Newspaper Page Text
II I ntfCW"llB"" IfrtlMS-ll"1"""" "" " Ph:-"L- rOK BALE I. .11 lutiitlllU I mr.K (""ry , , lit ''"" ' '''T .. I...... kl.lllt. U LlH rurnii"r - F,t-AM ii'illi 'I"M H"" i.i fjii ,. tawJwn-IHI'" "" "' I III! '"' . una Hl'llllllC t-To"""""' il,BMfr,ll"K4,""n,'S,U itDjonrSlt- imh ' ,tllrllkin",,"J,'"r,' """' joMltUlmr chair, i V,,',.u."i". W,l!.!W C.ll.lllililoli Mice tor rubllr ailon .i i.l iI.k Inlril'iii ' H n" . . .. StfrUlHruf iliu-li inn rfiiwri ,, cl KUnnlli mil', wrr-giui. .. ... IK):. iiiiiIk Umber ami ,rtlrtll..M. X" I1"". r N:i '. Net km .', hiii" ' ni .if Will. Mt ri.lian. haa flli-l iilUlmllun ' '! llnl Proof ...(. rti.m tulhr laiel aUr lie J.UbifCoiinly (lnl Kliiilli itkiiolllrf it hlatiialli raua.ure., iu Dili Jar "I Aiii"l. IWW ulimf '""! Johtttl i nl Klamath Mia. OfriHUi In!o,oI Klamath I all". Orrgnll, IJlBiKin, ill hlatiialli lallainti , Cllli! i( klainalh l-alla, J.S.W!..iX llntl.ter. ft H furs Wanted i Willion i in tlir market fur ll kaf fun, fur whlrh he will pay the mirkrt price. AiMrraa him l kFtlb, Oregon. "Old Clothes." FACTS ABOUT KLAMATH PROJECT Treasurers Notice Uirtby Kiuii thai llirrn are latlitCMiiitjr liratuiy for tho ! lU ( til iiultiiiiiii count) nil mlrilnl mi ami irlur l 199,1900. Intrtnl mi tni will ba thli date. Jtt KUmalti Knit llil l.'.th ili il, VA. II, Air. I r I., I limit rii'Kiurr. lAimtNroniiu intkiiioii. iihl InunrL u&.kikwi.j. ii i u.. l .. lmnor inimiiiiN nr ri.liu lahi ""I'lW lt.-N.KU-. U Iim.I DtMWtlA. IbrilUrvuf II,. l(ill.. I... AlMltlWnlil iw,Lf i.f wlll.rf.Awbl ln ... IMM.H! K llliaal fur Irtlf. 77--" r in. Ml u, ,iui IT, 1MB IB IWMblfUilrlLA will. t 1II.M...I. SJ5"j'lk Mlmlna iWflbpil Umll HlM UfVaTufa. fiftjf 1 1 I. is iilL4iu . iMruuUt.iwi u.n i,.ttf,. nnaltr ClTJ5llu'.,Jkr,""",l,,J'i.!l "W,lll U raLJrl lu rtllnMnl udit.r KfiSTV' ' "nl1"1 Hiau.wi.nd I"UM. but ik.ll iw.i U uliiM't la ,. ss.'n'i"1'1. w ''": "jJCnprMily (Urn that ., i -o.. will f2aiii.i ihUiuJuimkliwi, tr2,fr".,.'"'U'IUi l-ln tv "Mtft!""!!. T, JW.. K. t E.. r rLzr." "'" " kit "t Sin Uiii i.f , Intrrtar Id, Oregon, or M-W- hlli, Oregon i's Plumbing Shop "tracting and Jobbing ''tcUin Lino of Plumb. UK Snia.l.l.l... .... - . - Workmanship. K0.U.W. Building -"III ,U wkson Hotel Frt Klamath, Ore. j"nroomg,goodbedit "Uble always aup- wiin the beat the tfford.Terma rea- -f L5Jfckon, Prop. (UtlKliml.) I mil llio linrilmt hiiIjiIiinci) kuown. I liavo ii trriin llnnn ulxiut im-, UiuiikIi Uiy mule urn imunlly colurlwrn. It In Ilia ruilly uf llil IIukh nml my Un I lint innkr hip very inlimlilu. TIioiikIi iio larger limn n lilckury mil, I am world tunny llioiianml dollar. I wnn Uirn In llrnrll, TIip Krai of Hit worlil, at Irnat of ilnyll.lit, for mo wa rnllliiii out with tmi', nint, rarlli ninl oilier mlnirnla fnlloHlim tlm atroku of 11 ilck. I lay mi tliu ground Uforo n workman, ll looki'il alxjiit him ami, iIiik lila fomiinn'a hack luriicil, pltk nl mo up nml put mo In hi mouili When liu i'ht from Murk ho una atnriln'il, hut I wua not illacuvcriil. Tim nml Accint In my llfu of motion, au l (peak, una In n nixxl, Tlio wurL liinn ln hml found me aolil mo In u man of livtlrr urnili' 'llm prko pjlil hi til) In Unit) Hlalra hllla 'I tin luall who Ixulillit luu took Inu In h riMiin, liKknl tlm ilr nml iitumliifil im carufully. I toiilil - hy hla rinia alou Hint ho uua iry much ph'navil Willi Hli Ho got a li l of avnliiL,' uttnalla from a iloiwt ami, ripping n poskat In lh lining of hi coat, put Urn lu anil vHfil in fait. I illiln't auppoao that 1 would atuy long In thla plaro, hut I ilhl. On Jy iolli'iiiau rainu to oiy owurr" mom ami arrratnl him, Id, waa not wrarlng tlio mat lu nblih ho bail atnnl Hip, It hiiug In a rlott. , luouth latrr It uaa tnkili iloun und with other clothing taken In Villa On I'rtucllm, nhrrr II aa