..wn'll-T" "'' ll0,,w ' im "r
,S "'" r..r..l.lMMi nr .ii.r,.rnl.l..
7 III I'" ''" lu,,1'"' '"""J"
T M,l J I' lliilw. I"n,cr.
, i wirf-rwi - -.
rOllfM I! "," U'"' ","'', ,,,,c"lw'
,,.IIr.-..Mll-..wllK" a bar.
L(r - ,r,..rl.ular
i iil'I.MlNi A ('! '"r "reliant
Jl.!if'-t I'tUt- l-.rll WUiiUof
,"(,, ,, .im. lle..piarlrrAiiie..
.,,- - ti "i-1
.lln,'.,r "! A" "."'a1'1 ll"l","
,k. In K-l ' '''''' "
rlIUIlM"'"' "
:,f,.-1' i'llciilly '" Hrltijc
IUII.Mii!""'''" laliKlii,nW'
.,d,l,iiMl ..!. tfl:l"i'J'". ''I'Me.
jlirrilllr.llrml-l.JrtHjf .lot..
ioi: f.M.i ''"" ''" ' '"", R''1-
l4ir,rilni: "i""" ,ll tllii llrlek
rDltf.W.I Kltrlii'ii utriialla, dining
WKflKt nl "!'' (Minllnrtt. i:nciilrc
,t lln.l.l III""-- f'
3500 Acre Free
Tl. Ulrllt c l'liy h "'
i4linlunlri Hi ilin 'HI1I1 llil It
.ill jir III M I ItKI. I'r mm )rar.
Jill llttlil Ira tlir '!' " ' ''"' ""'
ulif. Il.r iinli'f mini clear ami
Jiril liml 11 riillh '. TLofnil'
ffpUillllif iilml lretve Hie
rIMloiiiH' the liibbli.
Ilin IjiVrdilii Company,
J KtnV. A. Unit, Manager,
Mrrrlll Oirgon.
Ireusurcr.s Notice
Nvticrl. lirirl ifllfrll llit I lie 111 ln
latvli In llir rumity ttraauiy lor lli
dDll.in il nil oiil.tmulinu county
irunti I't'.l. liil on ami irlr to
July St. I'.m). Iiilnrit mi itne will
NtitllOlll till! lUlH.
Wlol.l Klamath 1'atl llila ISlli '!
JAill, !li
I., .Mr l.mn,
l imniiTiraiiiicr.
kkrrlll. rro.eity I reasonable.
Mil. W. I. Si'lmtii haa Ukcn rliinte
il Ihr Auirtliun illlilliK Iimiiii, Mlilrli
UiIttii iriinli'llr All wnmrii cook
irtrm.li)nl llm i tin-place to itvl
thtUal iiiim1.hi limn, Il
TUrAKIUItiriil TDK INTi:illlll.iKMl.
" uan i.iifr Wa.Mr.alun, II. IX Marth n.
Ha. huiiri i.r kunimtiiuN nr Mauri lani
I. wminriir ixn iNtar.-Ni.tlr. u h.ral
rm ttat 11. artm (Wi.tatr .f ll- InlMiur haa
inl4 aVt.MJnrnial tnl.r of wlHMlfaval In hi
IvhiU an. .ItH I ha t.llh.lr.w.1 tut Irtlo
1-a.ry, . vnUr 1 1., act .( J una IT. IW CO
tat. hl for u In r.n-rlli Ui tha KWmalh
naMtOnawi t Iha fulliwliuf dawrlUrf Unla
bualuiaaflirrrun, an.1 .y hit aulhotllr wh
ai4lnclaaihaali.4 ln liaraUifuf Rnatlr
"-niMii.ii....ll.i.u.IIMrmwn ail
" imiUi..! ill u .iiIiJki u tlbiaa)i unaVr
ttavbltfUh.lUai( lha llnllatl HutaaMsiwI
to Jim 91, , In,) (K.H t.,1 b aubjart la
p.llUr.w MUctbM until Julr(0,llHa,al U
lM-1 Huiai UnH n(TWa al UlntVwTOraaxin,
lMnraimalr titan thai WMiaa aril I
aaiailWunn itiibiIm nr rwM what
Ifct . "' "tHin.nl w la-ruiHitMi laaiui)
nwliliniurli, im an. ,it tu JunaH), Ita.
