"TLivLTtLicmcntu ' Petition for Liquor License
Hiisinc" '"'-
pjAt litATK rOR AU
to -i in: iionohaiim: county
count or Tin: HTATiror oiu:-
rOBlALE-IW """? , ' ' . G0N K0,t KI'MATII COUNTY. '
al"10 ...... .1,,.. HO , III..,. I il,..f i. ..i L'l .i ,,. . I
i lller, In llicCoiiiil) Klninnlli, KlnliJ
ul Onvmi, hikI iirliiiil ii'tMnitu theifli., i
'ml Mini limit mliinlly ii'nlilril lli.'Mii.
fur niniii limn thirty iU)n tttitiit H.itcly
...Tl),()AV lliiril lllii"" ''ill I iihIIiik ln ilnln ul iiIkiiIiik nml IIII.i'k
.lliiilif) l"l,,l,M " '"" ,lle,,,l" B'-t I Ir . (Ill lixifliy t.H.(.tfilll)
kiri P""1 '
i:, II. Itnll.
H'tltlon your l.ni.ornlile InkIv tu uiu.ii
, ' mill Imiiii tu Jmni-a 11, WIh-iIit, m icI
j.lrliti.f Mill iii'illii'l, n HrciiMi In ,.
I .lil!iMm, ilmm, li-iiiu-iiti'il or umlt !i
i ii l ..I.. J ,",r" '" lUMll"",liiii "in linlluii,!
roil SAl.i:-""1"' ''"" , , , , ' I" ll' pr.cli.it at.ntMil.l for a ht1h1 of
, fcl" M"'1'111"' U"'"1 '' ,""' I "l ""''!'. '""" lliini.l.il.yi.l July,1
- .... !.. .....iiihiiirii... ,fi,,!.,,:.,rl,,p.,,!).v,,,ir .!'. n
hiBOfi" r" .(nirn, llim una 'lll.i Mill i,. iin.
" ....... in....... Oil ,,,.,. .. ... .. . .
10 In It""' f""'" innro in nm i;otitiiy mini alnr-ill
' 1,i.,n,r " ulllmroiiit riK.ni In tU city nl Kli-'
i'"1'1 I mull. Kll.,0"K"ii, mi Hi" IM, .lay i.l
.....ii-...., ii.,r.lu. July. A. I). IUW, at tl.i, hour of ID
k.Li-THOl'""""' "' " I....I ...L I ,. ......
" i .....l ,i,. 911k .. in. in anni uiijf or na a.Mll.
t,.rIn (., at ' ". ""' " ,,l(,li.r u. -.1-1 ., ,. U, ,MI,
' .. . lua.lt mi I til
.JlfitllrHariiii" i" "-'! -
. .... I ! 1 l.l-u
.ill' im (Hl'IX'l , HUB ntt'..- I'd.ni.n
KunJ.vne rtKrkintf cli.lr. .. tl.lMa ;. .;. rt
lanUalmc ,,",,' ''"" "' " "" " """
1 " N. J. J III. I. aim
iravin iiauiii'y
U II il........
Notice ror Publication , , Voiii
(I. F' Vai
Dnlnl llila Ullli ilny of May I'aJH
Jitmra II. Wlii'i'lri
r,iliiniil of Hi" liilerl-tr. II. H. r x 0III..r
,10lw,Ulrlivi Oirk-.n, My Ki, i ,.l(Mk ()Ii(.r
at, Kotlw Ii linrl.y itli-ii llnl All rt ,(1), .fH)ll,
.i.- M Klatnalli Fnll. (IrrKuii, , ,, fclll.
trt.onN'iv n, IWJ. ''l" l''' ' M. I. Morirnn
w,r,jir..i.n, No WIS. r M-U w . ,
LrK.. Will Mrll.ll.... I... AW ,,.(.. raV
U.tlb.lrnlM.1. to liwkr I I...I I r.H.f.
knUWHIifla.ui i "'-" "" T .),...
flM. IM I "'inly l,r' M"" ..'.I.., in.....
