Newspaper Page Text
MM ill ME EVENING HERALD laaued dallr. mt Sundar. fcr Mia Herald Publishing Company W. O. SMITH. Cditor unsciumoN hates IWIr. hy mH. rear. 'J-j I mlr. r mall l month., . . . f JJ IW1lr. Iir mall. " month. . . . llHr. Iiy mall. a month, ... "K .ily, iMIr rV. . .1 llnw to lirMiT.-Send IVaioflir money tlr, i ,r. onlcr, prrnal check n ur local mnk, .Irrona, coin, or currrn ex. NnirtrM Lw or OarooN.-PHon SKMol ihalawa of Orrnpn rroiklf that hnvrr anr m.miccmtrolllnit a Mnrir,MiMl nU rw-vrair tn any ix'rwn tn thl. Stat without IL.t rir.irlnir an itlr thrfor. Kich n.wirr .le.ll h .lwnl tr tw a tf U ami no ilM or iWUf (n halt arrnw aaaliwl mfh rorwn. hthr ukl nwiaprr W twrlwd bjr tha j-mn to attorn It Urratornol, Tl ll'lti! DAY MAY . UW THE SOLUTION In "-last evcninjj's Herald we made the statement that we could not njrrea with the Local Option people that prohibition was the proper solution of the liquor question. Since then we have been asked if we could olTer a better silutlon. Our re ply U that we have a decided opinion on the subject and have Oregon's richest soil. g-f ,i nil ii TITiTr MARSH LANDS 50 per cent, vegetable matter. Klamath's greatest bargains at $20 per acre and upwards. Easy Terms L l-J. J LX-r-Ji.TS . ABEL m Ever since Secretary Tuft gave j . iumii.. many uwt , out the announcement that he 'that Mr. ruitun . it.i, jrt o favors the limclisht of publicity h'Mi.c, by Hkmou Mr. (.ko , beinu thrown, on nny and nil 1 1 hi homo miy thatl... i. a. popular political campaimi contributions Uit-wMr.ntliimilu-i.'. Mr.Cak.. some of the alleged statesmen ( l lfotvlnk- tl party ot.-. who delude themselves into the Conitit'ariiiat W. I. Ililiy Hut belief that they are running to hi wi t ..-ml lilirlilc; in lcilil their respective parties are look- iwot.l l In- ..laiforni. ins askance at each other and justtro oi tin suiriino tviirt It. s. asking, "What next?" Many of i.0ll w.j, ,, ,iveA mention. them fear tnat the Belmont plan of publicity may b. taken up by Petition for Liquor License TO rur iio.M.iiAiu.i: county cornr .r tim: statu ok one i.os rou Ki.AM.vrn coijmy. V till' Itlnlfialltilfl, ll'allli'lllf- Mill lflSnl VOU'IK nl Hi'" I'tPClllfl l W''"MI ItlXt'l, ill tin' I I'llltl) ' Klamalll, Mull of (lii-:iiii. nwl ncllil inddclil Ihvhdn, atululio I it actually it'ldid IIiimuii iiinio tliitn lliltlv daa Imlimllalrly i.rtctnlini: lite lnl ( Ia:iilni( ami 1 . . i . ...... in lit'lfiiy iv.h-viiiiii "the leaders." and made such strong and prominent planks in the Republican and Democratic platforms that national and 3tate till. tH'iition. ii" inMiOiy iv IMlrvHiul rKUimiiiilliiiiiT-J.V.'Hlll.iii)tir Unly In ttiaiil IUily'u itl.o .. Winn, r. I l l"" '" J"""- "' Wl.n-l.-r. a if.j- It. It. CVmn...lniUT- I". K.('u..l.MI tlritlnf .ttl.l .lftll.Cl. n llr.-h-o tn -HI ntllUnl cllllill.MIii'l. I.TIIifiiif.nir man i" 1 tmra ill lrrKiHiilillll' Until Brtl. Mnitmn fur tin rMili nml l i l- tin- aiiit)oil nf llii t-ntltf iurt). riiHociililik' Allutiu'V l. V. Kntk.'it campaigns may hereafter give ,iali, h rrixtituliif Aitntni'v, i irm't few, if any, practical opivortun- lictlly uiiiutui niouiini. Il l nll itics for the political grafters iititiiilil un.i KUmittli ami ui.M.miii- who thrive on on ei. forced "a: the salaries of ornment employes and isscsj- gov- lug con- - - - I cniiuciiL L-iiipiuyca aim iiik tviu no hesitancy in stating what it ' tributions wheedled out of bank is. In view of the fact that the United States government legalizes the sale of liquor, we contend that the saloon is a legitimate business ing, insurance and other ations. corKtr- ie nu In lo iiMitnlnlrtlnl on li.txini; liOffii nlilo In l:tCf aiu-oiiivtiiit nil nl-lorn.