aolit In a Jew A young in.ui "all Inllrnil ninl torn" Caiua Into tln Jew'a almp, tried nil av. ral roata, nml, I lie one I waa lu fitting I him, lie Imught II I IlilliU'tlie prion mill waa I'J Tlie young man walked all tlm wny In Itln, doing work hero and thrro fur a inenl Had ho known thai ho had mo wllu htm ho might ha rlildiu In a coach and four. When ho gut to lllo ho ahlpak mi a rraa- Imuuil fur New Harcii, Conn. I waa rolled, with other rlnthlng, lu a atuall humllit and put under hla hunk, be donning aallor log. When we reach ih! New llaxen my owner put on hla abort clothra, left tlm raae and walk ed up lulo the clly. He met a iiumUr of young men he know, and hy hi con Yrtlou with Ihrm I Iraruoil that he had Ut-u n atudent lu the college tlieru and hi father hud died Ituuhcut dur log the aon'a arcoud year. I'roin a tudent bo had hvcome a aallor, had ought nnploj incut In Houth America and bad got itraudetl In llraill Ona of hla old chiima loaned blm rome tuonry with which to buy n ticket to bU homo lu a illitaul city, Thl homo waa lu a ababhy lltllu cot tage lu Hie auburba. It wa both a melancholy and n hapy meeting be twevu the young mult nud hla mother ami hU two atatrra, They werv rl dently H-opte of refinement living lu powrly Their rvlurmil ly wa huu gry. but (hero wa uothlu. oo a I plevo of curn bread lu tlm houao to gl Vl.lxi 1l,Hv lrf,,....l Mm In .tnv with thorn, try for n portion ami help them. To thl ho coniftttiil, nud they weru happy, That ulghl afltr ho had gone to bed ouo of hi alUr took hla clolliet and at up Into patchlug and durulug them that ho might appear the In-tler lu looklug for employment. After the cwtng the look theiu ilowuatnlr Into the kitchen, heated au Irou and prtitaed tbtui. Whllo ruuulng Ibo Iron out tlio coat II uoo bit au uUtaclu lu me. Hue frit of me, took me to the light to examine the placo 'where I wa; tbeu, taking a kulfe, alio rlpcd tlio aowlug ud took uto out. Hvulug tiothlug hut a browulab alone, ahe Ihrvw mo Into a coal acuttle, but ou ircond thought took mo up again and put mo on a table. Thru, tlnlahlng her Iroulug, ahe took tbo clothe to her brother' room. Tb ueit mornlug tbo abowed m to (Mr brother and told hliu wbero alio bad fouud me. lie looked mo over Tory carefully, thinking nil the while, ami aakod bl alaler to aliow him the place wbero abo had found mo. Thou he put mo In bl KK'ket and later ou darted out to look for a altuutlon. About uoou be weut home. He met hi mother lu tbo ball. Ho wim pnlu nud trembllog. "Ob, mother!" ho exclaimed. "My boy, what ha happotiedr "If It ahouldn't l true It would kill lue." "WbatV The alouo l'unnlo found aewed In my coat Thluklt'g It might bo a Jowol lu tbo rough, I took It to a Jeweler. Ho ay It'a a dlauioud. A diamond of (bat alio la worth many thouaaml of dollar." Iio took uie out of hi pocket, and tbo motbor ami ber daughter gathered round, cacb trembling with excitement. "Don't count ou too much, dear boy," aid the mother, "If It I a dlatooiid, It baa a real owner, and you mutt find blm, but be will doubtlea give you a reward for II return," But Ui owner waa uever fouud. Tue young man wrote to tbo officer of al tba diamond mine lu Bratll, and all replied that tbey bad no record of any ucb diamond, though I bad doubtlea beta takou from ome of them when dug from tbo earth. Since none of tbem could prova ownereblp none of them claimed me, I waa pollibed, cut and aold for a fortune. Tbe young man went back to college, -., tbe atory of hi. return getting out among the atudent, tbey ga-e blm tbo aobrlo,uet of "Old Clothe." 