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THE EVENING HERALD taaavd dallr. axtst Similar, br th Herald Publishing Company W. O. SMITH. Mtef subscription rates Dan, to man. a rw. .... litn Otllj.briaaU ilinwnllK, LM DaUr, to mall. MirM month. . . . t.S Daily, to matl a month, . . . .10 O.II. MIm4brwiW,timk. .11 How TO KMiT.-8nd nataflK memy dr. avtM onicr. pmml clwck an rnr axil hank, .lamp., coin, or currvncy. Nawaranm Law or Otoo.-Stton MR ol Ik law. of Omton pnnrUa thai wMimw anj awmeantreillna a Mmpaiwr ahatl mail .eh newrBT 10 any (non In thla 8tat without lint roMrliur an crdr ttorafor, Mich mnrapajwff .halt b ilwiMt to b a aW, and no 6Vbt or obi lea Im akall accrue aaalnat aurk Doraon. whUir aaal oawoiapor H irll br Um ixtms to whom Kb ml or not. WKDNWDAY MAY 27, 1WM. THfAMTT The "Anti" published in the interest of the saloon, has made its appearance and on account of the personal nature of the arti cles, haa caused a considerable amount of bitterness and hard feeling among its readers. The sheet is being generously distri buted and will probably be read throughout every portion of the county. While the Herald does not agree with the Local Option peo ple that prohibition is the solut ion of the liquor question, we can hardly condone the method of fighting which has been adopted by the saloon men. We cannot believe that the bitter personal attacks will result in changing one vote on the question, especially in fuvor of the parties making the attack. When an individual is condemned in such languoge that is used in the "Anti" it usually results in forcing his friends to come to his support wnetner they believe in his fight or not. mnw. pwajawvt CKANGK TIM Of SUCTION One of the measures to be sub mitted to, the voters at the elec tion next Monday which should receive their careful attention, is the amendment to the consti tution of the state changing the time of holdintr the regular biennial elections from the first Monday in June to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. This measure should receive the support of every voter in the state. Take the present year. We no more get through with one election than we are starting in on anoth er. With our nominating and general elections for municipal, county, state and national offices, strung out through the entire year, it is impossible for all the people to find time to go to the polls and exercise their rights at every election. If the county, state and national elections should be held in November, it would be of enough importance to bring all the voters out and would result in a great saving to the state and counties. MARSH LANDS Oregon's richest soil. ..... .1 en .- .... .ml iinufarrl. Facv IVrttiB. A. 50 per cent, vegetable matter. Klamath's tjrcatesi uarsnins hi ?iv n -k- x tho newspapers of the country of giving the news of tho Hopubli South Son and in nil probability u now squadron, to bo forinod on can national convention this year , tho Atlantic coast this summer will be $260,000. Although the will sail to KiikIiuhI ami the convention is still three weeks Mediterranean. off, tho preparations for it have i been put actively under way! Do nvt fonrct to vote for tho with the opening of hcadqunr-lnn,ro,rin.ian for the state Uni- M. I . P.i.h.r W. II. Clink I. . C..(i I. A. CtltlHK II. J.n' C. ('. I!tiiliy (i. I., linn J. II. !"' U .s. lliMltf ! 'I' Kln 1 ' ." .....' 