"". Flint fll.NNl.TT
nWNK Vri-w'T;1""' "' ,h, 0W, U"4 m'
mi nuutini XitTtUrr of tba IntatW
G. Helming S Co.
fur Merchants
Marshfltld, Oregon, or
.KUmalh Folli. Oregon
Zlm's Plumbing
Conlracllnd and Jobbing
Hulclami Lino or I'lunib
' l"K KHclnltloH nmi nwl.
tlH Wiirkmnn.lili.
,A.O. u. w. Building '
Klimaih ftlU
Jackson Hotel
ort Klamath, Ore.
Clean roonw, good bcdi.
W the table alwayi aup-
N with the best, the
Wot arrordi-Termirca-wuble.
CCJackaon. Prop.
Notice to Public
Kmmatii I'amji, Orn,, My ), Hum
Noll In lliunilillu; Kor llttt (mri-xu !
iifi'iluMlnMiiKiliy fifo tlcllvcry llmlla
lor Oil clly, in wr iiiiilvit 011 liack nl
our li'li'iiliuiiii lilmiku, mm Mill, on mnl
Nllur IliUtlnlv, ilullviT fini ol 1 lmrt(ii Inj. j
twemi llm liouri ol H n, tn, mil ll i. m, 1
nil inrmiwa. mlilivaml to im,in wIlli
III 0110 lilni'k ol our nlllci'.
On ini'.aitKra In mtfniia otilililtt n thla
frrtitlflWrry llmlUllifiiiMlll Inih una.
nniicrr clmlyo of 'J.'. ci-iiIk fm ilfllMiry n
mint) wllltlo llm c-lty llmlla, .it)nl.li.
ihiii lUllviTy ol ini-aaiiKii,
In cnatt ol it liiftiitKii cntitln,; to it pi't. '
ami hIiiiIihih Ult.ili(iiin wii m 111 notify
llirin liy ami, ,iiy , ,v,t,-, nul
lint liii'taw In ,ftii nltliMit 1 lurxn, m
llify limy, 00 inch noUn., call uml in
ri'hn iiit'niii:i' nl (Votrnl Ollllrn lirr i,
MiaiKi It-nhtil I,(1i.iii ir Imiiia
ol II , 111, ami M n, 111, ttlll lai iliilivvrl
In llii) nmtnliiK iiiiIiii Hit 'iaiin run U
Ifiti IiimI liy I'linnr in hIII tall fm it mi
111I1 linllir,
Vouia tiul)',
'llm Ml.Uay Til. A 'III. l.i,,
llyd. IMIalra.
Tlif Mllla Dry (IikI Cn. Im ihiIiI
arrtal alililitpiliif KnalrrilMrcaa kimnI.
Call ami lu''it Hit' li lllif.
Von 1 an n't ") mtal laik at Will,
nili'a lirilrl for 1 1, llnatil ami Imlulnn 'i
a wivk.-C. II. Wlllaon, l'f(i. tl
Republican Candidates
II H. fVnalor-lloii. II. M. (kf, an
I). H, K'liatnr, It all Dial t ran ak Im
In om ramllilatt, .Mr C'akn la a man
n tili-aaitiK aivatantr, an tiaiifiit
aN'tkrr, a man tliat umli'iatamli tin1
lollllt'al allnatlun. Wlillr many nyrrt
that Mr. I'liltiio uaa U'atrn, )ft He
irallrp, liy llm tntu Mr. Cakr ircrlvnl
In hit Immo county that Im l at mitilar
tlmrraa Mr. 1'iiltnii ahcir. Mr.('akt
latlraerilii; ol lila party ntr.
