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Mostly I'npor In JJ, K M Klamath FoIIh .... SfJJ ftmiiii Hefaio. 'Our Advertiser Get the Best Results . . . ftC0KpYBAW.NQ.BC7, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 2. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. CHAMBERLAIN AND PROHIBITION COUNTRY VOTES DRY Klamath Falls Goes Wet But Not Enough to Garry the County 8ao prrciti-t. wlilclt it one ! Ilia .sitkii In ti" "'. " ouXr "d IhlliMUwnliMriUtiiin that ! not Md-y, OJrll li not been lird ll.r rItctln of thin that IM li H' U llltHii up In Ibidroiluniri In many nl Ilia plaees lUMlfiiity agalnal "' taluoii " trt Willi. but In 'r'rX IiiIiic It bvtJ that Hi"" I" altoni ntlinitnt tlaitiliell'irlrlllj and that It li till flail of tli nullity "I Ilia total ltrwhout llir county that saloon l .. ti i it t.i. .. .. in dsaiy aim ",n I'li'iiM'iii"" pitta iHrrl t th Mine tlinp tint the .tilt eltclil rtMluly ulllcrr ilti,e lUlrilutlri, lln" Hut Monday In July. Anorvlini h tit I(kI 'lli(i Iiw titty prKinrt tlitt tninl ilty will I sj itgaMl'M ( tli general rrauli of lU ratl.r coiiutj- Hhmild KUmath rills tail eiiuugh wdr. aj.ln.t nulil UIm to uiitt) the Mito ul lint cnunty lit, tbrn ll lll lha only place In tltdxnily that Mill liai aaluiit, Iml ihoaM the inn 'flty In llila nrclnrt n! UUrgitiioujIi in place tlio county In lit atl column ilirii lliia county muat i!vilrjr Otlojtotho lrgi tide III thl pi dart, "l, It will lw lata tlilt cnln '3 llit tolm will he conn nl and III bllcalloni at llil thus am that tlir ftustr alll not gi wetordry by mora tuaw volet. Itolli ii,lei are itlll tUlmlci a victor) TUtllrieriiittuhan turned ami a toft nsjory of tlio volet now being rustled are fur prnlilliltlun ami the m le mm and tl.rlr Mend practically concede tliat it la lin,o-.lhlii fur the coiliity to no wet i,n tli itri-iigth of the vol In tli l.lnkville precinct. Jmt l fore going to prrtt the luillrattont arr that Hi ruiinly will yodry by about 75 voir, Tb majority In throul-Me pre. rlnel It l.l-S and It la rMluiati-d that tlilt IHmIikI will m wet b) mom llian HI iitei, RETURNS OF KLAMATH COlNTYfr LOSES IN STATE I'rt-t incl c 3. J g h f i 2 J h K S S fc c v c 2 2 J a s is s IT'. 70 (! 10 10 110 1m ll ll 2 li IJO 17 lit 0 0 00 iv. t- -SMamlBaaH aaBBar k i-aaaHLw r,7 w i 2 a.' 6 r. 38 45 I). V. KUYKENDALL Kuykuiidnll HluctvcJ ror Coiiiicmnnli W CMIawli-y .. 1180.107 J 23 57 & W. h. ItldmriL h (nh) 11 II (J Ml IimiiIiI Mnir i' u r, n 2 t J.. I. Wliltnry II IU.1 2H K "A 21 Jinllrc hiiiirrmn C0111I Itibt H. Ilcau II ll Xi'i 70 ('. ) IIHkIiI . I' ll (I 12 - C. Iliu . . P 0 0 10 t' I omiiiiMloiivr J. W. Ilallry . It LV9 OS 1 11 I". N. Kini-iv .. i lira :li hi V. K llo.kiua I' IIUII h L'.H.Vi'tialnr I. II. Amu .. I' (I 0 7 J II. M.C'aki. . . It 2-.M I.') 112 .. i:. Cliambeinliill 2n3 tl lUj J C l'iHr hUUIII i It. II. ('iiiiilinir , - I K '.iii..U-ll It .".". r,'i J n: It. IImI-ii-ihi . . ll !..' W in) I'r.iMi ntiHK' Atlonifi ll. Kii)ki-ii.lnl It I')', 70 121 W J ..r ; I7 l& 107 ll Mair tiito li II. MfiriiMii li IIH O.-1 MM 02 li tirliu'-r ...ll I.M h hi 21 SUI ItlMiN'wlltnlUl' 11 r ii.ain. it 2S1 00 m ,7 II. II lldknjji II ll'i til 74 21 II. . Ili.tli.lii lill 170 .V) lil 17 .-lift id , u 11 liatn- it '.' r.H ion r.'.i I II I llnotukir ll 2i. Ill IS.'. 2.' I CI. ik I II i.-Ij I! 3X! 7ti l.M &9 W. A IM.II . II I .'-I li M 1 I iiii.iiii'i -f II. llJk'iiill .. Il 2M 1.1 14) M l Alt.i I.ka' It 212 47 101 41 N.llx.ilMllH-Hlltl'll.ri (.' Niii.t.iin.n H2.2I7 10-'. 4J J.ti .swun It .'