Newspaper Page Text
I 'I flv! lfc.iSl J&A -s Ml til :!J 5 'i Mh 1 Wl'V'ii J&U8 v.? A' THE EVENING HERALD 1mm4 aallr. ntract Sumlar. kt Um Herald Publishing Company W. 0. SMITH. Itef subscription rates Datrr.t iaall.airaar. . . . . paiir, nr mail Mipwnuii, Dallr. br mall Uu month. . . I Wll Im MAll MMkllL Jallr, fellvmd br cartW. a wwk. .11 How to RBMir.-Uwia I-mtanV. mM orAW, nvnm gnUr, iwronal ckxk en rw local bank, umaa, colli, or cunvncr. Nawarartm t.w or Oaooi.-gartkn Wtot Ik lav of Oncon pioiUm kat wtwtww an nimroiitnilllm a nwpapr ahall mall imnnr to anji vwvon In Uto 8UK without Ant Mwalrlna- an ordr thmfor. nieh navuiatwr kail b onmd lo br a aift. and no dM or oblwa. Hon anau accnw uiuui iut (mn "" kl Mvapapor It tcrlT4 br Um parwo to whom HUnatornot. TUK80AY, MAY Srt. t. The anti-Taft publicity bureau issued a "prophesy" declaring the Taftitcs' claims misleading. The statement asserts that Taft has only 300 pledged delegates, instead of 584. and thus the war goes on. Senator Piatt has made the positive announcement that he would not be a candidate to suc ceed himselr at the expiration of his term a year from next March. "I am winding up my public career," said the Senator, with a deep note of sadness, "and I cannot tell you with what regret I shall retire to private life. But it is decreed." Senatcr Bourne expects to at tend the Chicago convention, but says he does not know at present whether he will go to Chicago prior to the day of the opening. Senator Fulton ex pects to remain in Washington until the time the convention opens. Representatives Ellis and Hawley will remain a few days after the session closes then return home. MARS 50 per cent, vegetable matter. Klan,aths greatest basins at 20 per acre and upward,. E,.y Tern,,. " HI) ', T, ,,. W. II. Clark " ' ' """ C Chairman Sherman of the Ke- 3(l n,iativ... i i i. I,. ,. Cranio IttCOrDOrated NoVCttlbtM' '?i mT publican congressional commit- - 'hmj..... c r. Urophy uiwijiviwhi . it tun :', 1900 tee to como east this fall niuli HF i. I in..- . ";" l .-.-. n .... , mmiuiiirn in Nhw England nnd i IWV utCv, i Hi-' s. ii.kii, statement or condition I campaign in New England and i other Atlantic states. He 1ms , not given nn answer, as his duties may prevent his accept ance. His friends regnnl the invitation as a decided compli ment. Mr. Hawley will go home as soon as a.ljourrlment Hikes place. He will not attend the Chicago convention. Unlike the house committee, the senate committee on the Dis trict of Columbia is favorable to prohibition for the national capi tal. This fact was developed in a hearing just given by the com mittee on pending anti-liquor bills. No prohibition measuie is pending before the senate com mittee, the house committee I C ml.- I. -i. l Will-on l.loliii! out lil wlioli ,i. , k nl ll.itliitlhein tln-lhei ll "I'rtir man. tme you nu liroilu'r. Iter.. eomlus or iiliv.- -.N'ouent till " "No miutu .r uiK-lrY "Cotue in think of It. I hai nti nti do" la In- Llllit to JOiP' "Oil. iTj" lie li'U in.- with lilm 'cry Milliliter' Hi) .. . aawaaua. . . - not yet having acted upon tlint J ntl uo " ws" measure. The senate committee is considering two new excise1 bills, one prepared by the i.nti-1 saloon league and the other by ; the commissioners of the disti iot. ' Ftcl Dltr. "I rut- tlir oxin-rt nioi. Hint .'