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Bbe efalft. gaily Rend IW '" KUmatli KnllH . . Our AdvertiMraGet the Best Results . . . YEAB. N. WiO. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 2T.. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. ow stmllLSJi (PRESS BY WAY DORRIS rvice Is Expedited Almost 24 Hours CHANGE IN MAIL Vftm Mailer from Soulh tdrost luster inan D. S. Moils. Limr"" t,. Late I"'", made w here ill eitf" '"w c"""" "' "y Tl.errvlct I only temporary 4ill.ulliiliirnrct lH mum. " turoon it ! iilllclU "I Hi Wells ran imle mi wtcitlgaiion ii'i , spirit fsilLer arrangement the el iilllleprriiiaiieril Ml""' ow. kUi IWi rltr li"' s" Fraiielwo In dualy foil L'luri, '' '"" '"" iltutti a letter to gel line I""" iHMI'ltrr. J J iaiiit, in. n"i il, itlt't lLal lln change In JoWnlll Improve tl MTlrr and Lpiitsa'l malKr llum the until and llttnir-Mr hour' Il Kill enable rouiiir In k'Ko I'""' service and no Mil It made tuianclll llirip I Unonie reduction In Die rlr Lit till I lot trouble lu tlil In here turol llienuw runlo llimi it wii ilt(tti..a IVVrginia ml km JW I; Ihirr tf p-rale rir-urallone. I It li trcrry to Into ri pint mat buJWI mil' by I he Houth.rn it! L)' Ilia tlag company bring. kte llil. rily Itoiu lhe railroad iliui. TktEiprrti i"oininy lint managed icusir lit Imtltirit In llie new route lorkrlotUe Klamttli Full Ihn ad iHtttol teller tervlep, but tlio tut made no progress tint brnctplMe Inwards having Hip null liV li lir mine Uuortaril changed The iniil arrived here from fcfiui aUtu 3 o'clock ihl adrr Acceding I K. T. Hilt, Il will arrive Iro.rgttnsabot.l7p, in.and will re i Uw until ll.o follow Inn morning i It will l brought on tu tliU city. ItU'lillmtolll,.. jfr it In Impnaalhle ttmiillit tcrvhe at l.i placet llie mirnluKxt impa.ilhlu during Ilia W. Until llio tr-iiufcr U made tu rrte thU cltv Mill lmvo an afternoon ricMniMlivtliiiv ' departure will lUMnieMlicii..lnij. In aouta re- 'newi.hnhilti mil oxnedlato ll. but In otli.-tn it ulllcaute a d- pi llmo.t tttt-iily four hours. Il would be to the Interests nl llilt city In have Hip mall roillo changed ainl there It no nccatlnn far Ilia ilu lay In alfecttng thu change, fitvoral week ago Iliu mute Inspector rpcoiiiini'iiilivl that tlm tramfcr Im mailp, lint It teems lliat hit recom mendation reached n wattu basket In stead of tilt. Department. At Irani iiuIIiIiik moru liat Urn ln-anl ol II. Dip mall liniiM arrlii. In-rr with Hie piiip(i for an II It It It iiilikrr to .nil by Wpllt'Karic" lliari It It tu uw tin. mall). Kicked by Horse William Wlitlil at tctrrrlr Irijurnl at lilt ranch nrar iMlry latt ' by Miik klcki-l hy a limtp. In an nn ciiIim luiit miiillll'in luffpll nii'lrrn coll whi'ip In lay for oiiik Hiiip uihI Hat tfainlcil until a niiinlwrof lilt rllit cm hrokrn ami tin Mat MVrri'ly Inul.ol. Up It at thli tlnipon the rot'l to recovery Imt It tllll In rrcarlou cnmllllon. Wnnt.t her Husband The mIIo of AU II, 1'rtort, retlilltii: aU Fort Colllm, Colo,, hat written In lea In thli city atllng fur hit where about). Any one knuMlnit where ho It will confer a favor Mmi the laily hy wtltliiK In ber. Water FronUActlve llnena Vltta water front (iiewnlnl an lrrrtlllia.1 nautical aiiraranc with the ateamera Hornet, Wineiua, While Clmla ami Maiama. tietlier with the hlf Iioum lati jtly Vera, all ilockel at ihoianiP lime. The launclira linen a Vltta ami HaieMinc with three lluhtera ami aeven amall lata were alto anchor p.1 at Iht. tamo time. CANTRELL'S LECTIRE Addresses a Large Audience on The Current Topics CRIME AND THE CAUSE OF CRIME Wrofui f ti Ihiny Consists Not In Its Use But Rather In 1(8 Abuse Why Men and Women leel Need of Stimulants Partners Will Attend Crops Looking Well W. II. hhook came In from llie ranch ye.lrnlay for. A few ilaya In town. lie eava that the recent ralna havecaut. e.1 a remarkable chance In the crop proa vcta ami thai veKctatlon ol all klmla It ilolng eacepiUinally well at tlii time. To The Public In U-islnnliiK hl