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He HefaliX Mostly IUwl Paper I" Klatnnlli KhIIh .... Our Advertisers Get tho Best Results . . . SEcoNi Yi:aii. No. BM. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY V.), 1908. Price, 5 Cents. LIVESTOCK EXPORTSi DEM0CRATI presidential candidates Klamath Country Will Supply! Portland Packing Plant PORK PRODUCTION ADVANTAGES Conditions in litis Suction Art) I nv untitle for Producing hcclli'iil Pork in lurqc Quantities Ncccssury I nod Grows in AIiiiikI.iihc . ttrt rttal'lxl ' "I '"WIiK ltoti itlVrtliiil will irn Hindi fur tills ir- I v tk M It lllii 'l' im kr-l tor It entire -"-ulbeiii rfrf.n cnnnliy. Utnlufnrc nil tin' rattle awl sheep pin diced In this sreiiuii have l rii taknn tit tfnCilll'm mwkels. Iml when Port l(r lurking I. .uses Irmly (nr lltn stork It llll llcivrli'l tlml the KUnikllidUii'') will Ih.IIi.I iiii In trojani big pi I'lili'MinI III" supply slbwralllr an I .lirt-p Irnin ll (! Jlfjl. Palm- 4H ! pludilfril llu-.1-r silotllilfi tlmi ) any other (ml, ami s-prll ami alfalfa hum n balanced hiIm (or making tin l't tik and sutton In l!ie rll rim Ik-sI tk In las raited Mat's is I'f'-lnrol li) raising loft on alfalfa, (turning Willi n com. UilUon ol lrl anil alfalfa mil adding nlkinblpMitdiiring llii- tail pail ( tksfitU-aliig -ril. lli( tin-to pro-ttottaregr-iMi Willi (In. gre.tlrtt me. Ml In KUiuilli wliorr rllmatie cnmllt- Llssatrt Mill aiidlilr.lix'k In frdlnnpru pssUiruiigljniit the winter nml where Uthljlieil siiln. parkiug-hiiil'o pro darts tan U 1'iiivi led fur lliv l-sl mar Ul(4lli)rr Th ironing ol hogs lus not been mr fWco ny rl.-n.lil; In this section, Ullntln-lut few jiurs It ) U-rn braonitrated ilmt i ran I-., made mm U u noil profitable ln.lii.lile. n( tint toontfj sn-l ulirn y ninny f tbe (nriif rnue ilrruim roini.lcriil.1ii nl llielr lint u pri-lin-in,, hogs. WIii-ii the tnnif.nUli.iii facilitir. kTt MlTer nunc firk will l- iiiiiu lirti- mnl tlii see Ik till l-in a (minion tit make litricu klpnienl In the I'oithnd mnrkct. fariag the put i mouth nlKiut L'.V WkMilMralili. Imn Imtii ilrlteu In Mritt Imiii tin. Klniimil, i,iu, many wlUm In brf nuiillliiiii from llio a'-rn "M. Wlicn the h tiling liiiliniry U WlrHUMUhniiin, number will I InwenJoiis'y irni jmhI nml to It will 1x JWteirral I.iiu.ImmI thousand hogs -1 ''!. Hie ni.rll.irii Colorado MtuUtNMrii-t is foiling nu average oM0,0UO ,!,.,, uiiiiii.illy, ami ! )inl what the Mmuitlli Imiin ili'tllniil jtinln, F.i ' In llui (. .illm; i. !iliili) llmt lnrtiicr Innllii-r mik'nr ImtI illilili Itniu ii..w (mlliiK lliflr Nflii In lrni ol I'lllliK III.. Uvlt In I lir IjiIui) nml (i-t-lltiiT llic miIi, KUtiullili rci lulu In In. II i InoRllmi nl niL'tt In-.! Inrl- iirlta, Imt Uf.ur llint llim will I, mow IliKli'inirmnli nl m II il Inrl rlitrk Iti-llni:. 5tnc Stops Today Tin. .Milnllii' hlrw Hlacc iiui..inv will Iml niiki H'KilUr lll" U-twrcli tint cily nml I'.ilivimrt nllrr tixlav flic ...riii;ii liulllc orr tin' rnilti' In ft " I liravy it lia U-rii nml tin' nta.'i. will Ih run unly wlicn tlia trnttlr: ! oiiltlclcrit lylira) l.iilriiuinlil. I'aitol lliviilork w III l lull at 1' giiiiu fi that In ran n iiiiiiiIi r nl ia.ii;iH hnuM nrrU o tlirm limy run l tranKiiir.l tit tlili rlty wllliont ilrla). Will Raise Apple a CHANLER OF DECIDE TO PURCHASE City of Klamath Falls Wants Site for Its Buildings COUNCIL IN REGULAR SESSION Mayor Is Authorized to Purchase Lots for Municipal Pur poses and Council Decides to View West Hkjh Street With the Property Owners (h-o, O. Itramli-nlnirk'i wli arrUnl ilty ami Uonania nml a coripcr one to , Merrill. Tliu work on the plant han j Im-cii ilela)el ly llit- etormy wratlier. All of thu mnclilncry fur the plant la now on Hie tciouml and construction work will U) undertaken Just ai toon as llir wcullier will ricrrnlt. Inspecting Forests '.V. II. II. Kent, pvclal forest Inspec tor for ll is illitrlct, l in tlie city on a Hour of liippi-clion. Ho will no from hero to O.lei.a to look over some mat ' i tcrt at that place and will then go to I Sllrer Lake. Mr. Kent was In tills part of the country aatnc flo years ago and AOLKI lOlM 01" KLV. CANTRELL!,"cl,,,,,!,,,nH,e,,"vo In the vicinity of Silver like. Ho