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tomita Mostly K-'"1' I'"'M,r '" Klanmtlt Fnlln .... Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . 1 SECOND YKAI1. NO. MB. KLAMATH FALLS. OKEGON. FRIDAY, MAY 22. 1908. Price, 5-Cents. PREACHER INDORSED SUPPORT II. M. CAKE FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR FOR OREGON TO ARRIVE MIDNIGHT mt mmb. Aunt Nancy Thinks Well of the Lectures by Rev. Cantrell BUT FEELS A LITTLE SUSPICIOUS At (he Kisk ol Aqfjrevaling I ho Venture Out to Hear the lectures on Social Science by Edward Adam Cantrell u.tu,. i:iui l uu r(nehMi,'i',l' I'"!""' ' nJ uimIIw) I ti'l tfulu, ll bwln eo imp io I mo bi-in troubled a tittle with lUaastli, but P.i ! liiUMiiiiniii Ullnirtliff 'l i" '"' kliM ol Ulanitlon in huii, mill ii'illiln Io do ball cuat E'' '' lirar him. Anil I'm iMloit I 'I "l ,l' rheumallt to (at blMrliluk' i llil'" ' '"' '"'tflity nlra young Mlr. .Still, you never know a ttlll till palirt ith Inm I n had o many tptiul Illinium a'-.iiI La In my day lilt I'm Hn I ill l--r y nl gelling ton Irlnvlly ailh j-.i-1-li I don't kniiMr nolh It stout. TklilirrrMr lnutiull ho ain't ttf ilonc iiiiIIiiii Mora llian ttralin tiUrraclont, iiuvbe tin aln'l. II tlg&t lure I'd I lli Until a Wit It, vtcn Utelia prvichci lint )nii im-h. Uurlu Bftnmlihi thia "ulu nl teara" I've fcrtojinllli aniirnW of itraclictt that kali carina.! habit ol uiakln auehalat. uuU-altli mental rrwrvatlont. Ilk tbtoUliratlii'iidalllvJ, ninl Ilia truth Wflf.lllnl .1 itallcdvd nn rach H'iar-I tlkiT, ntrlght. When I tori Mru glviiylt to old Morgan ami fcjtl(tlr an I t.llln nl.iut them jioor CltUctilllltn w rkttl in llinrotlrll mills dttocxitli, an I lui ,.),., nM ihuotln farts at mc one minute ami inakln me UiUln ijltcfl ll.o noil, I Ml LUfaiiln llmilll . ,, alu dollrrln : Botlaiur' Alter It waa over 1 Juat it tt. inj ,,.v ImmU like h real fcltoM lil in lie i mailn u, nico n, Ulk and . , cr0l I0W i,trJ j, htoprotiletoiaj what they lecl, ain't W HVre all nl in all fired scared V II "ll fcimrtlmi wiinii nl our neighbor tM'tlliinUi-iuirH. MklUftillllUor1 I atlii't a.IaiiI.I It.. I UJflai lltlliSllf U,la .t ..... t L'l. 'alls today, minimi hurro aa h Win Jrruialvm, i.r urkiii lila bUuikala "M " I"" M-i hero, ami I waa laliliiiti,l , ,UM im, get ''nar.11191,. iiiv.i .i i.,.j . ll, Mini 1IHIIIU nn, Hiur, MBBBBBBBBBBBft "Kheumati" She and "IV tlrmj lvt, oM iliter Wlkkrinicii ncnul the May hoiiM run atraluht over to Mln DUymrr'i ami aorvrch out "Ijiii.I ol llvlnl II thorn ain't ohl Aunt .Nancy WiMjilta tut II ii iluwn ami waihln the fvotolarraiyoMholKi, ami Mm a llln her on tlio heaill I nevrr it inch iliilin In all my hum ilayal" One thlim ahout that nreachpr, he ilum mure ciimIii only thun any inrtrlivr I ever heanl. Ileckon that'a hub reaiori the men cheerrl him in,. I uinl In know a preacher haik Kait. II Jml naturally Imnl loiimike. Iltith marktil, I trekon. Hut xiine ol hli Ituck ' Mai dra.l act attain It ami heilanent J') It oK-nly. J II Maaoer Dour Iioum ouvilayainl i ho ainl Hi Mai n art tin on tho hack lurch, their corriMrulH lull of lliile Queen or' omo other hraml, an I both ol 'em Juit a Malletlngln clouilaodmoky hllii when I ar oM Mid Welllnarer route In at the Mc ult. InetereaM nothlu till ahe I ot iliclu, thrn 1 e, ae I "Coin o I right on out here, Mlia Wellinerer." Iha irrachr claiml that corncob In hla orkct Ulore you couhl aay "acat." Mln Wellinerer ithln'l hate no uw for loliarco nor anylm-ly that uwil It ami ahe a mem her of hli congregation. It Woi iiimnier time anil Ihe prearhcr hail on a linen mat. Ity ami hy Ml.a Vullluerr U-guii to inlll. "IVari to mo I iinell aoiuethln burnin," aea ahv. Juit then Ihe (irrarner JuinJ up with a cry ol aln ami that cutnhoh fell out ol hla iocket onto Ilia thxirl Aa the noieliit aaya: "I Irate Mhat follera, to your Imagination, Mr. Cantrell com iIomii uelty harJ on hanken. I'rara to me he kind of forgot aouie ol the main point lu hla locliiro oil "Tho Human Call of the Wild." Ilankera la human belna, the aame aa ) on end me. Clrcumalauce made them what they are aame aa they made young Cantrell a preacher. Bomo ol tho women didn't accm to like what he aald about worklngmen'a wivea belli poor rook. It didn't rile me none. I know woman ran't do no