Mostly H' ,,"i,cr ,n
Klamnth FHh ....
Our Advertisers
the Best Results .
S '?,.
B&.ii (
P7ti ii
J '
1 nai t
m: .
Price, 5 Cents.
Here Prom Ashland
Discovers Quartz Ledge
Remnant of Captain Jack's Band.;;;;;:::
Will Start for Klamath
Climate of Southern Country llns Consul I orqe Decrease
in I heir Numbers, uml It Is I heir Wish Hint I hey
Hi; Permitted In Return North
Tin. in-w I'ldiifriliow lit I In- opera
i Ihiiih. It l-rnuiiiig iiille 'iiiilnr nful '
justly tn, lot llii' llliim an- not milyj
t.iilcl, litil nic tin- lrt Hint tin- film ,
jiiiitnl htvIk' cm I t . 'I In pro.,
....i.lorid aim-in r limn '-'li ! li.' In Is;; tin-) imm- Kui i, a lung .me and It e.it but leu'
..i ....... i.. 1.-L I.......I ...... n. -r.... ..... i.i... .1 1 ....
Iltinulllriiiiuin i ...i.i. -i- ,..,. .u,.i ,, ,,iitr. rui rent In -Vi-i)lHly, tin
Ul el Mili Indian at ll' W'lKfMW i""' iili.ily liiininiUr. lillitlii-ii-)i-l , t ,i any nal In tlm hou-e. (in'
,jit;inOU4liHii mol'l ,,"'r.l H'Waln i.l lln land uml It .runt lf whin )nu like mid ttay nt long u jnu ,
trill)- l.uly iilno mi-niN-m. N-iialur kr. w ilhus liirlii.b, theenrnedy
('liaili-tCmtli of Kniisnt. hiuirtlf part hit "Mr. and Mit. liuv, fin- Kiu.vt
Alirr ll.u'v
il...mlll lrlllll4lll
IstU Klamath lrtirilliii In Oregon,
ttxrtlliiH fru-iidtatid n-Utltr lite.
ftlililUmiaii """ ii-i"i"ii-ii'lllon
r tlit n-riil. milli-i' mi Itiilliiii
JiHlKii U II. Wiitiwn It In tlm city I U'hllu rliling fur horn- nil tlio low du
jdiini Athland vi'lllng with lilt tlnugli-'tt-rt ilenny VttiDoni and Tom Nelson
it, Mis I. If. mil with oilier rrhttlvM, ' made what tln-y U-llftv tolif a valuable
lyd.i)t Mr. Wilt. on u.ed to gold ill.mvery, In tliu form of a ttiartJC
ctlou In the lapm-lt) of Ills- Itdgt.-. Tfio le.lv' i nlut five fi-c-l In
liit Attorrn-y, iinil when Klamath whs width, nlondt In a toulheastcrrily dlr
i llrjil rut oil finni .tin-knin county m n-- j t-itlon, and dipt l tlm riortheait. Mr.
tided al lAhr-vicu wlillu In- Mini Hint j VnnDorri, who knowit gold hearing rock
llliii.. Hi-llln lliln .. lion iii-.irly uv j when he ices It, say the. prospect in n
ery )i-iir nml Is ulw.i) niii.ln wt-lromu Mattering one and m nml Mr. Nelson
Iliy lln-oM llnii- friend, will ri turn lalfr and Investigate further.
In the rnea i lime they are keeping the
' New Moving Pictures ,OCI,llo" "' "' M u 'tcr,,t- Mf-
VanDorn left u piece of llie ttiarU at
' tlm Oregonlan office where il may l
, rii-n liy mi) line wlio It Interested.
That gold will he foiiml In (hit lot-nitty
In p.iylutf 'unritltii' tooncr or later, it
the opinion ol old prospectors wlin are
acquainted with the country. The ledge
illncouml l.y Van Porn arc Nelson It
In tho Mine lend a Iho world-famous
Tnnopah mine In Nevada, the U-Ail
Timber Companies Will Guard
Against Destructive Fires
having Itfii traced n far north-wctl at
System Will Be Inaugurated June 1st and Wardens WW
Ride Timbered Possessions in This Section of
Several of the Large Syndicates
Mam have been perfected for the pa
trolling of the tlmlier poraoeslons of the
Wettein I'aciflc Land A Timber Co.,
Othkoth IjiikI A Timber Co., Southern
Kaw Indian, pirpanil lhi report on
thlt hill nml he dlp-d hit H-n In m-
i!!ri in ci'iiin--'" n mill ll trruntal pttlnllr ink
.4rtUl(tlJiii m lln land ( all IndUm
It tU Qotpnti ai-n-1
Tht )llxt rrtn.iiiHiii! In Oklahoiim
I . ... ..... .i .i... i .. .i ...
irt Wt I lAfri iinniiiin .i in.- -in. ".