now ha lilt head- .iiarters at Portland and is at the head ot the lnsectlon department of thla en tire district. LEWIS STUYVESANT NEW YORK. DR. HAMILTON REFUTES T.i lln I'tMipli. iif Klituath Falls On " " - Miaife.f ir. Hamilton, i ,i,-.irc loinake1 Klamath at Portland Ihr fulhiwliiir slalrmeiil I was hurt , SaturiUy alteriiioii hy tl.n priinaturn, J'lank Ira White, one of Klamath's eiploilnn ol a Kwdrr rhariip, nhlte, '"t ttoosti-ra, Is In 1'ortland, and last hlmtlni! in tin- ruck ijuarry nine miles, Haturda) 'a Journal contalna a two-col Cantrell on Socialism siiulhiif town. Die dialer hit mo in heir, a few iln) nft (null b AiiKrli- I ilie face, teii.irmlly MinilinK iiip, anil vl wf y jf It uiakliii: nirani;eiiieiiU tu f iutii thu appli'it'owlnt; hilillicis mi nil' urnle. Ilu mt lliil he knowa lhal Mia ti r "I tin" hardier varieties can ! sue- rei.fcilly rowu in thl ectum and this !'atl hn tiM-cta In put nut M.eral arir In a )ouni:oicliaiil,nnd if thi prnwa a I success In. will pill nut n I.Uk'er acrraci. in-it )-ar Ilu lias purchai-l a plan' a t distance fnm town on which he will pill nut the tlml llirs Developing a Aline J.O.rirrrn and II. I. AMitA'' ' till priiKi-ettlni; Ihelr tiul I dlscnti-iles a hurt ili'timio iiiirtlu-at nl tliu city. Thev haw had liieii wnrklnuon a shaft and tunnel slum ll Summer and the tunnel Is now In nlntnl 100 feel. The Inlite reem4 lit ti i-eriiiaiient nml -liarenlly uiiins larger as It kivs down. The nsfay Hindu last j ear show cd it to I low uradii, Inn sln.'O going down on the Iciliiu nosafty has been inndo but the pmnioli-rs of Ihu mlm think that tin) ore Is g.ittlng better. Let Us Measure you for your Summer Suit We can fit you to the "dot" A Doubt Isn't a fact until you prove It Don't doubt us until you have tested us. You take no chances. We refund if we fall to give Satisfaction. K. K. K. STQRE The Newest and Best for tha Man who cares badly lacerating my l It hand so thai it was neciKar fur the ilnctor In ampu tate unit nl my lingers I was brought In town at once mid taken In I'r. Hum. illon's irinlemu where hu trealnl in) ejes mid hand, after which I was taken to my Inline at my own rcpiest. 'I he diKlnr rirmcaul and met mo as the men were bringing me to town, and showed ery consideration x-llile, ami when ucarilxcd at the door of his reiliUm-e, he ntked me if I had spikes In my shoes. I replied that I had and ho nrki-d mi to wait Just a moment until he laid u nig over the linoleum In the hall, as thu same belongs to Mrs. Mas Inn, and he was afraid thu spikes would ruin it. I was not kept waiting mnro than the seconds, alter which 1 was tak en up stnlrr. lam well tatlsflcd with thocaro tlm doctor has given mo and have no complaint whatever to make. (Signed) WiLTi.11 W. Kim-Aiton Thu above statement la made to refute tho aerllon mndu by tho Itev. I'd ward Adams Cantrell In Ida address at thu oNra house Monday iilglit, to the effect that I fcdmcd Walter lMwardt entrance, to my olllce, because of spikea in his lines. Mr. IMwarda was never brought to my iilllce, but I had him taken to my residence Intending to keep him there until his condition was improved, but lw protested nml wanted to be taken tit tils own homo, which was done as toon as Ida Injuries hud been looked after. Ilu win Able to walk w hen-he, naa brought to my residence, and at this time la ablo to be about. Tho Itevorcnd gentleman wiih not present when Mr. Kdwarda was brought to my residence mid doubtless ho was misinformed at to the facts ot the cate, aud without Inquiring into tho correct ness of the Information, used It a an II lustration In Ida lecture. H la not pos sible for me to believe that the misrep resentation of facta w. ai Intentional, for I have not even tliu pleasure of an ac quaintance with Itev. Cantrell, ami can see no reason for an attack upon myeolf, IlH. It. II. HAHU.TOV Have you aeen the new line of Jewelry at Winter? 