Newspaper Page Text
'.':. vm Ml f -ri f i-t A'$Wi I . '. rl J I HE EVENING HERALD iMwd dallr. rami Bandar. It Sa Herald Publishing Company W. 0. SMITH. Editor nunscmiTioN bates liailr. tr mart. r'. la.00 I. llilljr! hjr mall l month., , . Itnitr, lr mail, thrwmontto, . lull titf mll A mnnth. Jll,dallYn"lbrartW,arfa, . .14 How to ItmiT.-k"! IVtufllc monnr ord.r, trfA onler. iHt.onal check wn rmir local bank, .tntnf. cola, t currency. N'wirArm law or 0iMON.-Stlon SSJSof Outlaw, cf llw ittmrala. thl wh.iww an PriMintraUlna a t.w.p.pT bII null jufh tH-wnraprr to n Prnn In thU Slata without r.ft rwritina; ail cnlcr thcrcfur. iuch .h.ll to .larmnl Id t i (If I, ami no tUU or oUim lM thai) ani ataliut uh irann. whlhff ll i mvlttj lr tha rnn to whom ll u nt SATUHDW I.V SO. UW. VOTE TOR ARMOKY DILL Commodious nfid comfortable armories, well equipped (or the purposes nro absolutely neces sary for the proper training of the men in the art of self de fense in time of war. At the present time tho state is paying out in rent between $7,000 and $8,000 a year, and in most of the towns the armories nro mere rookfries. adapted for the purposes ar.d without proper facilities for the storing of the property the Government has entrusted to the company com manders, and for which tnoy are required to give bond in the sum of $2000 for tho safe keeping thereof, and for which they must pay if there be any loss, damage or stealage. As a busi ness proposition is it not better for the state to have its own ar mories than to continue as a ren ter, to say nothing about the many other advantages incident to state ownership. The state will in ten or twelve years have saved in rentals alone sufficient to pay for these armories. Again, the property will greatly increase in value as the years go by. so that this appropriation will be more in thi nature of a good investment on the part of -the state, than that of a gift to the National Guard. Again, every dollar of the state's money under this law, will go into the actual building nnd' construction of the armories, as most of the towns where armories will be built have signified, through their public bodies, a willingness to give the ground upon which they are to Le constructed, to the state, and at no cost to the state. MARSH LANDS 0g&ft Lfl aoL ARF 50 per cent, vegetable matter, luamauvs greatest oarbuwa m rv " - . .... :t M)l ment is headed crino Waugh Evanston. It retltlon for Liquor Llcenae who will be admitted to the floor , U dcM-rvInt: l lii i-tiv nv of the convention are Mrs. Lucy , e.murw.uKu v. c. ilawtey iint A. Clark and Mrs. Susan Young to hUittiic.n.i nii prUt-: In (m-t lit- Gates, both nlternntes from rroonl i M ithtfomi. ii.illtleal HUMtinit. W'lille many ifttrol tlmt Mr. I'tillim win Waten, jet ' M-nH.o, by tlio volo Mr. Cako t.veUr.1 TO 1 III'. HO.NOIt.WU.i: COUNTY learned that the two principal "" W-1"""" tlmt bo u ii.Ur corn r nr Til I. 8 at . , ui- '". women to be in attendance and U.vm Mr. mitm. .,!,,.. Mr.Cak ON Kit K ';AN'A1 ' ,'V ';,,. ncerv in; il ill nriy me. " .......