talk Niii'lay I'Vin I nil al I In- 0.T hniiic Mr. Canliill rr fvritil loan trllile In the IIimU hy Aunt Nancy. lleal.l "I want In cor- nit lnli Hi lit n ln In (hit nlllclf, lllitory ol Civilization In Unhand, are Iinllcatlona are that there will bo a largo attendance at the Farmera' Inttl Into to tie htlil on Jne Stli and Oth. The niljoiirneil meetluK of the Water I'acrt' AMoclalion will be on the afler. nwjti of IhoCth and on the evening of the tamo day there will be a lecture by Dr. Whltyome. The following day will lie devoted to Inatltute work, hut the ntire program hat not yet been ar ranged. Moat of the Water Uaera who have been In the city ray that they will make an effort to attend the meeting. It la a matter of Imtiortancetoall Klam ath farmera and the Inititute ahould Im attended by every tiller ol the toll. Building Race Track I-'. W. Hmltli, the contractor, la work Iiik a large lurce.on the fair gronnda and In ft vrv alinrt limn ftrlll liftvn till. raeA glum tablet allowing how mIUi low I . , , . . . .,. i track completed. The grounda will be Manet and high cut of living there it a )Ul , rBt cU lhllpe ,or lhe UIf thi cnrre.p'iinlliig Increa.u in crima. Now, Fall which ahould bo made one of the tufn ilut ini.jii niutdlnir in von? If leit in thehlatoryof the county. I'retl- III. nHl'if - ,...-. . .-.-. 1 - n . . Ann I Nancy .aid I wa haul on U.e' not, coinlder the fact that ninety per M' W"P. ' ' ocltlonl liaf , , . , I . i .i i ,.i ti ' number of Idcaa whlcli he will carry out i.-..l.... v..... ,l.l m . (nl.laLn. 1 r,iif or mrirn ii! Hi,. riliiiLN ol Hit. wnrlil i Ifftlint'iv. i" ". - -.--.,.... -. - - - -- -. .,!,i in conueciion wmi mo ovauinjins ui When I ay 'Imt mo.t nl them violated I an crlmea againtt proerty The namo of the Klamath I'alla Mili tary liand hat been mvulioneil in con nection with the local option light. We with to dlwlalm any intervale in the con trove ray, and, at an organlratlon, to deny taking or contemplating any acllon I llmni ,0 productive cntirprina, It the hanking l.t during the panic, and charge.1 iitiulout ralet of lutrriit, I iln not mean In hv pnrllcnlutly hard on them. I am not here to Indulge In peraonalltlt't. I am nut agairut the banker at a man. 1 am agalml ' tern. Again, Aunt Nancy taid that I "cuMed " Now, I rto not "cii.t." II I aay "dam" at any time it It merely an esptcll.c, jutt at when a woman fur liittaiice tajt; "My gracioiia takct alive! When jou hear a man on the tlircl t.iy "ilaiiiu It" he M-ldorn mearu II, he iloct not really mean lo damn an) thing. Hut the man who Kv into a pulpit and in the name of Aluilghly Und damn a man to eternal turlme Ih canto he ihvt not think at lie think., or do at he iloct, that It ctirrlng. No 1 do not cure. Alter reviewing the rontent of a for mer U-ctuie, Mr. Canliill touched on lhu aubject nl the taloon, tujing "Yon have tome iendert Mho aie attrilmtiiii: lo the taloont all of the evilt of modrrn aoclety. They ale telling m thai the tal oont luipoverl.h the H-ople. Nuw, il the working man tnl every cent Im earna for lliUor, the amount eiit would he hut a fraction of thu auiuunt taken from him every year through mo-nn-Killtllc capluttation. The working the place and in tho courae of few years the ground) will be one of the moat at I tractive apota In Ihlt aeclion. TO RECLAIM 1200 ACRES Swamp Lands Bor der Upper Lake LAND IS VALUABLE Cox Bros, and Local Parties Have Plans For Nay- lox Marsh. BRIEF MENTION t-evcral yeara ago I lived In Chicago. There I havo levn hordra of humelera inrii, at they Malketl lhe ttreet without work, without UrA, without (heller. ' They had no where to lay their head.. ! The churchet were cloied. The raloont J. C. Crarena and a party of friends weio open. In tlicin could be found ' WC,t to Portia Saturday when foot light, warmth, comradthip. Moro than rice wat to come off between Cravtna that, for five conte a man could get t nd a colored gentleman from that t lace. glati of Irrt.ind a free lunch. Now, 1 Tho race did