",ti,l.oll,cr.t kUu.Mli F.IU.Oir., " '
... ii,.. ...v ,,l Aiitfilil. 1KIM. '-."")"
'ilmat mmc it" " ! J"l' ' :'- ','' '.'!'"'
,UIUk, l KUin.ll. F.1U, (irriiuii, " - "
J.MilfD,olKUin.lli rmn, urrimi, "...,
HroJ.mIt.in. i.l kUimill. rllailir. . j. jiiiiui
,m, Cl.llllr, of KUtllatll Filla, II. M. J.lllla.ill
. . J. I- '
J.V.U'it Itculilnr. 6. IK .loliii Orny
-- - M.l. I'arkrr
furs Wanted
Ic I). Willwn l ill Hi" market fur nil (i. I.. Cf
i of fart, for which ho will y the H. Ili-ilu
Bt nuiUt iirlro AiMreaa him at..
th Falli. Orrti'in. Siimmnim
III III" Circuit Co.llt ol Hip State of
Oii'itnii fur Kla.i.all. Count)'.
I John Kinnti iUIllff, t. AinaiiiU
i:ila Ki.ilittilrfriulaiit, ai.it In riiulty for
IXriictli lirirbr irlvrii that thrro air itorrp.
klilDtlifcnuiitr tiraruiy fur tint If In I lie name ol the italr ol Oiicim:
aption of all outtlaiulli.K. count) You an lirtcliy rii.ilril to ai.'ar mut i
rruli innti ti-,1 on mni prior In ianawrr the complaint lllnl ayaiii't ou
r;t1,l. Intrirtt on Minr will in llm Uir intlllnl mil on or Mo.r
UnIiooi IhiiiUti. i-iiir.U'. Join. 13iti. HiOH. U'liii! ths
lljital at KUmatli FalU thU 15th ilat ul ,,y ll4rltil in ll.e orilrr for ii.Ih
llfanl 1UI4 I.. ' '. ........ i
.-,..., ,,-. '1 liillull ol till. Illlllllulia.lllC Mill IHIOII'
I. Alia lfu, callun ol nhhli Ik-Iiii; m r-atur.lay, May '
lomilr-Iiraaurrr. "...l. IWS. mnl II yon fall . to nn.-r.
for want thiifif. ihr tilaintiff hIII a.1v
JAriUI.NtOI'TIIKINTItlllniLr.irMa.it. ,.. l ..... ... ,l... ...L.l .!, .,!.,.. I, l In I
'Iudj ,.. Hhl,u. II. Ci M.nh XI. , .7 "..... ... ,., , i. . .... '
. nvTKBQr BrvruRATION r M IJC t-ANM llir riilll'iaMtia ii-i iiriruii !- "
ui'ir.'rV,:,;,.!:,.?' .ln.ll.M.1rtn ll. I-....I. ..ln..lit.
KvvMii M.m i.r aiiMnwai in inuiir t-xiallntC la-incrn luaiiiiiii nnu ot-
lUmnutHtf II,. IlKJi.w.lfuf Irrla 1 ., .'., I
2rii ii.. wi t Jum it. ma In '
TliU aui.iti.iiiia la acivnl liy piiblicalluti
J. M, Kmtry
II. II. IKiilry
11. II. Ili.iich
Aaa l)ii
l(alih II. Ijiiftiui
I.. V. Corlalnl
Ira KiikI"
Vpy Coin
Win, M, Mircn
l. (J. Cointliey
II. J.hawlilv'"
I), t. Noah
W. II. N11. 1.10
A. I.. Mi-IIiim.
J. A. lilliroii
Win, I i-iiti.u
r. m. iNiiton
lr Hen tun
I,. ('. M.iiiorn
J. II. lie. lit
F.J. (Mm
Jo. Ilrili(
Unix; Wl.it..
Frank hlUrra
l. It)au
W. II. CUik
U A.Crau.v
C. C. Uropl.y
J. II. lU-ny
K II. KIiik
Treasurer". Notice
.1'" ' n-,ilwi ol.h Ih. KUmaih
l(W.llh. IMmtnt dwrlbal land.