.' 71 1.17 M An mor - j I- u-.. 11 2; J ft? ir.s m It. I'. Wlll.i-.w . It 217 IU M U CulliUitiaionvr K I. iiimiui.ra . ll l 3S 13." ii O. J. rtlnfli ...It I'JI 7n liw n 'fiur)or M. II. HlltrbiMlll tl 211 II I3'.i .V. M. II. Uillmun . It 2.11 i.'J t'l fi7 ' Coroii ' Kail Whlll.Kk l U.V, S) 1(W 01 07 11 I Fill I'ruhilltluli IW 78 120 4 H 4 Agalli't rrolilbltmn 2sH M 107 4.1 41 0 00 OiJ (pi) 00 ."I 31 to 31 1,4 21 ol 28 21 12 ta Co 32 IVi 31 H fill IM 7 ft it -;... a 00 O) 00 00 00 (Ml 0J 00 lJ (111 00 0 00 3 O) I) .1 3 II 0 0 It 17 21 8 75 00 I 01 4 32 3.1 3 3 2-1 I.' 0 31 30 38 32 i ::u 31 27 32 20 r2 XI .11 11 :tl C5 1:. 00 12 :a 0 20 6-. 2 J 1 .'I 21 15 3S 60 33 "111 30 30 31 2.1 20 31 21 14 34 4J 4'i 411 51 11 12 II 21 10 10 20 25 21 r. 4'i 2S 20 47 37 35 M 51 10 31 40 21 30 211 40 1U 30 2S 29 34 48 00 18 02 I'J 50 12 31 51 37 M 10 3U 40 49 21 0.5 62 It 4! 0) UJ Oi IJO 00 00 W 00 (X) 00 00 (X) 00 OH 00 00 00 00 00 00 w OJ 00 0) OJ 01 00 10 no 00 w (W no 00 00 00 00 00 mi 00 709 000 000 ::4!i 127 (I 0 00 74'j 00 0 0 515 641 0 0 70.1 437 700 431 N)I 410 0 0 0 0 0 0 IH1 Ml 4SJ 751 f,2i 70J 7N3 707 017 f.3 075 000 WW (W0 000 000 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 00 0 0 (I 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 (I 0 0 I 0 0, 0 0 0 0 no 0 0 00 0 0 Oil 0 0 00 Incomplete Returns Give the Victory to Oregon's Popular Governor Snow Quite Deep Superintendent W. Y. Arant made a trip to Crater Lake Park a few day ago. He taja tbn enow ii at Ml my deep and that In entering, tlio bouie attlieatatloo lm bad to (11k through nine feet of enow. Sii iiillra Hilt aide of the elation tha mow hm frmii two to four feet deep. At briil.'o creek there waa mow to tha depth of lite fret. It will be Iropoaalbla 10 go into the park for some time, but a I emu and waiion will be lent up to morrow to haul, lumber to tha mow line wln-rc It will he ttorcJ until later In thorcaon. Tw- 1 vs aviJ JiaMVg' taaaaaaaaaaaVaPalfia II. V. Kiirkni.lnll (arrln Ktanialh County by a larn majoiilj and ilrfcntrd " ' " " ' ' w.J.Miaimfur .niiruiln .it..riH.y. In Linkvillo precinct but d03 volw worjcounteJ wnc n the Her in. ...inriir in thia county i ai.prnil. aid went to urcss. loaviiiff 1103 ballots to bo counted. The vote, ---'----' 0 0 0 0i 0 GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN Lambing and Shearing I.D. Applegate came up from tbe niately 275 and l.ako gao Mooru but a l,owever i3 jjijch that tho ilbo'.'O Uiolo )M2ti Cally tells the tale of Lava Bed. yesterday where he baa been 1 . email majority which Inturca election of Mr. Ku kcmiall. the the entire election. jE'ifi t "Wake Up Come Out of it and take a look First "Dry" Sale At those $12, $14 and $15 Men's Summer Suits we have on sale at - - - - $10 Till, innrniiu when the report lwcauie current that tlio county had gono dry a Klauintli Falla buiineti man elated that ho would sell Ida place for 60 centa on the dollar. One ol hit employer! accept ed th ofTer ami paid ten dollara to bind tli bargain. TI11S deal has not yet been mail public, but if the Dual voto should pui thu county in tlio dry column the purciiaer will intiat on having the bulb neat at Jmt on half of what It will in-voioo. I for some time looking after Ids sheep In ttrvita. II icpoita a very successful lambing season, saying tnat most of the sheepmen made better than 100 per cent, and that 105 per cent It about the average. Shearing It about to begin in that section and the clip will be very good. At tli it lime there it no ttrong market for the wool