French cooking Let Us Measure you for your Summer Suit We can fit you to the "dot" A Doubt linTa fact until you prove It Don't doubt ui until you have tested ui. You take no chances. We refund If we fall to give Satisfaction. K. K. K. STORE The Newest and Best for tha Man who cares C. W. Fulton Urges All Republicans to Be Loyal He Sayo: "No person who (ui'iitlons my fidelity to the Ite publlcnn party or to Ita nominee ih u friend of mino. I have sev eral times puhllcly Hinted, and stated for publication that 1 am MupportiiiK Mr. Cake, aa I am supporting the entire ticket, and a-j far as I can exercise any in fluence It will be for the entire ticket." The Senatorial Candidates sis M. Cake l uulcia nhe'a ot Ihv grub to rook; atul n ; i. niau can't keeithuuintryiuiliel with ! Ihe uiaikclnffariN, on an incoino of four I. or IHo huinlir.1 ilulUri a )car. , I likel hli vlinaon the liiiior ijuest-j Ion, real Hell, .'uine of the Iwat men I Jer kinmril hai gone into the .aloon biiiiueM. I luti'l y tlio tint tlie butt. nraaliiiiroi-l'eiiiany,nr lcey verij. i Vou remeiiilvr the lliblo raja you can't hamllu l.linbeurger clueionithout (olki a llndin it out Moat ealoou men ould rather do aomethln ele If they could make money aa euiy (omo other way. Kui at llipior iioei, 1 don't lulml taIu f can enjoy a toddy my tell, or glaia ol beer, onro in nwhlle. Man) ' tho time Mhcn I'a'i come In alter belli out in the the cold all day, leelin as if hunaatakln cold we'Mi tn't a mighty pleasant half hour, I'a and me.a-ivttiuhcloro the lire, Pa In hli iilghtahlrt, hla feet In n foot uh, ailpptn a toddy and mo drlnkin one juit to keep him company. Moit MOiiieu drink too much tea, Jutt at preaclier Cantrell m. I know 1 do, mytelf. 1 could quit II 1 anted to, hut I don't know at I'll ever want to h.d enough. A feller named Huxley tuM 0110 timet "Women hau vohoneil thomaeUes bydilnUn too much sreen tea.niul pooplohitxo died hum eatiiiK too much bccfitiike." Hut il an Anti-Tea Parly waa to try Io lake the tea uway from 11a women, IhrroM IwnToa Party that would put that lloilon itffulr In tho kIiiuIo. If I was anion nml comu home, Buy Monday night alter hard day's woik and the air lull of eteam and emelllu ol eoapiuda, thelK-ei.tnki' burned nn much aoelaln tho hlacnlte, my nilo rroas nnd the klda u-s.uallin, ( might gruhmy ha! and hike for a nice warm, comfortable place where there waa lights and music and object of art, Iho cllnkin ol glaatto and chink ol money ami laughter and good foelln. It would be a moan Irkk, but if 1 was a man, I might do It. 1 don't deny that 1'vo often had a longln to take n peek in, myielf. Home women can't bear that aaloony smell yon get aa you go hV, but I don't mind it and I'm afraid ll I waa a man I might llko it. I don't mind aayln, If I had a chance II. to vote, I'd vote for a dry town. It'i Senator C. W. Fulton. Governor Chamberlain the Ut tiling Uniler the clrcuuiitancea hut It ain't a-gnhi to atop the trouhle. Vuu'll think It itopel, nml Urrt tiling jou Luon you'll be horrified nhen soiufone Jiacovcra one of theie hero "hllml hogi" aa they call 'em. , ,, ,, ling,( ,,,, ,, (iunr , C1)1 Tieruj t0 I10 larkliu gla... no Krll,.,1,ol.ctor t-Ianolin, or nlct- 4av i.lri, i ,)rUv 1..11... In .... klllll olUce cutli;( tl(,y near In tropical rrg!ot,i, noiUretoielilonn, nothln hut iUc''0 ' ,lt","r- put on night atrt plain dopo told In tome old barn ol a place, out on tho edge ol tow n ; no treat in unit no gamhliu. I reckon jou'd all be surprised to find out how many men don't like whlikey well enough to go to uch a place to get It. Now, none of you need accuse mo of licln lu Ihe pay ol any whlikey trust. Folkt that know mo knows that there ain't nobody got no strings on jour Aunt Nancy. When you get at old aa I be, and go through what I have, what folks tea at xi ut you don't cut much Ice, nohow. A long time ago, 1 net out to find out the truth about certain things. 