Newspaper Page Text
tided Advertisement! rtAtMTAW'OlliAU ltcated V.A..iKI..,,.tl.MI lr. lrr-Ti1oi..rlir,lrrllruUM h".":. ...,... flim-"-- A Turn of Ihc Wheel. IDKULANBOUI So j'"':i"mIim rOK BALK & ,.u..--iU". '" .. Kline. II iflilWl"1" mmM N-A" "I",m IM,"r """ .. I.I fill 111 ,hmmlrniiii jl,tll,lionl.e. LTo .inrllHy " """J" I .. .1 . i,hiIii. una K)l bjHlinrin " " mlfftlllrn"".!- ' ... .!..... f.l.M Wlllll. MB Ml." " f J!!, on i.klii cl.alr.wie lM.ii.l Mf ""' "" "" '" M. Notice ror rubllcatlon DrLtrlaitM ' ""' ",,,1"rJ ''" L ,nm ULilK PregWl. May l&, Kr i. i,i.ii.iiv vUvn not aiix-m Uirii.'.l KUm.lli fall-, Oregon. ho, carta H.lW'.l m.IIMIIIIIWC .. kilt. rVctlon IV, Tnxmlle 37 H,. r" .. ii... i... mi i rli.imtl.ui lu liikn final 1'rixtf WnUtllili rlt.i.i I" Hi 'and ' d ni ,..... i .mute Cleik Klatnatt' htliitionlreat Klamalli fall., Ore,, L it., ml. ilir i.( ftinf.iot, IJS lilmnl Dim" "lli.i-a.ea: Ji.lui O tMWjtk, "I Klamatn '. nr. r.J.t'ulrn.ol Klamath r'IU. Ofi-gun, ikraJonlxtn. i. Klmlli fali.Oie r,Wm. Cailiile, Mainain rani., T- 1. ii, lil. IUTSIiht. in furs Wanted C I). Wlllton ii In the market fur all leaf fun, for which he will pay the km market price. AiMreaa him at ata Falli, Oregon. Treasurers Notice Ugllnlil.t'rrliir yitrii that tlirrtt air Itadi la the county Inanity fur ll.o re- ejtloa m all milaiatidiog county kirruti prolrtlr.1 on anil prior U fij 9, ItOA. lutein! on aamo will MMHOm UilllUll'. feudal Ktimalli Fall ilila l.'.lli ila (, H". I Atra l.i-l, t'oniili Treaamer, fTii:NroTiii:iNTKKioii.iiii. 'Uaa otnrL Wft.hinwf.rt. tl I UimIi t. ai Xonca or .c4tiutiin r rt'auu uinim lJTTUlf IMi tTar.Nllr U krW wim until twt.i.rrul ita UMW htu MN tMATtlnMllAl nnlv .it kllkJ.Wial In bh HlW tuolTnrl. l, fivlrrial. Hg..ntMv.f IK. Ml f jUM , W UI " " In nin-rllun tillh Uw HlHMIIl l doniliial bmdi III UurMr hki I Wr-tnfun nnallr llll !. HWHd aMUtlMMlkiiai.( lh- Unllail auuaiaiud it- ll.lw.Ul .K.U no, ba rakrt la !V "!""" unl'l lB,al IM ? "". wnr at lllttnrlwt Itrrvvfi, I tMatf llltasalw .Imm lLa. k - bill "j.Mlotiln or.i.rrln m- rlfkt wluil. 3J1TH r u.-iii.ii, or urruoalbn tacun -SKL1.M TK""' .! liTSVIR ,""ii I""" otwj-ni n-.i.LTi." ...IVJ.' . . . - NK oTriirT. ii-irrtii 14UMI vmem i AubitM HwrrUrr "f Uw InUrlor C Helming & Co. ur Merchants ManhfUld, OrHoN, or Waauth rlli. Oreion Zim's Plumbing Shop Contracting and Jobbing Firtlclam Uno of I'lumb. "V Spcclalilea and flrat Im Workmanihlp. A 0. U. W. Building Klamath FalU Jackson Hotel 'ort Klamath, Ore. . Cktn roomiL dnnH hA ""J e table always an- r wun the best the .ri7nii C.Jackaon. Prop. IOrl.l.,.1 I Cnlil Ford nut only Miaiael a for. tuiin, lull, ln-r fnlliiT ami niollitr In-line dr-nil, IhiMit na mi unit in dlroci licr inutciiii'iila In miy niMM-t. WiilkiT llrooUa u nn cll(;ll,i, iMj, Ih.ii alar, wr-allliy, ninl. iiIUiimikIi Ii wna not liilllictiinl mid Imd in. olijccl In r.-, Hnld linil iimcliiili'd Hint lblr (wo ralnd'a iinllcil wuiilillnvnlvii limn nil vnntiiBca. Wirt biv him oinu -iironr hKi'Mii'IiI. Mn irinHi't ami n 11 1' rrii"l, III liifinrirjr of hir inniila Knl.l tiullt n llllln rliurrli In Hip limn wdcru he HuM. WIii-ii II wna niillivil nlm rnal nlxtitt fur tmmi. unit lu tuki rhnrttii of It na pnalur. tjitirrmn Kpllli, n n cviil jrrnituntp of n tln-ologknl .vin1 uary, wna ri'iniiiiiiiMicliil ami nimlly cllifiPII for lllil Miallliiii Kvltli waa 0111- of tliom jimnic ini-n uo fruin IIik firm Indlralo Hint Hip) art) itiallinil in mnku tlii'lr mark In IIm- or lil I Id liml, flral of all, tlinl ri'ipil allu fur n pnalur, lliu ulfl of fiwnn"i' utlr-rmicr. WIipii lit. Im.t nnyililtiir lo aajr lu lilt cotiKriKulloii lit. dUl nut dull nor lii-altalp fur nunla nor Ih-coiih. In axirU'nlily liivohiit In llw runatrui-lloii of aonti'iH llfluj at tin. liMd of a Imllt and ffidownl ljr l.'uld Kurd, tlivrr vt many tliluua iiinalaiilly arUlnic fur lliein lu la Ik out llicy IntarlaM) ruiiDninl iIiiiiiim'Ui'. tu ninl cunniaiiiv inu-ri-aia, nt'iiium ir eirr druplillial Inlu Dial aiimll talk an nalnrnl lu yuuiig pi'uplv, Indnil, Mr Ki-llli Irrafnl