-,. -- I l-ffal Wil.M I. lid I'tfCllirl i( W'H'tl ltlwr, In il'i' iiniiy"l KUnnihi r!t' nt Om'kii. nml actual irlili'iil llivn-ln, ainlubo bnui actually ii-blnl Ibeiein fair mure than tbllly l) Imnieilmtel .inllti! the Mali' "I l!liil'il Mll IIH" IliU trillion, ilo lirirJi) iv.lHtltull) D.tlry nn.l 1hI OoiiiiiiUnluiipr-J. W.i vllliun ir litmoiatili Uly li lirmil itntl liMte tf Jmiir II. Miiwi'ri '" K.OiiiiWI iltiittil mI.I .im1iivI, it Hrriio tii Ml . .iUiiii,Mihii, IrrtniMiinior limn i I tinr In li-Miiiiiillil. Hutu iii iinIIiiiI) I . .. . . .i. .. -t l.l f... . .riiHt ill in the Smoot case?" was asked. i',,fCining Aiinrnty- n. V. Kii)irn. ,, (t0ll m,llI( tUy , .,!,, ilia question nus causeu some ,i,,u, it,i.Miti.iK Atiornoy, u rmcf )lH, indecision, which may result in icaliy miiuMit oi-ouion. llt i i'li the abandonment of the first (iuiitKM ami KUumtli mul uio Cmni- plans of the suffragists. U- urotnlv coiiRrntiilatnl on li:tlni: " " " lcrn able tu ilai't luniiuiM-U'iit ! Utah. It also has been learned ; that both the women are Mor mons and one had been a plural wife. "Could the women of Chicago honor the adherents of a religion against which so many un uuw (i tin u mul i nituu of them had made a bitter fight i tintimit ( iiiiMhilninri. , Jnallro ol tlit Siiri'iiit Ouiirt H. Ht'dii m-isU mi fiH'dnl ini'iilltin. lUllov l nl.o h WIiiiu r. IE. li. liiii!iilafUuifr r. Suffragists who have been planning a movement to secure a plank in the Republican national platform have been temporarily balked in their efforts. As a re sult, the campaign to be waged ,with tea, cakes, iced lemonade and sandwiches may be aban doned. "Feed the brute" was to have been the campaign slogan of the would-be woman voters who have sent an offer of hospitalit to the national com mittee. The woman's movc- Excopt that the Thomas, car in ' '" '' iiowunt'ot. ili Un. the New York to Paris uuM-rn- j mu .sii.itur-o.-o. II. Mcrru..ui,a bile race has finally got off from ( "' inttor. ! iltini; lomitf Stat.--Vladivostok with a sullkient i"""1 livitiB.rrviHltnictTin Iniliclaiw quantity of gasoline in its tanks cr Uou. mul Jem wir.1 li. nWMiy. toenrrvit to the next sutmlvi ltoiiifiittiM-Oiir Ktti U-- point, nothing is definitely ro-oiiintlto. II. l it.lkiia. nl II. A. known concerning the progress fMiuin, mo 1110111: caiiJIJtrinl will the tourists ar.s making. Tne ;""' ibau HI tMr iMiiyMrfinstli. messages received thu fur tb PiimiT-w. ii.mriif..lliiiinil not indicate whether th'. Z-.i it t tin tim t.i!irt-t imvinis ,.ri-.l . .i.i--and Protos cars left with the "r"1 UWo County, u!oii-iloi.iutyluMiit. Thoma3. Though military com ' "" ' ,,w'1 fiuMtio"i i " mandew in ths cojntry throj'h ''. we ,iiiui witimii the mir- Which the cars must pass hive rouiiJIms county uml inaUo mi rillcknl orders to keep an eye on the ' oiiit. Vote lor him. raeen. ne;vi of lilmut imimt 1 County Clvik U.U. IVbii.m County --- . . . i ...... .1.".' aole roads and cue prevaiencs 0: virr,i v miowu uyoumi, iibtiuk u,ui iirjiinmi brigandage give ground foi 'nrvl iliipnmty m Sclmui Sii(iin.iMc. irv. much Uneaslne3S. tvnilrnt in way tlntt l n cm!lt to I1I111 ai naim I n . ' 'I'll. Ilo ll tl'IK Hrvill lit Dt'jiuty Hlirr ill ol tlats comity niiJ I. known to If mn. Nolltiililirtrby vlirnliy llio iinJrr liiniil, tlmt tin I'vllllon will I I'tr triiltil tit llie Cuimly Coiut lntralJ it tliocoml tmim In I lii city ol Kl niitli r'alli, Oii'Roii. nil IliK lli Jy t-l July, A. I. ll"Jt, l lb' Iwiir of 10 nVlock n. in. ol lil ily or ...mi tliPtialliT aal.l wlllloii emi I licnl. Pntf.1 nil nnii Jy ( My. iw. Jmue II. Wlirclrr. nam:s nami:s C. K. Iloyt Hot II. Will! N.J. JoIiiimiii lUvlJ lUmli-y S. II, (lalillirr J, I!. Voi (1. V w K. . )iiiiiilt'r I'rmik I)iini'li-r I'.tiil J. II. Mimit M. I". Morit.tii W. .M.TIinumn'ii '. It. A. Mihui (i.T.dray Waller llhi'ii C.dray ,M. II. Ilr.i l.ju.l Cl..... I.. ...... I..... I il I!h1II .. ....I 1 CVIIWI a.-.-. III.VIIM.