(.'iiiiltttnintn W. ('. Ilaftlry -iiitrt
In liU Nial irc'ifil llh t l'l-: In larl lila
rrrtinl la lila ilatfotm,
Juitlriol tin Huirt'inr Court II. S.
lUan hisslt no alal int'iilliili.
Ijty ami 1'ix.t Cuiiimlialnm't -J. W.
Ilallvy la alan a Winner,
11. II, CuiiilnlMlnht't-T. K. CaniilK.'ll
Hainan nr llm iciio aint li mlltlcl
to llm iiii.iit ol tint t'litllf arty.
I'roavi'titiiiK Allnnif)' ll. V.,Kukcii.
iIaII, a I'rixwiitliiK Altornry, I" jiract
Ically without niKallliin, lit ! wt'll
iiiallfif.l anil KUnnth ami Ijikn Count. !
Ira atn to lr iimiiratiilalnt mi lnvInK
Inrrit ahlr to ilar iwittiinla'lriit an at
tonir) In nomliiat'on tut llm Aev.
ritatr rVn.ltor (Iro. II. Mrrryiuan, aa
8tatHriiatiir, l a rlaliiK ronni! Stalt
man liavliiK rrviil 0110 Irriu In tin-' Ijo i
rr llimtu ami ilrmonalratnl hla aliltily. I
llrrrntalli'a-Our lalo llr"
rr'i7iTUtlVr. II. I. Ilrlknaii biiJ II. A.
lrattalti,ntt'ilronttcanil.lati-an.l will
mom llian HI their parly atrrniitli.
fhrrllT-W. Il.flarnra It .flluuallnV.I
Ui fill the oilier, liavlnl rvrl a aar. 1
or of Uko County, lo at tlcmly lirtllf .
Ho Iim k-wxl toluration, U n ncllvo ,
man, cllaciiialutoa with all the fur.'
rounding county ami inakr an clllclcnt
olllerr. Vnto lor him.
is.iifiu iu.k(' it. Ih.tatt. uaConntv
Clerk, la writ known to you all, liavliiK
rvnl tlitai county School r'uiln.
tentlrnt In a way that I a cmlllto him-
aelf. Ilu la now nerving aa Dcuily Sher-,
lit olthlarounly ami la known to Im a,
throuiihly ronivient mu
County Trcaurr-I. Alva U-wl. ni,
Treaaurrr, la well known to you all nml .
a la. tal. t I., a.. !.! a.aal aaakMjral
no ioini wiin irinu 10 ma ia, i,v......
Hrhool KuiM.'ilnlriuleiit J. 0. Hwan
U a man Hint hue lo i-oimplcuoualy
befoni the imhllo for the jvtat live yrr !
ml ha nccoiniilUliwI wontlera In ixliumt
lonal linen. Ho I" well llllnl for tin
Aaaeaaor-llerl K. WIlhrow.aiAaK-aa.
or, la the right man in the right place,
having aervnl a numlior ol yean In toe
Abalrart Olllco anil having a completo
aUtract of every plw of deeded laml
In the county, pula him in a iioaltlon to
better Judge the valued rvol ealale than
any other man w know.
County Burvyor-M. P. Wllllami haa
been conapicuoualy before the public
during hU term ol offlco. Ills work
ipeaka for hit olllciency.
