OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 22, 1908, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1908-05-22/ed-1/seq-3/

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.vtl'D-Tu M-iil, " "' " "r
7. ii. fur m guiiM"."""" ""
Notice to Public-,
,. Sill,
"" ..I ,,l I'lllH,
nrt W" "
.... ml ,, lllllirll IK'BlPlI
lURM'-"' ....,. . ,....
i i ri.niiiiii run
lmil.'i",n '" .
L..r. tnr tiartlcul.lt
uililllir-'- .
pni" ... ,. ..II...
miMIS'd A ('., I"' mmrlmnta
fa "' '""
tin 1'""
llcidipiailpra AiiipiI-
Kl.AMATII 1'ai.i.h, Orn., May JM, MM
Notice to the nil,ll,.( Kor tlm ,urMiu 1
ud'ilal-llnMiiK llio firo delivery limit!
fur tliln city, ii. wr nolle, mi Uik i, I
mir li-li-iiiiiHillniiU, u,i , hi, Hlllj
after Ihladiite, drllver (lei, i,l charge Ih,.
twciiilhuhiiuraiilHa. in, and I) p,
nil mr.asgea mlilri'Miil In iikoik w,.
In (mi, block nl our olllri'.
On inpaaagta to iriiima outalil of llila
Ircn delivery limit thfrn will Ih, . ,.
.eager cliauro of ::. cpnta (nr ililltry i,(
mum within I I'm city Iliiilln, tmjnlili,
IIhiii ilrlhcry lit mi-aiagu.
III cam, of n ini-M.gn coining in a mr. ,
i,ii win, linn a telephone, vtv will notify
llii'lii liy It ami, tlmy no diille, ,(n.
lln iiictange In IIiimii ultliniit (Large, or
,,11,111,1 "111"
.tiullv iiiih lllllllllg
f'"" '. . ,..,...,. :il II p. iii. mill H n. in. tilll U ,l,.h,r.,l
i. ,i VI., .In 4lf MB! ll,K'"t ..,
Illl""" I...II.. ' III ll IllOlllllllf llhlrtl Mi,. .,.,, ,.,,.. I.
reached by lnni or will rail fur It mi '
mil iiiitlrr.
Yiiiirt liuly, '
'llm Midway Tel. A Tel. Ii
Il)'. II, (laic,
, ,. ii i..-. i " -r..fc.- ... turn, ttiiiiiiin iimrvi' i,r
.. , ., ,n ii,lllil llellin,
,hr'" ' K . Iliry may, mi am Ii noilci., call nml i. '
i iii. in, I'linimiHll nil ,
il'iP"""" ,, leUnim.".,.! (Vnliiil Ollllro fiee ,if'
.MfMHKr rmIw-I Im'Ihim-ii 1 1.,' Imiua
!r"TX: , r
Kjatrfat lliti-'l- '
IP ml I' """ liri'f i ""' ''''
uril, of i
,hfitii'S """
Call si Hip Hilck
1 'lliufllllallry (Iim.J.Cu. I,a rerelwd
FuliMl-l' Klifli'H iiltilnlUi illnlim 'wril.lil,iii,iiliif)i:.lriii;ilriMk;l,
,d Ml in I Mli'i"" !- '"'I'""', Call ami Impnl ii,.,ph r..
3500 Acres Free
Juitlccnf the Huircrnr Court II. H.
Hon nerdt nil aprclal mciilloii.
Dairy and I i t CouimUnlotirr J. W.
lUlley Ii aim a Wlimrr.
IC. It. Cuipmliilniirr T. K.Caiiiplril
iia man fur tlip vpo and Ii tntltlel
In llu .npourl l the cut I to party.
I'lowciitlng Attorney I. V. Ktiykeii.
. W. K. S-cliom l.a Ukrn cliatKr ,,". ' I'rwwiUliii: Allorimy, I pracl-
lU Anniran illiilmi li wlilcli ' Irally wlllmut opK)III,ni. Up l i-ll
Urn rrmalrlnl, All wiimrn rooka ,iitllf1rl ami Klamath ami l.ake Count
r4o)M. ll. i. llm plarr to itrl i p, ntl, . r,,nKralillair.l mi liaviiiK
rro,criy li rcaaoiublc
ptnturitiln timn
II '
Imvii alilo to placr mmmipiit an at
-ittiu'-MaTailTw BSfaTiK u,or" "'" iM,n ",clr i'x'ni.
