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fll WW- ' r. . ' Ti'( ",, kjr- . revww v.vtf - - " 1 'I .-4, W.l .... -- tVTE FOR DELZELL FOR COUNTY CLER tsi Mi - - t ' Wra, Sargctnl, wife and eon went out m the bout tlits morning. ; VUlt'Mannlng't if you want the beat Ire cream. I r- ; llr II. Anderson Is In the city from Hoy Taber'ramo up from IKrrl yei ttnhty, to look-after butlneta matter. or the bett rite in town call at the Mammoth Stables. II, W. Straw, I'ro 1 The Portland Store necktie rale today inanltclilcJ uccrr. Several hundred UIm Acre told. Mr. J. W. Hamakar hat gone to Port land to remain during tho Carnival. Hare you aeen tho new line ol Jewelry tt WlnteraT Don J. Zumwalt will go to Wordcn In it tow days to compute laying out tho tiwnilte. Mr. Frank Ira White will Wave Mon day for Lebanon and I'ortland to ltlt with relative!. Taint, faint, Paint. Jutt received at Baldwin' Hardware Store a complete line ol Sherwln-Wllllama Pnlnt and Yrnlhee. .' YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER Graduating, means they have applied themselves, worked hard, etc. Are you going to recognize their efforts7 ' . . . MAKE THEM A PRESENT A PIECE OF NICE JEWELRY Which they can keep, always reminding them of their success, and the thoughtfulness on your part Nice, suitable gifts, to suit all sized purses, lasting quality and up-to-date designs, are to be found at G. Heitkemper's Jewelry Store Commencing May 1st Ease and Comfort In Travel Only 12 miles of staging and then a delight ful boat ride up the Klamath River to Kla math Falls GOING:-Steamer Klamath leaves Klamath Falls at 4 a. m. connecting with stage j. - at Teeters which arrives at Dorris at 8. , "''COMING:-Arrive at Dorris at 4 p. u. by stage -i ; to Teeters and by boat to Klamath Falls arriving here at 7:30 In the evening. .- Oregon 5 California Transportation Company Elwood Steel Fences i - . GUARANTEED We are in recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting in allSvidths. We stand ready to. guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out " Geo. R. Hunt HOUSTON HOTEL V J:t V .V -U DINING ROOM la the Houiton-BIock WILL OPEN SUNDAY '"" Under Competent Management EVERYTHING FIJtST CLASS 1 . Satisfactory Service Guaranteed, . INITIAL DINNER FROM 0 TO 8:30 r. M. PERSONAL MENTION New tinea at Whiter. W. J. Itrown l(i In tho city (mm lion ant, Merrill. Pro, f rfy U reasonable. If jour ere1 trouble , co Wlntt I. Fill the Vacancy 1 . . I.. -II 1... ........ .l.aKili ill acam. in an nuwnan ,..-...-.tlun the work It delegated to others. Mr. Moore, who receive a salary for holding the till" of protecullng attorney fur Klaunlli and Uku counties, Is a intuit niiiiiiililo gentleman. Nothing 'can I said tellMIng upon hit liumaty I... i.ln.llln..! Inn vr IkmIv know Mike Do-her. the timber critter. ", ,,,, ., ,,,, he ortlce rviurncti irom a irip to ine umiTr ami to Lnkeilew. Merrll. The town without boon. Mr. Moore l candidate on the IVmo A. I). Uitnlvlf , the script cr In the 37 eratlc lUket (or re-election. I't rase, ha relumed to hit home at1 fhe wnrit IhlniE about IVlinan V. Uhlurhiiider, Wlf. Koykendalli the Kepubllcan candidate, Merrill