:i itjrlirart wh- ttrr.- Nki-n Irmti
th KUmitli rr.rr atmn In Indian Tir
ritoryln loTt ikIiI nltrr llie MimIikt
tir. Kurnni1 tlinr nirlMl In the
IMtliat.t thru lii-llaiit have hrrn lontt
it kr tlif Ir Orriion hmie (II tlm "JIJ
calf fuitjr-nirir riinaiu Mid Ivu of Hum-
UrifuunJ thrlr wa) Uik In (Irrnori,
Uivlcj only tliirl) nun-. At matter
tl fact, only rrrfiitreii of the Imliant
llatlly wucl arulultitf. Tln-rn It
ailbtllcitiirv ol tjciiiiliio limnrtlcl
illicit hat piitrl in llieilrplrlhin
TU JUI-x-t are Utility mid have not
iftat tU time in l-lldlrii. They nn
illiMrillnarlly kck worlrrt and fur
JurililVt-llitllittlliril IhrllnlMt tolel)'
t llirir oii imiiiul Ultir. It la
lwijlit by tlm iimre prnn-ttlvn mlied
Uoftlibntbe Kuiiiulli ii-.riallnii In
"rtuo that tl.e iiuitiri ol the ri-m
Mat i, Caj imn Jmk'i i,n:n arllln
Us4l,aiea tplrlidid elfrct on the
Mire tribe on the ni.rth I' ilflc roatt.
TUiremUr ran fill and iroiininleal.
VbUtuuiiy liiiliam abuiil Iheui hM
taken totlrlrtV, tli-. itiinly ini-n limn
"M 1I7 id itiloxiimiti niid ilevotrd
tUmtrhca In i.iiitulta that nto niodt-
Uinrmiiii,k' Thpy nlt In en
Uek to ().,, ,,,) ,, Oiritmilaiia
MllUm tu n turn. r It icinalnt
'ly forcjir-at tnlvo them li'o In
), an-l at the mine time, make
WtM iirortoiiria r ih.-uiuii the mail
lurttnrnliirllieir Oklilmiurt linUlnnt.
ortir alter tin- rmnval nl Ct.
UlaJack'aluiil In lu.li.ui territory-'"iJ-tlieniiiiiln-r
lul luen reiliu-e.l
ii.va I J
avvvvva avl . avaV
aaaaam- atT'aamW.
Tlii rapid ill-create in population,"
ta)t Senator L'urtlt, "n-int In he Iho
r.-.iilt o menial amlrly raiiM-il by thrlr
fnrcnl teparatlun Irnui their famlliet
ami dlemlt. The ir-rt thow that
they haiu ala)t Ueti ill.atllliil with
their bx-atinn In the Iri-llaii territory
and hate (ontlantly Ih-;. for -rmW-tton
to ri-tiini. In l':!-3 they ina-bi a
prttllon fur tint pnim-. The ntrnl at
KUiitath ai-nry reirted uliiu title '
tllioti wat iifcrrnl to hlui that they
would l-o kindly rifi'lle.! and that there
a ampin npiitiiuity for Ihitn to n
cure a i;kI IhelihiKrl mi that retrrva
tlnu, whrie their fri.-ii.lt mi. I retatixtt
Mtttibl he itlad tit K'eet Iheui. They
hauaUa)a been rr)itrd at rapidly
advanrlnit In clvilliillon.
'There it nn i1letl-iu hilt what their
ii-moval ran I e arconiptl.lieil thtnuih
the p'an ptopid and they lx' Ucniit
nl tln-'i hindt in llklohiiiiia tulllcient
lilmli In liuil-l them hornet on their
new nlliituientt, netlier ith mine
alorkan-liiit'inl url in life. They
nill lxi-iilllli.il to H'-O arret for r.ich
adult a iv I rl.lity acre, for etch minor
whit teuiinet In tin) Klamath reterva.
tlou. They lll I"' much better Ineatril
from j purely liiiaiicl.il ttan lMilnt, to
ray linthlUK of the lK-iielll tint will
rouie to iheui fioui belliK eruiltlel t
return In their iM hoinet. The libit.
meiitt nl the Klamath Indiana Kill be
complete I prior to July I of thl year."
In view nl the early completion of the
allotment on the On-i.Mii reervitlon,
ol courte , roiuiett limit act tin thlt bill
Ih-Iiiio the end of tills totiion In order
that pmvltlnn mny I' maile f"r tlnr
M(h1i. In hhUt to do lanly Juttlie by
thpae Indiana, the (Jitapaw bill, which
fia tlepirlmenl nuuaiire, :l nmendotl
, ---
f'onell btittei, InC'rixik Cniinty. And I'aclfic Company, Ilopkka Timber Co,
Man," 'llri-am of .in Opiuui 1'iend,"
and u Iiimii'mt ol olheit. I'imiiiiliT It
eitt only li n ci ntt.
