OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 03, 1908, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1908-06-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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jlatly Rcwl Vwr
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
KhMth FHl'rt ....
,Ybaii. No. w;h.
Price, 5 Cents.
ILL HAVE HOT TIME commencement events
later Users' Session Will Be Stormy Ac
cording to Barometer
,. .i i iI.k Cltur Lake dam
.kMillrrrJ waller In the Klamath
Kt Fur U 'I " " " "
Mac " '' rcin'lyt Itut
jlBJlcttlom n are '" "','
itir 'lll u" "" ""' ,h,nK
.L-itdnilnlh" l"0' ami mat at
(BillBKilly "'""" ""',0 '"
.1..- il... la IILhIw III rAIIBM
lloaiB9ii',D '""' ' " '
LMfln lU cmiple.lon "'
,,rojt. Ilit-prate that. hit emend,
atuilaf for rl.BMKc In lb" llm d
ilia-the titular annual Hireling will
,. tttr(ti!i('tlltcarit llilnic compared
lUikmtnJMil aiciolutlon Ihat will
,Utrcdacrd. Tim Herald Informed
i the are pruiiiinml In Ilia KUin
iWltrr I'nii Amik'UUiiii tint a ir.
l till 1 Introduced el the meet
iMh lor ""' "( '( ". W.
lirfh-lrcmi ili tlllon of rucl r.
Mr, Tlit rroltitl'jii Im theendor
lofloaeol II" director, a major-
Ills claimed, and l mm In Ilia hands
U ltorr.ry who l preparing Ilia
ilabtalfuiiu. The grounds ii-oti
IkUi II removal id Mr. Murphy will
auiid lr ire nut know n. The result
I till motrmtnl will limve decided
l oun ttic projoct, no metier
I tti mult ol I lie actum will he.
kkaul-uWru Hated llilt nlliti reto
mi; I Introduced that will
lth0ci In llie present condition
I tVt project.
llWUfrloahrri of llm iiiwr project
iitrjrmacli put wit m llm turn
ikmtikrti, and llic matter will
op In lli inn-ling Friday alter-
ltd rliilit that every ruuber ol
l tiler Utera' Atiuclallon ehould at.
llWnnfriiu,) thai Iheeipretilun
Itittiolyalll come from the mem
letllir n-iiluii mul not (rorn a
I jerllon ilirui. The rna
realiog llu- irmul nl Knglncer
Pffkj lie ilr.lrcm, Hut (hero will Im
ft itlcmltnco at tlio meeting,
that II Hie resolution is muii-I U
com Irom llm inn Jot Ily of Ihu aocla.
llun membfta mid not lium a imall
cll'jiie that ma)' liavii it majority vote In
a jHHiiljf attended Hireling. ,
ISrcaks Hi Arm
T. A. (.'Kigali, whlleengaged III Malt,
lug aUmt three mllra weal ol town )e.
terday afternoon, liad the uil.loilune In
atiatalii a broken aim. lie waa holding
lliucii)wlar mrd in laiuilng mid Un
man sulking II ml-ie I and tlruck lilro
mi llm tlglilaim with a tlitlc liain
inrr, raualng a fraclnri ol lyjtli lini'n in
llm (nrrarm, Mr walki-d Into lonri and
lr. Ilanilllun li--Uict"l llm fracture.
, laign troti'mmriit iinrrying oul.1t
ttailrd fur Langill II'V tlila morning
wlirr llif nlll wink fur a li-w weeka,
aiirvrjlng lalrraN and farm unlit.
Tliti wagoiu lianlnl mil llm Inrn and
I lie i4)uliiii'til
lUiliilaniaintvir.iiiitt nl Ihu llljli
Kcliuul latt iiIkIiI wn oiii- ol cxrcit.
Iniml Inlvrcat n Mfry iaill(iant In
" Mit ja uliniig In Ida or licr
mKiIIuii, iiml III. rhs ris u uliutu
allotted luinailalilr laln,l.
'Hip iriigriim, uilli llic exception of n
ftt clnni'f, ttaa cnrrli-d out a It na
I'llnlfd. 'Ilivconlriit ni won liy Mli
.Mamlii liiyd, ttlm iucilal llic (tltcllan
"IfciytJralor of .vpaM OH)," ntnl nt llm
climv of tlm iioK.iain I'luf. I!, II. llun
Inr, on IhIuII of llm Ju.lva nnil Mi.
