Newspaper Page Text
i ,1 I'M a z ( jfoitly Kcnil Inpr In Klmth KhIIh .... W Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . ' V W. i WJ "'' . mv :.2, L00NI,yKA...No.5:, KLAMATH FALLS, OKKGON. THURSDAY, MAY 28. 1908. -"k Price, 5 Cents. )i Bbe ftoeitw wall.. FISHING IS SUPERB Williamson River Resort Will Be Popular Place This Summer rkFllllr Ml"" ,l"" '""" h1' Ml....n lll)f (Idling ""Hi Jitter- .' .11.1.. Ill. rrcelilly liulll a ,-tlJ.llllon "' ''" ' " "'' ' m" d pwittou loghe eiceiiriu mrac la-ituimall laillrtwlto waul lu en- u, Ik. Mi. "''",,"' ,! cr" '" .Ml. ll "'" '" '" (Mtlttit the catnl'" la "' "P on Maift" tcroiiiuU lolli I'inic the cSkawn tlrrr and Hiring creek and ktMfda number ol lent to hi MilpMDt. Nrr lU have ln put Mlht iWimtxl vcrllilntf U now In rotate'"' ",r,Jf 0". '" opl from thl city ale, already nuk ing arrangement to ml a lew wreka tt tliU opulr mort tills Hummrr. Ho far few (miujiIo hatu been there thl year, lint the flihlng It rireptluiially foot ami the few who hale been there hae made Urge catcher. Mr. Milvlr liti alio riuuV arrange inrrila whereby hu will meet parties at Ilia Klamath Agency and tonvjy them In tit I cio it ami (nun (hero they ran ecu re accommodation to go to Crater likn, Tim telephone line lu the I nor I haa tcn put in good condition, giving cauicre and plraturii erekera a illirct communication with Klamath Full. HAVE SALOONMEN ANY RIGHTS? Uper Dealers Want to Know If Ihey Arc Not Justified in Resenting 'Bitter Personal Attacks" llwtvilliiut) Jit; t hare jmt lew linn ol taci III aattir t your editorial on "The liiti"! Yoaasyynudu nut believe llitl (lie IllU'l Miter, tutorial attack a will I I upon ltli let or, you comment wtorlilly ti lhl'itlon ahd.alnrc tf bow lb Herald to be lair In all mttrn pertaining to the clty't affair mktoalljuu hare not ten much Ibaeftlr and tnurli tint U personal ilkttck on n by tli otlirr f teeke tin- local option taction baa km cotopiinic the taluon men with bV,lkMiou U Inge, raiting ahailowi tmiy -;t! turn, taylng we have aarlgkt to lire Not content with tide tUtpiktrttTrn take up the iiibjerl ol u boon todogmallieand to rlander. local optional aratter lltoralure, l ui unto thieves, imiidrrer l aurcMiti. 0ywj bclleir, Mr. Kdltor, we liae rihta, no right to meet tlielr "hitter 1 ittacka '" Surely not, vet one 0iU think ao from rraillng your villi We remained silent ami we be til waa Dial illrnco that gave Ilia IWal optlonlm rurogiagement to go (' llli their attack and then tit dn idJ aay r aro iak r on i,.fi.,,i.. t,a anli.. m not tin.-, why Jo Ihoy not I ndrtN In the opi-ii i-ouru 7 TUey LJfilor they know w apeak the It 't.lhought Ihry hail u j Inllinl'Utnl ami wr were alrald to ile frml nur own. All we atk of theni,ol any our, la that we i;rt a (air ami honril open tight. ( Vmira truly, Tin hiliHDiur. Prospects in Lake II. A. llrattaln, llrpohllran ramllJate (or ItrprrtvntatlTe, wrltra that eery thing la 'aroraLU (or a llrpuhllcan vie lory In take county ami ejcclllv at 1'ah.lry, Hhnr Mr. llrattaln rrthlrt. C. J. rwluglr, llrpuhllcan nominee lor County Colilnila.loncr, haa gone to hla ranch In Ungcll Valley whrrn he will iciiioln lor acVrral la)i. fJni jiiiiU-rl, (or many yran the grnlal clerk at the UkcaUo Inn, haa gono to the OM tioMlera' Homo lu Call' lornla. Thu roillainl Hlore haa rcoohcM a hlg line ol anil raca ranging In ptlce from 11.50 to fV Alao tiunka ranging in price Irom (S to .13. Don J..umwall haa returmM (rum Dorrii ami Ml. Hebron where he haa been laying out acre tract (or the Klam ath Development Co. Mr. C. J. riwingle ami