WESittWIrlXl.ln the Kwi.ii. IIM, hyor.lcr of lion.
L'E3L'S'",ill',-''i'i.ii'iiiuVi Court for the flrtt l.iillclal .lialrict of
-SriKWKnYaB.'S'l.S. 0".n. illl .'lay Ul. IUW. Mel. or.
Sl!J'""' u"ul 'irio!ol.lir nijulrpa auintuona to U .iiulialil
muZjrji9 -r" Burn umi nt i wi will -"" - -- i
Eu?.?.'??.!!.'"." "" ,',,, .wh'- Irom llu Ut .lay l May, 1W)8. '
"ratnan 11 i.m ...1 ...i ... . m u : A. I.. I.F.AI1I.
. r.:...:- .
Attorney lor riainiui.
ysi'iffiJv.JSria? T - " " K-
w, ngfji" " Hi. Mral Unci OflW.
AHU.ant IWrnarr ul lh. InUrlor
G. Helming & Co.
for Merchants
Marshfltld, Oregon, or
KUwtlt Falls. Oregon
Zlm's Plumbing
Oracling and Jobbing
Fintclaia Line of I'lumb
'K Spcciiiltica ami flrat.
m Wiirknmnhli.
A 0. U. W. Building
KUnuth rilli
Jackson Hotel 1
'oil Klamath, Ore.
Cln roomu. iaod tvedn.
the table alwaya aup-
With the heit ihn
wket afforda-Terma
.Jackion, Prop.
UNOornif. HatUluaiun, l. v.. Mar 1.
iwi. Nurica or aaiToaatio or niiicLaana
to tBTtliaraT HP wtir. NjHIca la htitbr
Ion thai Hi. fWrelarjr ot Hie lulailoi ha. a.
"alM U.panmtiiial onff r ol withdrawal In w
faraaihaMBiarrttt.. withdrawal Inrlriil
a.luu i.uno.f undf r lh. act otJun. 17. Ivot.
.Viaut'.tsailiir w In onnllon wliu ill.
klaraath li.ijret.urraun.ol Hi. lullowlnrd.-
Krllird landi I.l Ih. Hial til tlrnoii, and br
hi a.i.UoMIt .mil ul aid liacn l.a iiol
lir.ii hfr.lolo dually if.11.1M and ar. not
uthrrwl.. wlilidrawn. rfwit.d or I'V'JP'l
alMl. olllU .ulilTI la Mi.Umvut uudr lh.
..ulillcland la.a ol Ih. United BlaW on and
allr Julr M iwa.h.il ball not b. ubJ'Cllo
rnlrV. lln or wlwllon until Auau.l S. WJ. ,
at lh UnlKd htalct Unit Offlc. ai Uatrljw,
flrrioM. warning ll..f ei.r...lr '" 'J' i
no cr.un will I turinlt.rd imaln r cIm
any rlihl whalarci V",,c, "'..".".".".nd
orcmwllnn Un allrr May May l.lvw. and ,
nrlor l.i Jitlr M. IVU9. all turn .ettfeutrnt ; -1
'o....l"liincrol tb.Mencral Un.l omc.
K" An,M ilSl fccrrurr of lb. Int.ilor.
3500 Acres Free
Tim Ukealilo comjiany h 2600 ncrca
of land iimler tho Ailama .lltcli Hint It
will glvo ItKNT FllKK for 0110 year.
ThU Iticlmlea the uto of the Und nnJ
wnter. The renter mut clear mul
place the Innd In cultivation, The rent
er geti nl the crop lint we renerve the
rly-lit lo paitnre the Hubble.
The Lakcildo Company,
J. Frank Adnwa. Manager,
Merrill Oregon.
