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li i i)i, jjatly M I'm"" ln Ktunftth Fulls Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . w,DYKAU,No.r,(55. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY .'JO. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. ROUBLE IS EVIDENT m lie fteiiii lefaJo. wners in Upper Project Displeased With Rejection of Bids . .. . . i. ...... i.i. ..i.i. llippMrf Wi """ " ""- iWwllo'l III lhfU'r pwjrea win. kolonul lln I'M tUCIrr idtn. The nucaiiowtrt in mat :, ol lln wu"'X '' decided '" J. netting on lli l(lill "I Ju' .MMjo!,JrCl ul 111 meeting being ffciMlb matter id daieontlnulng I illh the W itler Uter Aaaocla- itdllit Klamath 'KJct. An fTorl UtlwN nlo I" l1' Farmer In- Ltata II l" WMljeuinbe " l In o tttenJ. I" -ltt(f ol tlii tlgael llibld lli Uullttlu taytl IKJnolmlllr.1 lor Ilia cimilructloii tfcilim !' '"" ',irt,r'l' N" 'I11 U UtofOAtlon to Id leaton lit Bl flll'llC. llllt If till aclloti Jl Iblt l" Hlk ull His Upper pruj- 1 ill) wgln l"" ) ' iiiimewaw aiepa l.UUUlu) ly 'rcllcllT nil the own- lUUnd under coniiacl wllli the wo itU for ttv lanrcllalioii ul lliuee run. In. Anjr ruli'lllluut inai pretem tUltlallonvf work till er, aiorer 1 19 runllnue Indefinite!; and llm liktaua ol Ihrt rulitmct prrVelita bitillillunil utlirr irrigation pro). kit, eweilng ureial thouaaiid icirt, t reald be In notation by licit )ear. la lata contiacti, Mng a rloi lien I Ut land, prvrenlt llirlr bring of- ItKurity tut loam at fl pr cent Ilka Hair liimli. Few UikI owner flat Upper I'n.Jrvl will.ay fuitli- Binta to lli Water l'rt Aa iillua utlrt act iveconalructlon work I IUOII, a teailleralle majority ol tin Unit bate lixl all Intereat In lln pruj- kliel rtallrdailro thu KaOamalloii lo retire ul git opportunity rail ami energetic development. U. Ailttiii Cantrell will Ircturn ItUlUOm llnuMtiunday night. tuMtci lll be "Mind Union of tfcltd." Opportunity will be given 'Mtiooi. Telegraph At Dorrls Oorrla la now ronneeted with t),r trad cetitert ol the Coaal by inrana nl telegraph llnr. An operator took Ida atallnri In the new town a lew daya ao and iherllcklngof thu luitrumeni ran now I heard at tliuli-ui.oraryiii.itiri. Tin line will U eitended In thU city eon aa the eilenalou ol tlm Calilurnla Norlheaatern la farther advanced. Ready Tor Tunnel All neeeaaary arranKciiicnta are belug made fer the cnnalriictlon of tlio ttuim I Idle iMu cl Doirla. The railroad baa bri'ri ettrndrd to Ibo iiioiilbol the true lurraml a larirn ainoiinl of inatrrUl li almdr n the liiimnd nr arnlcry to U (Inning Ibe amk of picaratliu. lionanzn bulletin Items Will. Wltihl who waa kicked lait ntrk b) one of lilr bnre, la ablu to bo up utid ariMind and waa In ILinai.iTiiixlay II W, Krrare an attorney of Ktaniatli Kalla, airhrd in the rlty Wrdiu-aday and will remalti reterat daa lkltK alter builiieia mattrra rmmrctt'd with hi oilier. frank Ira While, one of Klamath ('Minty'a bed binitera waa In the til)' fmiii Klaiualli Kalla at-coinpanlcil by I. A.liri'Kory a real citate broker of the Fall', A. I.. Darruir, prcrldrnl of thu Klamath Korirallun and Cathler of the Kurt Hntter National Hank of Hacra memo, anil Mr. and Mia, I'. A, Tlylio of Mount Vernon, Ohio. Thejr weie on their way lo IjinKrll ralley to look over omo land under the upx-r project. TRY TO DISBAR ,SAYDUST RUINS A. WLAFrERTY I FISH STREAMS DliUrinent .rocu-iiKa hate been, fonnid. r.ible tomplalnt baibern iindu brouuhl Klnt A. W l.aflerl), the Uf late regur luu tin action of lumber Portland land lawter, by I'nllcd Plate i mill mm idonu Jenny Cteek, In nin Und Uominlial'iner IVnnult, of Wnah-'nlnic rawduet Into the otiearo. Jmny liiKlnn, I) ('. Ufferly i well known Ic'riek emplie Into thu Klrnatli Illver in iniareciioii ami only left here a Inn und la inoatly in Slaklyoti County. It i Mr, and Mr. ! C. Marmoro and Jamca 1'ilton came down from the Fort, yealerday to ajwrnl a few daya. daya ago lifter n,crln for u nuiiiber of ictllert In the fnmoua .17-10 rau. TIih chariti a again! him are that he and an other attorney pucliud collision in lanil raea aiiiin In hllelt Count) l.altnily wa fnrmerl) In Ilia employ cl the land dr aitment oa a -ill ajciit ami rrl;i,iM o take up the pinillre of laud law. It it alto chart-id up to l.ufforty that he la ick)iill,lc for llni land