daugliteJ Mlai Oka ataito-l lor 1'ortlaml thl morning where they will remain during tho Hoae Peatlval. (lllhert Drlgll leave in the Morn ing to take In tho Hoae Carnival. vjK-a&& -m Viv K fe K- Kgw fcWWB tSttL' afat St W HlMka9aVl When WALKOVERS Go On Troubles Go Off All the new, up-to-date color and atylea At Klamath Fall Belt Shoe Shop K. K. K. STORE Whilfe Agency Walkover and Napa Tan SHOES Corning his Homestead I'. M, I'rieit, thaliiiiiMiim axptit lo- Closiny the Compoifjn Onniil lhiicloairigcrnta ol tho ram uitinl on n h'iiiK'tciii m-nr I'.onann I ii.ihni u ill 1. it - ,.,,! , I..II mil lew inontha ngo an I ln In. huMi nl. Merrill tomorrow night. .Venrlynvvry nut there thl fprlng hnlhliiiK a Ih.umj niplraut lor oltlce will Imj lu nttondanco nml h half ami It will nNollkily h their lait vllt mi hit ranch. H Iho mill- (rom hli plare to thu nrarrvl mill ami the trail In rly l0ugh ami rocky, hut Mr. I'rhit hni pacLeil evnry alhl of lumber lie hat iitnl In hla home Irom the mill to hli hiilMlng ulltt. It vim n alow priK'M hut the mail to hit placu la eiienllngly rouh nut rocky nml It take I'IkIiI mill') of ilrlving to Ret Irom hit home to the mill to hu ilccMcl to how gol fallh by paiking llm lumkr on hi ih'iuMrr. lie might nl meil TRAVEL MANY MILES log In ImlMlug the home hut he pre- j there la mery atiurance that the ferrnl fr.ine nnl in onh-r to have II lint j will he n graml auccet. nor kill haul lor u-ral weeka. It can not Ueal'l that he In ri'it ahirlel out loearn hit hometeal. to that part o( tho county. Tho Itepub llcaii' il thnl part ol tho county on; thoroughly organiieil ami tl.u Democratic! camlUatc have put In their time o.iilt I'nrllclpanls In the lltlcal race are liberally in Merrill ami vicinity, and It beginning to real lie that It I work to being one of the largvtt precincts In tho' , , . . . , , ... ' run (or office and expenaive work at rounty itlarie'tto Klamath Fall the battle ground (or political M.cce... All 1 1,mt' Mt "' the candidate, been of the candidate who can pottibly net,""11'0 - ,or "l0rB !l,-n wo monih away will attend thl rioting political , "d In ome luetance have driven al- function In Tcile I. ale precinct 10 thai! roost a thouiand rnlle. W. A. Delwll, Political Aspirants Put in Much Time on Roads of the County lie-in Work Sunday Searching for Brother IMward Lannlng, ol Cryttal Ijike. Ill , Tho barge lor the new dredgu hat been I launched and mott ol the machinery In- lance it),,. Democratic candidato for County Clerk, haa kept track ol the number ol mile he ha traveled, and at thl time it ia approximately nine hundred. He, liko mott nl the other political aaplrant, hat vlelted every aection o( the county and aome place a number ol timet. It i eafe to eay that br next Monday be I will have covered more than a thouaand tailed. V. II. Kent lu charge of thu marth work alnte thnl hv Sunday he m liialliii, m.i .fr...l (.. fl ... I I.I- I I.... ' .. ...... . . , ,", '. win iMrtoiKJinoi int. iirc-ige- working, ,,,, .,r I)e,.e htd no Opooltlon l.rry.wbo left home M-ien Jear. .go , ,, ,, th two ,IH. he expert, to ,. ,. nomlnon .nd ,, M(,toMy lor the Northwett. Ihelatl heard o( ,,,),,. rapid .rogrva on the work. , lilin be ji In Klamnlh ral, bill ll la I Mlt-u-il ilmi he went to Modoc County, ' IiurCe--JamiS0H ('!., from here. Helt now about twenty- , futir)rJraof age. MIt Maud Jainltnn and Mr. Oliver '"' . l'iertc were unltcl in iriarrinitulaat night Marlon Hank, accompanied by Mr,. at tll0 ,mlne ,,,', bride', p.renta, Mr. Ilanka, left thl morning lor I'orlland I ,. .... .. ,. ,.,,. . M ,,. that aome ol the Republican nomuMea who made an active caaapalgn for th nomination have travtUd greater dl tance than that cortrad by Mr. Deltall, even though bo baa been on the go ateadlly tor MTtral week. Bert Wltbrow, the Republican nomi ne for aaaeteor, baa been on tho go for almott two month tad when the cam paign cloeea he will likely have tnor mile to bit credit tbaa any other ol the men In the race for office. It It expeaav Ir to make tbea trip and the politi cian art beginning to Ice! the tteady drain on their purte. Howtver, tbey art all taking part in the game In a good natored way and at thl lime none tetmt diaconraged with the outlook. CHANGE IN MAIL ROUTE MONDAY where ho will consult a eclllt In rr- contracting partie have a large number I Orders Have Been Rectved by the Postmaster Transferrkf Mails rrom Pokegama to Dorris Route gard to hit er which hap given him a 0( friend In thlt cilvnho with Ihcm' great deal of trouble ol late. well. IN CLUTCHES OF LAW mint be taken and It I .likely tho owning ttock will be called on to pay a feed bill it the method of caring for the lock In not changed. BRIEF MENTION Forger Mendenhall Has Been Sentenced for Five Years in Mexico Mrndrnlmll, the forger, who ot rated In thl rity a (en montht ago hn come tiigrirlln New Mexico, The Otero County Admti-er puhllthed at Alamo gurdo, New Mexico ha the following account of hi arrrtt and ronvictlon : Fred Mendenhall, the all nroutid crook and check a rlitt, who ciught n REDUCED RATES TO PORTLATD One and One-third Tare for the Round Trip From Dorris During the Week of the Rose Carnival Carey Hamaby i again on tho tick list. County Surveyor M. D. William It at Merrill on official buslnea. Tim anjtlitl mlilrh ia have been number or prominent men throughout, Pre.brt.rUn church thl. the territory a number ot month ai;o u I.. ,vl,i..l ,,, evening, na.ueeninuenniwiymieii.wu. ." IHMli; -.. I .VI . ! !V "J Sierr.i County, (or .wlndllng tho ill. 1 Large iiuanlltie ol vegetable, are now Hid attorney o( the county out o( 50. ' being (hipped Into thl. city, and the He lentenced to five car. Mend- home productloa 1 alto beginning to eiilmll waa arretted at Douglas and aupply the market, brought to New Mexico by Win. Dud- y. Maf0n an(, c u McCamber icy. oi mo . m. moumcti i.ce. , r.urnii rrom trl l0 the timber and to I.ikevlew. They accompanied Kattcrn timber buyer whe were looking (jr inveitment. ltrglnnlng Mnmlay the Southern Paclllc Company will icll round tiip ticket Irom Dorrl to Portland nt one and ono-thlnl fire. The ticket will be good lor' ten dayr and will givo tho ivopleo( Ihla tcctlon an oporlunlty to attend tho Koto Car nival. Tho ticket will e on Kale only on Juno Ul and :ird and nil parlieH do- alrlug to take advantage of tho .pedal I rate ahould go on Iheno day. A number of coplo from Klamath Fall will nvnll thnnielve of the low rate and thl eectlou will ho re presented by a large delegnllon. Jiiuie IMwardH, who waa Injured a abort (lino ago by n premature exploelon of a K)nler blast, getting along as well a could be expectod. Ilia hand was ro badly lacerated that It I very Mon th heallnp. (I rand Campaign Hall ot tho Opera Houe, Saturday evening, May 30. Thl will takt the place ol the "qrab" dtnee which wa advertited for 8anderon' Hall. Ticket 1 .00. 