Klamath Ua PulBc library
Tho Klamath Falla Public Library la
open evory afternoon from 2 to G:80
o'clock and each evening from 0:30 to
10 o'clock, A cordial Invitation la ex
tended to alh
0. D. WllUon Uclonlng out hla whole
ale itock ol llquow cheap at'the cheap
Tliu Klamitlli Project is tho name
tli ut litiH Iiupii iipi.lied to tho rcclnmn
tioti of nlioiit 1(J0,UU0 acrt'H of Innd now
miller tlio overllow of tho Klmnnth
lliv.-r mul ol Lower Klntiintli J.itko und Tiilfc.Jjiiko
mul Ilic imKnliou of ttlmtit li-0,000 ncrcfl of vnllcy
Imi. I iiiljitui'iil In tho Klmnnth Jllver, nlonj thu cotirnc
of IiiihI llivcr mul thu trilititiiry iortion of tho uret
I'litti'iiii lyiiiff cliltifly in Klmnnth County, Oreuon, but
iiIho ciiilitiiuiiiK lmt of HiMkiyou mul Modoo Conn
liiM, Ciiliforniii, a lotitl nrcii of 200,000 ncrnR.
The 1'ioject Dinhniccii the coiiHlrucliou of n very
Krunt mileiiKu of ciuiiiIh, hitentlH mid (IniiniiKu oiinnU
und will hitvu ilN .rineiiiil wonrce in Ut.iier IC I a math
l.ulte. (Jli-nr J.ulti' und lloraully nru ruMcrvoir Hitea
wIiitc Hood water will hu impounded and utilied for
irriKittioit of lanil inulnded in tlie tippc-r portion of
thu I'rojeet.
Win It on thu niniii canal w.in Htnrtcd in the Spring
of V.HIIi nntl thu fimt unit of uiiiu miles in now com
pleted. A hunt 1:1,000 neruH of Innd will he irrigated
mini the fitHt unit, thu later.ilH for wliich nru being
cminlrticU'il under thu KtipcrviHiou of thu cninccra
hiivinc clutrKO of thu Project. Uy far thu larffeat
piopurtion of the laud under thu lirnt unit Ih now in
miKcbriifih and niiiht hu clear oil and broken in tiiio
for crop in thu .Spring of 11108- Work on tho mic
oud unit in hciiiK don.) I.y thu (Jovernuicut and em
l.rnce.s uini'teeit milcH of nimii canal anil twenty-nix
iiiiIoh of hilernlH to furnish water to about 20,000
additional acrex of land. Work on thin unit will bu
proKcciited n rapidly an posiible.
Nearly one-half of the nr.m to be irrigated is now
tinder water to a depth of from ono to fifteen feet
and will be reclaimed by a Hyxtcm of drainage to
lower the level of the rivers mid lakes. A large part
of the Huauip laud mid praettcully all of thu valley
hind in thu Klaiiuilli IIiihiii nru hold in private own
ership and Home in very large trnetn which must b9
Hold in tracts of 1C0 acre or less under the regula
tion governing the perfection of n water-right.
KLAMATH'S I'or lb development and prof-
aitUATKST pcrity tho Klamath Basin must have
NEED people, nnd tho right kind of people
at that. Its great need is intelli
gent, practical fanners, who understand tho meaning
of intensified and diversified farming; men who will
buy lend, not for spcculativo purposes, but with the.
idea of clearing oir tho sagebrush and making per
manent and comfortablo homc.i. Such men are bound
to succeed. There ii room for thousands of them.
Developing Sugar beets have been grown cs-
Various periuicntnlly throughout the Klnm-
Industries nth Valley. Thu percentage of sugar
is high, as will bo in. ted from the
following analysis made by the L'nited States De
partment of Agriculture from beets grown near
migar in beets, per cent., '21.7; sugnr in juice, per
ocnt., 'J I.l ; eoeflicient of purity, 63.1.
Kxpeiieuee has demonstrated that excellent as
piiragtiN, (minis and celery can bu grown, thu tule
lands being very similar to tlu.su of thu Sacramento
mul Sun .limiiiiu Valleys of California, where Mich
vegetables lire m. MieccMifttlly cultivated. Through
out the world the reclaimed marshlands nru thu best
suited for the highest development of dairy inter
ests. There is no question that this will become n sugar
beet producing section mid that 11 number of facto
ries will be built and operated wlh the development
of the industry.