!" will m-vcr lo by lion in Ions in otu- can uit ii i-Urflr tvlivn lilra'flf ati.t the ktliR of U-al." "l.OOkll KltUpf.' " "It l almiilo." Say, 1 woudiT If n iiiouotalii uouM A distinguished honor was conferred upon Governor Cham berlain last Thursday evening, when he was chosen as the rep resentative of the Portland lodge of the Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks to attend the meeting of the grand lodge, which meets in Dalles, Texas, the week of July 12. At 'present Governor Chamber Iain holds no official position in the lodge. Just now there appears to be little doubt but that it is Senator Cake of Oregon. Once the cam paign started it was speedily seen that the oft-boasted per oral popularity of George the governor was not so almighty toutas it once was. Various things that some folks have known about our chief executive have come to light, and a lot of folks are today doubtful if George was such a whale of a man after all. MBBlaaiaHBWalaaBBW Representative Hawley of Oregon has been invited by An article published in HI Constitucion, Castro's official or gan, declares that th? real cause of the trouble between Ven zuelu and the United States is the desire of the administration to force a disagreement so that President Roosevelt may be re elected. If there had been trou-! ble with Japan, it says, "the President would not have ie-' tired. If trouble with Venezuelu reaches an acute stage Roose velt would remain in the presi-' dent's chair." . Lift. When tir. Ii )ounr An J jar la Urv V Klo It toi-cu. Nor In a ca.o Kiuy to hlJ Th Wtil thlnj. IKitli fjr and W Wo jUdnfM nine. Wl.jn llf. I. oM And law U VlnJ Tho mirth vre hoM. Wttli artrra comtlnrJ Thn lininlm Ami vainly yearn Tor jor and glto To maka rtturn Th Timid. Lion. A Hun tnmt otrr UN inlluli:lit mi per talkcj tioi. Tlio timid lion U tbu only unv I fear." lie anliL 'TIjp trw. piu'nnrUiu. i lion la my Joy What n aliow In- Klrrt tln p.Nipltf for tlii-lr tnotii-)! CmuIIiu hlilrotnlj, wrlukllnc lil kxviw tact lu ilrradfill unnrK inianlilni; lil tr'tti and i IbrrritruInK to atrlke iu- with hl pan-. ho fw. through hla trlrko, mid Hie audlcnco hrld In n ilvllclouo u 'ponop half boplne, half fnirlni: that lurs Wanted i C l Willwn l In Hio i"iKrt for nil kP ii of fnr. foi which h" will ly ,ie iltln mark, t prl.-.-. AMri' Win n Klatimth I'iiII. Ori;.'ii. KlamAth Idlla Pii.Uc llbfaf) llu- Klamath Knll I'uWIc l.lhrnry l np.-n i-M-ry nft.tnoon fnmi 'i to fik) 'o'cliH-k niuliiioh mhiIhit from M t ' 10 oVIoen. A ronllal Invltnllon In l.-ndol to nil Mimmons in tin-riiriiit I'miii of tint sii 'i ilt.'Koii (r Klinialh I'.innt). John Ivunti plnlnlill, . Aninn-U I. II Koonti .Ii I. ii.Uiit, -oilt In r.iilty lor di. or..- In tin- iiKiiii-ol llic atato of (rritii: Yon aio liri.l'J t.-pilrrl to ap-ar am! aniMcrllipiviiiplitliit III.-.I i;alnt )onl n I ho all". . rnlltl"! nll on or Won-1 timU. Jniu- l.1lli, IWW, li-liik' U' luliln pii-Killi'.l In llu-onl.-r (or pnl llmtlmi ol iIik iiiiiinioiii,lhr tint pnlli itilon ol wld. Ii Im-Iiii; on Sjloid., M) -.'nd. It"1', and II un lil - ! aiianrr. ' .ir want IIh-h-I. ihf idalritlll will apply lo Um- coiiit lor llio rrllfl ilrnikli-lnl In Ihr ounplulllt. Ill.-I hrl.ili, lifwitl l"f i drcr.i-.lli'id.liiit tin- Uiiid. ol inalrt rtiitinu' N' pLilnllll ill id ilr Irn.Iiiiit llil.aoiuitioiiaW ..