-y In tiomliixtlnt. fur iln plin . St.ti Semtor luM. II. .Mrrryiumi, ai Slnli Srii.tlor. U it li'ilii; uini Sluli-s- tllllll lllVllIK ll'IMil IM10 llTlll ill lilt' l.utv " "" " " cr lluiitu uiiil .l.'iiiiiii.trittol liia itliilily. Teaching city children how to , Mriiintitntui--Oiir Jtuit' lt-i- become iirntn-iint ns faniiow. . n. p. i!..lti,nn ami II A. This being although many of them have itniit.tin, aiitftinncrawlliUtr. an.1 wl" J the case, the saloon ShOUlU 0C vr Itoon nn n f.irm or visitivl i.. il .1... I, . ..,.!. ,.n, conducted as othoV places of bus-!a rurai district, is what the nub- i siic,iir-v. n. lutnc. i..iiIiimI1iu.i In llll llio nlllrc, litullii: riTMil ninrt'iia ir of I.tkv County, aUn jailrniiy itii-titl. Hi lilt it k'""l .'liicatinii, i nit nitlrt, Hell ao.ii.ilnlisl wild nil tins nr rounJInu county nml initkc nn t-illrii-nt ollircr. Yiitc fur him. Cuti nl Clcik CM!. IK-Inp, luCuiint) that crime Is it any .i mess are. It is said in darkness. then that the saloon with tts.sitiesof uacK rooms, irosieu winuowsann screens should be the scene of more disorderly conduct than the gi-ocery or clothing store lie srlinnl of Pttii'iniiati nrciliiim bteeds to the little urchens of the city reason ' who never knew how the neevs- life, such as potatoes. corn, wheat, onions and fruits are grown. Astounding revela- In tlif iM Hurt n(iitrnlil fur a rlil l x iiimilliii, fti'in lli 3nli il)' ol Jill, I'JlH Nutki' l In-ei-l'J k'lti-n ) llu' iiinli-r liiiuil, Hint IliK ittltloii lll I"' -iitnl In llio County t Villi afuirlil tl lliei-oiitl loom In tin' city of KU iiMlliKalKOriKon, Millio I"1' ''"' '', July, A l. W, nt llio limn 'f I" tiVUk . in. nl "I'l ly "r ""' lliviraflrraaaalil 'lltlon ran I lirat.l. lto.l tlil Mill ility of .May. IHW .lainiti II. Wlnf li-r. sa.mi:s tions came to light recently when it was discovered that ant CU-rk. U ui-ll kiumu to miu all. Iiavlm: wnn ineir open ironib pnu pupils in the district schools, al- Vivt tliU omnty a. S.lnil Miiln plenty of daylight and sunshine, though wiser than many in some ten.t.nt in .iy tlut I n i-mlli to Mm Crime cannot long withstand things, never knew that potatoes ' rlf. llv ii mm ervln. a lK.mty fUvr the light of day. Tin abuse of lyrew in the ground, watermelons "' of tiiUt-ounty ami i knmui m l a the saloon business has been jon vines etc. ' iiirouitliiy iniioiii man. - made possible by the incentive ' ' sciitx.i sutiintfii.ifiu-J. o and protection given to lawless- The Republican national con- a mm that lia ness on account of the closed Lvcntion will probably have two ufon tin imMur for tin? p-m ilvoyt-ar an lui-ii rniiilriHnialy SA.MItS C. I!. Hoy I Itov It. Winy N. J. .tolitituti PavM lt.tiiili-y S. ILditiilm-r J. i:. V.inr. tl,K- Yo-o I'. . hiiiini'r Kiank I)uiuiicr i I'aiil I'imoii. J. II. Muait M. 1. Motwaii W. M.TIiniiMnii bulla llraiinan I.. C.llrakf It. A. Mihiii ll.T.Oiay Waltrr DUiui CO lay M II. Ilrm (i.C. Hill (i.S. l)t W, J, JaiiilMin front Take away the screens and frosted windows and partitions and run the saloon as any other business. Let everything be open so that ho who passes may see, and the saloon will regulate itself. You cannot stop a man from drinking if he so desires, but take av.'jy the protection from publicity, of the screened windows, and you will be sur prised how many people will lose the desire (or drink. There would be no drunken rows in a place of this kind. If a mun was disposed to stand at the bar until he became drunk, the pro prietor of the place would not let him. We do not expect that the average saloon man would favor a regulation of thi3 kind, as it would result in such a decrease in business that instead of thir teen saloons in Klamath Falls, three would bs sufficient to sup ply the demand. woman delegates. -Secretary ami iiaiaccomiUiieiiuiitirfliiiucai-l ' Dover has received a communi- lonal Ilia, llr l wrll flit-.lfur '" j0j,,", c.rav cation from Idaho showing that i'1"0"' ' m. p. pmkir there will botwo woman alter-1 .