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lie ftwiiiii Iffalo, Mostly R1 l'i'r '" Ktamath FnllH . . Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . ,Ybak, No.W!). KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. THURSDAY JUNE 4. 19D8. Puck, 5 Cents. Inaugural address w Mayor Outlines Policies of His Administration CONDITIONS DEMAND ECONOMY K Will Start DredRltiK .1. Frank Adama U linking iirrni.Ku ini'iit Unity to alnrl hit iltnltfu down tin river to Ijegln work on lliu dlk lor the leclamatlnii of the mirth Unci ex perimental (arm. It will take about nun month to throw up tlio iiccciary llkn. In the mean tlmuthe barne lor tlio dredge will be built on tlio Upxjr lakvaml Jul ni soon at tlio work on tlieiiprtluieiitiil larm in finished Ilia machinery will be tramferred to tliu new barge and wrfl b moved to Wood rlvtr valley. Parker A Taylor will have rAks lor Harmony and Suys Watchword ul Ctncil,,","u,,0,llJ"'e0",l'ec,,n"' u' Wnn ....... ... thermal to make It better lor navl- MuM Hi "Klamam tons- interests as a wiioic, first, last and All of the lime" jUI,rniiiiilii: llm oath ul office tail L Major Mn ' I"""! LM0aril.Mi hlch Mlm: -JliaiUi "I I'" nimmunciiunrilol ItUritH Klamalli I ell, ami citizen: rrlM,aiiiltilhptliiiiiol Mayor, l .IIri!liiiJ'"l tlif optwriunny m tipftai oiy i't-citt'in il tin lionor reclrrrrl iixn rur. ami M llm repii iMitlrtoltliM""1"10"' "a ",""1' joosfwy determination I" tender Unto itecllr Ihe U t MTlfc ill winch I am citaU. In return, Tin illlreiif liila alticlpjllty an to l" congratulated line lbs Mali) adanta,'r aiirrotllidlng llUrlty which li nuly efcgnarilnl il(0DHrrrt Hill atium llm future ljrityullhcll). "To lii hand ul tli ( .million Council likllUMajur have U-vii cimimltled liUtul of tecurliii; to tlio city the nal- luiIsdrnUt awaiting It. To llirni Am bttn romnilltrtl the taik nl pro- tUltfor the health and clcanllfirt ol lit til; Ly the rotiiliuctlun ul prur wrap. To their hand haa been altltl tlif luirtaiit iluty nl main lultiof the 'co ami dignity nl tin' olj; ToliiKiifuailp a financial tiollc) llhtll rnalhc urceaty Improve wati to breamed forward ami give to Itlsrllj that ilmnllng at home ami lUoaJtowhlcli 11 laiiillllc-l. WtiliTrr good li to lie acroinpliahud II tbe city, alnic thru. Knee, miift mo Itom the uiiltnl rdorta ul tlio Cum tOour.dl ami the Mayor; and let ( tit you gentlemen, ol my carnutt tie- torooi4ii- hIiIi ji.ii In all your el- F4U looking to thn Icltermenl ami tli,. ititmi4'iity ol our city t ll vmr tiUhwuidi lw "Tim intereita ol the city JKUbiIIi Fall a n whole, Drat laal llllll.e time.' Ibtllt liiciimht'iil iihiii mo at tlil It' to .lco my re It imrcly betore 1 Council hy LrMly outlining my iUMi Umn Ihu liiipoitant civic mat' ll thatln all pr.ihahlllty will cnntioaml lUattentlon ol ihiroimcll ilurlnit tlio "ll year. "t llrl that nirfKv la Itirll la tlio ! riaiiclal tlaliii u( thn rlty aid the nivaiia at liaml lot liiliiiiliiK about n liralllilvr comlltlon In that mkniiI. I ImM) linl niljiiilltnl to inn hy lht I'i.IIio Jilil! a M'lMiit o the llnaiirlal conillllniiiiniie ill) atlhliilatr, m lilt It I aliall lay llofu Ihi council lor lontMer atlon The if'it rmni a pciloil ul Ihii jcara alnl l loxlnl to thn niuitV with loo) (nl rillt-ctlnu, " I'riklnit till ri'i'irt in a, I li-vl (that until lomt'iitlirrnlul inoiratliuate ollicrtul ii-miiiiv aii'plolili'l) aollcy ol rrtit'iiilinirnt mini l Inaiiituinttil aihl ttinlitriitly uialnlalnol: b't thli jlcy ul howi-trr, ln-dlc tatiil hv rarrlulliiii ami cromniiy ni oj-inil liipatiliiionlouiiiiramlnl!itntil' llnt.t. With lliatcml In li'M I would MHiiint