olflie at tacka ii-n (iovrriinr ChamUtlaln. Her rill Record Notes lr. John l'alterou anil lamlly are 1-1. .te. home from a aeteial uiontlia icaidiiire In Philadelphia. J. Frank Adama kceoiupanled by hi uu I rank, and itepfather, Mr. Ilarrlaof i'acraimnto, ti turned from California lait Mondat. The new lounty K'adtr haa arirt'el arid ia In oprr-ttlon near Ihla illy. I waa ret up In Merrill by n man tent fron Han 1'r.iuclatfit by the firm fur 111 it pur )e. Work hia at )! Ix-k'iiii on thu Callm lie Church an 1 1: uill a'ii bu ready fur occupation, Father Penal lia been ,l,i nil la)thiaweek attending lo the iletalla of the work. Hove Weed Depot The dilt nt Weill ia Ileitis looted K aa to Ih Ciinti nleiil lor both tlie traiiia on the main line and thu Ciitll'irin. N'olthianlern. A number of impruvi liient aiu alio Willi: mnde in the btiihl I ni: ') a to uuku it niliuatu and roi enlenlfurlhehandlinjofthu iucrraii.l blltlliera. Ureile) A Phlllipa, the plumber), bate ecuiel IheroiitrNCt luriliilalliliKU heal Inn plant and doliiK other p1uiuMtiC nl Pelican I!a) UJue. one of Ibe ry finest trout ulimina in Iheilatc. II thu complaint bu true, It will U- only n limit time, until thu fiih will U kill., I by the aawduit. 'J he mill nlonn ibo ereek Iith plenty of land In dump their awduat on, and there I no ouH'lon whatuter for the workmen lo run it into the creek. Thu ('MifuriiU I'l'Ii Commioaloii haa lone n n hole lot townrd pri'crvlri( thu flb If. Iherirenma of flaklymi County, tlid nie uplidd b) the rltlieua, with t lit reull that thu Ireiiiu nie now well atockeil. Hut If corpnrat'out In Orcein dump their aawdiml Inioi reekathat run ilowu tl,",:(;li thai or olheri-ouuliea, the i! ) n.itk ul ich tli- Fi-ii Cununiialon I ! I oil ill ii 1 I - undone. NANCY COMES AGAIN Considers Preacher Cantrell Deep Thinker and Man of Courage IX V. Kl'YKENDALL 7 flf mt -- ) r re 99 "Wake Up Come Out of it and take a look Dear Mr. Kdllor: Kver tine me and pa went to that lait lecture of that fil ler Cantrell, I've been thlnkin of eorhi thln that an old feller named Emireon wrote "When the great Ood lata looic a thinker on thli planet there' Iwund to In lornethln doln." Thin ain't no doubt that the preacher bu atlrred thing up coniiderable In thli burg and fur a I can aee, there ain't no one going to tuffer much from what tli French call "ongwee" ae long hu'e due to apeak on moat any old ub- Ject. I'teaklnd of feller feelin for thli joung preacher, beln aa I've alwayi lonu rny own thlnkin myaelf. It' hound lo keep a body In hot water more or leaa, but It'a like doing your own watliln and ironln allho It'a hcaji more trouble the reault I gen erally more aatlafacoiy. It takea a heap of courage to aland up Im fore a crowd and lay thing! that you know I bound lo make r-ome of Vm madder than wet bene, and hate -oiiio of 'em lookln dagger at you and i.m of 'em drawing their mantlet round 'em and departln in vlrtuoua In I lunation. I reckon that old French ' king that aaid ll, waa about aa tough 4 i bey mailu Via, but nobody never laid a truer thing than that remark In made ' when he picked up the lady'e garter: "Kil to thein that evil think." That old feller Kmeraon laid iom ililu edaeouu time that itrlkei mi a twin about right. A near a I can re member, It was aonietliln like tblai Il'a luighty eaay to toiler the faahloni tihen jour living In Kriaco if yoo'vi got enough of the medium of exchange; and ii'a cay to wear aa old calico wrapper and n calico aunbonnet down on the farm, but the American woman that could wear them tame article of ap- i I pare) and itroll down Van Neai avenui Itoy Hamnker returned to Klanmtlii weurln a tweet Madonna tmlle ain't due Knll, Monday, nfter H'efnllnt! n week I on tills planet till mine time In the re- ! jjfljffij ' WK .Jfflft llasailailaisB tf JBniativtBM Republican Nominee for District Attorney Likes Lnkcviuw In ,nir city. Koy liken lakevietv ery mu, li. It Ij prnhlble lint hn will in ilucu tliu Klaiinilh Falls barcb-ill team ItoimiiP hero for tho ball tourn.imcnl , Fourth ol July week to try for romo of j the bit: puuet that will bo hung up i ith the gute receipts and nil it la hc ;lleid thutfluOO will bonlten lu purrea ' heru on tho Fourth to bull ttaini.