It runy be tl.nt Mi-mit. N'el'on nnd Van-
Horn Iiiim; runile the lucky flml.
Silter Ijiko Oreyonlan.
Let Us Measure
you for your Summer
Suit We can fit you to
the "dot"
A Doubt
Isn't a fact until you
prove it Don't doubt us
until you have tested us.
You take no chances. We
refund if we fall to give
K. K. K.
The Newest and Best for
tha Man who cares
and Wt-yeihaeuter Kami Co. The tract
tinned by theto companies comprliei
about GOOXO acrei and eitcndi from
the California line to the reterve on the
north. Iho tract hat been divided Into
five districts and a patrolman will be In
charge of everyone of the dittrict. It
will bo Ida duty to ride over a portion of
liia district every day and to keep clow
watch for flrci, he on hand to caution
Opinion of Attorney General Crawford t..e- abo..t n'rc ami to.ee that- n
...... , regulation! ol the tlate in regard to
on Registration
Inaiitwer In the iiiettion whether ; trlct nllicer only by Iho uu of lilanW A
vntert may vote foroiuiity olllcert nut.' the taineat thouuli ho werenot regiiter.
tl.le n( the precinct in which they are nl, but In cither cue lie can not voto
irititt.-ird, Altnrriey (ii-nerat A. M. for county otlicert. lie mint vote in the
Craw lord a I wouldcallioui atten-' nrrcinct In which he llvet .to vote for
tlou tn Sec. 17, Articles, id the State jt,B,n. II he chauxet hit rvuldenev alttr
Oontltullii, which niuiret that every reiilitirlng, ho may chance hit realf
with all chance for Are. Tba patrol,
men will telcct place (or partita to bnHd
fire and will tee to It that they ara as.
tlnguithed before the carap I daeertad.
Mott of the foreat Urea hare In the part
been due to careleaane oo tba part o(
pleaiure teeker and ia order to avert
big lone the companle ownlai tba kada
In thli immediate aectlon bare combla.
ed for the protection of tbelr poeeeaaios.
Looking Up Indian Land
iiialilli-l elector i-linll voto In the pii
rlrict in which he liter, for iiioniy
nllicert uml In any county In the rtate
lor ttati'iitlleeit, i-t. rheiefore, wheth
er n voter it u-iiittered or not, he muni
tratiun, if the Imcka are atill open, In
the mnriner provided in Pec. 2S27, by
the uieof lllauk li. If lie doe not do
to, he can vote by ute of Wank A, the
tamo ni II ho wre not rcglttercd at all,
vote in tlm piecimt In which he liu-t, at he li nit n'.lttere.l In tint precinct, (
fiirciiiiulyoilU-ert. Ofemirae, if hellvt a but in that euro he can vote for all
or it reclttf led in one prcclnd (or both) nllicert, at he it voting in the precinct
ho may vole in another fur Mate and dit'l in which ho livet."
by the tenate committee n follona: the good cltlicti.
"fliat the Mvietary nf the interior Ihs The removal of rvttrlotiona from the
and he hereby It imtliorIr.nl ii-i.l direct- ' Undt of other tribes at tlio Quapaw
ed In le-t-ire to the rolls ol the Klamath agency except homesteads Is a drat
"tfney in nv'"ii tlmu M.hI.w Imliant ; tic departure (roni the policy which ha
mm enrolled ut the ()u.ipav ageney, to- . Ikiti followed for year. Secretary Ojr-Ui-thtr
with their descendant livlliit at field Informed congress In trautmtrting
the date of tlie pattajje nl thlt act, and in draft of prniotel legislation for thlt
that upon the removal til any of raid prpoie that ho Is convinced the time
Indian to the Khiniath reservation they , m p.,,,,0 i,cn tiele InJIans Quapawa ; Und In vicinity of Aen dake with
lire in the forest are enforced. In ad
Uilion to lIng In the employ ol the
timber companies the patrolmen will be
state warden and will have police au
thority. However, the cost of maintain
ing the force will be born entirely by
the companle owning the land. The
patrolmen will reside upon the land In
their district and will be (applied with
lionet and all necessary camp equip
ment. The service will begin on June 1st and
will continue throughout the summer,
or a long as the dry weather continue,
mukiiii; it potaible for fires. The Weyer
heautcr Land Company ha adopted
this system in all ol Its timber belt and
J. W. Alexander, a member ol the com
pany, states that It hat proven very sue
ce'sful nnd that heavy losses by fire
have Ineii nvoldcd by in cans of the pa
trol system.