0. It. Carlock, editor of tho Merrill Record, ia In the city en builne, He ayi that local option la one ol the Im portant la.ue at the coming election In hi town. Everything the latest In Summer mil inery will be found at the Stilts Dry Goods Co. Complain of Loose Stock Loose stock ha for tome time been an annoynnce to properly owner in thU section. Tho ortlcer have aimed to keep it out of tho city and their effort) lme liceu tnirrrtsful to a certain degree. However, in the addition to tho town, and especially In tho Hot Spring tract where tho feed ia good It has been im posidhlo to keep out the largo droves of cattle thai como into the town to graze. It is not an uncommon tiling to tee as high as tlfty head of cattle ou this tract at one time and a large number of thu ninall tree that have been planted on tho addition have been ruined and killed by the cattle. Other parts of the city have .uttered In a aim liar manner and even the remeterlo have been Invaded by the ttock, It has !;euu auggc.ted to the owner of tho atock thai they imiat herd their cattle or el.e havo them im pounded. Thl luggestiou ha not been heeded and probably the next move will botolockttp a Urge number of tho runabout. Chief of tho Police Low ha on teveral occasion driven the cattle Into the country, but he ha found this method useless as they return toon to the city and it additions where theie I. good feed. Complaint about the stock are be coming so frequent that some action Hulie, the Photographer, will pre pare background and tcenery ipeclaliy for making graduating picture ol the public and high tchool claate. Price right and aatlafactlon guaranteed. Jeff Deadman, ol Silver Lake, arrived here yeiterday with the alx bear dog belonging to A. 0. Duhme. Mr. Duhme and a party of friends will ttart out on a hunt tomorrow. Fifty doren necktie have Jutt been re ceived by the Portland Store. They are CO and 75 rent values and will be on sale next italurdayonly for 25 cent each. Only two tie will be sold to every purchaser. The change In mall route which gota Into effect on Monday wUI bring all mall Iroa the Booth Into tbU town twenty hourt earlier than ante the tcbednle now In effect. Tba aval! from the North will be four hour, later, If tba train .ar rive on (chedale timte. The) mail, ia due in tbla city at 7:90 In the evening, bnt It will arrive hare aocordlag to the train tervice. It the train are late tba mail .will be late la reaching tbla city. The order for tba change waa received by Poatmaater EaamlU hut night and Monday morning the mail will leave oa the boat going by tba way of Dorr!. The etrvlce will get better aa the rail road improve itt tervice and when the water it reached, thl eirfv will have aa good mall tervice at can be expected un til the train begin running Into Klam ath Fall. The Hot Spring Improvement Co. hat completed arraagemeaU (or the construction ot cement tidewalk. la the addition and in about tea daya a force ol men will atari ia oa tho work. Tba present plan ia to coattract teveral thouaand feat thl Bummer. Mr. and Mrt. Frank Groat and, ton arrived in the city hurt night from Baa Diego whtra they bad been lor teveral waaka. Thar "l be tba gnat ol Sheriff and Mrt. Obaachaia lor n kw daya and will then go to their home. Roy Hamaker returned laat night Irom Lakevlew, where he bat beta for teveral daya attending to butlntea mat ten. He taya the proepect are good (or a Republican victory! Lake county. o7?T Mi""t?!a . The proof of the freezer it in the freezing The White Mountain Freezer make more cream, better cream, and makes it easier and cheaper than any other freezer on the market LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS & HANKS T HARDWARE DEALERS u V.fiii Mi 'ft si r w s'i I VI a t.t " ' r 'fA Al fill r ! I M n i i t i il sU 9 mm 4 0. r' 4 UtJi ; ! -A3 fe fi vr Pi mm '. i,.y.