Mlia Ford na III- ownrr of lliu ctiurclt uf Mhlcli tin wna pnalur, and Mlaa Ford In-aliNl Mr Kiltli aa lliu paatur of III" tliiirih of n lilcli alio na owner. Wlirn Mr. KVIIIi Imd adiulnlatinl lb adalra of Hit- rliurcli and Ha ion-frrg-atlou a Jrnr Mlaa Ford an Id tu him! "I aui trry well plraaod. Mr. Kidlli. Willi my Mlnll'iii uf n paator fur my rliurcli. I'lu-rr la, honi'vcr, unv rrcom nuiidnlliiii oii do not Maa A clcr vyman aliotild Iiiitp n wife. On )onr aalary, I aduill, inarrlnKP uutild un. wIm, liiit I ran n-lli'vu thla drllrlrncy. Your aalary fur tint unit yrar "III lw dotililn uliii I It Ima Ihtii." Mr, Krlllt lliouglit a few mntnriiU, tlirti ilpcllnnl Ilia rnUa Willi I lie niinll lion, Hlirr'iiHiii Mlaa Furd aaaunil blui that llu-rr- una no rundlllon nl tarliwl, and lm wna aatlatlnl, A few mora matlcra of luialnraa woro lalknl ur.r Itrtwrvn IIipiii, wlirn Mlaa Funl aid: "I bale a ri'umat lu make uf yuu an Invitation In rilrinl In Jnu-nnd I don't wlali Jon lu Ut lonurnciil In jour cctptauro liy our rvlutlio nlllom. I'erbap I am uniting luu much uf tint roattrr, lull rrj ttitliir ruunrcU-d nltli glrl'a innln eii'iit In lift', mnrrlaitr. la the cauae of dtt-p frellnc lo lii'r." "I mn iindrraland Hint, and It ahould li -. Wl.nt la tlila Invlla llotir "Will you marry meV Mr, Kellb luokiifat tlio itlrl In natoii latiinrtit, tlivli, Inalrad uf maLliiK a reply, turtml nud wnlkiil Imck nud forth for M'wrnl lulniiti-a In ditp tbuusbt. Meiiunlille Mlia I'unl lookiil at blui, niuntly niirprlaitl. "I do lint think." lie a!d at laat, "that audi a conn would lw well for either of ua. In a car.vr auoh na initio wealth MikM-aarl y tuy wlfo would be detriment tu me. fr my lew of wealth U thnl II lieloiiga In the ir. I bare oltaerved thnl, boweier lllwral rich people are, lUdr wealth la Ibelr paramount Interval. Willi Ihla predla poallluu to butd and lucrenae what )otl bat, I would adrla you tu marry a rich man." It la uwdlra to aay that Mlia Ford lUti-nvd lu tula with latere!. Mr. Ktltti bad mlaiakeiibcr entirely. Wbut tM totuuded to aaa of blm wna that be would perforui the marriage ceremony toon to take place between ber nud Walktr Bruoka. He bad auppoiod that be, txrliiK rlrb, bad conaldvrvd It ber part to propoao marriage. Wbeu ha had flnlabed aK-nklng. Inatcad of In forming blui of Ida blunder ahe an Id: "Wbat'jrou aay I worthy of lliouglit rul eonalderatlon." A waek later Mr. Ilrooka received a uota from hi fiancee alntlng that abe bad como In the couclualon that alio waa not the woman abe would marry! that abe hail reoled lo aend ber In come In dnlnif good ouly and not In pleaauro aetklng. Mr. Ilrooka waa aomewbat dlanppalnliil at lualng ao conaldernh'o mi nddlllon lo hla for tune, cnlculatlng In ind the united mcoiuo lu faahloimlilu llvluif. nut bo webjbvd the matter mid decided that be would rather glvo up Mlaa Kord'a fortuno than aee It expended In build lug lualltutluna. Ho relenaed ber. Krotu Ibla time Mlaa Ford began lo rely on ber pnator In certain expendi ture which alio dealimed on account of bin cxiwrlenco In tbo lino alio propoacd lo apend the money ami becnuao of bla admlnlatratlre ability, which waa of the drat order. U waa uot lotig be fore tbetr lutcreita became Identical. Mlaa Ford furulabed the menna for good, and Mr. Kellb eaw that the money went Into mauy a household where It waa not only a godaend, but waa eipended to a practical I'urpow. Una evening after tbey bad been talk flag of theee matlera MUa Ford oald: "Mr. Kaltb, I once gave you an tnyl tatton which you declined. Were the altuatlou now what you luferred. it to be. your reaaona for decllulng would hare been excellent But aluce hen I bar made my calling your call ng. I aee no reaaon why a fortune held In treat, aa I bold mine, for the poor ahould not continue to go through you to the greatest good. Again will you marry met" . The aecond Invitation waa accepted. RMMAUNB 0. URK. FACTS ABOUT KLAMATH PROJECT Tho Klamath Project Tlio Klnuinth Project in tliu nnino tlmt Iihh lieun iiij)lieil to tlio ruclutim tion (if