-rtrttli) pillilkatlon in tin- Ktt-i.uiit lli-iald, h) oidrr ol lion, llnni) I. IVn-.ui.;.' ol tin-Clr. nit 1'oiiit ..i tho lint judirUI ili.tllct ol Drrv'xn. .I.ilf.1 .Mat 11. ltH, whirli or-1 il.r nipiii. .iiiiiiii'iIi. to tr' piillllir.l ini-p w.ik fur i iiuiM-ciitUi' irl from thr I.I dav ol Mj). P.HIi. i.. i.c.wirr. Altonii-y lor I'laliitlll. , Notice for rubllcatlon , MnayU- tbr ble brut.- will iht-r u:r up Power in the hands of the iwfore tiwir tj- .l, Iniuniini.llm1 "Vc, tllf tlcrCC lion nllri- n Utjt. postmaster general to censor the nltncUxv tun, ut , .,,, 00. press and to throw OUt Of mails' -ii,,. tmM lion. Jmt whru yon naut any paper wnose editorials rmc your u-t now. n-m winmpt-r ll. parimnit ol tin- Intirlor, I'.S Land (Jllio. ljlfl. ir Crruon, lay Ift, l'H, Nutirt. 1. Iirroliy Kltiii that Allrl llarroon, of Klamath (alia, llrncoit,, wlio .hi Nm. N, I1)?, ni.dr lliiil-r ami application, No 101., for SKli did not like is the effect of tho',T,,u ,orrur at ,t"' crnck of ,h" wbl'' Ntt'- f,'',1"" -' ronmilo 37 S ma not HKe, is ine ene 01 me nn)) fMnk oSf w he tlinhr,t , of lUluv, ,. W M( ,.a, . nyi amendment or the postollice ap- ,l0 nei. ad. turnlnB It bock to jou. " ,llut! ,tt intention to maU llnal I'rool, propriation bill as "fixed" in the i lie ilonn ntU bury It fan- In lt paw ' ,., , tabliali rU.m to IU land abuts .Ir. conference committee, where it;':.:",",! . ..... iIKm, i fun-r.Mmty cii KUmatii' haa hnnrinrfirn ftp (tovnrnl L .. . .. t . ... . ' w .. HMrifiiMp . -w. w... ihij Knnnu ,u wti i m vru known dtys. '"Any matter which, in'iodoi uptiwid Hods v ir. !)oii the judgemenTof the postmaster , .."l'SL JS? general, incites to arson, murder ' uij-i,, lIo for j0u."-.nw orifiu or assassination, "is, according rttuwDemocrat. to the proposed amendment, to, be interpreted by the postmaster general as placing n paper in the same class na those printing matter which is "indecent." Petition for Liquor License at lin oilier nt KUnialh l'll, Ofn,, on Hi- lllh iliy ol Aii(uit, l-ils, 'C'laniMiit lialn.aai wn'tpa; Julm 11. I i-rali:li, ol Klamath Katlt, llrrtcon, T. J -Mini, of Klamtlh I'alln, Ornfnri, Albro Jaint'on, ol Klamath I'allt On- k'nii, Um. Cailiili-, n( Klamath Kll, liei!iii J: . Wtik. HrtiMi-r. .' 18 For Sale TO Till: IIO.NUIIAIU.K tOL'SrY t'OL'HT Ol Till: STATK Ol OlIK (.OX FOIt KI..MTII ColNTV. I Vio the uinlcr.U'tird, ti-.nliritu ami Iwal olrr ol ttm prreinrt ol UikxI I!1T, in tin- Coimtj ol Klamath, Hate I roller too oflir donk-, ISj 1 Urc - o( Oifjron, and atinil thru in, ladiradrik, 10; couch, f5; S Mandt ofni,,, (mvo nctiiallv nf.ll il.m-M. bccialficach; No. S kitchen riinuii , r morr llian Ihlil iln iminHlatilv aewlng machlrif, Iron lieiUteaila, bureau rtct jllli: t(a. jalu 0j ,mB , nu,,", extenalon tabl tlclea. and nuinerouii otlit-r ar- Mim. C.T. Uov.srv, Cor. 8th and Waili. St. IN THE LITTLE PRINCESS BBaiBaaaaBaaaaaBavaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa KBHHHpipaPMl You get more room, more cooking surface md convenience than from any itove ever aold In Klamath f alia. E. VIRGIL & SON Dealers in Furniture and House Furnishings. At the Bridge on Main street Professional Cards DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Ofllce out Klamath County Hank C. F. STONE Attorney at Law Oflllco over Kitoinc.