.ti'r.itinteJI1 Hhrillf-W. ll.ll.rnPt l.wrll,,.ill.l.,l
rSiT..to'i.n.," V'"lT "' '.f . in till llm olllcp. ha Inn t-rv,sl an b.ih-m. .
mt irruimrii IMtUH
rirn, ly ihm ....i ...i . '. .. .tt:
i,xt'rjr!n,"i""ri,"n ui iuai
f"H. a'J HI.' i, Krrllirt, 1 T. JW.. K. -.
MK Vaiii" r " "" """' im om
ni Auuuhl H.r ir, ,,f k. Interior
G. Helming & Co.
?ur Merchants
MirshflcM, Orcjon, or
HUauth FalU. Oregon
pn's Plumbing
Shop '
Coniracting ana Jobbing
Firatclass ,,,0 r .llmb.
' .Vcluliloa nml nrat
" WiitkniMialilp.
A 0. u. w. Building
"main mil
Jwkson Hotel
" Klamath, Ore.
Clean rooms, dood heda.
the table always aup
" with the DMt th
Jackson, Prop.
( You i an if,'! a -J) u,v ,l Will.
, mil,'. Iinirl fur l. Iloanl ami IixIkIhk l
n wrrk -). I, Wlllwui.'l'liip. If
n.uir.ii..c...i-y Iims.vm.cim, Republican Cnndltlntcs
JUaUiflTllK' 'iin iimi. iii ,
Lni lite 111 NT I UP. f"f "" K"r !' r. Nii.lor -llmi. II. J, I kp, a
HIkIuImIIi" ni' ! llm ln nii.l ' n ronainr, i an uiai wo can a.k ir
. . ., ..I.. ,.,i.l hi mm ramlliliit,. Mr Cikt, I n mini
Bl'.fft lit' ,.', ,' ,... ...... -
i,ll,lti'llHc,i1,ltftliiii. Tlmrpiil- ' plpatlntt apxaiamp, an plojiiput
(rMfitllliPci-.i-alnil n i"'VP Hip "akpr, a man tint iimliiritamla tlm
UiiloiPll.' atlp. pillllialalltiatlmi. Wl.llominy nurrl
TIip l.kr..l (Vinpany, ( "ai Jir. i uiiou wai iatni, )tt v
J Prank itama, Manaiipr, , fpallfp, l.y llm nlo Mr. Cakp m-cpIip.1
Mrrilll Oirttmi. '" I'1' Ix.nm county lliat lip li iniUr '
Ilirrp at Mr.r'iiltouwa.lirip, Mr. Cakp
frcusurers Notice 1 1 .ir.irviiu d ti party te.
I CiiiiKtrmiuaii W. C. Ilawlpy lolnla
MKtli Lrrrl.tr irirn ll.tl U.pip arp , (,, )HtKl rPC0 h1,, ,,r,r. ftclhl.
uwialliccoiiiiir ifratmy ir ... rr. , j ( ,
.spuon ol all oiiltl.miiuic coniiiy I
iirn.lt rol .1,-1 on ami prior !
ilr ?, IH"'. Inlrrrtl mi tainnwllll
rwlion iiiitutip.
htolat KUmatli Tallt fill ISlli ilar
I Ijrll. IW1.
I. Alra l.
WMMMtsroi tin: iNTCitlon. ..... , '"""' '" "mletat'on f..r lh placp.
- u. mi iw.1,1,,1.!, p. i; M.trh r,. i Kl.l,, SVnlrri:,M II Mprrt mall na
Notoid, r,,iii..N ,ir n.ne uiim Mau Pcnaicr iin. ii. ourrj man, aa
rruiT an aaiar -NAI U hn.l.r u,.. u - I. . .1.1.... .... ,,.....
"uiu..llr.(Xwl.Lry,.ril,.nltMrU4 ...... , H .,.-.. --1
.SlELuaMuV'talLr " '"l,, ,rM,s ,,"""r,n '" ,,',' ' ,
SKulTiKa!r,;iiSr,i!:-!liS " H'ii.d.leinni..llr.l Iii. al-llily.,
rt, UrraTWk. (if t fuILakklni .C.kua.ll l.( at .... m . l... II .. I
l..iuu.i,n- .V,,:," ;u-.,l,;..,k iippiptriiiampa uur fiaip iuT.
iM5liKi!CS?rpSa r.il.lltr..H.IMIai....nJ II. A.
x::!71TiRv;ri,,H2Ui'i:j ' . wi. ca.ii.it.-. ami in
or of ljikoCoiitily,.lianlpuly aliprlff.l
Ho hat a icinmI lolucatlon, la an acllvo,
man, well aciiialntpl with all (he aur.y
rminJIng county ami makt an clllclfnt
oiflcrr. Vote for him. '
County Cleik-CJt. Kelap, aaCounty
Clerk, It well known to ynu all, havliin
aprviil Ihla roiinty aa School Hupeiln-
tomlrnt In a way that la a cmlltto lilin-j
aelf, Ilu i now aervlutf at IVputy Hlmr-,
iff of Ihlaromily anil it kuown to Ui a,
Ihrouiihly competent man. (
County Trvaaitrer I. Alva lla, at,
Trcaiurcr, It well known to you all anil
ho point, with priilu lo lilt pant record.