Valley the heart ot KUntith. ) U Id name, whfch It hard to write right Kvert-lhlliK tho laletl in Summer mil. i'l ' W"' ' ' " Inery will U fouml at the htllte lryw lwjer and a clean cut, ittalghi. (loodtCo. forward man. lilt imttlble e may need a roeecutln atlornev who really ii one, and by electing Knykemlall we can beattiirrd that the otllce will not continue vaiant. IVmania Dulletlu. Dies In Jail Aintlii White came up from Merrill U djy on hit motor cjMe, making the run In cne hour and twent) mlnutet. Die Mltti Pry Co. hat rrcclud t'Xornl rhiiimoiitiofKatlernilrettiMiiU, Cill and lu'cct the new line. Judite J. II. (Iillllth and 0. W. While Ime relumed from Merrill and llonatira wheie they went in the Inlere.t of local option. Merrill. Investment not Speculation. The entertainment ttl the llht'iSihool.'I'-ttd In one of the Cellt. .Nothlii- I laat ni'ht wat iiiille largely nttende.1 knourn of hlr i.atl eicepl that he tin and every number on the program wa Herman and alone time worked at the very ciellbly rendered. butcher builnt In Hum, Otrm John Keller, a ttranter In UkeUw, wat found dead In the city Jill at that . placea fewr d)t o. Tho man went i thereon hit own accord whllt una pro tractrd drunk and wat alterwardi found n nil u..:"l U-I.I..I. ... 1"'! "",l" we orrr it Rubber Gloves Wear rubber rIovm while doing lioure woil, mi, i0n, cnlnK-Thfy are a porfect protection wlid,. hun, anu any omer oporaiion m rerjuircH lln; ,mm)8 (0 jP ...k..m Vah ,.llt Anil lll.M M t.l . Hu-iviiniiiiiiiuiumi auvu ITUlLTllUII hold warn-we nave an extra irood line 25 p?r cent discount. I.iliht glovri, eamle. of bent quality Medium weight, peamltM nxtra iiunniy kiuvcb ivr uuiuoor work M Pyrographic Materials Twenty-Hve per cent off on all Pyrographic miitcrU Our line Inclndes pyro oatflts, points, bulbs, iim Hiaquo, buaw ami an ariivic luunu in 0 llrntclctl Star Drug Store "The Store tkat Saves You Money" WANIKD-WIII pay . fnla piece fur ! clean nation ayriifi rant abd 'J ctnla for hall gallon tlae. ItoUrta A Hank. Youcanuut a 2) meal lunik at Will, on' liniel ft. Ihiard and toddm; a weik. C. I). Willunn, Prop. if Lake County Pioneer Oics 1 JohnO'.Vrll, onuof llieiddett tetlleit J.C. Smith and J. II. Hamilton re- j n.Kne Like valley, dle.1 al hU hotutf lurne.1 la.t nUht from Uket lew where1 nMr.v,w .jf clf,k Uit Halnrday. they had len for tertral d.o land e came to Like county with tleneral h ""'' 1 Crook in IMS In the employ ol the (I.iv There wat no formul obrervanco ol leminenl and tn the MIuwIiik year he Decoration Day, I tit a larv-e number nl tetile.1 on a ranch near I'lne Creek and people went In thocemetert and decor ated the gravel of departed relative and fiiemlt. A the cmon adancca thenum1rnf vminl,rjiit nimttiK Into tlilt lection In crrarei. Fecrat prairie tcli'Miner pat. il through the city nc.irly cerr day thl week. hat retldeil ther ttr tlnce Hit name it cicely alllel with the earlier hltlory of lake County. I'elton-Orth Mr.Jamet I'ellon, of Kurt Klamath, anil Mix Jutphliie Orth, of Jacktun i III', will be united lu marrlitfe tonllit Florence Jhnton, the 5-jcar, ol.l jin thitclty. MIm Oith. who It on of Uiiiihlcr