-, Klamath OrK'on Tel I nioNi v till, pt-lltioti, llu hrltht ritieitftlll lietitinn jour honoralilo Ixxly lo K'laiu and i.uo to Jamia II. Wlueler, u rt rt ilulit ol raid pricinct, a lirenrn to nil plritona, lnou, (i-rmcnted or null l! uon In Irm iiiamllU-i than m.u pillion. In tin- preclmt uImiuiI'I lor a jtriul ol lix moiillir, from thuSrd, il.j o( Jul, I'J03. Kotho It In n hy irlii n hy Hie nmlcr nigiitd, thai Ihia -lition uill In- pn tciitid to the Count) Cmit ufuu-rniil at thu court room In tin- city ol Kin- math rail., Oicroii, n thu lit, iIkv oil July, A. II. IWn, i.t tin- hour of 10 DR. C. P. MASON o'cloik u. in. of ruiil iliiy or hi noon then xlltr in-i-nld petition ran lm heanl Dalul Hi! 10th ihiy o( .May. I0CH. .Iiiliuu II. Winch r. Falli, D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney ul Lsw KLimalli Folia, Oregon ! Deniist . American Haul. ,' Tin. I ( . lluildltiK XAMHH C. K. Hot Ko It. U'i... N. J. Jotiumni David Ilaiuli-y .S. II. (iunlii.T j. i:. Von) O. !' Voho K. X, Uompli-r Frank Uouipli-r I'aiil riroii .1. lOinail M. P. Mornau XV, M. Thoma'ou Djuli Braunaii I.. 0. Draku It, A. Moon G.T.Gray Walter Dixon C. Gray M. II, HeH G.O. Hill O.S. Hojt W, J, Jamison K. M. JainUou J. L. Voio John Gray XAMKS .1. M. lluu-rj- II. H. Io.le O. II llumh Ami Dropu . Halphll. l.uiiKtiin I.. W. (.'opidaml Ira KiikIu lVh-y Colu Win. M. hkiui I), (I, Courtm-y II. J. T-uvi llluo U. U. Noah W. II. Norton A. I.. Mi-Inane J. A. Gibson Clark Win, Di-nlou i M. Denton Ixrn Denton I.. C. blumoro .1. II. Heig F. J. Oden Jon. IlenU: Ituho Whlto Trank Sllvora D. Ryan CENTRAL CAFE Open Day I and Nlflht t Private Dinini r.irlor. Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON. Prop. Klamath Falls fi WIncma Truck & Transfer COMPANY I urnlturu and tnnno rnr.Ir.iii., moved. lioKKoeo waifon ami general droyir.if. Kivcn iirotnpt attention. Iluaa to and from all honta. I'hono 10D .of tho Klamath County h? Klamath Falls, Orq., DECEMBER 31, 11)07 RISOURCES Ixmna and Dlacountu S3-10.r UonilHundSocurltk'H Real KHtntv, RuilillngH am Fixtures Cuxh and Sight Kxclmii;o UJ.S20.04 I'l.'lfi.lO 10 ().217.09 ?5U5.010.5l LIABILITIES Capital Stock, fully puid $100,000.00 StirpltiH and Prtifltri 2 1.75.l.t 1 Duo Other llitnkri ;iL,,O00.(J4 Di'lwItH '1.205.-10 $G5,00.5j - . I, Alex Martin, Jr., ( aihl.r of tl hank, do aolemnly awear that ll inriit l Hue to the lir.t of my kiioM'. I. AI.KX MAltilN J i Suhaerlhed and awiiru to U-fon o of Janiiat), llarl Sralf f II v Notaiy I' OFFICERS !-! ALEX MARTIN E.R.RIAMIS ALKX MARTIN, JR. LESLIE ROGERS - I'rcMdcnl Vice-President Cdihlcr Ass't Cashier Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin -Mtf THE OFFICER E. H. DuFAULT. Proprietor Cholceit of Wlnei, Liquors mid Clears r Cater to tho lieltrr rlaai of trail -f rKtocfila the inoat critical. You'll notice u " '.r mrrsfti try It. Juit the place to ilnip in ' - '.cliff lirf- age when you nee! a tlinuUn- -.n t( i" klnda for family trade a cUltv Ready for Inspection Our line of Carpets. Matting Tapestry, Linoleum. Art Squares, Tabic, Lounge and Stand Covers, is ready for inspec tion. Something entirely new Also Silk Float and Feltolenc Mattresse Brass and Iron Beds-Adjustable pen cil woven wire Springs, the only thin for hot weather. Polshed Oak Dining Sets and all oik Rockers. W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. George Bishop Phone-Store, 61 Residence, lG.r (WAS. K. WOltOKN I'reaident M. WOHDKN CWili-r I KKU MELUAS. VI:e-ITMH- The American Bank and Trust Co, ,mn mtB " Jilfl.I,IlIIII til.iS'BSliil! COLBURN & YOUNG Proprietors CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. BtliaM Main lireci ik,s5dlSfai