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4; I ft 'r M a is v h! J ! m if hb il ii!I K! 39 "5 i 5m? . ill I HE EVENING HERALD Uucl U1, Mtut HumUr. bv the Herald Publishing Company W. O. SMITH, Editor sunseuiiTioN hatks Italtr, hy malt, ft Vr, Oalljr, ttjr mull lx month. , I ally. ly mail. Ihrr month, . llallr. hv mall. month. . Pally, oVllTtmt lr tanw, a wwk, lion .w .1ft Ilnw to It it wit. Sntl lwtitffir mantv on'r. ipr4 trUr, trmnl rhrk on )tur kcl lnk Umt, coin, vr currency, NRWurAtrn law or Omtc.oN.-Stlo 3V2of lhUr of Orr.n rrnvvlfa that whwwwr any m k rontmlltn a nwrar hU mall aurn nvnii4lfT to any traon tn thtt Mat without nt tflTln an rnlcr thnrfor. ueh nwpapfr hlt I ilnol to r a rift, ami iHttWht oroUlir lnwi ahall arcru aaint men pm"" whrthvr ak.1 tiinpapr l irvlvwl by th prrwn ta whom It Uacntofpot, MONDAY JIW'K 1, I WW LANDS gjrichestjdl. ..-- .. un ..- nni. ntirl tmWArd. EflSV Tcmil. aAc 50 per cent, vegetable matter. Klamath's greatest dotbmiis ai . h - l"V MARSH THE KLAMATH COUNTRY Maybe you think you arc not a soldier, that you have never be come and that you never intend to become n member of the ' militia. Well, rijrht there is where you arc wrong-, that is if you arc over sixteen years old and have not yet passed forty five. We are all soldiers, or soon wil be. One house of Con gress has already passed, and the other probably will pass, a law Baying so. We have no choice in the matter. The law says every male citizen over six teen and under forty-five shall belong to the militia. Why leave out the females? Most of them would make much better soldiers than a lot of men we know. General Luke E. Wright, of Memphis, Tenn.. is to succeed Taft as Secretary of War pro bably about July 1st, according to a statement made by a man who is Wright's close per sonal friend and associate. Wright is a Democrat. The se lection is regarded by the few politicians in Washington who have heard of it as one of the cleverest political moves ever made by tha President. It is conceded to be a pawerful bid for Democratic support for the Republican ticket and n well planned attempt to break the 'solid South." It is stated that faft will retir.' from the Cabinet as soon as he is nominated for the Presidency. Although no definite announce ment has fccjn made it is gen erally understood that to Repre sentative Theodore Burton of Ohio will fall the lot of making the nominating speech for Secre tary Taft'at Chicago. Burton is considered the logical selection, and no other name ha3 been mentioned in this connection. It is expected Secretary Taft will within a day or two formally ancTjstyei personally invite jjunon 10 maxe the speech. The managers of the Taft campaign are united in their opinion that Burton should have the job. I1"-'1 yTi-s . I i l CRAri;fr t mk 5 national rm lm I -"";ftS,:V fly. r J KLAMATH u' -u. 'v'" V ' p INDIAN ?' -Vd-SCr- I I-.-J -' RESERVATION ' ft & U a r' -jsV Vf- . ll-.J$& :"iu ( ' f SVhUMATMfAUl JPAL 8,,tv 'if N. ( .'o.ttjM J' " u.. rlv ,r "A friar ?), ,p. jytf tA murfis Av "Jr-c-cv A- "' -r V literal '" A ' ) i, r f - l. C i 3V3Alfr S n-n rsr PJIIH W "T WW Incorporated Novembtr L Am 20, lOOfT' Statement of Condlilon ,. or tiit Klamath County Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon DICKMBKR 31, 1007 RESOURCES 1mnn nml DiitcountH $340,53o.uo Bonds and Securities . 03.52n.U4 Renl Estate, BulhllngH uiul Fixture ... ) I4,7lf.I Cash and Sight Exchange NiO,2'J7.(jo $505,040.0 J LIABILITIES $100,000.00 .'12.OO0.U4 431,205.40 $505,010.51 I, Alri MrtJii, Jr., t.'lilrr f tin i ,. ,ni l.mik, ili milciimly iwcar (list tlin ni r .i,ir Itiunt l (run to the lrt of my ktiim !.'..-. !,.t .,,.( AI.KXMAlt'lIN, Jlc (aiM.r Sulxxrllml anil nworti to U'fnri' m- 11 i, .1.. of Jnurv. IWW. '"" S'lf ' II UllXI. ,Y . Notary I'ulOlr fir . f , OFnCEKS ALEX MARTIN President E.R. RKAMES Vlcr-Prcsldcnt ALEX MARTIN, JR. Cashier LESLIE ROGERS Ass'l CuMilcr Capital Slock, fully, paid Surplus and I'rofltn Due Other Ranks DcposltH Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin following opinion: "There is no I where he will go as a national statutein the law of Arkansas ( committeeman. Professional Cards THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Choicest of Wines, Liquors nnd agar; re. klr trr to the bcttrr cl. of traclr, .111 n-.tKir. to olrtd the mot critical. You'll rotlc- tin- iMf-rmc vhtajm try It. Juit tho Uro to ilrop 111 fr a trfir.Urf li- e when you nrrd a utimulant I urp lljjnr( of U kind fur family trail) a rcialty Attorney General Kirby, who was recently aak'.