of Mr. and Mil O.W. John- Mho popular and highly reetd young ton, of I.tlcvicw , died Fonday. Mn.J'adlet of Jackion county, will arrive Juhnwin, nee Dollle Woo.lroclr, formerly ' here on the boat tonight. Mr. i'elton It a member of the Arm, I'elton llrot., who are eitvmite cattle growert lu WVI rctlded In thlf city. I co cream at Mannlng't. The poll will uan at K o'clock Mon day and will remain open until 7 o'clock In tho evening. Imllcatlon are that a large otowlll be caat In every part ol the county. ' . W. Nolle, atiierlntondrit ol the ilngcr Sowing Machine agencie,wlth heal(narter at Pan Franclt, wat In 'the city yettenlay looking alter, tl 1 t.'ftl agency. I Merrill. A natural trttcccater. . Judge and Mr I.. F. Wllllt will tart for I'ortland In few day to at tend a meeting of the Grand Chapter of-the Katlern Star an I to take lit the Roto Carnival. Do not buy blended nhttker- When you want puo ulili'ey mo that It I ( put up under the K"i'?rninent.' "Iiindiil Miirelioii'o (.tump,'' a It the Continen tal ulilaley, Water Mill whitkeyj.Nnr inandie rje and F, F, V, rie, KjrI by 4,ii. n niton. .' ltlvcr Valley. KUiuath. They will retldeln Fort Notice On and after the III. day June llX, milk and 1 nam will Iw dtlhtfed by the Allaiuont and llhertlde dalrlra al the following pricett Milk, pint tcenltj iiutrl 't renli; gal, -" cent: twngal. nr inoreicentt. Cream, & -llit 10 teutajplnt SO cenlaj ipiarla 40 rent: gtl. or mote 11.40. Altamonl Dairy lllvertlde Dairy rvttrKryaST orTIIKIKTIMIOM.emiaL utp orrrc. tunibiwR, 11. i-.. vtf 7. in .Nutir r attivattiM r rtatloLttM iu ituitarir i 11011, Min 1 ktnkr llitnllitt lliIMlltal llMlaltrlnf ki ft- iiniil.HMMailMiltr 01 aiiMraetl la ta itr ij iamv int wiiiavti fur irii (tliswyi)toMail.f Iktanel Jum IT, Iw, intiti.xwil'i m I niminllM allk lk kltiatib Mu)el,inttk,ul Ik Killala. MfikMl In Ik mi or nta. mm ki liltamkotlif tiKfc eltaM liaci at kai Inn b.rt lola antllf IMUM a4 l net iib.iaiM whkditaa. it4 mr arr! 1.4. all) I tnkjrtt MllWawwl u4n ike 10 b lie Una Itat ol ik failed Marti ua M IwrJulta lla,kl ikall M a NkkKI lu air.lloeitUa aalll Aagatt . M)t, tllHin IM IIIIIIUH UBHM1 Kt Ul.fll. lurfun, attDlag ktliig elkranli ilttn Iktt au itua win ut priaiiia witia ar uteri . a mad laaala ni iifci akai.ttr ka4f ' of tntr .all rulki Uiiua liiW44a Wlll.n.ll M.ll mcu-ilta Ut.n tlltr lfior iu jajm, ivut,ii gar Nttl.liw.Mi, 1 MliMeiaaiurac lln.T4ia.M.K-llBat IB ar tad W at nn .,(i.n ir n ir.M ail nw nr, msiiua 1, , tiigii Pkimiir. CumulMlantr vt Ik 'Wa.itJ Laad uait. rHANat I'lkMUk rim At.i.uul ,ifla)r al Ik lul.iloi. Favor New County Liter; lure reganllng the crtatltn cl llixxl Hirer County, a tueaitire which will be voted on Ly the ople of the tale Monday, hat Jmt been recelveil and it appear that there I no nppo. tlou to the bill In the county of Waaco, which i to bu divide.), The Dalle, which I the county teat ol Waaco coun ty, I willing that tho county ihall I divided and that the wcit half thai! 1 known a iiond llher. Palace Restaurant GOOD SERVICE GIVE US A TRIAL UNOU MANAOBMSHT Sff Hunsaker & O'Conell if .f'-.cVunlberofl'hefrh-ndtofl-re.lllatn. ..I:,,"",,.h U'm' 7!" y,l'.-.