that all ttn-vt wotk lii iiintlnul to nidi an it ahiololel) indent mul luc rttar) ! In aihoralini; Hilt illloii, it tcin to mo we huiill hato the IikIiiI Krnco ul Ihu Koplo ; lit them umlrrttatul llirutiyli the imtllutii ul t til icil tlu niTriilty ami l jnfjiatcil to lotrito nation ami thru lliu ilredKo will UkIii wotk on thn WVnl cut which will re ilaiin a conaMoruhlo acroaijo nl valuable land In that tacllon. The Xw cut will be about ill tulle lonK. Jut. W. Jory haa been awared tlio con tract lor llm conttructlon ol achedulea 2, Sand IHol Ihu Smlh llrnnch latrrala. Tin' wotk includr tlio cotiitrui'tlou ul flu- mul a hall mllri ul laturnlt ami the trmotal ul about S3,0U0 cubic jarda ol dill, .Maticy lltotheta Cm. bid on the tatiif work. Thil la the llrat initance whriu a land on tier under the Klauuth project haa taki'ii a ronlract lor the con iltuctlon nf a portion ul the Irrlxallon jtti'tu Barnes Select Deputy U It. linriH'i, tlio nlicrlfl-idect, hat annoiinu-d that It, K. GutlirUitu will bo bin deputy when Iih amiiiiies the dm lea ol the office ul herifl. Mr. Onthrlilo haa been coniivctiil with the Mclnllre Trautjiorlatlon Co, lor fomu time and will make nil abb- deputy, and Mr. Ilarnea la to j congratulate! on -cur-Inic lilin at Ida chief asti'tnnl, Mr. (Julhrlilnehaa tendetrd hli reilKiiatlon to Ihe Mcliillfo Co. to no Into effect tlio llrat olJuly. Qive Bargain Sales NEWELL STOPS WORK A iitluibvr nl the merchant nl Kla math Fall lmu already adopted the uinrettlnn ol the Herald and nro advcr tiling Special bargain lor Friday and Saturday, dutlnu the Farmer Inatltuto. The 8lar Drug filore It offering Ite tn lire atock ul I'oullry amlrituck rcnitvlle at a big dUcount uu thonu day. Ikd brvta'I'uriiltiiro Store U making ntped ol cut on all cbaita, and the l'ottland htorn la advertlting a big rale on draw lial for Saturday only. It la iill.le that other itoii'1 will offer r x- I a l In ducement to putchater on tlieae daje. I!, I), Hitchcock, a dniKgiat finm.S.iu Fraticlaco, haa acceited a position In the Star Drug Store SINK FOR OIL WELLS Californian Is Enthusiastic Over Klamath's Excellent Prospects Pays No Attention to Engineers' Recommendations MURPHY AND HENNY FAVORABLE Telegram From Senator Fulton May Have Bearing on the Actions of the Water User' Association NewellS Reasons for Rejection of Clear Lake BMs PERSONAL MENTION riraJBBBBB a4WH aaaBBBBJBBBBBX Maney Ilrotbert A Co. have received a carload ul (crapera to be uied on their gu eminent contract. Trojitt Engineer U. W. Murphy re turned laat night from Sacramento where he had I wen on official bullae. Mr. I). W. Murphy and children have rt to 1-ci Angeles alter (pending t'eral month In thl city. Mr. and Mr. J. M. Seeborn arrived latt night from Tracy, Cat., and will tpend tlio Summer wild their aon.W. E. Seeborn, and family. Kver) tiling the latett in Summer mil Incry will bo lou ml at tlio Sttlta Dry !Rooda Co. A. Cuitel will leave neat week lor California where, he will look for a lo- cation lor a brewery, lie will go (rom i here to San Franclico. You can get a 2J meal book at 111 toti'a hotel lor $4. Board and lodging 5 ,iim .1. .. I II. I Of rlib.1 llilnroat In k'l.m.ll, nmntni a HCek. C. I). WilliOII. Prop. tl 'cation uM-womliig the largct uil pro-l l be conmilloii with the opinion olj n. A. White, a conductor on tbe main jducltig dittiiit mi the i'arlllc matt," Mr. Harrow na to oil ioiibilltle, la thejllne ol tlio Southern Pacific between aid A. I.. Iarrow,nl Sacramento who ' fact that be wn lor dozen )c" with Aililaud and Itel Illuff, I in tbe city ho Ix en iillliig Klamath Fallf lor the! the