The patrolmen of tlio five district In
thia section will be under the taper-
vision of J. F. Kimball, and will be sta
tioned a follow
District No. 1. Land In the
Immediate vicinity of Pokegatna with
John Kurber a patrolman. Xo
Superintendent H. O. Wilaon, of tba
Klamath Indian Reservation, arrived In
the city list night from rartoai potsU
along the main Una of tba Bootbtrn Pa
cific, where be baa been for tba part
month looking op Indian land. Ho
Ute that it will be necessary for blm
to return there In a fair amthi to com
plete the work. Ha wa aceompaated
by Mr. Wilton and left for tba agataey
Water Extremely Rough
Admiral Nosier, who U aatbority at)
nautical matters pertaining to tba Upper
lake, aav that tba watae were blfber
yesterday than they have tree be
by any of tba navigator. Tht) i
Hornet hat laid in the laa of BqotM
Point for two dayt on account of tba
roughness of the water. Bbabaa about
11000 worth of freight on board.
Snow at Sliver Lake
hall bo nllotto.l ns other Indiana on
aid rerervtitlon and Ihnt upon the pas
sage ol thl act they tlmll be accorded
all the rights and privileges ol other
Indian enrolled nt the Klamath agency.
Provided, that lor the purpose ol such
removal tlio secretary of the inteilor bo
and hels hereby authoriiod to sell, under
such rules nod regulations us lie may
prescribe, all landt Inherited and oilier-
wlto heretofoio allotted to the members I
nl said tribe In Oklahoma, nml he li
nuthorired to Istue npitent In fee sim
ple lo the purchaser or purchaser of
said lands, uml D lestrlctioni im to
tlio uile, Incumbrance ami luxation of
laud uliiill llii'icupon Im removed."
In order lo avail themselves of thlt
opportunity In uliirn to their dlslnt)!
home, Iho Modoc must consont to the
provision ol his net in an open council
called for the purpose ol passing upon
It. This, it U believed, will bo a simple
formality. .Senator Curtis can- see no
complications in arranging lor the re
moval ol Iho Modoc. They appear to
becapabloof managing iheirown nffulrj.
Indeed, in aomo lespecto ul least, they
aro much lurthcr advancod than the
rank niid file' ol many more prominent
tribes. All ol their hardihood, which
one tlino was exhibited In a determined
opiioBlllon lu tho continued encroach
ments ol tho ivhltoman, eeuu to have
been turned luto tho channel ol Indus
try and the "bad" Indian ha become
YVyiiudots, Seneca, Peorlas,
Kattern Shawnecs, Modocs, etc. should
bo permitted to manage their own busi
ness iitTnlra. A u class they are moral,
soU-r and progressive.
Notice To Fruit Growers
It will soon bo the season ol Aphis
nml Codling Moths, and it liehooves
every one having fruit tree or ihrubery
lo be on the watch for the early appear
itnco nf tho pests. If any small collect
ion ol the eggs nr larvae ol these insect
escaped the sulphur-lino tiolutlon, a very
few tiny ol warm spring weather will
tiiako them active and so fast do tiiey
proiogate their species, they will soon
cover llie tree In which they survived
nnd early treatment now will obviate a
summer' light with them Inter.
For Iho Apld-i gieou or any other kind
on trees, shrubs or plant, Quassl chip
and tvl-aleotl soap Is the standard rem
edy. For Codling moth the various arsenate
ol lead preparations are beet.
Hulk-tins with formula of these spray
may bo had on applications. Do not
wall until you are notified formally! Gel
I). A. Steuinh, Fruit Inspector.
Chnrle Lambert, of the Klamath
Fnlls-Bly stage line, la In the city front
Miami, J. Y. iohnson a patrolman. No. 3.
1 , -.. , o ....I- .....t. , trl..4l.
uunus near apvnecr tuuiu ui nitiutm
river with Harry Pearson in charge. No.
I. Lands between Odessa and Aspen
ljtkowlthM.il. Wampler In charge.
No. 5. I Jim! j along west side of Upper
lake with K P. Haral ton t patrolman.
The tlmtier companle do not aim to
shut out camper nnd hunter but have
adopted the system in order-to do away
It rained Wednesday night, and oat
Thursday morning tba rain toraad to
now, and an Inch of the beautiful aooa
covered the ground. Tba good wtttUf
the ground got, with all protaacta aa ara
go to pre of a continuance of rain for
the nest week, make atecy ona waar a
broad mile. Silver Lake Laadar.
Working on Plant Again
Moore Brot. ttartad a force of man to
work on the power plant thlt mornlag
after having been thut down for teTtral
day. Tho plant will now be roahad to
completion unlet unforteen conditlona
should arise and cauat farther delay.
If your eve trouble you, tea Wlnteta.
wT"t M.Tt.
. I,, "'Tt mouhl-: ,
The proof of
the freezer
it in the
The White Mountain Freezer
inakei more cream, better cream, and makes it catier
ami (draper (Inn any other freezer on the market
"A J
-. y
l H
v ,
' 1
' VI
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