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MARSH LANDS Oregon's richest soil. .,. L. ,... u i-i tt onir it Mnd unwardi. Easy Terms. UaLc, THE EVENING HERALD tMth-d tUtlr. vtcDt Sundar b? Um Herald Publishing Company W. 0. SMlTll, Editor !' m an per ceni. vegeiaoie maner. iviam.Hin s greatest uaruauia r-w r r ' . i j r p i ii i ..... " n ' 8UIWCRIPTI0N HATES laU, by malt, ft rer. THE KLAMATH COUNTRY luity, by mull ! month! . IS.0A aw Incorporated November 28, HHf, tiy mall, thrra months IU 1900 '"r. ny mail. a mnnin. , .cm IHUr, del It err! br earrwr, a wk, . ,14 Ham Tti HruiT. SotvJ lMtoflW tnonv f1i vlru onler, wmml rhWk on your foral bank. Statement of Condition umr& coin, or oirrmcy. 25 ' lit l kl MM LHM iB ' il J.T$.1ff: .' Mi Hli Hi! NKwarAt- Law or On to on. -potion 3W3ef it tawa oC OitivN rovWw that whwwr any Mitoirantrol1lnK a nawrapr ahall matl uch n?wriir to any vwn tn this Ktata without t'rt rwvlrlnc an crurr thrrofor, auf h nwwp Sail lv ilvnwl to N a at it, ami no drbt or oUia linn ahall amu acalnit aurh rrwn, whrOvt aM twipr t mvtvawl by th t-r to hnm It l artit or not, WKDNKSOAV JUNK 3. 1P0H. PRIPARINQ INFORMATION "The United States Reclamation Service is preparing n series of illustrated circulars Riving full information regarding the sever nl large irrigation projects al ready completed or under con struction. These circulars will be invaluable to anyone thinking of taking up irrigation lands on any of the government projects. Specific information will be separately prepared for every project. At the same time n general circular will be prepared for persons who desire general information and do not know where they wish to settle. Tlu general circular will not go quite as much -into detail as those which deal with single projects. The reclamation service daily receives great quantities of let tors asking information regard ing its work throughout the great west. The rule here- toiore nas neon to semi out a batch of information to nil in quirers abaut all the printed matter ever Issued by the ser vice. To persons who were' es pecially interested in n specific project, this method was not al together satisfactory, since it gave them a great deal of infor mation that wa3 of no immediate value and failed to go enough in to' detail regarding the partic ular locations about which in quiries were made. x Instead of referring inquirita to engineers in the field, officials are now ashing all interested .persons to write directly to head quarters. A good deal of data has already ben prepared and the manuscihu descriptive of some projects are completed. It will be some time, however, be fore the pictures are ready and the vyork is sent to the pointer. The illustrated circulars will be issued just as soon as possible, every effort being made to ex pedite the work. It is not neceesary to wait un til official announcement is made that these circulars are ready for distribution. It is safe to say that they will not be ready for several weeks. Meanwhile any one interested can send in their names and have their requests filed. When the new descriptive . CRATCK-LAKC I .. TV , ' NATIONAL CARK ' HffLVA' V) 1 , Lt - V Ti 7 h- T J KLAMATH :A? li&. " ! v( INDIAN ?'j -g J h RESERVATION Vu.-.L.:.-U (sg a -jp. (" ' V VjHAMAlMrAUS J0AL KiU,v, 1 - S K"- ( ' ' ' i jr riiuTisS i Vir-TVs. : ..7 . U..:lfj& f&L'i' M IILU1 .. ..y iHOMTAaut Si5!S emit tl3 1 f 'i ""f C4f I MU fv I . VX ''Atkft ZHzrx v, rfV Al-lCtt 3VTC ii ft.vt- ?;! -5 "'..- of the Klamath County Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon DICKMBIR 31, 1007 RISOURGES ln and Dlacotintit $340.nrn nn 03.525.84 Honda and Securitlen Ileal Estate, RulldlnKti uni Fixture v ... Cash and Sight KxchntiKu 14.74R.Io- 100.247.60 S505.040.5l LIABILITIES Capital Stock, fully pnid Surplus and 1'ruflta Duo Other IUnks Deposits SI 00,000.00 21.753.11 12,000.04 431,205.48 $505,040.51 I. Alf Martin, Jr.. Ca-lilvr f Dm al-.M,jmt,l l.nnk, tin aulpinnly iwar that tli -Imjui ,t,i,. mriit la Iron loth bl uf niykimwl.ili ntuiUh.r Al.KXMAl.TIN.Jif tMi'r,, HubarrilaHl ami atrurn lit l-fnrr itir 1 1., rik.l.. of January, I1MM. n "' IHlf . '. II Witiimm , Notary I'ulillc firOircnn OFFICXKS ALU MARTIN CltREAMXi alu martin. jr. Leslie Rogers 1'rcslilcnt VIcc-l'rcsldcnt Cnshlcr Ass't Cashier Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin matter is ready t.ieir requests for copies will be complied wl.n In addition to preparing these descriptive circulars, the recla mation service also is making preparations to tell prospective settlers who desire to engage in specific lines of farming where they can do so to best udvintauc. Where the questions cannot be answered satisfactorily by printed circulars the practice has been and will continue to be to prepare personal letters in ad dition. various columns and subtracting others the statement sums up by Hiving Bryan n final unstrotch' able total of i'HI-C'J short of the required two-thirds vote. The allies will get at least iifg it fays. The statement concludes: At this time the trend is all for Gov. Johnson, and his selection would socm tobeassuicd, if the unin structed delegates decide Professional Cards THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Choicest of Wlaea, Liquors and Clflin Y Cattra to ttw twltrr elaaa of trailr. with mitKIn loeffml I tM moat critical. , You'll nolle trio iliiicrmce ta re try It. Juat the tara to ilrup In fur a rtfrriMrfUr. ajra when you nei a itimutant l'utr IIJVi ct l3 klnji for family trad" (ecilty The anti-Bryan publicity bureau is out with a statement of figures and arguments that on its face proves conclusively that the Nebraskan will be whipped at Denver. After adding up ! IN THE LITTLE PRINCESS m W(57 ,aaak W .aaCMKMBBaiiflBaaaaaBailBBiiiiiiiian.B would date. be the strongest candl DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist OlHcv nvrr Klamath County Hank C F. STONE Attorney at Law ,e OlHlcf hut iKtoillc.. Klamath Kalla, in j i You get more room, more cooking surface and 'convenience than from any stove ever sold In Klamath Falls. E. VIRGIL 6c SON Dealers in Furniture and'House Furnishings. Bridge on Main street At the The labor commissioner of Kansas wants a salary paid to ull children between the age of ten and fourteen years, so they may bo able to go to school while helping support their parents. Soft thing that( for the parents; how families would grow under the fostering cure of such a law. The lattest addition proposed to the luxury of travel is a bowl- ing alley for passengers on trains. It has been decided that it is not practical to play billards on fast trains, but the officials of the Burlington system announce the purpose of trying the bowling alley idea. Justice Kelly of the supreme court, sitting in Brooklyn, de clared thai he favored the enaction of a law to curb mothers-in-law. . Fifty per cent of all the divorce casus that come before him, he declared, are due to the interference of parents. Notice All uicoiintH dint mo HiiiHl be icttlvd by tiotu or cash within Ihlrly tUy or .llicy will bu puhllilieij and noli) ut pull. lie aucliun to the lillnil .bldilcr. C. O. Wlllton, Orcjfon TiLtrnoNK it D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney al Law KUmath Kail, Oregon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist Aliifticau Hank A. TrilM Coa IlulMInK CENTRAL CAFE . Open Duy and Night Private Dininy Parlors Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. The Stills Dry Good Co. has ncelved BcverQUluimentac(KaslcrnlrcniKOfKli), Call ond Imped the new line. ' Merr II. The town without boom. WANTKD-WIII pay 2icciil.a piece for good cltan gallon syrup caim and 2 centa for half gallon size. Koberti Si Ilanka. WILLIAMSON " RIVER and Sprinrf Creek RESORTS aBMiMsimBB Tim lieat trout llnhinn In Oregon. I. xi client iaToiiiuiadiillon for parllti. , Camping out fit Un ri-nt. Special camping groiinda mid boat for rent. Fine iiaMuro for aluik, Telephone connrcllon. Aicoinuiodatloiia to unto Crater Lake. Will meet pirtlra at Klamath Agency, FRANK SIX VIES raOPSIKTOR Klamath Agency, Ore. Ready for Inspection Our line of Carpeti, Matting Tapestry, Linoleum, Art Squares, Table, Lounje and Stand Covert, is ready for inspec tion. Something entirely new AUo Silk Flo and Feltolene MntlresKf Braai and Iron Bedf -Adjustable pel cil woven wire Springs, the only thiai for hot weather. Polahed Oak Dining Sets and all oak Rockers. ai W. H. DOLBEER Succemr to a St. George Bishop -a Phone-Store, 61 Residence, 155 CHA8. E. WOKDKN Preaident A. M. WOKDKN Caahler VIcPrM" The American Bank and Trust Co. r ' ' P I i ! i i a i " jil.l.iii.iiil CAPITAL, flOO.OOO.00 Cor. Stkaai Mala Stwet