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if rt i iy iiii;rt-iM!:i7n:. iSfcttfraKH ''iwuyvy:, i. j' if Pi (HE EVENING HERALD lamnd dallr. stem SumUr. 1t Iht Herald1 Publishing Company W. O. SMITH, toVtor suiocRirnoN nATra Dullr. br malk raf. Uallf, Iqr mall .1 ratmtha, SIM tto Itallf, br mall. the nwnllif, & Uallr, br malt a month, . . , .M Jullr. dallwnl by cartW, a wk. . .14 How To Rkhit.-Imm 1'o.loflw. moBy oNt, eoM. ontr, mtccuiI cnack on rour Iml bank, lamp, coin, or oirnarr. Nswirarss Law or OssMari.-Swtlwi MM of lh law of Orewvn proYU. (Ml winmi any prtmcontrolUns a nawtpapw .hall mall .uch ncwaeat. to wir t"rw tn thU Stat, without lirnt rtfaeina- an enlr tnvrvfor. .ufh Mtrtpaprr nail hr daamoa total lift, and no dM orobllca' MARSH LANDS 50 per cent, vegetable matter. Klamath's greatest Preston's richest soil. Awir 7 bargains at $20 per acre ami upward!. Eaiy Tern JJ&i lJJ THE KLAMATH COUNTRY Imn .hall arcru. acalnit urh pwmw. wlwthx iU Mwanapar I. trwlml nr uw wwi to waom It UaantornM. MONDAY. JUNK 8, HUM. THE JUNIOR PARTNER. By Madeline Lewis. CupyrUlit, Ifc. by A.auclalrd Lit erary rrta. It aa just one of those udtcrtlie acuta which hundreds who lute nu awered them In vnin tinu heartless. "Touiir lady stenographer ami typist wanted In business office. Mini he quick ami accunttr. State salary want-, tli thousands who read It iiiid tot scores. If not bund ml, who uu awered by letter was Kilty lliiruu.uu. .daughter of n widow living In "ue "f I be suburbs of tbe city. Slit had seou and answered many such before There was grate need ttial tin- Utile iconic left by the father should be eked out tu souio way. She had Utile hope when the mutter was sent off In Its blue eiiiehH that It would lie heard of again, but tu her great surprlMt and almost to her nm sterualluii slie.rcc?ltcJ u curt message asking her tn mil. Tu male lu-r way to a business office, tu I nuettloncd by tbe abrupt to be tested as tu her qualifications uml perhaps told tlut sho wouldn't tlo at all all this a nightmare to hvr. Then she unlit date tbe salary wanted. That In Itself showed a want of fairness on the part of the firm It was taking advantage of tbe applicants. Kitty speut nn hour flgurlug. so much for street car fare dally, so lunch for lunches, so much left at tbe end of tbe week out of the sum she bad made up tier mind to ast. It would 1 only a pittance, nud yet ,h must lake It and boe for advancement. No mm. old or youns. could put hluisvlf In the place of a girl of nineteen applyliic for a situation for tbe first time In her life and being- ushered through an office where a dozen men were at work Into tbe sanctum of tbe manager. She ex pected to meet an ogre and to be shout ed at Sbe had only entered the door when she woul I almost hare rlren bcr life to bo dying down tin? street. Next moment tbe feeling dlsnpieared. There wa no ogre. There was no shouting. A kindly faced man of forty-Ore looked up from n li-iter be was writing and greeted bcr thus: "An. Miss Durnbam. Ing you. Please sit down, through tn a moment' Tbe kind words rallied her. nnd three vr-7 CRATtf'LAKr. iSvr, ' 5 NATIONAt PARK Ot:it f j j. I r KLAMATH w rAL&i ' ( indian : -Q-STX r.J RESERVATION ' ji kj '' ' T SVjlAMATNrAtis L nomine '. v ) r "Wi,)V vN.e J aar ' '. " Va r yiifittwiiT) jd VH"AU '!'-' iv II -JXP ftC) ' - Ii y ' I ISAJl iap loa " :alHUty IS. , W'-.. , !4., cannot fih.ct Ihe salary of an -x-rl eticed girl. What II cure do you think will be rlahtl" "I-l bad thought of S9 n week." ! replletl. but If you-you think that Is too much I'll take M" Slio didn't want to run away now. She wanted tbe place, and sbe didn't want the firm to think her tou graspliiK. "It me see as to your stenography," said Sir. Cray, with n smile. "No need Hint yoo lie was tint a lightning dictator, lie 1 ttns expect-. to be a bit nervous. Just Imagine i. and I will be . rem have leeti here for weoks." did not trainu un and down the room minutes later sbe was answering que- and Interrupt himself ctery moment to tlosa and saying to berseir mat tne substitute words. In n quiet, easy way man probably had a daughter pf his j10 dictated n letter, and ttheu It was awn and was sparing ber as much as finished be nodded toward the t)w possible. Sbe bad beard orer and over , writer In tbe comer, nnd the girl snt again that there was no sentiment In down and transcribed her notes, business and that tbe woman who took' -t couldn't It better." lie said as sbv a man's place In an office must expect handed blut the sheet "Today h to be treated like a man. but here teem. . Wednesday, but as I urn a bit hurried ed to be-' proof to tbe contrary. I you might come tomorrow Instead of "My name Is Mr. Gray, and I am tbe walling till Monday. As to tbe aalary. Junior