not tnatcrialite aa the Dor nat never driven lo that extreme, but rit man plead tlckneta for an exctue at ill had been there tlluated aa Unite' the lait minute. The race la achedoled men were, I would havo thanked God fjr aome future time. for tho 0111 taloon. "The wrong of a thing coutiita, not iu tin uP, but In abuse, 1 eouielimea drink a giant of beer or light nine. You tay till) it a bad example. Men will tee inoduthtK and will go farther. Well, if I give up everything that men abuie, j Watch lor "The Ant!." A publication which will appear in a day or two. The Navigation Company delivered a barge load of buggies at the wharf In tbe city last night. The vehicles were con signed to the Baldwin Hardware and v whatever in connection therewith. UF.O. It. lltJHN, J.K,110DGF ivaITdanikw, m. i . williams. A large number of the candidates went down to tho railroad dredge yciter day tn interview the voters who are em ployed there. SBBaaaBBBBBBBBW ssVsssbv. Basal ssssa SSSSSBSJ SBBj SSSS SSSSSSavMiftBBj BSSS Let Us Measure you for your Summer Suit We can fit you to the "dot" A Doubt isn't a fact until you prove It Don't doubt us until you have tested us. You take no chances. We refund if we fall to tflve Satisfaction. m, K.r k. ST ORE The Newest and Beat for ths Man who cares I'll give up lilo Itacli.for there i, not nveu ucru in eaceiieu. cwoo.uon. nothing that tome men do not abuic. For tho beet rig In town call at the Son.eimnarcKlutton). That Is no rea- Mammon, oiamea. ... n.n.r.w, rnr aounhy 1 thouldqultcating. Theiexre'1 Ution It iacre.1 and divine, but you have A largely attended meeting was held the social vice. That It no reason why 1 at the M. . church lait night In the In ahould become a celibate like the old tereMsof prohibition. The meeting waa church fathers, and try to get away from u Idresseil by l'rof. It. II. Dunbar, G. W. creating alwiil llnee thouand live bund red dollaia a )ear, tho average wage of of Iho men in thete line lilelhanfivi hundred. Now, why don't your lea lers tell thete thltigs? Tho 1'retldenl of the Weitcrn Htock Grower Aitoclatton, In a speech, some time ago, told ua that you ranchers hero In tlm welt lott Inoiio )ear five to six hundred million dollar through tho manipulations of tho pack ers trust. I wonder II tho trmt b" ever touched any of you lello.s hero tonight. Now if your leadors an. really anxious about the Impoverishment ol( lheieople, why don't they tell you about thete thlngi? WliV don't tlu-y protost agalint thcto robborlet V Again they point t" Hi crltsio of tho world an I they try to make yrm think that Iho saloon It roipintlblo lr the greater part of thl crime. Thl Is en tirely unscientific. Tho facta aro agalnit them. Take the state of Iowa, one of tho lt agricultural states lu the Union. In one vear there wore forty bank failures Involving a lots of mo... than twelve million dollars with ten baukera suiciding. Were these bankets driven to suicide by drink? The comptroller of tho currency did not to report, it was worry and humilia tion that sent thorn to itho sucldes grave, for understand, the small banker It caught in tho meshes of the system tho same aa tho rest of you. These bankers had loaned money to stockmen, who, through depreciation of livestock values, were unable to meet their oblb Rations. Hence the failures. Tho saloon h.,1 no Dart in the matter. In Buckles what they called the world, the tlcth and the devil. If lemxrate eating and drinking and the love of a man and a woman lo the world, the ileih and the devil, I will take tho world, the flesh and the devil. Now, of courae, tome of you are allocked. I seo that. Somu of you are religious people; you say that one who lived uinotecn hundred years White and J. B. Mason The Ice cream season has begun and our parlors are open. Manning's. Rev. Edward Adams Cantrell will leave In the morning for San Francisco from hero he will go to Nevada to look over the reclamation project in that stato. I Everything the latest in Summer mil