I.. II. Applfg li't llir donor of tlm gol I
.Mnlal, I'li'.clilivl llm prlre to lln tt Inner
ol llm t'liiilctl tllli n fvn ttcll clioicn ir
lliatki In till of llm louti-rtiinta.
1 In- utiidi" In taking pmt In tlm con
lit rli.iril apliiidld literary liutu In
llmrliolrp ol lln-lr ndi-rtli na, mid In nil
lltlon to iH-ing ttidl it'lidi-itd llic tlott
told li) rwrV'i.i'nl llm mlfcliona hh
Inlvrraiing In lliiuiiJu-iiri'. 'Ilmrnui
al iiiimiU'Ip on llii' program In Ipnl uiak.'
lliv uwtiing mi citt'tilingly plntant oin-
for tin-ho'Iimih' ui vtcll nn a lilglily pro
fllnlilu one for the participant In the
Tin- Urgu am-vtnlily hull m tl.u High
KiiIkki' a rroHili'd llilnallctnoon vtliufi
lla gradualv prrtcnlnl lliclr .Ua day
eiircl'. Ihu large tttli'tidanie at all
of tlit'tc tchool fiiiKllolnln iriiJicutlvu of
the lntr.'t that llm people t.tk tin edu
cational nffairi. livery numlier on tlm
prouram ttaa apidauded und tlm clan
lilMory, i I,1m proiihccy, ilaa ix-m and
the data Mill crc prepared mi aa to
makii Ihein IkiiIi plej.ing and Intorct
lug. In the pri'H'lilatlou of their claaa
day exeielica tlm atiidetita dinned tiint
lliidr tlmu In thu High r-'chool had U-en
prolltahlv tHrit mid that they had tic
ipiiicd Ihliik'a that "III help them on In
Ihu ttorhl. The miitlcal pail of the pro
graiue uaieiititely hy inem)cia of the
i-la-i an I Ihu aeleclioni lnteraeralng
the oilier liutuheri. nil to the iilternoon
it plea J tut one for the large nuinhcr of
nhool enlhiiBi.trta ttho uilnered (he
Southern Pacific Stations Agent Here to
Handle Passenger Traffic
or five )ar ago and later commuted on
the place, but for tome unknown reaaon
I ne Gotcrnrncnt ha failed to liiu pat
ent. The caa linolvea a valuable piece
of land in tho aectlon north of lily, and
the land nai acquired by tlm defendant
hen thero wai no demand for It. A
large tiumberof wltneaaea from Bly coun
try are In the city and the cafe will be
expensive for both ildca before It It fin
lihed na a determined tight will be made
nnd a large number of witneta will be
introduced. It il another initance
where thu lax inethodi of the Govern
ment in the tramaction of land butlnei
make it poialulo for partiee to force en
tr men to ipend large euina in order to
protect their righti. The outcome ol
thla caao will be watched with coniider-
1 able intereat by a number of homeatead-
J era na there are other caiei of a limllar
I nature coming up, in tne near future.
Re-elected County Surveyor
Bwp !
Mayor Stilts Will Make His Appointments
After Taking His Seat
Final Count Slow
Toriinht whe-i thi'iil) council ineeU vacmu-y nill Ic filled by appointment.
In regular m Inn II. SI. (ioj. Ill.hop ' ' Rem-nilly understood tliat C II.
will Him llm reL-naolgoternment over K'rMer will ho nppolntel to fill the
in Sln)or John II. Milt.. The ne vawney eeaUd ., tl. Kil.i.atlm of
. . ,. ,' Mr. Sulla,
mat or nnd tho new- coiint'llnirii "III , ,, ,,, . ,
.Mit)"r Milta lii initde no announce
lake Ih. Ir .Mllia of oltireand a ,,, -- t ni,.,lt uf ,, H,K..ntin.-nta nn.l will not
tin la completed tl nvhiieii wil ,(, t0 iniil u'ler lie uinmc thu tlutiee
take ihargu of tlm til) 'a nlllair. Tl .
new riiiiiicllmeii will le l' l'. .Viiknc,
gilaa Uhenchalu, i: T. banderxni ai.-l
Marion Until". Mr. ILinka la ulirei ' t
from the city an I will not take hia
tunliilil. M.inr HlilU will retign n
rniincilineii in thu Second ward and the
"Wake Up
Come Out of it
and take a look
At those $12, $14 and $15
Men's Summer Suits we
have on sale at - - - -
i The counting of the ballot! in Link
villa precinct wai not finlahed until 4
o'clock thla morning. Thii wai rtapon
i rlble for the delay in getting the com
i plcte returnt, and clearly indicate tbe
' iK'cciiity for the lubdivlalon of thla pre
I cinct. The dlviaion will be made thla
Fall, but not until after tbe presidential
I election, to that at that time Ihore will
Ihi the tame jam ai at the election on
Monday. The time for the division
doei not come until after the election.