-II. M, ... .JIIW.. ( f in a uian tlut Iiu4 Uvn mn'picuoiuly ,1. S. Jl t before the public lor tlio U-t live ) w- J- J"tl'i K. .11. Jmniton Tnt.n Ti iniMnli.n ff , , ' , ,' ., I tliroiiiilily compvtfiit 11 submarine boats, has a new idea , ... . . , in aerial navigation, but nil he will say about it is that he won-' " H tll 111! lllllim tmlidllat.t lalltl.llft t at. I 1 1 il f it long ago He says the trouble. jona, llllt1 llo ,. Hrll ,.,. , J J. U Vi llas alwa8 been that the differ- ,,,., j"1'" u" ent inventions have never been j .w.cuor-iwn K. wltl.tow.aArK-i.-' j.V. i"J' able to contend successfully with ' ori ,a ,lir sUl lnm u, lUv tKUt lU(V j , Jo,.,., the winds currents. This is the j ,Ulllg ,crvvd aIlllIllU.r oI )Kitlt Ui t.. , (i. I.. Hit obstacle his new idea meets. Abraci oiiko .ml Imvinu . i-om.lcte,,-KI,,,,,,' tie says no expects mat wimin , jbitract ( wrr? i-licoof j.virJ taml ' five years it will be an ordinary , lhe c0llll,y. ,.ui Mm in ., ,..ltioii to J tiling lor passengers to go irom ,Kttur !,. ,i. Valu-ol rc3iv.tiilin!own every rtno..n from 2 to l.M this city to London in thirty jm.y .. know. I ,cock ami each evrnlne from r,M to hours. I County Treitiuier I. Alva ll, ai 1 10 o'clock. A rorJial Invitation in rt- Tieatuii-r, it well Liiowii K. )oii nil ami ' lemleil to all. J..M. Kmrry II. II. lH.l.-y 0. II llunrli A iro ltaliti II. jtiiKlni 1. W. C.iliil Ira Kiiiilf Wealey Coin Win. M. Mmi II. (!. Courlnry II. J..-trlli;i' I), t. N.uli W. II. Noiton A. I.. Mellicr J. A. liil.aoii Clark Win. m-nlon I'. M. m-litnu U- Pctitnii I.. C. Sl'iiinrn J. II. llrailK V. J. OJ.n Jot. Ilrttlf ItilU? Wlilta Frank Mltro P. Ityan W. II. Clark L A.Cram. C C. l!ro.iy J. II. l'-ny H. II. Klnit mmmmrmmm Incorporated November 20, lgoj" Statement or Condition of I 111' Klamath County Bank Klamath Foils. Oregon . DECEMBER 31, 1007 RESOURCES I .owns nml Discount $3U).rnn n 03,525.04 Honda and SecuritleH Ileal Estato, DuildingH nntl Fixtureii Cttsh and Sight Exchange 14.745.J0 G.247.C0 $505,049.51 LIABILITIES Capital Stock, fully paid $100,000.00 Surplus and ProfltM 2 1,7031 1 Duu Other Hankn U2,OOo!l)4 Deixtslta .. . 43105.46 $51)5,040.51 I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cathlrr of tl,i niivrrum,d bank, Jo aoleinnly awrar tlmt tlio ie ,uu. mrtit la true to the brat of my mm Li!.. anilUh.r AI.KXMAllTIN.JK i.,W, ' Kubacrlbnl ami aworn to lfore mr tlnCihi! of January, IWa. ' IrValf C Witmrow, Notary I'ublir firOr,KOn orncEKs ALEX MARTIN -K. R. REAMU -ALEX MARTIN. JK. LESLIE ROGERS President Vice-President Cnshlcr Ass'! Cashier Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin AaM Klamath laHt Pm-Kc library lhe Klamath Kail. Public Library It, THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor .Choice!! of Wlnca, Liquors and Clflan fr Catrrato tha bettrr clatt of trailf with tK.tUr. U t?n the ntott critical. You'll rmtlrr th ilillrrrnr alwr try It. Juit th plaro to ilro in fur a rtfmbirf Uitr ( when you ririx' a itlrnuUnt lur llrurt t 1 klrxlt fur family trsilo a prclall lurues, cuinea pigs, Koiunsn i,10 W)1u ttl,, ,,,. , , ,,,. rw)ril and mushrooms Will be tlie pro- t.wny tVfJntVt . WWUni ,,, ' a.l. flurk ol liquor .bra,, a. Ibr rl.r.. ducts of a unique farm 200 acres I (ireB(ui y U((jfo ,,. ,,'. 11 in extenc wnicn 11. 