1 nin't ratified yet, hut I've learned one thing : Tho paHt of tho politiclna la marked by terrapin shells nml tho feath ers ol canvas hacks and ohl champagne bottles; hut the trail nl the lover ol man kind shows mostly the remains of lemons that liavo been handed him, and cold Mioulilers, Yoiiih respectfully, Ai'vr Nvm'V. Tha liarrimah Horse The thoroughbred running horso, tho gilt ol K. II. Ilarilmanto the people of Foit Klamath and vicinity, passed through this clly yeaterdjy en route to tho Wood river alley. When Mr. Har- rluinn was m this section laat year he promised Ed Uojt, of Fort Klamath, that he would send In a thoroughbred horse, for the oople of that eectlon If he would agree to take care of It, Mr, Hoyt agreed, and now tho horeo haa arrived. The horse la a thdroughbred and at 0110 tlmo was one of the fattest on the track In the United States. The introduction of thia stock will result In ajbetter data of driving horses (or Klamath couuty, Postmaster in Receipt of Official Notification of Change E. T ABBOTT HAS HIS OWN WAY Department Seems in no Hurry to Transport Malta by Way of Dorris.and as a Result They WW Arrive ia This City at Most Unseasonable Hours Onion received by I'oalmaater R. A. Kintnitt Imlicato that the change of null routea may not le made at once. A few ilaya ilnce Manager Abbott, of lb Klam ath Iakn Itallroad, latued a new ached ule for hla road and tho poatmaaUr ol thia tlty haa now received official notifi cation that the maili would arrive and depart according Io the new acbednte. There Mill ho no change In the time of lepaiture fiom thliclly, but the time of arrival la another queatlon. After Bun day the mall lll arrive at Pokegama at .V.30 in the evening and If Ii brought through to thii city It will arrive bete alter midnight. But it may remain at l'okegama until the next morning and will then arrive about noon. The arriv al ol the maile wilt depend upon the or ders ol the Department. If It arrive at midnight there ahould be a night aervic in th5 Kiloflice ao aa to get the mail distributed in time to tend it out to tbe arIoua ost officea of thia and Lake countira. If It la left at Pokegama until morning and arrlvea bare at noon tbe following day, it will make the mail twenty-four boura later in reaching the towni ol thia county. In arranging; tbe mall echedule for thia city it ahould be taken into consideration that the Klam ath Falla olfico Ia a dirtributing office and that the malla for every town In the county and for a large portion of Lake county mutt put through the local of- The department can put on a (night ten ice, bu! If Ihlaia dooo it will Ice in the office, for with the present force It will he impossible to handle tbe malls and get them off on th morning stages to tho different postoffice of th county. There have been no order whatever In regard to a change of route and Judging Irom the instruction sent th postmaster it may be acveral day and ROBERTS Hardware i-i . eJT:, U. I 11 .aSn eMeatfSfct. 11 l li 11 &xPi$-& II li) varSa JIitMIHssT't aaaataBaBasI L l.Biammnai ILBmJI JR. WIS probably week before the wnrle) ri Dorri will btartd. It woold b to tbe interest of tbU dty to have tbe saalb come over the California North Urn, and doobtle th department wBi won comply with tbe rtjqueat of tbe people of tbl section and order tho atrrie established. Chamber Directors Meet With tbe exception of Frank I. White who i absent from tbe city, all of tbe director of tbe Chamber of Commerce were present at tbe regular ml-moath. ly meeting beld laat night at tbe room of the Chamber. Several new member were elected and a number of matter of considerable Importance were taken ap. Tbe erection of th exhibit btalldlag at Weed vu referred to tho advertklag committee with full power to act. The understanding (a that the beJldlng will be pot spat one. Several commaeieaUos were read In regain to the Ubilbamt ol Udaetrie iatbieelty,aadepeiallyia regard to power for manufactorlag laaUtation. Tbe director of th Cbamber are get ting tbe work well In band and" tbe Board U working in perfect banaoay on all matters. Tbe organisation la now In a position where it can do mncb good for the city and where it merita tbeenp port of every busineaaman and property owner of tbl section. " A. W. Lafferty, tbe Portland land law yer, wa tbe victim of qolte a Joke at tbe Lakeside Inn thia morning. If was sitting in tbe lobby in tbe company of a number of other when a man car rying a valla approached him and aakad where be might kav hi bafptj. Mr. Lafferty vu gam and filled the position of porter almost aa well aa ba argaee land law. & HANKS Dealers