-or-iiiii:.viiliri.w,aa.Mriii-,j.W'.cl)r, nates from that State who Will ' "r, U the rilit man in tliu unlit pUrr, II. .S Jon.-. luvlii-r htmiI a iiitiulivr of wata in tlii ' Ulr Abstract Olllco ami fiavint; n complete' attend. The secretary is prepar ing to show them marked honor during the convention. aUtrncl of i-M-ry pivcoof ilnilfl Uml U S. llt-olK i J.M, Pmciy II. II. I-I.y (i. II llunrli Aa Piopo lUlpli II. jUk''l"ii I. W. CoK-lii'l Ira Piiitl.' Wf.lry C.ilr. Win. M. kr,l l C. Cuiiiliiry ll.J.-'-awtili.-p II. k. Niuh W. II. Sutton A. I.. Mi'llioo J A. HIIh-mi CUik Win. K-nliiti I. M. Hiiitun li lifiituii I., t". Si.mnri .1. II. llr lk- K.J.O.Irll Jo. Ilr'iltf ItilU Wliltn Prank r-iUfta l. Itjan W. II. CUik I.. A. Ctan.r C . Propliy J. II. IVny .-. II. Kiiitt hlaaialh laH PulBc library t I.. .1... mm..., ..... .1.1... I. M..-t.l,... In. . ... ..... ..... ... .1 ..-.,.... ... ...... u....,., ,...,.,.,.,.. ,...... ... i ii,u Klamath KnlH rubllc Library la i Governor Huehes has sinned ' '"Oer Jtiilgf tlio v-luo( nuiciiioiliaii jutn every afternxn from ! V W the bill making it a felony conduct a bucket shop in : state of New York. tj ' nny ntlit-r nun u- kuotv. Ujl County Trvamier I. Alvn lji", ai Tri'.uuriT, l well known to you all ami In- point! Willi I'lli.u to lil. p.i". lecnnl. When the Republican national i CountyMnvoor-M.i). Wiiiiama iiai tiAtioantitn mnulo in Pn nrtrf itM i I .n ruM.a.. .! I an !. . 1.11m LUtll WiltlUII lt.V. a .fatv IMV i ITVU V'lia'iiltVliail lailMV lu "ariv delegates will find a regular iiuiiivlilo t.rm of oiii.e. Hi. wmk OOUippeJ pOStofflCC in tilC Coli- , rpeaks for llll etliriency. seum building. Secretary Dover has arranged for this with the postal authorities. .aVKaaaaaaaataaMaataaayaa-tBaiaaaaBa-iaiaaaf Republican Candidates U. K. .S-nator Hon. II. M. Ckr, am tJ. t. Hunator, In all that wo can atk for In one canillilatu. Mr, Cako is a man of pluaIng appearance, nn eloquent upeakcr, a man that timIeritanlR tlio IN THE LITTLE PRINCESS You tjet more room, more cooking surface and convenience than from any stove ever sold In Klamath Falls. E. VIRGIL fie SON Dealers in Furniture Vnd House Furnishings. Bridge on Main street At the County Coinmii-ioner-C. J. Kwlmjlt' Ii a pioneer nf Klamath County. Hula :i contcivaliio bu.iticta man and lini ma'leii ucrrt llli hit own liutlncra veiiliirer, mi I It l fair to nf utno that hu nlll iloaa well willUhu county liilil-liera. bummons In thu Circuit Couit of tho Slntu nl Oit-Kon for Klamath County. John Kooutz plaintiff, mi. Amanda Kiln Kooiitztk'feiiilanl, unit in equity fur illvorcf. In thu name of thu tnto of Ort'm: Vou arc htreliy n-qiilreil toaprK-arnm. nniHcrthurompluliil Hied nKulnrt yuu in tliu uIhau I' milt on or liofurn tatiirtby, June 13th, WH, U-inu tli- hot day pn-eiilHil In the order for put llitttion of thin niimiHiii", tho flrat imfili e.ttlou of Hhleli huinc on Hntiirihty, May L', WA, aii'l If ytii fail n to nimwrr, for want thi'teof, ihc- plaintiff will apply to tho eijilit fur thu relief ileinundcwl in the (OiiiUlnt, lilel