The complete count In I.inkrille pre
cinct male no change in the retult of
the election at announced in the Her
ald laat night. The final count aliow
J that the county goes dry by a majority
of 81 vote. The complete count of the
county with the exception of OJell pre
clnct will he found on the latt page.
Lecture Tonight
A Choice array of patterns to select
fromNow's the time to buy your sum
mer "rlfl" and make your pocketbook
imlle. They are $10 while they last
n( the olllce. Hut notwithstanding that
ho hnMuld nothing in regtrd to thin
matter tho rumor la current that C. C.
Ijiw will bo asked to Illl the olllce of
rhlel of police temp imrlly nnd that A.
I!, (illlrtt will be retained ns night
volU em.m, Dr. V.. It. Hamilton will
recede tho appointment "' city health
ofllcer mid John trvlu will likely be the
new city attorney. Don J. Zumnalt ac
cotdlng to the rumor is elated for reap
IKilntmeiit its city nurvcuir.
The mayor will make nil of hi np
polntiiienU temporary at thu ou'eet nnd
willjiot make uny of them perinanent
until he b eatlstled that they will uphold
Ida tidmlulslralion In every respect.
The personnel of the council will bo
ualollowe; Flist ward, A, Cuelel and
K, K. Alikeny; Second wntd, Silas
Obenchaiti nud the successor to Mr.
Stilt; Third ward, F.T. Sanderson
and Matton Hanks.
ltev. IMwanl Adam Cantrell will de
liver Ids farewell lecture at the opera
house tonight on the subject, ''Think or
Surrender." The lecture will begin
promptly at 8 o'clock and will be free m
havo been all o! hli other lecture.
Iter. Cantrell has been in tblt city for
about tlireo weeks and ha made many
friend whilo here. He leave in tbe
morning for San Francisco, and will
' lecture there, in Oakland and In Berk
1 oley before returning to til borne in the
, blast. He wai very favorably impreteed
with the Klamath project and tbinka it
compares favorably with the otber pro
jects ol llm Weit. He auya that it 1
very probable that be and a number of
others may came West and settle i.i one
of the Irrigated district, but no definite
place hat been (elected.
Within a fw dy the city of Klam
ath Fall will have tbe advantage of
having1 transportation tlckU for all
part of llm United State on sale In
thla city. It will no longer be nceary
to buy ticket to the railroad, where it
wa heretofore neceeaary to bay railroad
ticket to the destination of tbe patten
ger. T. A. K. Faaaelt, formerly travel
ing freight and passenger agent for tbe
Southern Pacific, arrived here latt night
and a eon a the ticket arrive will
open an office in conjunction with the
Klamath Lake Navigation Company.
II will look after tbe paaetogtr trafic
for both tbe local company and tbe
Southern Pacific. Baggagewillbecbeck
ed from tbi city the tame at it on rail
road point and aside from not being oa
tbe railroad thla city will have the tune
ervice a town with rail connection.
PbMengera will be allowed 160 pound of
baggage in and out of tblt city.
Ticket direct to Klamath Fall will
alio be placed on tale in al" railroad
offices o that thi city will have the ad
vantage of having immigrant boy their
ticket through to Klamath Fall.
Re-elected Congressman
amaaV 'LIIIH
t 2-TO-ammiH
ammmmml VaaaW 'rBBBml
Merryman Elected
Return from Lake and Crook county
give Merryman a majority ol 901 vote
for Joint Senator. Crook gave Springer
a majority ol 205, while Lake went for
Merryman by 150 and Klamath gave
Merryman 440.
Cloud of dust can be teen Irom the
city in the vicinity ol the new lair
ground. Contractor E. W. Smith baa
a large fore ot men at work and it
building a track that will be credit at
well a a pleasure to the county when
the fair li held tblilall.
Another Contest
County Clerk Chasta in Is today hear
ing tho evidence in the contest ot Obie
Newton v. Mm. L.M. Yaden. This Is
another of tho case where the defend
ant made a homestead filing some four
The proof of
the freezer
it in the
The White Mountain Freexer
make more cream, better cream, andlriakes it eaticr
anil cheaper than any other freezer on the market '
T .ii
,r i

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