ago was God God In llesh. Do you re- Inery will bo found at tho Stilts Dry member what he said on one occasion ? Goods Co. Ilu said: 'Unto what shall I liken thlsi Capt. 0. C. A pplegate Is putting in full m-iiurntion? It is like unto children time In his onion patch these days. He pluylng in the market place, who say unto their fellows, we piped unto you and you did not dance, we wept and you did not mourn, for John came, neither eating nor drinking, and you say he hnth a devil. I came eating and drink I lug and you tay, behold a wine bibber, it nl publicans and sinners.' You may vote aa yon please. Yon may vote the town net, or you may vote it dry. II you vote dry the drinking will still go on, (or as long as men are overworked and underfed, so long aa children aro born of tired fathers and mothers, so long as thu worry and wear and grind ot the competitive struggle go on, men will (eel the need of a stimulant. You may say 'donV'attd 'you can't' and 'you shall not,' but they will letort 'I will,' and I do not blame them. If you make a hell of life, if I have to live In hell, I would ra'ther be In hell drunk than In hell sober. Tho thing (or which I plead tonight Is, that wo romove the hell, that we work to make life tolerable. When you do this, when you meet tho economic prob. tern, the problems ot drink, of vice and crime will be solved. Watch lor "The Antl." A publication which will appear in a day or two. expect to supply the markot this Fall. Have von seen the new line ol Jewelry at Winters? A, L. I Mr row, president of the Klam ath Corporation, la here from Sacra mento looking after business matters. Hteptbare been taken which mean the reclamation ol 1300 acrea of twaosp land between Naylox and Rattle Snake Point. The Cox Bros, rsow own abowt UOO acres ottblt tract and tbe other 600 acres are owned by Fred Haiku tad John Htgeltuln. MelhaM told a ssnall tract to A. O. Cox and in tarn J.O. Beach told lilt entire tract ol Swaaap to Melhate and Hageltteln, the lontsr getting 344 asres and the latter the balance. The parties now ownlag this land bava agreed araoaf theat selves that tbey would4 take sUpa to wards its reclamation. Tbe land la rich and the character of tbe toll U tach that It will produce abaadaat crops. Tbe owners have sot daialUly de cided when the rsjcksaatloa of tat Uadt It to be undertaken, tad Usty ara await ing tbe action ol the railroad comaaay. The survey lor the attisasssti ol too , California Northeastern mat taroagh this tract end 1! a dlkaU ballt far rail road purposes It will aleeta-m lor taa rac taaaattoa of tba strata taaaa. Tfea own-1 art ol the tract ara dodroaa to antaaa with tbe BMtbera Pariae lor taa are. ion ol taa dike on taa grata Ja that tbey donate tba right ol way and taa company paya lor taa work. Owlag to thli proposition tbe reclasaatlow of tba lands will not be nadartakaa tola yaar, but if no arraagesaeat la mada with the Southern Pacific it is Tory probable that nest Summer the owners ol taa tract will begin to reclaim tbeee Uadt, which will ona day be aaoag the aaost valuable in the county. At the upper end ol the treat ara tba targe Barclay aprlngs, which Sow a thousand gallon ol water a salauta. Tbaae spring ara owned by tba Cox Broa. and rank an ideal spot tor Baas mar homes. The owners have already had applications from taveral partlee for altes for Summer homeo and it la their -intention to plant a amall acreage surrounding the springs and tall tba lots to parties who wish lo baild. Tba place U close to the upper lake and can be reached by water from this city. Paint, Paint , Paint. Just receive d a Baldwin's Hardware Store a complete line ol Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes. SiifatAM MSUJV The proof of the freezer it in the freezing The White Mountain Freezer make more cream, better cream, and makes it eatier sad cheaper than any other freezer on the market LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS 6 HANKS i Z. HAKDWAKE V&ALMK I Sriij?, -voi