-I.ake County Ixamlnvr. '. . . VOTE FOR . . . At those $12, $14 and $15 Men's Summer Suits we have on sale at - - - - $10 A Choice array of patterns to select from-Now's the time to buy your sum mer "tig" and m yur iwtotbook amlle. They are $10 whUe they last "SEE THEM" aBBBHtn " saBH aiE'MH asaiiHiLWaflLiiBi -i NaMi aTaBTaaTaKZ I kiafiK I i.saEEEaw' AatEHBR I HsaHHHBaHBPi: K. K. K. STORE W. C. SANDERSON - FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT ft A limn who luu business and educational qualifications equal to any ono in the county. Carpentora mu Qxlng up tho basement of thu library building to that It will be more convenient for holding locial (unct ions, Tlio Ladlea Temperance elub will terto free lunch therein on Monday, moio future if at all. There teetni to be coniiderable differ ence of oplnlont on thli hire local option matter. At I laid before, my idea of the belt way to eettli it it to lit Uncle Sam go into tbi liquor bualneaa, make the pure atuff and nil It at cott. Nobody elie ain't a goin to sell nothln there ain't nothln In tellin. If the aa loon men wat to be paid for the property that wat condemned, I wouldn't aay nothln even If it did ralte our Uxee con siderable, and neither would pa. I be lieve In glvln everybody a equare deal. I felt llko vallin the preacher down w hen he auid that if he bad to lire In a crtnln warm climate that it ain't polite o be cxIKd by lie proper name, he'd rut her be drunk than tober. That' all right for n man but there' a whole lot of women llvin ln the lame kind of a climate and we all know if they went to foliar that preacher' advice and glttln drunk and raiting Ned tbi only iffect it would havi would be to und the tbtr mometer up teriral degreet. And that remindt ae I'd like to aak Mr. Cantrell bow the Boclalltta Party itandi on the queetion of Wotaaa But ferage. Ain't evir opened bit bead on thi tubftct. for ai I can aee. I'll UU you right now, I ain't got no ate for no man and no party that ain't In favor of givin freedom to every llvin human beln. "SI," tet I, goin home from tbi lec tori," what do you think about the llkelyhood of gettln BoclalUm? "Only another of them irryeneeent dreamt that Ingalb need to talk about" t 81. Fur aa I am concerned, I'm opin to conviction. Bot I can't lie for the life of me how the pretent tyitem could ver be changed without a rumpui that would make the Civil war look like my pocktt book longtidi ol old Pier pont Morgan'!. If a body couldn't own bit own hotni, and bad to eat tbi aaai grub and wear each othir'i cloth It wouldn't cult your Aunt Nancy, ee peclaily in regard to cloUm and Tit tle. I can't wear everybody' clothe etpeciallr late year, aad I womldm't care at much for pepaer aa eome folki doe. Whin it come to taking my bobm, I reekoa there'd be eoaMthla dole. The) feller that done It would be a "hum- dlngir." t helped ps grab eaajornth and wllUr where that alfalfy Celd I, and many a rod ol tall feaee I belaed him flnlah with aay owa band. Many tbi time I've run bolleta at the old Ire place and took It turn about with pa watcbln nlgbtt when the Modoc waa on the rampage In 73. There' where I rocked my babiea to aleep, and that old boon it tbi dearett tpot oa earth to ate aad 61. I wouldn't cbaage it for a doe en palacee like the on Venderbilu fiied up down in Georgia the oae it took als hundred me two or three yean to get in hap ao aa Mr. Vender bUtoooldgoto hooaakaeplBg. That' our home; wenaade It. Tbimwairood old daya who we wr all neighbor and equal and atek-" neae and danger drawed ua all sigh together;-but timet ban changed tlaea thin. I'm mighty eorry Mr. Chamberlain ala't going to be here I've beard hlaa talk before. Hi'i got a mighty pleaeaat way of throwing In bokava at ua wo men. I tee by the paper that he "up hold! policial of Booemlt." Doft't nemto be much dlffireace betweea him and Mr. Caka In that reaped. Look like them felleit waa tarred with the aami ttlck-thi "Big Slick," I reckon. Your truly, Aunt Nancy. The proof of the freezer it in the freezing The White Mountain Fretxer make more cream, better cream, and make it eatier and cheaper than any other freezer on the market LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS 6 HANKS HARD WJUtl DEALERS M w M 'I tl Mm rl-W' nsr. i3 J 4 1 tit .J " Ui ' f JJ r I r V'- .. W -.ttt i- -,-' ATff 4lff - "r ' r ... I xtl ar,a' irwl " Tfi