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MARSH LANDS Herald Publishing Company argalns at $20 per acre and upward!. Euy Terms. .!. frl) 50 per cent, vegetable matter. Klamath's greatest bargain W. O. SMITH, Idilor s SUtWCRllTION HATES lalljr, ly mall, a rmr. THE KLAMATH COUNTRY luiir, lir null ala month, IWillTt lr mall, I hrr mnlhs Incorporated November 20, jooq Dill., dllwrl liT4lTl.r. altwk, ,16 ualir. i' mall, a monin. .M THE EVENING HERALD laauI dallv. trtt tiutxlar. br tha " .. wmi How to HRMiT.-boivl IVaiofllcw nwwy onl.r, tirJ onW, ioronal chrtk on four local tank, .tamp, coin, oc wrcvncy. NnwirArtn !.aw or Oaroow Portion Sssirf lhalawa of OrraAti pwtMra that whvncrrr any prtMn eonlnIMn a newvt awr ahall mail uch ncirapcr lo any iron In thla Mata without Cfl r.Mna an crO, r therefor, aur h ncwMapr .Mil le .loenwxl la be a aift. ami no debt orowtira. thtn'ahall aecnie a.aln.t auch peraon. whether aM ntwaparcr l rtvflred by lha paraon to whom It la aent or not. Tl'KhO.W Jl'Ni: 1 11VS. HAVE SOMETHING DOING Friday and Saturday June 5th nnd Gtli should bo big days for Klomatli Falls and Klnmath County. The people of Klamath Fulls should appreciate thn op portunity that is siven them, by the farmers' Institute and the meeting of the Water Usees' on those days, and do some tall hustling to fill this town full of people. This can be easily done if everyone will urge their friends in the country to be sure and be here. Send out a special invitation nnd offer some induce ment besides the Institute. Let the merchants give special bar gains on those days and make it worth while, so that the farmers can bring their families to town imuI do their purchasing while here. Let us wake up and do something. Despite the qualifications he says she possesses for business life, John D. Rockefeller says he believes woman's place is the home. "It is made for her," ha told a New York reporter sent to interview him on his Pocantico Hills golf links, "and she adorns it better than she does the ofike or shop." J believe it is largely women's fault if they work." he said "There are exceptional cases, but most of women if they f mane up meir minus carry enough, become the housekeepers rather than the bread earners. x That does not imply that the women nre not eminently fitted for most of Hhe occupations thc pursue. As n rule they 'are conscientious, painstaking and have the other requirements for business life. Dut I dare say they are happier as mothers and keepers of homes." Then the billionaire's conversation turned to himself. "I work as hard as any man who lives by the .sweat of his brow," he said "and harder than you who live by the sweat of your pens. Rut work to me is a real pleasure. Do you see that house?" pointing to the new mansion upon which dozen of workmen are working. "I have shovel i mortar nnd carr ed bricks not gold bricks to the very top. I am a hardy son of to'.l. Sleep well, eat well , p-, X7 JCRATLK LAKC -.WM1 ' 5 nationalcarki i .--:iS.') l f J K LA M A T M JK fJQ -V.-- I It INDIAN ?' J V! SCT- I r-.- RESERVATION f 1 XiKUMATMrAUJ LA 0,,i- a k TaX v " Vrv Hi4Uiat Jl B. ( .rOatty.A J V v - u mwi) r -f J- .0I YVSoSv 1?N V i MOHTACul i'i I'' " w I t la i ) Ptttutf Stitement or Condition Klamath County Bank KUmath Falls, Oregon DECEMBER 31, l)07 RESOURCES Iammh nml Discounts $340,030.00 IIoikIm and Svcuritlen r. O3,r25 04 Heal Ftnto, UulldliiKH nnd Fixturw . 14,7.15.10 Cash and Sight Exchange 160,24 7.C0 5505,04 oXl LIABILITIES Capital Stock, fully paid $100,000.00 SurpluH nnd l'rolltn Due Other ItanKH )l'M).lit(l 2 1,753.1! 32.OO0.D4 431,205.40 $505,040.51 I. Alrl Mrtln. Jr..('aalilir nf 1 1,. i dank, ilu aolomiily iwmr Dial tlie Ml mint U Irutt tulho lat t)f mykii(i!.ilk., AI.KX MAItllN, Jit (a SiiliairiUtl ml wurii lit Ufntr in, ii, of January, IKK ISralJ C UIT1 w Nutary I'ulilic f. r in k n OFFICERS iUy ALEX MARTIN E. R. REAMES ALEX MARTIN. JR. LESLIE ROGERS v Trcildctit Vlcc-1'rcsldenl Cashier Ass'l Cnshicr Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin Professional Cards Dentist Oflici- over Klamath County lUnk work well, nnd put by for n nbnndoned nnd persistent rumors rainv davr-those nre the rules to arc in circulation that the doc- keep if one would become a golf tors have warned tne family that DR. WM, MARTIN xpert. mey grawiy uouui wneiner ne will ever regain his health. Grover Cleveland has suffered r another sinking spell, according representative Hamlin of Mis- to Wall street reports, said to souri diverted the Hous for a emanate from Equitable Life while in illustrating the im- sources. The excessive hum- mensity of the session's appro- idity. to which his relapse is at- priations. The total is $1,0!,- jomiro out j-,miii1.