1111111 article in which Mr. White tells of the inajy good things of thla section. Among olhera he hat the following to say about the lepresentatlon that the Klamath section will hae at tho Hose, festival: "Klamath llasiu will bu represented In tlm Kose Festival with a float that Itev. Kdward Adams Cantrell wat greeted by a large audienco at the o-ra house tail night when he look up the discussion of "Tho next Step in Human Progress. " Hit earncst'wny of present ing his arguments a'nd his fluent speech make him a speaker whom one likes to hear even if his opinions are not accept ed by the auditor'. Most of his dis connection with this he staled that ha would lecture again next Sunday night aud he challenged any map to meet him In a debate at that time. well portrays the distinctive character-) course wardevotcd tosociatitm and In luics of the section. It is a fruit dis trict as well at one with exceptional ad vantages for farming under gou-rnment irrigation, dairying and all the diverse branches of agriculture. There will be 11 delegation, of Klamath people here who will bom-en and heard, and head .piattcrs for the great Irrigation dittrict have been established at 103 Morrison street, a display of product will ho arranged (or the entertainment of vis itors. A show w lndow has been secured will be decorated with grain, grasses, forage, vegetable and a collec tion of photographic view of the scenic and Industrial attraction of that sec tion." Sets Jail on Fire Chief liw had a his guest last night 11 fellow who was determined to get out of J ill. He act fire to the building' and but for timely assistance would have binned tho building and probably him self. It was found that he had ignited the bedding In 0110 of the cell and that tho room wa filled with smoke when thu olllcem arrived on tho scene. Tho fellow exercised his lungs during tho greater part ol the night yelling for one thing and another. He seem to bnvo been drinking heavily and has tho ap pearance of being a typical launder. Working Near Bonanza The crew of workmen selling Klea for Monro llros. electric line la now working within a few miles ol Ttonanta, and will finish It ome time next week. It will require a month or more to string the wire. A sWin the pole line to Don ansa I finished it will bo transferred to the Merrill Hue so that It'wlll be coin pleted during the Summer. An alum inum line will be put up between this The machinery for one ot the new dredges to be used on the railroad dike across the swamp.hat arrived. It wa shipped here from near Portland where It ha been In use on some of tho rail road work. Maor li. tit. Geo. iiishopwas author Ixcd by the council last night to negoti ate for the purchase ot a lot for the lo cation of a new jail. The lot on the cor ner of Fourth and Klamath streets ha received favorable consideration when eer this matter ha been discussed, and It Is probable that It will be acquired by the city. The old jail has seen its best da) s, and there has alto been much com plaint about it present location, making it necessary for some action that will give the guests ot the chief of polica bet ter accomodations. Should the proper ty be purchased It 1 the plan to erect new jail. President Alex Martin, Jr., ot the Klamath Water User Association aad O.A.Stearns, one ol the directors, ap appeared before the Council and urged the passage of the ordinance giving the Government a right of way on West High street for a conduit In connection with the Keno canal. The ordinance granting tho franchise for cither a wooden or concrete conduit was read for a second time and the council then decided to go over the street tomorrow morning to view the proposed right ol way for the canal,. It i the wish of the council that the property owners resid ing along this street should be present when the site is viewed so that tbey may assist the council in determining upon the action to be taken. It some conclusion it reached by the council after viewing the site it is very probable that they will meet again tomorrow night. The council ha been delaying action on this matter in order to give the Government officials and the prop erty owners a chance- to corns to some agreement in regard to the kind of eon dult to be constructed. J! -a -1 i' mm mm m m BTjl II - - - r - w - I 11 -CgaJpag-3-gLI, lit lii 11 O.ftjffiffr'g IB 1) II. lJ!yil, -31 1 HlHisfHp . I L HIV llr-"!!! HI (-! c L-t--JM0 Hsl mk nH TmmZmmmmmmV -J EB tSm i A Vli f WmmmW ' 6lP I J jCgJ- ROBERTS 6 HANKS Hardwire Dealers