County CoimulMloiier-O. J, Swingle
la a pioner ol Klamath County. He la
a conservative buaineia man and lia.
ma-lea lueccaa with lilt own builneaa
venturer, and it la fair to naiume thai
ht will do at well with the county buf
Tiiu Klmimth i'roject !n tlio uiitne
Unit Iiiim Iiccii npjillod to tlio rcclnma.
titm of about 100,000 ncrcti of lnnil now
midcr Hid overllow of tlio Klntnntb
llivrr nml of Lower Klniimlli liiilto arid Tula Lnlm
nml the irrigation of about li'O.OOO nere of valley
Imnl iiiljnreiit to llm Klmmitli Kiver, iiIomk tlio courae
of Lout Kiver mid tliu tributary portion of tlio Kreat
liliiteait lyiii ehielly in Klmmitli County, Oregon, but
mIko 1'iiibriieiiiK 11 imrt of Uinliiynii mid Modoc Coun-tii-H,
Ciiliforiiui, a total area or 2(10,000 acroH.
Tito l'roji-el embruces tbu emiHtruction of it very
ureal iuiluii;e of ciiiiuIh, lutorala mid druinugo caoabi
mid will linvo iU principal hoiiicu in Upper Klamath
1 .11 lie. Clear Lube mid Horneliy are reaervoir aites
wliuru Hood water will be impounded mid utilized for
irrigation of laud ineluded in the upper portion of
tlio I'roject.
U'orl: no the imtlu canal wiih htarU-d in the Spring
of lUOti mid tbu drat unit of nine uiiiea is now coin
plileil. About 111,000 iicrra of land will bo irrigated
from the llrnt unit, tbu InternlH for which arc being
I'liinitructed under tbu HupcrviHiou of tbu enuincera
Imvint,' tliarne of tbu I'roject. liy far tlio largest
proportion of the bind under the flrl unit ia now in
NiiKclminli mid tn tint bu cleared and broken in time
for crop in the Hprini; of 1008. Work on tlio ace
mid unit in beiiiK done by tbu (Government and em
brnCfH uineti'en uiilca of main canal and twciity-Hix
milcH of Intends to fiuniitli water to about '20,000
additional ncrcM of laud. W'oil: on tbia unit will be
proNecuted 11 h rajiiclly iin poKiiblu.
Nearly mtebalf of tbu area to bu irrigated ia now
under water to n depth of from 0110 to fifteen feet
mid will be reclaimed by a ayHtem of drainage to
lower the level of the rivera and lakes. A large part
of tbu hwamp bind and practically nil of the valley
land in tbu Klmiititb Ilamn nru held in private own
cmliip and mime in very large trncta which niuat b"
Hold in tracts of 1H0 acres or Icm under the regula
tion.n governing the perfection of a water-right.
KLAMATH'S For Ha development and proa.
OUEATE8T pcrity the Klamath Basin nuut hava
NEKD pcoplo, and the right kind of peopli
at that. Ita fjroat need ia intelli
gent, practicul farmers, who understand the meaning
of intensified and diversified farming; men who will
buy land, not for speculative purposes, but with th
idea of clearing off tlio sagebrush and making per.
manent and camfortnblo homc3. Such men aro bound
to succeed. There is room for thousands of them.
Developing Sugar beets have been prown ex-
Various periiiientally throughout the Klam-
Industries nth Valley. The percentage of sugar
is high, ni will be noted from the
following mialyniH imtilo by lite United States De
partment of Agriculture from beets grown near
hiignr in beets, per cent., 'J1.7; sugar in juice, per
rent., J 1.1 ; eneflleieiit of purity, 63.1.
Kxperieiife has dciuotMratcd that excellent as
paragus, imioiiH mnl celery can be grown, tlio tule
lands being very nimibir to those of tbu Sacramento
mid San .liiaiiuiu Valleys of California, where such
vegetables nre so successfully cultivated. Through
out the world the reclaimed marshlands nre the best
soiled for lite highest development of dairy inter
esl. ,
There is im question that tliia will become a sugar
beet producing section and that a number of facto
ries will be built anil operated with the development
of (be industry.
All Kinds of fruit adapt- to the temperate .one
tbtive here apples, peaches, pears, cherries, prunes,
plums, apricots and nectarines do well, and small
fruits bear abundantly final of excellent quality.