clip, bat It it thought that buyer will toon be in the tleld and that a good price will be re ceived. All of the sheepmen have se cured permits for grating In the Modoc reserve so that there will be no trouble overran cu this Summer. The feed It very good at this time and sheep are do ing well A Choice array of patterns to select from-Now's the time to buy your sum mer "rlfl" and make your pocketbook smile. They are $10 while they last "SEE THEM" K. K. K. STORE - H. 1.. Suartzlnndur, while In the city from thu Klamath Agency, stated that tthe tennis club of that pltce was put ' ting in full lime practicing and that they wcrocuiiilng'to the tournament In this t-lty tu win. They have a splendid couit nml much Interest Is being taken in the i gam At tlio regular meeting of Klamath Lodito No. 137, 1.I.O. F. last Satur day night thu following o Ulcer a wero el jecied for the eniulug term: C. O. . lliower, X. G.j Geo. D. Orlnle, V, O; I O. A. Steams secretary and 1. L. Foun- 1 tuln treasurer. A. L. Darrow, tke Sacramento banker ami tlio president of thu Klamath Kor porallou, it tpendlng today in the coun try and will leave for hit home at Sac ramento, He hat been here for a few necks looking over the country. I ait night the mail camo in for the first time over the Dorrit route and it rem bed hero about 10 o'clock. Thliwat duo to the fact that the train on the main lino wat late. The Ice vream season hat begun and our parlort are open. Manning' a. K. 11. Itamtbr came up from' Merrill yliterda y to ote and It today acting at chief ol police in place of C.C. Low wbo It one of the judget of tbe election. Incomplete rttarnt of the) state give Chamberlain majority of approilasate- 1 2,000. It la concede.! that ho to the popular choke for United State Sena tor and in moat of tbe counties beard from be ha received mail raajotitle. Report are tbat the party line were cast aalde and Republic everywhere flocked to tbe Chamberlain banner. Lake Goes Wet (Herald Special) Lakevlaw, Jan 2 Return! from th entire county are not in, but th Repab- Itcant will elect only the abtriff aad Commltalonar. Tbe rest of th officer elected are Democrat. Cbamberlala will carry Lake County by about 70 vote. Counties Oo Dry (Herald Bpeclal) Ashland, Jua 1 Jaektoa tad Joaa pbin count! go dry by Urge aa Jorltle. Cbamberlala oarrie Jatktf aajorityof ltt. OH For Portland Klamath Falls w ll be well rep reaenUd at the Portland Boa Carnival. A Urge delegation west oat on tbe boat thl morning and, aevaral parti bate none out on each of the peat few day. Thoa who Uft talt moraiag wart) O. Heitkemper, Jr., Mr. O. O. LawU and con, Mr. R. S. Moor, Mr. Fraak Ira White, H. Bolvin, B. Whlllock, Mr. and Mr. L. F. WUllt. R. 8. Brlfham, Mr. E. R. Ream and Judge) H. L. Benwa. Tb KUmath float will appaa la th parade tonight aad all of thoat who tUrted today will b too Ut to join th Klamath booaUr in th parade. Close Pokffama Office Tbe KUmath Fall TrantfMrtatioa Company closed It oBw at Polragama oa Jon ltt and tbU company 1 bow transecting all of it basis vUDerrt. Thmn who hay bssa statloasd at Foktfama bave been transferred sltbsr to thl city or to point between bert) and Dorrit. Sloe th trantter of tha malt to tb nw rout then to no loatjsr a reguUr servlo by way of Poksgam. The proof of the freezer it in the freezing The White MounUin Freexer makes more cream, better cream, and makes it easier and cheaper than any other freeacr on the market LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS 6 HANKS HARDWARE DICALOS v