1"" V. 1 Will-on Im'IuMiii! mil 111 uiiihi' milii gunk ol liiur ilifiii n tin- vli'ii" eat. I' I ten last week by Secretary versity wilcn you o to I ho polls Lfovcr 01 me nauonai commiuee ' lurs Wonted ! ti U'ill.,,1, I. Iii tli.. inuiLiit for nil 011 Mini ' v iioxL If vou Imvo ! , ' ... ..... 1.1.1. 1... .,... il... and the letting of contracts for nottiinir elso to irivo your oliihl-' t,..-i. .t i.inrk.t ltIco. Addrew him at red, white nnd blue bunting. lVn, nivo them tho ndvantauo of Klamath 1'nlN. Outrun. From the reports that have been Retting an education, which will received and the record of reser- flt them to hold their own in vationsatthe hotels it will be lighting life's battles. the largeat political gathering . ever held in this country. It is likaly also to be the most fully, -cm renorted if the demand for nress ig nnv IniUi'ii. I )' --- 1 i ," tion. The news associations have iSt..i. ' ' announcea unit, mey win ueeu more space than ever before, and the papers which ordinarily send only one representative are asking for places for three or four. at MlJnls'il-' i U-ia:t A A.. JLW L.JAI rNL Klunirtlh I itl Pu.bc llbrar) 'llio Klamath I'lilta I'utillc Library la injii'ii ivory afternoon from 1! to (luTO ' o'rlock nndeiich ovenlnif fmm tl;.'lt to 1 10 ii'clnrk. A rnntlnl Imltnlion U i' 1 (I'tulnl (n nil. C"X lloln'tiilan Miigatltio Mimiuuns In llio Clti'iilt ('mill nl tin' Slnli' l niii,'nti lor liljumlli Cmiiily. Joint KimiiU pliilnlKI, . AmaiiiU r.ltii Kiiiiiili'riiilniit, mill In t-iiill) l'ir .limii'i' In tln nniiiii u( llii' .litln nl Ori'Knu t Vim me lirti'bt tiiiiilul to ai'ar mi.! ntHHiT lliiM-i'iiiilnlnt III11I acnlnil )oiii ' 11. die nliii I'Mllllnl miit mi i.rlvloti't Aliinl.i, J 11 lie Mill. I WW, ItIiik lli. l 1 lil il.iy iitr.cilUil ill tlinonliT (ot .illi lllilllxll III till llllllllilll.,llll' Ill't I'lllill-j iimii nl hIiU'Ii U'lnt; 1111 Satiirilay, May I ! Jul IWJU. 1111.I l( m full hi to nn.wer, ' J fur h .int, I lio lilnlnlllt will I I in tln omit fur tin. ii'livl ileiiiainliil In 1 tin- iviiiliillil, llliil lirlrlli, IihhIIi fur, '.1 .lii-iit. ill. mil 1 iik tin' IkiikI' nl matil , mmiv I'xlilln i W-lni-t 11 I'litinllll ninl ilr-' 1 (i-iiilmit umlllni; I In .iiimiimi. I. .i-nnl by piitilifiilloii "I Itimik'ht yon I hi lliu llvi-hin lli-riil.l,li)iiiilrr nl linn, , i-nl.r ui) ilir4 Hfiit) I. r-iii.ii. Jii.lifi nl lln'Ciiiiilt '('iiiirt li.r lliu lint In.lli-I.l illiliicl nl I "WVII 1 illilii'l ti-nii l.i." ..-lit lliU)n1iMn..l,tt.-. Mat M. llW. wblili or-, , i-ii.ioiutir, uui your- 11 lue only iliop , ,irl ll1luil 1.. ....i.ii.i.-i uni-n link i-.iiim-iiiIii. Mi-ek. U ! Miiy, tlili. A L. I.LAVIIT. The goverirjrs who made the , greatest impression as strong men at the recent conference of , Ht c-t Cvtn. ,, . 1 f .. A Krour m Kiillly or H.inn. rutin r governors were Hughes of Now, mr,, ,iracvv a , u.r nml tlll. York, Fort of New Jersey, Folk ' itiT .iiiiuinii out of itio atnn-. rwiriue of Missouri, Johnson of Minne- , 'Y",1',in iiuiii-r. .um in noirr ,-., c ...... , If" jour itoor. wwlii!" sota, Swanson of Virginia and ,w ,,Wi ,,.,, ,1P .... ...r. ,..,, Deneen of Illinois. Other men i)a:n tin-ikhmhU uf usir. mml0 n irnitil imnri'Ssioii. hill ' "p,,r '"" ' ""' " these half dozen would probably ! Urr(. I1(.v,r B0I1I.M0 be nicked out as coming men in aKainV the future politics of the country. mree uj inu mm i iukiiw, In i .,. wIikiv t nm r..i tth.t I Tsl . HKll I.V II llMilH lift,... ' .1 tt t I ..... ,...!.. ,. .. ..... . ....... 