herein, to-wit: for n ilfcrcM .llt.olviliK thu homhi of rrintrl moiiy exhtiiiK h'tween plaintiff and ilu (endant. Tlil ninuiioiiH In nurvol hy puhlicatlon In tlifllyOiilni; Herald, hyorder of Hon. Henry I.. Ilunaoii, Judttu of (hit Circuit Court for thu flrat judicial dintrict of Oretfou, dated May lnt, 1W8, which or der require vtiriiiiiorm to hu puhllnlied oneii ;i week for lx conteciitive necks from thu lat day of May, IVrOH. A. h. IXAVITT, Attorney for Plaintiff. i.'flnrk nml nrli .vintlit. trtm C HA A 10 o'clock. A rnnlial invitation l r. ' tended to nil. ' C. I), Ulllrun l.elu.liiu nut hi. Hlmle-' ill atix.k of llqiinra rhrap a the chraH I. tl I Professional Cards DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Oflicc over Klamath County Hank C. F. STONE Attorney at Law Omice over iHintofllce, Klamath Kallt, Ori-Kun 2500 Acres Tree Thu Lakeildo company hat 500 ucien oi laud under tho Adarnn ditch Hint It will kIvo Ri:XT FItEE for onu year. Thin includes tho uae of the land ami water. Tho renter mutt clear ami place the land in cultivation. Tho rent er gets all thu crop!) but we reserva tho "rlfdit to pasturo the atuhble. Tho Lakeildo Company, J. Frank Adami, Manager, Merrill Oregon, TcicriniHi: 19 D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falla, Oregon DR. C. P. MASON DeitiJst American Hank A 'I nut ( ,,. ii,ng CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining I'arbrn Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON. Prop. Klamath Falls G Wlnema Truck & Transfer COMPANY Furniture and pianos carefully moved. HatfKat'tt wairon anil Hfnerol dnr,g. All work Kiven prompt attention. Bum to ami from all bout. I'liona 1(0 COLBURN & YOUNG Proprietors Incorporated November aa, looo I Statement of Condition of tliri, Klamath County Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon DICKMBIR 31, 1007 RESOURCES Imns nml DIscoruitH $340,0:10.(10 IJonda und SccuritieM . G3.52G.04 Konl Kritato, DulldiiiKM uml Flxturw . . 14, Ciwh and SlirhtKxohnriKo l(JG,247.(Jl) SB85.04D.5I LIABILITIES Capital Stock, fully pnld $ 100,000.00 SurphiH and I'rolltJt 2 1 ,7011. 1 1 Due Other llunkri .'12,000.1)1 Di'lHwItu .. 431.205..1Q $505,01 l).r, I I, Alex Martin, Jr,,CahlT of tin- U,, Mi,.,d hank, do anlrtiinly awear that the nlnne '. la I run to ihc heal of my ktiuwUMlne nmll . r AI.KX MAltTIN, Jit. (a.i SubacrlhrU and awrorit to tx-fun im tin. i u, of January. Itaw. IScalf C II. Witiiii. Notary I'ul.lli fur r.t OFFICERS ALEX MAltTIN E. R. REAMIS ALEX MARTIN, JR. LESLIE ROGERS President Vice-President Cashier Ass't Cushlcr Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Choicest of Wlnea, Liquors and Cigars t t Cater to the hotter claaa of trade, ltd nullum; to offrnJ the moat critical. You'll rmtlre thn ihltrrrnre vtUnynt try It. Juit the ptaco to drop In for a tefmlilrc Utrr a( when you nerl a tlmulant. I'urf nUiri of t3 kind for family trade a (eclalty Ready for Inspection Our line of Carpets, Matting Tapestry, Linoleum. Art Squires, Tabic, Lounge and Stand Covert, is ready for inspec tion. Something entirely new Also Silk Floss and Feltolene Matlresse Brass and Iron Beds-Adjustable pen cil woven wire Springs, the onlything for hot weather. Polshed Oak Dining Sets and all oak Rockers. W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. George Bishc Phone-Store, 61 Residence, 155 ? CIIAS. K. WOHDKN I'rraldont M. WOItDKN Caabivr I'ltKI) MELHASK Vlfr"PrMUn The American Bank and Trust Co. i i , I,, , ' m W fa fS flfe s ? 2 B,,A..A.A.t.ilJt iS llll si It I ill ifM CAPITAL. $100,000.00 Cor. 8lkui4 Mala Sired VJ iiga