Hchool SiiimilnU'liilpiit 0. 0. Hwau
It a mutt thai hut horn couiplctioualy
hpforo tin) puhlli: for the pant llvo yet in
and hat uccottiplihi'd woiulora In ediivat
lonol Him. Up it well flltcl for tlm
Attiiaaor llert K. Wlllirow.ai Arsonf
or, it the right man in tlm right place,
having aervetl . number of yeara in the
Abitract Olllcu ami having n complete
ohalract of every piece of INhUhI land
in the county, puta him in o ioiltloii to
better Judge tho value of ivnletlalethan
any other man wo know.
County Burveyor M.I). Wllllami hat
been conaplcttoualy before tho public
during hit term of ofllce. Ilia work
apeak't for hit elllclency.
County Oommliiloner-O. J. Swingle
Is a pioneer of Klamath County. Ilo It
a comervatlvo butineai man and hat
made . auccctt with hit own bualneaa
venturer, and It la fair to .tautne that
he will do aa well with the county bust-neii.
Tin Kliiiiiulli 1'rojcct is tho name
thut lum been iipjilfcil to tho reclama
tion of nlioilt 10O.U00 norcH of lmid now
... , "ihJ"!' tins overflow of tho Klnmntli
Hivcr mil of Lower Kliiuiulli Imlto mid Tnlo filie "
iiml (In. inintioii of about JnO.OOO acreH of valley
liiiiil mljneeiil to the Kliuimtli Hiver, iiIoiilj the eourae
of liOMl ltiver iinil the tributary iortlon of the ureal
plateau lyint; ebiclly in Klamutli County, OrcKon, but
uIhh eiiibnuiiiic a jmrt of HiHhiyou and Modoo Coun
tied, California, u total area of 200,000 acrci.
Tlm 1'rojuet embraces tho voiiatructioii of a very
Kreat mileiiKo of ciiiiiiIh, laterals and dralnure canal
and will have its principal Hourco in Upper Klumath
I.nhe. Clear I.alte and Jlorselly are reservoir site,
where Hood wider will bo impounded and utilized for
irriKatioii of land included in tlio upper portion of
the Project.
Work on the main canal was Htnrted in the Spring
of VJOI'i ami the first unit of nine miles is now com.
pleleil. About 1!J,000 acres or land will bo irriRatcd
fiom llm first unit, the latcrala for which aro being
I'linittiiicled under Hie supervision of the cnuinecr.
haviiii; charge of tho Project. Uy far the laret
propi.rtiou of the Intid iiuilcr the first unit is now iu
sagebrush and must be cleared and broken in time
for crops in the Spring or YMH- Work on the ec
ond unit is bciiitf done by the fJovernment and em
braces nineteen miles of main canal and twenty-six
miles of laterals to furnish water to about 20,000
additional aoies of laud Work on this unit will be
piONCCiilcd as lapidly as possible.
Nearly one hair i.f the area to be irrigated is now
under water to a depth of from ono to fifteen feet
ami will be reclaimed by a system of drainage to
lower the level of the rivets and lakes. A larKO part
of the swamp hind and practically all of tho valley
land in the Klamath liasiu are held in private own
ership and some in very kire tracts which must bj
Hold in tracts of 100 ncres or less under the refla
tions K'.vernini; the p.-rfeetion of a witter-right.
KLAMATH'S Tor its development and pros-
OltKATEST pcrity the Klamath Basin must have
HELD people, and tho right hind of poople
at that. Its groat need is intelli
Cent, practical furmcrs, who understand tho meaning
of intensified and di versified fanning; men who will
buy land, not for speculative purposes, but with the
idea of clearing off tho sagebrush and making per
manent nnd comfortablo homes. Such men aro bound
to succeed. There is room for thousands of thorn.
Developing -Sugar beets have been grown ex-
Various perimeutally throughout tho Klam-
Industries alh Valley. The percentage of sugar
is high, as will be noted from the
following analysis made by the United Statc.r-De-pat
(incut of Agriculture from beets grown near
sugar iu beets, per cent., -1.7; sugar in juice, per
rent., 1M.1 ; coefficient of purity, 83.1.