- 1 i'i,t7 .. . . Mr. Iliicliiock ni fun JYa Service. At Tlic Churchcsl Mrrnmuxr hiiukhh fiunda) icIkhiI ill u. in, No morning im-niMni; Urauw of union tervlcet nt High KI.U..I. hd by p. HI,! in I. 11, pir Kavo 1 ul:j,ffc f,, -II,, hi. Jaln. , Mr' ' 7 ''' '' ' " ' f'h, ! In connecBwilh tho omc I ,.,"" A,' '' T V !' 'I ... '.J.. , A l,liurcli7 p. in. A tiumhir of thortad. j ot justice 0 tho peacTioto wllhlng d;ee by in.n of oui ,liy. to vote, for blni mutt wrliijhia naieonf .. . , j the. ballot. ' Announcement A Jlr. V. ll.'h'tidiorn hat taken chim. - i' .... ... , :- : ..!... ... ..... uaving nen aivi-a by aiiuinuaroliny friend to make an attempt to get the olllce of Comtable lor l.ii.kvllle l'rrclnct I have decided to mako the attempt and hereby announce myel a candidate on the Independent ticket for Urn above otflce. T.J.MTCIIFOHD WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek RESOkTS ol the American dining room, ihich hai been reiuodelixl, All women cook nro emplotd. Thlt I the place to get tlio inn mraltui town, i ( .... ? jiib Art aeeuie work uiuu gaxe an old taihloned houiotiarralng Friday, In honor ol the newly elected pretideuf, Mr. C, C.Hoguv, at her home near the j High School, fifteen ol the lady mem- Mr wore preient, , MONEY TO LOAN-Hard timet but 1 have (-oiiio money to ban II you have tho Necurity.-E. B. Hall. roit HAI.E-1U) Acre Ranch LocaUd II uillet enet of Klamath Fall a barg ain for tome houivseckcr, for pariiculan inquire at thl olllce. 6-6 M. I). William returned laat night from the Merrill country where ho ha been lurveylng a counly road. He iaya that the crop In that section arc look Ing well and that th prohibition 1 the only political iuue that la receiving anv attention In that lecllon. rrea mom, ono ol DorrtV budneia win, Ii in (he city today. ' v-K TS" -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaja. The Iwtt trout Aahlni In Oregon. lauauona lor Ijoat (or rent 1'irellent accomm rlle, tamping outflla (or rent, hiieclal camping ground and at fur rent. Fine pasture (or alock. Telephone ronaectlon. Accommitlatlona to go to Crater take. k Will meet pirllee at Klamath Agency. ' FRANK SttVTXS raorusToi Klamath Agency, Ore. I atassflstvl ' WMZEmk ISiyf i 1 s lli II If ; Jim M m PHONOGRAPHS EDISON invented the ihcr,cjra. Ho mndu it tn tnUrttlMr for nil. It it mtnurKtsrai at n price v.hlch tytrjm can afToril, nml ueMllItei tho cney pnyrncnt pjao, m I no ono iieid he withcot it Have you hcnrdaaditsi the New Moid. We Wnnt Your Trade Underwood1 Pharmacy RYTHINGINDIMi aVitliftctlon CasilEteet Klamath Falls, Ortfet EVE SOME BRIDIJ AREHAPPTl Whea ihe kvain ComlnHln. J Are Happr w"' l tnu come .na WE HAVE CUT GLASS, HAND PAINTED; CHINA, OLID SILVER mi if u. v.,u iirti ikel Alford. :: e 8 Special Prices 30 Stjtjj Te leoho .e and Ma Solicited. nk.irwiiitwJ WJ ir parlor aro oin.-JU"""! our parlor: the Eldred Com WiVjl HI i$t ITI - f F. C. 1LD1ID,' Manager Bon ansa, Oragon ' --. v SaddUf. HartMM and SupRii -.. :,. W makt a spUlty of flrat-class, fiuaJJ5 nand-miide Saddlsf and snaps, uui .; mtl W-JMIUIHHIVU IWJMVWW"" iIAJ5j OnUrs rroM SfiMTWliere Solicit - !-?.fe, j A 5-.; mz. 1t ,r v j v jr i r it f i --, "