1 ..It ... 1 iiuillisuil uiiu ruin iiiitc uit-n ".mi. inn (.v.... m (ji riiiiii- iiiiiiw dim f . .j j( considered as presidential possi-' - l,,I 'i."-i' Luic-r. . bilities for this year. These three, together with Denccn, , uiuiewtaod Swanson nnd Fort, are con sidered possibilities sometime in the future. Tim rra.on wliy women ilon't try to All.iriii'.v fur I'lalntlll. tblns I. U-cntiu llioy ilon't wnnt to loio llielr luteroit nor I thrlr itinllty of Iwln; liiteresttii: Notice for Publication Wbiui liuurlen Im-vouiv ' tlcn. tiece.-ltli'i oftt-n tiiititae. ti-rrllitn proUtelii. Every land owner should vote "no" on the amendment to the Tax law. The measure is num bered 322 and 323 on the official ballot The amendment pro vides for the exemption from taxation of all buildings and im-' pruvemems, an muL-iiiiicry usl-u for manufacturing purposes, all tools, live stock, fruit trees, vines etc. In fact it is a step in j. Home iiur ar omit, but not on the direction of the Single tax jar""- "re nam and to remove taxation from in-1 dustry and place it on land Petition for Liquor License values. You do not want the farmers and the landowners to Tin: iiu.uir.w!.i: cuumy L'OUJIT or Kuini) meu are burn uljj nnj otlieri are born liainlnoine. I), (arliiiiil i.l iln- Inlerinr, 1'. ,S ( I.Mi.1 Olliiv, l.akt-tlt it ('(i-k'-in, May Ifi, l'.H, Nuliin I. hereby lilieii tbat AlU-rl llanlKin, nl KUmalli Kitll., Orrk'nti.! 1 ulin. nn N-i. S. 1(1)7, ini-l.. ilmli-r ami .tiini! ailiemioii, No. 101, for N'D'j i.SW',. .N-ciInn '.'. Tonmlle 37 ... K.nsiUi:., U .11. M,i, 11.1,1, ,.. fllol imtiiviif Inteiiiiiiii to make lliul l'n.f, I rU.m In (lie Uti'l almio ili ' v ..7.. . i. J kiiI, U bin! C.Hiiity Clerk Klainalb No umii il.iy ... .,,..,., , ...'... .... ..... ... tile fool oflener .-.-""' .....-... r.n.,w,e., Iban n fool ploy many ii man. pay all the taxes. on Hie 1 1 tli iMy ol Auvilit, l'l.i.l I'lainiaiit iiainia a. llhi--r: Jnlm (i.l Si-lmlbck, of Klainalb r'allt, I liivm,' T. J. Klamatli Fall., OreKmi, ' Albrn Jainltnn, n( Klainalb I'all. Ore Ikom, Win. t'ailijle, nf Klainalb rail.,! ' IIhviiii, J. N'.Wii.ok lt,-t;l.l.-r. .',1s Professional Cards It Is estimated that the cost to Tin: stati: or inn:. (.ON FOII KLAMATH COL.NIY. Three American warship fleets , w'e ,,,u "'"J;"'.,''i. i.'i.l.-i.i. ami will cruise in foreign wateradur-1 ,,,. . ,i. -,. ,. . , .-, . , .... , . , .. I isui-r, in llic totiiiiy ol Mnmmli, f-uiel Ing eight or ten weeks next fall. tof Oiennn. nml acmai n.M.i. I When the Atlantic fleet Of seven n.l!io lmo actually n-.lnl ila-reinl "'cu "vir Klamath County Hank teen battleships is ready to do- mr morn iimn iiiin iint, imiiKiluniy nart from Austra a for JaDan i''-u'HiiicuaiooiHiriiinB ami lllii.i; , DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist IN THE LITTLE PRINCESS II. Ii .... Iltl..n .1.. I I . .1 II and china, the armored cruisers;;:;;,,-;-;;;,-;;;;;,:';:-; squadron of the Pacific fleet will and i.m!v to Jame n. Wbn-icr, u nri begin a cruise to Samoa and the' .lent of mi.i inirinct, iin-nto to n-n I'lritoui, vIiidih, ferine nli'i! or mall lii nor. in Irri riiaiilllie limn ono ptllon, I I C. F. STONE Attorney at Law Offllco owr KMtufllci!, Klamath Kalla, Oregiiii rTkiEriifiNr I -J In tin- iirt-clii(.t' fnr n pcrlinl of ilx month., from th Hnl, ilay ol July, 1WS. Nollio l bin-by flien by the iimli-r llfiicil, tbat lhi -llllon uill ,n pi,.. ventt-il to llio Coiiiily Cmut alon-.nii nt tbo t-niirt room In tint city i.f Kl.t- math rull,Ori-Koii, im lint I.l, il.iy ,,f July, A. I. Iliw, .it tl,. ..,r f 10,'DR. C. P MA COM r.VlHk a. m. f. Hi.l ,Ja, r , ,.. I MA!U tbeii-ufler iK.nlil K.