Standard Oil Company and vim ' the guot ol Id old trlend, J. J. Parker, patt leti da and drue mote than 'J00 Irloiely in touch with detelopemont of' J ntpector Caspar Drilling arrived ben llm California nil field. Thli gie tail night and will be with tbe recla weight to hi concluiions ami add to J motion sen ice In the capacity ol earth the ulning opinion held by ejpoil-1 work inipector on the Maney Bro. con vnced oil men who haw prevlouily ' tract. I..1.I....I .ti - .1.1. ll..l I .... I !.... .... tl.. . " " "' ""' "Vl" "'"U" ' M,a. W. V.. Seehnrn haa Uken charge a to mo pro.peciH. f w AmrrIca jllimg room, which hncouragement thouM lo given to nil . ,as btvii remo.lele.1. All women cooka many much nerded Improvement tor the time Mug In nnler that we may gain, the innio quickly, n motf rallilactory lluauclal condition. In Ihi connection pcruill mo In direct Cuuclii lel un luil I'ogo Complete Stock OF TRUNKS SUITCASES TELESCOPE CASES H you are going to take a Trip We can fit you out K.K.K. STORE iiillea in cum puny with Flunk Ira White In H't'liii the gnat haln and Ita rich talh'ju. ('oiitlnuUir, Mr. Durrow mid: "Tlit'tu ia gteat opportunity tor Kla math fO.lo to lii.lcn ipvcloiiirnl ol the entire dlitrut and make It a center nl the greatest activity by getting oil de velopment ilartcd w ithout delay. No man run eay poalthely where oil will be found but i brllovo In one locality nltlrtt I iitHl In Poo Valley that oil will tm found at o depth il not more than l.'iOO leet. The oil Held I appar ently wide In extent and wella may be opened up over a very largo region, but ul much greater depth In omo local I lie than In other. "Sink a well and Hud an abundance ol oil In Klamath County and you will not have to worry any moro about get ting rallroal trauaportation, or getting ieoi lo liecauro it I not oeaiy to get to this aectlon a to aouie other localltlei on the roait that have attraction lor the homeiiKkcr. 1 have long regarded tho Klamath Uailn aa a wonderful coun try and destined lo lie one ol tho rich agricultural legion ol the coait. Alter having pcnt a number ol day In driv ing over the valley lands, aeetng the gteat fore la ol timber and broad range and Ihe Iromendoualy rich swamp land, I am surorlied that a land ol uch opportunttloaha not been utilized long before. Uck ol transportation,. of courie, hat mitigated agalnit settle ment, but tbat It now aatured and so near that no farmer aeed hesitate to go ahead with crop on that account. He can ttnd stuff to market by the time It produced lor market." Mr. Darrow It president ol the Kla math Corporation, owning Mills Ad dition, Mills Second Addition and part ol the Enterprise Tracts, and Is treas urer ol tbo Enterprise land and Invet- m.ntCo. He It cashier ot the Fort Sutler National Bank ol Bacramsuto, a remarkable Institution and It president ol the California Corporation,' having large holdings In California and at Rose vllle, that state. enterprises that look to developement ot the latent resource ol the Klamath latin, n.nd there li audi rnultilcucv In the outcome ol ull ell tlevclopcu cut among experts that tho projierty owners and bualnc men ahould be willing to do their part in battening It develope ment, I the view ol Mr. Darrow which la fully coincided in by a number who have already made subscriptions to stock In the company that hai put dialed a rig and expects soon to start work. Another Saturday Snap 11.25 to 3. straw hats will bo told at SO rents each, Saturday only, at Ihe Portland Store. Notice While Ihe lime I have on hand lasts it will be sold on demand, alter it is gone It will lie necesary tohavottO