0BBL0TTB BOND UX.UL. Tho Klamath Project Tlm Klnmntli Project is tbo umo tlml Iiiih been upplictl to tlio rcelnimi. titin of iilmul 100,000 nereH of land now , , l'lf tlm overllow of tho Klaumth llivvr ami or Lower Klnumtli l,nko titid 'J'ulo l-ike mill llm liTlKtilioii of about IcO.OOO nereH or vnlley IiiiiiI iiiljiieent to llm Kliimiith Uiver, iiIoiik llm courau or liimt Jtiver nml tho triliiilnry portion of tho (treat p InlMiu lyinitchlelly in Klmmith Comity, Oregon, but iiIko ciiihrnciiiK a jmrt of .SiNkiynti und .Moiloo Coun-tii-H, Cnliforniii, n total area or 200,000 acron. 'i'lm 1'rojeul iinhraeot the eotiHtnietion of n very (.rent niileiio of eaiialH, liilernlu ami drainage- cauala anil will huvo iU piucipnl hoiiico in Upper Klnuiuth liulfi'. Clear Lain- anil Iloraufly urn reHervoir Hitea uheru ilood water will lm iinpouiiiled and utilized for irrigation of Imitl juuliidctl in the upper portion of llm 1'rojeet. Work on tho main cmml waN htnrled in the .Spring of lliOO mid tlm III hi unit of niiiu inilen !h now com pleted. About J3.U00 ncrea of land will he irrigated fiom tlm llrnt unit, tlm Inter.ili for which are being roiiHlrucli'd under the Hiipervjinon of the cngincera hiivmg elinrgo of the Project. Uy far the largeat propoiliou of the laud under the find unit in now in fiagelmiHli and iiiiinI lm cleared ami broken in time for crop in the Hpring of JU0& Work on the nee oml unit in being doim hy the (lovernment and cm-hrnei-H nineteen niilen of main canal and twenty-Kix inili'H of lateralH to furiimli water to about liO.000 nilililMiiml anrcit of hind. Work on thin unit will ho pniHiTiiti'd an rapidly an pohKihlc. N'i'arly one half of the area to ho irrigated is now under water to a depth of from ono to fifteen feet mid will ho reclaimed hy a Hyutem of drainage to lower the level of llm rivem ami lakes. A large part of the Hwamp laud ami practically all of the vulley land in the Klamath llnsin are held in private own erahip ami aonio in very large tract", which muni bo 1'ild in tracts of KiO ncroN or lew under tho regula tions governing tlm perfection of a water-right. KLAMATH 'U For itn development and prot- UREATEST pcrlly tho Klamath BanLn must have NEED people, and the right kind of people at that. Ita groat need U intelli gent, practical fanners, who understand tho meaning of intensified and diversified farming; men who will buy land, not for speculative purposes, but with the idea of clearing off the sagebrush and mailing per manent and comfortable homes. Such men arc bound to succeed. Thcro is room for thousands of thorn. Developing .Sugar beets have been grown ex- Various ieriiiieutnlly throughout the Klam- Industries nth Valley. The percentage of sugar is high, iih will be noted from the following inuilvHis made hy theaUnitod States I)c paitment of Agriculture from beets grown near wigar in beets, per cent,, 21.7; sugar in juice, per eent.. '-'1 1 ; coefficient of purity, 8'J.l. I'perieiiee 1ms ilemouatrntul that excellent as parugus, oiiinns ami eehry can he grown, the tulu hinds being very himilar to those of the Sacramento ami Han .loaiiiiu Valleys of California, where Hitch vegetables are so suecestifully cultivated. Through, nut the world the reclaimed innr.slilaiid.s are the best Hinted for tlm highest development of dairy inter ciita. There is no quchtinu that this will become a sugar beet producing section mid that a number or facto ries will he built ami operated with the development of the industry. All kinds of fruit adapted to the temperate zone thrive here tipples, peaches, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, apricots ami nectarines do well, and small fruits hear abundantly and of excellent iinlity. There are a great many hinall orchards throughout the basin that prove the adaptability of tlm region to the profitable production of fruit. V.. L. Smith, former president of tho Oregon State Hoard of Horticulture, gives it as his opinion that (ho foothill lauds are .specially adapted to apple gtowing. Cultivation of tho potato