1. Aimer pre sident of'the Chicago & Eastern Illinois road, purposes to operate at Barrington a suburb of Chicago. ill' pu nork Republican Candidates U. K. r-'enator Hon. II. M. Cake, aa IT. H. .Senator, It all that uc can atk for In one candidate. Mr. Cake la a man of ilvaitnK aprwararice, an vlotjiirnt HK-ukcr, a man that nnderttaiulB the iJuriiiiclut tt-rm ol otlue, peak lor bit t'lticlviicy. County Cuoiinlialoiirr C. J. 6wlin(ln li a pioneer ol Klamath County, Ilo It a contvrvatlve biilui-- man ami lu inaMe a micivrs with hi. on liiitlneri venturer, nu I It It (air to iimiiiiiu that he will Jo at well with tho county btiti-net". IN THE LITTLE PRINCESS aaaaaaaaal tB7la4lBflB KrjTIJlBaaltaaaaaaalaaialraUBBaaaaaal S'j Immmw v 5jSH Bb WpjWC;aySSSjBBTCwJtwargiBr" aV WPmifi aW. TaA M w!jlv aaTTliaalwaaaBB M vJWaHBaaaaiiriLaaaaaaHBHkVV LabBVaaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa4a ('. ll. Wlll.dii l.clo.lnif nut hit holn. Professional Cards DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Oflica over Klamath County Hank You get more room, more cooking surface and convenience than from any stove ever sold In'Klamatli Falls. E. VIRGIL & SON Dealers in'Furniture and House Furnishings. Bridge on Main street At the Summons In the Circuit Court ol the Htate ol Oietion lor Klamalh County. John Ko-mlz plaintiff, . Amanita Klla Knoiitzilvlrmlant, aiiltiniipilty fur divorce. In the iiflmn ol llie titnle ol OrCKOit: You are hirebv rumlm! to amr ninl anuMtrthu complaint llinl uiralii.t tool j In IIiohIioyo fiitltliil milt on or before , .-atnrday, June I3ih, IMW, In-Iiik the j la.l Jay priciiril In the order for ihiIi ncntlnii 01 huh uiniminii, tho llr.t pulili ralbm ol uhich helm: on f-atunlay. May Jul, WA, mid II y iii (..I I hi lit onatter, for Kant thereof, ihu plaint iff will apply In llincoiiit lor lint rellfl ileinumleil In lhe I'oiniilulul. Ilk-d herein. Io-hU: fori a decree illt.nlviiiK the IhjikN ol mutib moiiy exl.liiK bettteeu plaintiff uml de fendant. Thin Himmon in tvrvi d by publication In tint KvenliiK Herald, by order of lion. Henry I.. Uunhoii, .Imlne of tho Circuit Court' for the llmt Judicial dlntrict ol On-Kiui, iluled Muy lat, IUUH, wliich or der reijulreM Miuiinona to bo published uicu h week for fix coimeeuiivu neeka Irniu the Ut day uf May, 1108. A. I.. I.KAVJTT, Attorney Inr I'lalntiff. 2500 Acres Free The Laktidu company Imt i'.',00 nciet of laud under the Adaiut ditch that it will give HK.NT FltEK for one )car. ThU includes tho mo of the land ami wafer. The tenter mutt clear uml place tho land In cultivation. The rent- or nets all tlio cropi but we reserve lhe jjjibt to pActure lhe Atubble. The Lukualde Company, J. Frank Adams, Manager, Merrill Oregon. C. F. STONE Attorney at Law Oflllcu over poatolflce, Klamath Falla, Oregon Tklli-iiuni: V) D. V. KUYKENDALL Atlornry at Law Kbimalb Falla, Oregon DR. C. P. MASON Denilst American Hank A Tnirl Cn.'i HulliliiiK Ready for Inspection Our line of Carpett, Matting, Tapestry, Linoleum. Art Squares, Table, Loune and Stand Covers, is ready for inflec tion. Something entirely new Alto Silk Float and Feltolene MattreMO Braaa and Iron Beds -Adjustable pe m cil woven wire Springs, the only thill for, hot weather. Polahed Oak Dining Sets and all oak Rockera. W. H. DOLBEER ' Succeaaor to B. St. George B Phone-Store, Gl Residence, 155 WJ CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining' Parlor Oysters Served in Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. CHA8. E. WORDRN I'rcildent A. M. WORDKN Caahler FKEDMEtW kl The American Bank and TruitCo. Klamath Falls & Winema Truck & Transfer . COMPANY Furniture and piano carefully mnvd. IlaKKflKo wairon and general draylr.if. AU work given; prompt attention. Buia to and from all boati. Phone 10.3 COLBURN & YOUNG Proprletora I " 7 ' K tl jGb &S& SlBr afaafaHBaW r - - k dk wb f I B fflfflffl ill. ' JIL JifcrjifB'ii"' ' . aJsS. : LL ; SJJL : si i i r a i, J as WW 400 ttaatM .t &Si ifllEl! iilHHBalHBIllIi an WTl i i "i iiimiii" """ wfa ( CAPITAL, 100,000.00 Cor. SUIM4 Main Street