IK'S. .1.1 II lei1 II. U'lutltr. NAM IS NAM IIS 0 II. Iloyl J. M. Ilmery Hot It. Win- II. It. IKnloy N. J. .loliiioou O. II Ihiurli David Itamle) Ana lro4t S. II. dandier , l.'alpli II. IjiiiK-lnii J. II. 'nm I.. V. 1'oh.'I.iiii (J. V' Voio lia llnglo P. X. Iiompler Wi sley Coin Frank Dumpier Win, M. r-ku n I'aul I'irKiiiH !. (J. Courtney J. II. Hinait II..I.)-inr!i!t;e M. I'. MoriMii I). I".. Noali V. M. Tlioniaoii V. II, Notion Imia llrannaii A. I.. Melliano I.. C. Drakn J. A. (lihxon It. A. Moon Clark fl.T. (iray Win. Iviilou Walter Dunn I. M. iMttmi C. dray Ijo lienlnu M. II. If""i l O. JJimnore O.C. I Illl J. M. UeH.hi CI. S. Hint P. J. (Men W, J, Jamlwiii Jin. I Kt tii It. M. Jaiulnon Unix- WML, 1. I.. Viu-ti I'lank hi he i loliii (iray D. lt)iui M.T. Pinker W. II. Clark J. W. Colo ! AT Cranio II, H. Jikii h O. C. Ilronliy (J. I..CIUo J. II. Ilerry I.. K. Hi-nig K II. King Professional Cards DK. WM. MARTIN Dentist- Olliro over Klamath County Hank C. t STONE Attorney at Law Olliico uter postolliu-, Klamath r'alls, I Oregon Tn r mux c U D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Kallj, Ongon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist A inn lea ii lUnk A Trust L'n.'s llulldlng Notice For Publication Department of tint Inturlur, IJ. H. IjiikI Ollico, I..iki,vliir firi-gon, .May IS, I'.KJH, Not lui In hereby twi that Allwrl Harrison, ol Klamath I'iiIIh, Oregon, who, on Nov. 8, l'J)7, inaild tlinhor uml stomt uiilicnlloii, No. Ililfi, for NII,l NW.', r'eutloii '."i, I'liniisite Ii7 H., Kaiigu U li., Will. Mirlillan, lina llkd notice of Intention to makn I'inal Proof, to entiihllali cluSm to tlio land alovo du scribed, b'eforo County Clerk Klamath Co,, at his olllce at Klamath I'iiIIk, Ore,, on tho Utli day of Aucuat, 11(08. Claimant iiameu as iiitneiiscs: John 0. ticiiallock, ol Klamatli Kullu. Oregon, T. J. Stolen, ol Klamatli FalU, Oregon. Alljio.JnuilHon, of Klamatli I'alli Ore gon, Win. Uaillulo, ol Klamatli Falls, Oregon. , , J. N. Watuon, Itcglster. C-18 CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlor Oysters Served in Any Style J. V. HOUSTON. Prop. We Make Little Fuss Hut there is always something doing. at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL a SON At the Bridge on Main Street Klamath Falls 6 Wlneraa Truck & Transfer COMPANY 1'iirnlture und pianos cart-fully IlKlVtli. llairVHl'll U'lllnn anfl i ... i "rav" " Ktiierui urayir.g. All Incorporated November 20, iqqq Statement or Condition ...ti.Of tlio Klamath County Bank Klamath Falli, Orcdou DICIMPIR 31, 1007 RESOURCES Ijunn nnd DiHCoiintH $340,5,')o.(io UoiuUnmlSccuritk'H . 0:j,ri25H4 Itcnl Estate, UuIMIiikh uml Flxturvu l4.74S.lo CuhIi and Slulit KxchntiKo 1GC,2-I7.(jn $50r,.()40fi LIABILITIES Capital Stuck, fully pnlil Surpluit and PrullU Duo Otiirr Httnkri )(Mmlpi $100,000.00 32,000.04 431,205.40 SS0ri,040.S I, AIkx Martin, Jr., CnsIiIit of tin n.. nami liauk, ilo solvmnly swrar Dial tint hU,, llt( ' in rut I truo to tho Itrst of my ktmvil.-,!.., hi,,iihi AI.KX MAllTIN, Jit 1.,,'V;' Sulirilinl ami sworn tn U'fnri' nif tlu i., ,1.. of January, llast. Slf .. (' II Wltlii...w X Notary I'ulitir f. r Ou(-on orncEKs ALEX MARTIN E. R. RKAMES ALEX MARTIN. JK. LESLIE ROGERS President Vice-President Cnshlcr Aca'l Cushlcr Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin THE OFFICER E. H. DuFAULT, Proprielor Cholceat of Wlnea, Liquors and Cigars t'atrra to tlio Iwtlrr class of trailt-, Willi nutloRi; U tAe4 tho most rritlral. You'll not If c tint iliiTrn-ocs lnr- try It. Just the larr to ilmp in fr a rrfmUrj Ui ago when you nr a stimulant lurr Uj"r if il kinds for family traili a iM-daliy Ready for Inspection Our line of Carpets, Matting Tapestry, Linoleum, Art Squares, Tabic, Lounge and Stand Covert, is ready forinspec tion. Something entirely new Also Silk Floss and Feltolene MattresJti Braas and Iron Beds-Adjustable pes ell woven wire Springs, the only thiij for hot weather. Polshed OsjV Dining Sets and aU oik Rockers. W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. George Bishop Phone-Store, 61 Residence, 105 CIIAH. K. WOKUKN l'rrsloVnt M. WOKDKN Cashier HIKBHaW"! Vi.frWK The American Bank and Trust ft nvli Kivcn .prompt attention. Ilusa work to and from all boats. I'honeltti COLBURN & YOUNG Proprletora T "" I p- - -""w MUM. nvi.H Inm mm p f iUBJS..SB I illl illi A KSl Ja JH && aWMilrl fmmmmmmmm, ?wr " - ij ii i CAPITAL, $100,OOO.uu Cor. 5th M4 Main aired f'JLu