All kinds of fruit adapted to the temperate rone
thrive here apples, peaches, pears, cherries, prunes,
plums, apricots ami nectarines do well, and small
fruits boar abundantly and of excellent finality.
There are a great many small orchards throughout
the basin that prove the adaptability of the region
to the profitable production of fruit.
. h. Smith, former president of the Oregon State
Hoard of Horticulture, gives it as his opinion that
(lie foothill lands -uru specially adapted to apple
growing. -
Cultivation of the potato has passed beyond the
experimental stage, the satuly loam of the uplands
producing them in great abundance.
Klamath County wheat, grown without irrigation,
took tho premium nt tho New Orleans Exposition.
The most important forage crop is alfalfa, tho soil
being peculiarly adapted to its growth.
Excess All landowners being required
Holdings Must to sell their excess holdings, there
Be Bold is n large aren ot good land for sale
at reasonable figures, prices rang
ing from about $15 to 15 for unimproved, nnd $20
to $50 per nero tor improved Innd. Land adjacent
to the principal towns commands limber prices. The
purchaser pays for the water righat a cost of nbout
$18 per ncro to bo paid for in ten. equal annual in
stallments without interest. This amounts to less
than tho ordinary nnmuil rental paid privato ditch
companies. Some of tho irrigators of Klamath Val
ley (and they nru tho most prospeious farmers J hnve
already puiil out to such companies for water $U0 per
ncro nnd i wn no water. All of these coinpnuies havo
been purchased by tho (loverninont nnd included in
tho system.
No public lands will bo open for settlement for
several yenrs. '
Climate Tho upland soil is mainly a rich Bandy
and loam of great uniformity nnd composed
Soil largely of disintegrated nnd eroded Invn
. with nn admixture of volcnnio nsh nnd
dlntomaceous earth, the latter material of plant ori
gin, formed in tho bottom of the ancient sea which
covered the greater part of the Grout Uasin, nnd of
which Klnmnth A'nlley is n northwesterly extension.
Such soil, characteristic of many of tho richest agri
cultural sectious of tho world, including much of
Italy nnd tho great plains of India, is extremely fer
tile, and of lasting productiveness. Tho lake. nnd
tttlo lands nro nintlo up of n volcnnio soil containing
much organio matter, a vegetablo accumulation of
ages, ami is of a pcatty nature
The elimnto is oxtrcmejy healthful und not severe.
Thcro is rarely nrry Winter weather boforo tho latter
part of December, nnd but little r.ero weather during
the entire Winter. The annual precipitation is about
fifteen inches, with littlo rain during tho Summer
BUY According to Season
Groceries, the same as wearing apparel, should
be bought according to seasons. You make
no mistake when you leave it to us to decide
which is the best at this time. We always
guarantee satisfaction. Just call up phone 516
Our goods are new and attractive.
Bert E. Wiihrow,
Vice I'reildnt
Maps, Plus, Mac Mats, Etc.
Klamath County Abstract Go.
Surveyors and Irrigation .Engineers
Don J. Zumwalt. C. K.
Klamath Falls, Oregon
East End Meat Market
CRISLER ft STILTS, Proprietors
Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry
Freeh and. Cured Meats and Sausage of all kinds.
We handle our meata in the moat modem way in dean
linesi and surrounding-a. Try us and we will be swat
happy to have you for customer. Free Delivery.
are Advancing in Value
When blocks in Mills Addition were offered
at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves
tors bought; since that time values have
increased materially.
These Lots are Bargain Buys
at present prices, and there is every reason
to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem
ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width 'and
deep more than double the area of most
town lots offered to investors.
Land Salesmen.
Office oa Fifth Street
The Gem
Restaurant and Lodging House
Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par-.
ties. The largest and best arranged eating houe
in the city. Open day and night.
Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities.
Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 401
or K-K K Store, Phone 174
Heavy Freighting a Specialty. Baggage Orders Are
Given Prompt Attention "
O. K. Transfer & Storage
Having up-to-date piano
Irucks we solicit your
fine piano moving
omc an
Mtn 71
l .