nliout 100,000 ucrcH of land now . , "iiuur lliu ovt-rllow of tho Klamath ItiviT mill of Imver Klninutli l,nl0 mid Tulo Lake mill lliu irrigation of aljout iVO.OOO ncrcH of vnlley land adjacent to lliu Klamalli Uivur, oloiitf tho courae of liotit Kiver and tho trihntary portion of tho great . hitunit lyiiiK cliiully in Khiinath County, Oregon, hut also mhritcini; a paH of Hinltiyon and Modoo Cotin ticM.iCalifornia, a total area or 2(H), 000 ncroH, 'J'lio J'rnji-ct cinhracua tlio coiiHtruction of n very Kruat iiiilfiiKu of canalH, liitcniln and drainaKO canal and will havo ita irinciml Hiiiirco in Upjicr Klamath Iinltu. Clear Lalto and ilorHclly nro rencrvoir aitca whero Hood water will hu iinpouiuk'd ond utilirccl for irriKation of lund included in tlio upper portion of tlio I'roj'i'ct. Work on tlio main canal wan Marled in Ihc Spring of 11)00 and tlio Hint unit of nine milcn is now com pleted. About lli.OOO aurca of land will ho Irrigntcd from tlio II rot unit, the laterals for which arc being ciniNtructeil under the miperviHion of the engineer having charge of the l'rojeot. Uy far tho largeat pi.iportion of the laud under tho llrwl unit in now in tiagi-hrunh and must ho cleared and broken in time for crops in the Spring or 1008- Work on the aec oud unit is being done by thu (ioveriimeut and em bniecH nineteen miles of main canal and twenty-six miles of laterals to fiinimli'waler lo about 20,000 additional acres of laud. Work on this unit will be proHcuutcd ns rapidly as possible. Nearly one-half of the area to hu irrigated is now under wuler to a depth of from ono to fifteen feet nud will be reclaimed by a nystem of drainage lo lower the level of the rivers and lakes. A large pari of the swamp land and practically all of tho valley laud in tho Klamath llasiu are held in private own ership and some in very large tracts which must Li sold in tracts of ltiO acres or less under tho regula tions governing the perfection of n water-right. KLAMATH'S For its development and proa- GREATEST pcrity tho Klamath Basin must nav NEED people, and tho right kind of people at that. Its great need is intelli gent, practical farmers, who understand the meaning of intensified and diversified fanning; men who will buy land, not for speculative purpofos, but with th idea of clearing off tho sagebrush and making per manent and comfortablo homes. Such men aro bound to succeed. There is room for thousands of them. Developing Sugar beets have been grown ex- Various pcriuuntally throughout tho Klam- Industries nth Valley. The percentago of sugar is high, ns will be noted from the following analysis made by thu United States De partment of Agriculture from beets grown near Mignr in beets, per cent., 21.7; sugar in juice, per cent., L'l 1 ; cnefticicnt of purity, 63.1. KNperieuce has demonstrated that excellent as patagus, unions and celery can be grown, tho tulo lauds being very similar to those of the Sacramento ninl San .)oaiuiu Valleys of California, whero such vegetables are so successfully cultivated. Through out the world the reclaimed marshlands are the best suited for the highest development of dairy inter ests. There is no iptestinn that this will become a sugar heel producing section nud that a number of facto ries will be built and operated with the development of the industry. All kinds of fruit adapted to the temperate zone thrive here apples, peaches, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, apricots and nectarines do well, and small fruils bear abundantly and of excellent quality. There are a great many small orchards throughout the basin that prove the adaptability of the region to the profitable production of fruit. K. It. Smith, former president of tho Oregon State Hoard of Horticulture, gives it ns his opinion that tho foothill lands ore specially adapted to apple growing. Cultivation of the potato has passed beyond the experimental stage, the sandy loam of Ihc uplands producing them in great abundance. Klamath County wheat, grown without irrigation, took tho premium at tho Now Orleans