-lltlu tun be hem. I I ii I ii I llil I'llli iliiy uf .May. I'UH Jiitne D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Kl.imulh Falla, Oregon You itet more room, more cooking surface d convenience than from any stove ever sold In Klamath Falls. E. VIRGIL & SON Dealers in Furniture and House Furnishings. Bridge on Main street At the na.mi:s 0. K. Iloyt Hot It. Who N. J. Jobii.ou Davlil Ilnmley S, II, (illllllMT J, i:, Yoso 11. V' Vow I'. X. l)ouiiier l-'rank Douiiiler I'll 1 1 1 I'irronii J. II. ftnurt .M. V. Moi villi W, M. Tliuiimtoii fiuls Bramiun I.. C. Drake It. A. Moon. G.T.Gray Walter Dixon C.Gray M. II. 11(31 g.c. um G.N. Hoy t V, J, JainUnii 11. M. Jainlton J. I.. Yoso John Gray II. Wheeler. :;a.mi:s J. M.Hmery II. II. Im.ley 0. II Hunch Ana l)ro.o IIjII'IiII. LiuiKKlnn I.. W. Con-laml 1 ra I.'iikIu We.ley Colo "in. .11. Mceim D. 0. Courliiey II.! D. L. Noah V. II. Xoiton A. I.. Mellmte J. A. Ulbion Clark Win. Di-iiIijii I'. .M. Duntnii Ix-e Denton I.. C, Hlsmorn J. II. Ileielg I'.J. Oden Jon. Ilenili; llubo Whlto Kruuk fcllvtiH D. Hyau Dcnilst Ameilciiu Hank A 'fniil ( ,,. ' liuililhiK CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night J'rivaic Dining Parlors Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. m at ajBMapajaur AB1 Incorporated November Statement of Conduit . i. . nl llio Klamath County Klamath Falln, Ore, DKCEMBEK 31, JU' RESOUKCKS Imim nnd DlMCouiitii $i,, Howls mid Sccurlticii i. Honl Knlu, IIuIIiIIiikh and Fixtures i CiinIi and Sight Kxclinnno 1 1 LIABILITIES Capital Stock, fully paid Surplus and I'rotUn Duo OtlitT IJankn )'HIS(H $10'i ? I .1.' I I.l $5b ' I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cn.hler of bank, ilo aoleintily aweur Ilia1 n mriit la I nl ii to tlin beat of my Iiioh AI.KX MA1ITIN Sub.i-illl ami in lfur, nf January, lV-iK Seal f r Nnlnty Putii. 1000 k o o U0 II '0 OFFICKHS ALEX MARTIN E. K. RKAMES -ALEX MARTIN. JK. LESLIE ROGERS Vict Ai.' Pioneer Bank of Klom. 'iusin THE OFFICu E. H. DuFAULT, Piopnn Choicest of Wines. Liquors .t t !ars Cater, to tint U-tter rlaaa of l.-a-l tl! moat rritlral, Vnn'll nolle try It. Juat the plar.i to ilrop i . IC when you nret' a aliinulm ' klmla for family trailn n apeclalt t?it4 c IfW acf U Ready for Inspe ion ane:lry, . Lounge t mspec ur line of Carpets, Mntlir Linoleum. Art Squares, T. and Stand Covers, is ready tion. Something entirely i w Alao Silk Flois and Feltolcne n tresses Brass and Iron Beds-Adju . c pen cil woven wire Springs, the o..y thin for hot weather. Polshed Oak Dining Sets and ull oak Rockers. W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. George Bishop Phone-Store, 01 Residence, l.r).r) CHAH. K. WOIIDKN I'realdent M, voi:di:n Cnnliler 1 1) MKL1IASK , e mild" The American Bank and Trust Co, Klamath Falls G Wlnemu Truck & Transfer COMPANY lurnlturu rind pianos carefully moved. liaKKaitu wairon ami L'cncral tlraylr.if. AU work Kiven prompt attention. Iluan to and from all lioats. Phono lo:i COLBURN S YOUNG Proprietors ' I ; ' A Safe Si C 5S I i r litt LB..J. ,Mt.lfi 9 M HlPnTn A nl-Jl LrPBL K3! i- ; -'- - - tJi ti&mmi ' CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. 8th and Main Street LhC.'tvitiwS .' jl - - )f.., . ...-, aflJT J (0 W rr jr.fw'