has passed beyond the experimental stage, the sandy loam of the uplands producing them in great abundance. Klamath County wheat, grown without irrigation, took the premium nt tho New Orleans Exposition. Tho most important forage crop is alfalfa, tho soil being peculiarly adapted to its growth. Excess All landowners being required Holdings Must in sell their excess holdings, there Be Bold is n large area ot good land for sale nt reasonable figures, prices rang ing from about $15 to $115 for uuimproved, and $i!0 to $50 per aero tor improved land. Land adjacent to the principal towns comuinuds hiuber prices. The purchaser pays for tho water right at n cost of about $18 per aero to ho paid for in ten equal annual in stallmeuts without interest. This amounts to less tbnn tho ordinary annual rental paid privato ditch rompanies. Some of the irrigators of Klamath Vol ley (and they nro tho most prosperous farmers) have already paid out to such companies for water $60 per ncro and rwn no water. All of these companies havo been purchased hy tho Government and included in tho system. No pnblio lands will bo open for aettlement for several years. Olimato Tho upland soil is mainly a rich saudy and loam of great uniformity and composed Soil largoly of disintegrated and eroded lava with on admixture of volcauuT ash and dlutomitccoua earth, tho latter material of plant ori gin, formed in tho bottom of tho ancient sea which covered tho greater part of the Great Uasin, and of which Klamath Vnlley is n northwesterly extension. Such soil, characteristic of many of tho richest agri cultural sections of the world, iuoluding much of Italy and tho great plains of India, is extremely fer tile, and of lasting productiveness. Tho lake and tide lands nro niado up of a volcanie soil containing inuoh organic matter, a vegetable accumulation of ages, and is of a peatty nature. Tho olimato is oxtroincly healthful und not severe. There is rarely any Winter weather heforo tho hitter part of December, and but little eero weather during tho entiro Winter. Tlio nunual precipitation is about fifteen inches, with little rain during the Summer months. r S BUY According to Season .Groceries, the same as wearing apparel, should be bought according to seasons. You make no mistake when you leave it to us to decide which is the best at this time. We always guarantee satisfaction. Just call up phone 516" CHASE 6 SANBORN COITKES THX LEADERS VAN RIPER BROS. FURNITURE Our goods are new and attractive. ALSO THE PRICES E. W. GILLETT & CO. Hurt K. Withkow, .Vlre President Abitncting Maps, Mans, Blue Prints, Etc. AtXZNSUMK, Secretary Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation jlnglieers Don J. Zumwalt, C. E. President M. D.IWiluams, C. E. Treasurer Klamath Falls, Oregon East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Fork and Pomltry Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage' of all kind. We handle our meat in the most modem way In clean Unci and surroundings. Try u and we will be moat happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing In Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. Office on Filth Ursst The Gem Restaurant and Lodging House Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par ties. The largest and best arranged eating house In the city. Open day and night. WOOD WOOD Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 401 or K K K Store, Phone 174 - J. 1. FIELDER && rao4 Heavy Freighting a Specialty. Baggage Orders Arc Given Prompt Attention O. K. Transfer S Storage Company Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving KENTON & GRIMES. PROPRIETORS Offtoe 871 'HONES " BeeMsactMS '11 "i ;. ,F. itc X? ..! ,", HW "h ri , ,i.W Uix VI.A Vl 'ti. rfl v Mfrv ., v ' .A if""" 4 y 4 -:l i ! J till til yd i" iv hP PAii m "H'