Exposition. The most important forage crop is alfalfa, tho soil being peculiarly adopted to its growth. Excess All landowners being required Holdings Must to sell their excess holdings, thcro Be Sold is a large area ofgood land for sale nt reasonable figures, prices rang ing from about $15 to $33 for unimproved, and $20 to $50 per acre tor improved land. Land adjacent to the principal towns commands hiuuer prices. The purchaser pays for the water right at a cost of about $18 per acre to be paid for in ten equal annual in stallments without interest. This amounts to less than tho ordinary annual rental paid privato ditch companies. Some of tho irrigators of Jltamnth Vol ley (and they nro tho most prosperous farmers) have already paid out to such companies foi water $U0 per aero ond 1 wu no water. All of these companies have been purchased by tho Government and included in tho system. No publio lands will bo open for settlement for several years. OlimuU Tho upland soil is mainly a rich Bandy and loam of great uniformity and composed Boll largoly of disintegrated aud eroded lava with nn admixture of volcanio ash aud diatomaceous earth, tho latter material of plant ori gin, formed in the bottom of tho ancient sea which covered tho groatcr part of tho Great Basin, and of which Klamath Valley is a uorthwestorly extension. Such soil, choracteri8tio of many of tho richest agri cultural sections of tho world, including much of Italy and tho great plains of India, is extremely for tilo, and of lasting productiveness. Tho lako and tulo lands aro made up of a volcanio soil containing much organic matter, a vegctablo accumulation of ages, and is of a pcatty nature. The cliraato is extremely healthful and not severe. There is raroly any-Winter weather before tho latter part of December, and but llttlo eero weathor during the entire Winter. Tho annual precipitation is about fifteen Inches, with littlo raiu during tho Summer months. BUY According to Season Groceries, the same as wearing apparel, should be bought according to seasons. You make no mistake when you leave it to us to decide which is the best at this time. We always guarantee satisfaction. JusJ call up phone 516 CHASE 6 SANBORN COITUS THX LEADERS. VAN RIPER BROS. FURNITURE Our goods are new and attractive. ALSO THE PRICES . W. GILLETT & CO. Bert E. Withrow, Vice President Abttricting Maps, Matw, BIm Mats, He. AixmSuMjr, Secretary Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and liTlgatlonEnglieers C. E. M. I Klamath Falls, Oregon Don J. Zumwalt, C. E. President M. D.Wiixiams, C E. Treasurer East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef. VeaU Mutton, Pork and Fomliry $ Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausages of all kiada. We handle our meat In the most modern sray in clean line and urrounding. Try u and w will be aot happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery. MULLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing In Value When blocks in Hills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Bays at present prices, and there is every season to anticipate an advance m prices. Remem ber these IoU are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE C APT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land StlesaMB. Office on Fifth Itrssl The Gem Restaurant and Lodging Home Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par ties. The largest and best arranged eating fcoase in the city. Open day and night. WOOD WOOD es99JajsnajaaEaXx ajtjaxjajajHaajajxxafjBjaj Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 401 or K K K Store, Phone 174 J. L. FIELDER wTJiSr rtttaxaM Heavy Freighting a Specldty. Baggage Orders Arc Given Prompt Atleitto O. K, Transfer & Storage Company Havlnst urvtrwdate nlaM Ofnet 171 truck! i wt nltclt mur PHfUflEl Bva fine piano movtaig K1NYON & GRIMES, FROIWTOM MS h In' .V w,v Vtt.1 v iW . "j. 11 ii v. vr . iiir, , 1-JA 7- ii. a n ' C i . 1 m ."; ' : st wfi Hoi i -i ' VU - ii ' n Jr1 M t i t. i to a ; l.H t't 4 & i l h i i- -a m 'X.y 111 ;.V, i "f -