days no tice to permit ol my burning another kiln. If you want llmo this Summer get it now. C. D. Willion. Stock Ranch For Rent In Wood River Valley, Klamath Co,, containing 460 acres, 160 acres meadow and 320 pasture. All enclosed. For further particulars Inqulte ol T. A, Culbertton, Ashland, Ore. 01 J, Frank Adams Is ol the opinion that the Water Users' meeting and the Far mer's Institute nil! be largely attended, although he says be has not heard much talk about the meeting. Straw Hats. A big line ot $1.25 to 3. valuet will be told on Saturday only tor 60 cents. Do not miss this oppor tunity. The Portland Store. are employed. This Is the place to get the Ik'bI mealiiu town. tl Chai. Graves Is In the city fromOdell. He brought in tho election returns and ayt the precinct went dry by a majority ol nine. Seventeen vote were cut In the precinct, but they make no change in the result ot the election. 20 per cent oft on all chairs, Wednes day. Thursday and Friday at Dolbeer'a Furniture Store. Geo. Mclnllre of the Mclnllre Tran portntlon company, was In the city to day from Dorrl. He aaya that Col. llolnbiril will arrive there tonight with a U5 foot launch for E. 11. Harrlman and that the report is current at Dorrls that Mr. Harrlman will lie In sometime next week. It It evident tbat all ot the Impending trouble la the Water User' Aaeodaiioa I due directly to tbe rejection o( tbe bldt on tbe Clear Lake daa. Thl It especially true In to tar at Mr. Uaiphy It concerned. Yesterday tbe Herald ttated tbat a resolution wonld be Intro duced asking (or the removal ol Mr. Murphy (rom tbe position of Project Engineer. The Herald gave publicity to tbls matter, not to ttir op trouble, but to let tbe members o( the Associa tion know what was likely to come be fore the meeting. In connection with tbe matter ot tbe rejection of tbe Clear Lake dam bldt, tbe following telegram, dated Wasblafton, D. C, received tbU morning by Mr. John Irwin, one o( the directors o( the Association, will be ol Interest and Importance la (aiding tbe action ot tbe Association at Its meet log tomorrow: "Mr. John Irwin, Director Klamath Water User' Aseociatioo : Mnrpby re port on Clear Lake dam .bid faTorable aa to tcbedole oae, unfavorable aa toeehed ule two. Henoy' report the eetae. ilenny't recommendation was that con tiwtt be awarded on Schedule oae to Mahoney Bros., bnt all bldt have been rejected. C. W. Fcltox" The bldt on tbe Clear Lake dam were rejected by Director F. H. Newell, and In connection with tbe rejection ol the same be slated tbat the bldt were too high, that tbe required per cent ol tbe landt in the Upper Project wat not tlgned lor government irrigation; that tbe approach ol the railroad would Im prove tbe condition lor work and redace tbe cost, tliat only two bldt bad been received, and tbat much ol tbe land al ready under tbe ditch wat not being cultivated. Project Engineer Murphy ttatae that be hat not been advised 11 the contract will be readvertlaed or II It will be un dertaken by force account. II the work hould be readvertited It could be com pleted next year, but not at early in the Beaton a II the contract had been awarded. It It very probable tnat the receipt ol the telegram will cause a change in the proceedings ol tomorrow, but tome ac tion will be Uken towards etcurlng an Investigation ol tbe condition! ot the Klamath Project. The proof of the freezer it in the freezing The White Mountain Frzer. makes more cream, better cream, and makei it eaiier it uil cheaper than any other freezer on the market LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS 6 HANKS HARDWARK DEALMS