-1 Klamath tributed, is said decidedly to uw.uuu. in $au gold pieces t"iSOrrn have lessoned the former presi- weighs 1851 tons. In allowing dent's chances for recovery. , one ton to a load it would re-Lttrtllnsr The usual secrecy continues to, quire a train if wapons seven! prevail at the Lakewood hotel, .and a half miles long to trims-, D. V. KUY KENDALL THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT. Proprietor Choicest of WImci. Liquors nnd Cigars r CaUra to th Urttrr claai of trail Hitd n. & to ojrtl tho mott critical. You'll notlc lh ilif!rfrn ahfojcu try it. Juat the itart to ilrnp in for a rtrrriHrfmtr- ( when you nrnj a atlinulant I'urr iimti iHH klnda for family traun a lalt C F. STONE Attorney at Law Knlli whence it has still proved im- port it. To pack it on mcn'3 possible, on account of his illness backs, allowing 150 pounds to a to remove the patient. All hopes of taking him to his sum mer home at Tarn worth, N. H. arc now said to have been IN THE LITTLE PRINCESS laMaMrjaaaaaaMaaaSEvpjpMSJBflBJBSJBflBIBflBJtaBBaaay ll3L!!aaaBBBBBBll3 aa"3aaMBM' aihaaJa!a JSK&fv1'1? 3tBalSS tSh --HBTraiBtWaiHBMiSjaSjaSjv, BtlmgrfSMHpBJBJBBBBBBl SV -"- fBM jSam t and You get more room, more cooking surface convenience than from any stove ever sold in Klamath Falls. E. VIRGIL a SON Dealers in Furniture amWJouse Furnishings. Bridge on Main street At the man, would require every repre sentative who voted for Speaker Cannon's election as n repre sentative and 1,210 Democrats beside. Curious ground is sot forth in the papers (lied in support of a . motion for a new trial for J. C. ' Duncan, convicted of murder ut Chattanooga, Torfn. The alle- gation is made that the jury, im mediately on retiring, and before deliberating on the case, prayed for half an hour for guidance. After being out a verdict of first .degree murder was rendered, the foreman weeping as the ver dict was announced. The tears and the ."0 minutes of prayer aro part of the grounds upon which . re-trial is asked. Members of the Woman's Chriatian Temperance Union in Minnesota, think Carrie Nation i.s entitled to a hero modal and have so informed Andrew Carne gie. The claim is based on the idea that Carrie Nation did more than any other person to start tlie present prohibition move ment, though it does not appear exactly where the heroism comes in. Nothing has been heard from Mr. Carnegie or hisi com mission on the matter. WANTKD-WIII ay 2cenH pef0 for good titan Kllin uyrup cann and 2 cents lor half gallon tlzo, Hobcrta Jc llanl a, i Attorney at Law , Klamath KaII. Oregon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist Amrrlfan lUnk A Trim Co.'a llnll,riK CENTRAL CAFE Open Day und Night Private Dining Parlors Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek RESORTS The heat I rout flohliiK In Onm, J.i! client nicoimnniliiilotii for lartiiH, Camping oiitlltn fofiVnl. r-iM-cIal tamplnx Vrouina ami lontn for rent. Finn Mctnnt for .lock, TclephoixMomiri ilon, Accomnioilutlonn tn wo to Crater Lake. Will meet pullca at Klamath Agency. FRANK SILVIES , PRorairroR Klamath Agency, Ore. Ready for Inspection Our line of Carpets, Matting, Tapestry, Linoleum, Art Squares, Tabic, Lounge and Stand Coven, is ready for inspec tion. Something entirely new Alio Silk Float and Feltolenc Mattressci Brus and Iron Beds-Adjustable pen cil woven wire Springs, the only W for hot weather. Polahed Oak Dining Sets and all oik Rockers. f .aaaaiaaMatf iaiallllliaaaJM,wMaMaaMBaa..aa,iae--- """ W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. George Bishop Phone-Store, 61 Residence, 155 CIIA8.-K. WOUDKN I'reaident A. M. WOUDKN Caahler HIED aIELHASH Vicr-rrrikW The American Bank and Trust Co. i -, ; CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor.UiMd Main Street v,v'