-d if a . woman would be violating the law if she wore overalls, has rendered the prohibiting a woman irom wear ing overalls when she docs not disguise as a man. It may be that the wearing of them by n woman is at some time desirable, since there is a time for all things, but personally and indi vidually I hope it will not be- i come a general and prevailing DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Ollirv ovrr Klamath County Hank James C. Dahlman, Omaha's "cowboy mayor" and a close friend of William J. Bryan, has announced himself as a candidate fjr the Democratic nomination for governor of Nebraska. He will begin a thirty days whirl wind campaign immediately after the Denver convention, IN THE LITTLE PRINCESS aVl SsUlt99SSPEaCISBBl fefll-j MsfelK3fctfMMBSSslBBSs1 BtfajKI rfLsMBssMiB&a" -CSbbsssssssssss! JMss!BaaaWr yB iJCj'irWBssP sSsssBsMBBSsssssssssslWBSssssssssssssssssm. ' Ww" MTTsTTrTssssMsMsK W rv&aSvSlBBBBBBBBBBBB3Si?jSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVv. iSBBBV' 'SVUBBSBBBHBBBBBBwHHBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBsVarSBW BBBK ' 7 Lv'xwBfeBB&SBVBPXBBlBHBBBBBBBl Profiting bv the experience of theGermin Protos car, which by choosing the railway bed of the trans-Siberian line for its route instead of the government rond, 'q y STONE is now ahead in tne rncc to Bar-1 is. the Thomas car has left Attorney at Law Nikolsk on the railroad. Though omic- vor txmtoinco. KUmath Kalli. a day behind the rrotos, Driver '()nKon hhuster of the Thomas car, is confident of overtaking it. You get more room, more cooking surface and convenience than from any stove ever sold in JQamath Falls. .v E. VIRGIL & SON Dealers in Furniture and House Furnishings. At the ? Bridge on Main street Emma Goldman has declared she"woti!d not rest unjil she has gained the release of William Buwalda, recently sentenced to three years in prison on the charge of treason. Buwalda's offence, according to the govern ment, was in shaking hands and sympathizing with Miss Gold man while in the uniform of the United States army. A city of the stone age, which antedates by thousand of years the time of America's discovery has been located under the cam pus of the University in Califop ma. investigators or tho Ber keley society for phychological researcli located the ancient city. Excavation work will be gin at once. As a result of the action of the Republican and Democratic state conventions pledging their parties to local option, the pro hibitionists in Washington are in high glee and have not put a candidate in the field for the election. TrLtrnoNr 11 D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falli, Ori-gcn DR. C. ft MASON Dentist Anifrlan lank A Truil Co.'a HiilMInK DonS. if la Dickerson, who suc ceeds to the place vacant by the death of Governor John Sparks,-is the youngest chief ex ecutive Nevada ever had, being only IJl years of age. 11 1 11 11 1 tt'ANTKll-WIII pay !J umiU n .ecu for good clean gallon erup cann and 2 cents for lull gallon size, -.ltoberli St 'llutika. ' Merrill. A natural tratcccnter. CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlor Oysters Served in Any Style J. V. HOUSTON. Prop. WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek RESORTS Tim ltt trout fluMnK In Oregon. llxi client mcnniiiuiUtlniiii for parties. Camping out fltn for rent, r-pt-tlal camping ginitniln ami boat for r-nt. Kino pattnro for .link. Telephone, connection, Accoiniiiiklatlonpi to go to Crater I-oIih. Will meet pirtlii ut Klamath Agency, FRANK SILVIES fROraUTOK Klamath Agency, Ore.N Ready for Inspection Our line of Carpets, Matting, Tapestry, Linoleum. Art Squares, Tabic, Lounge and Stand Coven, is ready for inspec tion. Something entirely new Alio Silk Float and Feltolcnc Mattresse Bran and Iron Beds-Adjustable pen cil woven wire Springs, the only thing for hot weather. Polahed Oak Dining Sets and all oik Rockers. W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. George Bishop Phone-Store, 61 Residence, 105 CIIA8. K. WOKDKN I'realdent A. M. WOKDKN Cannier j ti:i) MEU1ASK Vlc-rrcU' The American Bank and Trust Go. & m MM fltt S s SS t lllofi.l.lllllii CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. flth Md Mala Slrcel A i v