There aro n great many small orchards throughout
the basin that prove the adaptability of the region
to the profitable production of fruit.
K. Ij. Smith, former president of tbo Oregon State
Hoard of Horticulture, gives it as his opinion that
the foothill lands are specially adapted to apple
Cultivation of the potato has passed beyond the
experimental slage, Ibu sandy loam of the uplands
producing them in great abundance.
Klamath County wheat, grown without irrigation,
took tbo premium nt the New Orleans Exposition.
Tito most important forage crop is alfalfa, the foil
being peculiarly adapted to its growth.
Excels All landowners being required
Holdings Must In set! their excess holdings, there
Be Bold is a large area ot good land for sale
at reasonable figures, prices rang
ing from about $15 to $115 for unimproved, and f-'O
to $50 per acre lor unproved land. Land adjacent
to the principal towns commands hiuber prices. The
purchaser paya for the water right nt a cost of about
$18 per aiyo to bo paid for in ten equal annual in
stallments without interest. This amounts to less
than the ordinary annuo! rental paid private ditch
companies. Somo of the irrigators of Klamath Vol
ley (and they are tho most prosperous farmers) have
already paid out to such companies for water $60 per
aero and ( wn no water. All of these companies havo
been purchased by the (lovernment and ineluded in
the system
No public lands will be open for settlement for
sovcral years.
Climate The upland soil is mainly a rich sandy
and loam of great uniformity and composed
Roll. largely of disintegrated and eroded lava
with an ndntixturo of volcanic ash and
diatomaceous earth, the bitter material of plant ori
gin, formed in the bottom of tho ancient sea which
covered the greater part of tbo Great Basin, and of
which Klamath Valley is 11 northwesterly extension.
Such soil, characteristic of many of tho richest agri
cultural sections of tho world, including much of
Italy and tho great plains of Indio, is oxtromely fer
tilo. and of lasting productiveness. The lake aud
tule lands are made up of a volcanic soil containing
much orgauia matter, 11 vegetablo accumulation of
ages, nud is of a peatty nature.
Tlio climate is oxtremoly healthful uiid not severe.
There is rarely any Winter weather boforo tho latter
part of Decenibor, and but Httlo r.ero weather during
the entire Winter. Tho annual prooipitation is about
fifteen inches, with little rain during the Summer
BUY According to Season
Groceries, the same as wearing apparel, should
be bought according to seasons. You make
no mistake when you leave it to us to decide
which is the best at this time. We always
guarantee satisfaction. Just call up phone 516
Our goods are new and attractive.
linn- E. WiTimow,
Vice President
Maps, PUaa, Mae Frists, Etc.
Klamath County Abstract Go.
Surveyor! and brlgatlonInglieeni
Don J. Zumwalt. C. E.
If. D.Wiixiaju, & E.
Klamath Falls. Oregon
East End Meat Market
CRISLER & STILTS. Proprietors
Prime Beef, Veal. Motion. Pork and PotUtry
Freah and Cured Meat and Saoaacea of all Jciada,
Wo handle our meat In tho most modem way In dams.
lineaa and tirroundlngra. Try us and we will bt moat
happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery.
are Advancing in Value
When blocks in Mills Addition were offered
at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves
tors bought; since that time values have
increased materially.
These Lots are Bargain Bijs
nt present prices, and there is every reason
to anticipate an advance In prices. Remem
ber these lots are FHTY feet in width and
deep more than double the area of moat
town lots offered to investors.
Land Salesnea.
Office on Fifth Etna I
The Gem
Restaurant and Lodging House
Special accommodations for Faally Diaier Par
ties. The largest and best arranged eating houe
in the city. Open dsy and night.
Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities.
Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461
or K K K Store. Phone 174
Heavy Freighting a Specialty. Baggage Orders Are
Gives Frowst Attention
O. K. Transfer & Storage
Having up-to-date piano
trucks we solicit your
line uanu muvisuj
oract 871
Sara S71