I'xperieure has demonstrated that excellent as
paragus, unions and celery can be grown, the tale
binds being very similar to those of the Sacramento
and San .loa.piiu Valleys of California, where such
M'u'elables are so successfully cultivated. Through
out the world the reclaimed marshlands arc the best
suited for the highest development of dairy inter
en Is.
There is no question that tins will become n sugar
beet producing section and that a number of facto
ries will be built and operated with the development
of the industry.
All Muds of fruit adapted to the temperate .one
thrive here apples, peaches, pears, cherries, prunes,
plums, apricots and nectarines do well, and small
lruits bear abundantly and of excellent quality.
There arc a great many small orchards throughout
the basin that prove the adaptability of the region
to the profitable production of fruit.
K. I. Smith, former pusident of the Oregon State
Hoard of Horticulture, gives it as his opinion that
the foothill lands are specially adapted to apple
Cultivation of the potato has passed beyond the
experimental stage, the sandy loam of tho uplands
proilucingjhein in great abundance.
Klnmntli County wheat, grown without irrigation,
took the premium at tho New Orleans Exposition.
Tho most important forage crop is alfalfa, tho soil
being peculiarly adapted to its growth.
Excess All landowners being required
Holdings Must to sell their excess holdings, there
Be Sold is a large area of good land for salo
at reasonable figures, prices rang
ing from about $15 to $3j for unimproved, nnd $20
to S0 per acre tor improved laud. Land adjacent
to the principal towns commands hiuhcr prices. The
purchaser pays for the water right at a cost of about
$18 per acre to bo paid for in ten equal annual in
stallments without interest. This nmounts to less
than the ordinary annual rental paid private ditch
companies. Some of the irrigators of Klamath Val
ley (nnd they are the most prosperous farmers) have
already paid out to such companies for water $G0 j)cr
aero nnd i wn no water. All of theso companies havo
been purchased by tho Oovernment and included in
tho system.
No public lands will ho open for settlement for
several yenrs.
Climate Tho upland soil is mainly a rich sandy
and loam of great uniformity and composed
Soil largely of disintegrated nnd eroded lava
with an admixture of volcanic ash and
djntonmceous earth, the latter material of plant ori
gin, formed in tho bottom of the ancient sea which
covered tho greater pnrt of the Great llnsin, nnd of
which Klamath Valley is a northwesterly extension.
Such soil, characteristic of many of tho richest agri
cultural sections of tho world, including much of
Italy and tho great plains of India, is extremely fer
tile, and of lasting, productiveness. The lake nnd
tulo lands aro mado up of a volcauio soil containing
much organio matter, a vegetable accumulation of
ages, nnd is of n pentty nature.
Tho olimato is extremely healthful and not severe.
There is rnroly any Winter weather before tho latter
part of December, and but littlo r.ero weather during
tho entire Winter. Tho annual procipitation is about
fifteen inches, with little rain during tho Summer
months. v
That'a what people often sty when they get
articles In the Gtocery line. We don't sell
the "It Will Do" kind. We always guarantee
absolute satisfaction.
monesis van Riper Bros.
Get the Habit-Use Chase S Saabora Coffee
Our new goods are now here and
you are invited to call and in
spect same.
We can SAVE YOU MONEY on anylilag la the raraltare
"Our Responsibility ends whenever you are IMtaflceV'
Vice President
Maps, Plans, Blue Prints, lie.
Allkm Sloan,
Klamath County Abitract Go.
Surveyors and Irrigation ;iasjlBafrs
Don J. Zumwalt, C. E.
U. D.WOaUAatf, C. E.
Klamath Falls, Oregon
East End Meat Market
CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors
Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Povltry
Fresh and Cured lfeaU and Stamgm of all kind.
We handle our meat, in tho moat modern way tneleaaV
lincaa and rarroundinga. Try ua and we wfll be ntoet
happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery.
are Advancing In Value
When blocks in Mills Addition were offend
at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves
tors bought; since that time values have
increased materially.
These Lots are Bargain Buys
at present prices, and there is every reason
to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem
ber these lots are fllTY feet in width and
deep more than double the area of 'most
town lots offered to investors.
Land Salesmen.
Office on Fifth ttraet
The Gem
Restaurant and Lodging House
Special accommqdatlons for Fanlly Dinner Par-.
ties. The largest and best arranged eating hoase
in the city. Open day and night.
Sixteen inch and four foot wood ih any quantities.
Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 401
or K K K Store, Phone 174
J T. PTRT.IIFR Wood Yard and Office
Heavy Freighting a Spedilty. Baggage Olden Are
Given Prompt Ancattoa
O. K. Transfer & Storage
Having up-to-date piano omc an
trucks we solicit your PHONES
tine piano moving "'

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