partner In tbe Arm." said tbe you will bo worth f 10 a week to start man when he had finished bis letter, j on. Good morning. Miss Iturnbam. "Aa thU will bo your first j)lace you About 8:43 In the inornlng. please!" IN THE LITTLE PRINCE JS yaaiaillas-MMMIIItka SBBBBaV"1 SatntaHSBarSL SBBBBaV BaSBataSaB. You get more room, more cooking surface ad convenience than from any stove ever sold in Klamath Falls. E. VIRGIL & SON Dealers in Furniture and House Furnishings. Bridge on Main street ' .J . At tho j I'lve liitiiuteM later she was on her wuy houi tu tell her moiher Ihu gfl netts, nml the mtnutet later Mr. t:ra ui sa)lng to (he bend clerk In thu outer ollke. ".Mr. ISenioii, I hate u new stenogra pher eomlng In the illuming Mln lliirnham." "Xet. sir." "It Is her llrsl place." Yes. sir." "She Is In U- treated ns n lady. I'leane mi- to It that there Is no flililng for In- troducllotH by the young men. If she iliH-t not bring her Iniuli ttllh her she , tt til go out alone. Should I encounter her In the eletntor or un the rtreet I I shall lift m lut to her." "I iii.ilerstnml, ulr." Mr. Itin(,n reluruel to thu outer Iolllce nnd rommiinlcated the news. The young men of Ihe liookkeeplllg stalT wluLtd tit e-.nh other uml smiled mey ttere minle up or the ntenigu joiiug man, no Udkr or no tior--. One of I lii-iii ttent U-yoiid tilnklng ami smiling, lie snld In lh mat lit his ellmw: "I.lnleli lo thul, will you! The old lunn'o got n prlralu stenog nnd a good looker, nnd ttu must not even nlsh her goixl morning Cot to Junt rulsu our lints nnd look down ut our Imw." The "old man" had como Into Ihu Moune yearn nnd years In-fore as n hum hie employee nnd ttorked his way up lo n Junior partnership, lie had m-wr runrrleiJ, nml mi fur lis nny ouu nt thu lnre knew he had no near relalltes. Ills Inline had nlttnys U-eni Imardlng louse or n Imiel When he had come lito Ihu drill It wns piedli'lt'd tlmt he would marry within ft year, but be hat" Hindu no chaugu whaleter, Thu Imys had winked and mulled titer Ihu me eage from thu Inner olllce. but nil of IIii-iii knew that Mm Junior partiiei'had a deep Healed ri-spect for womanhood, nml In turn tliey reelected lilm for 11. Tor weeks nnd vteeks nfler Kllly Iliirnhnm had tnUen her pliue II might hum been wild of thu "old iiuiu" thai he hardly knuw thai shu ttns In tho olllce. The ttork wan done qulvlly mid tllhout iiiltiilii-i. Thero ttiis hardly any conversation nulsldc of IiiihIiicms mutters. When tho (lrst iiioulli win up he quietly Informed her thul her snlaiy was raised to fl'J per week, nml her simple "Tbunlt you, ilr." iieemed lo cover Ihe occasion. 'I heie were no In traductions to thu clerks and no liull.i lions to lunch. In one cuu out of u hundred the girl was being glten ii fulr show, Hliu Instluctlvoly recognis ed the fact and was grateful for It, One night after h hmd iluy's ttoik tho "old mdn" sat nlouo In his room In n family hotel and Indulged in it ruverle for tho II rat llmo In years. Ho found himself thinking of n home, or wlfo nnd children, of some one to klsi him good by in tho morning and wel come him homo at night. And present ly there came creeping Into that reverie 4 facujlint startled hjin. It vvns tba fare of hU stenographer. , lie roe like n guilty man and wated Ihe tl-loii nttiiy. nllh n laugh, Hut It ttoiild iml depatt for giaxl lie tteiil out oh Ihe altivt Olnl tiled nlailll, hill lie-seemed tu snt that fore, lie foiighl lo put nnny the Idei of wife I and home, bill ttheu II still llllllg he 1 said lu hlniM-lf thai he ttas Killing ' iiertous from merit or k nnd ouglii tn I lake a tteek off. Next day it hen ho i illrlatnl his letter Kllly nnllced n hniige in hU tohe. ami she ni.-irk.iil I lh.1t he ntolded looking her III Ihe fare I There tins Mlie nubile thniige III him. and II worried her u Utile That reterle iniiie hack to Ihu Junior partner nml that face came back In cniitiecllou ttllh ttlfu mid home, nud dually he tteleoiiKil them, Why shoiildu'l he hate n wife ami home lie was rkh enough now, and he ttas lunging for a hinge Hum his lonely exltleure A I Ihe olllce be Will Ihe man of hindm-i. ut hi ottn room he was Ihu man of reterle, 11 mid by Iheru came a legal hotl du), nud the ollke ttus cloned. At such limes tho "old man" uiually hung i aUiut for half n day nnjhow, but on' IbU occasion be did not gu nrar Ihu store. Instead, hu look u train for Ihu liench mid aw Ihe sea for the llrst lime III years. Without i rally pluu. Illllg II I.U SlMill fiillllil l,tni,.ir lii ,1... suburb n here ll Itiiriiham lit til. Uu had tiinled her ndilress lu his lie.m ror days .mil days Uu walk til by tint house, lie ttinild have laughed ut Ihe lih-.i Dial he Impel in co her. At the gate hu iiliuoit halliil, as If ho woiibl enter iii.d pay n nill, hut hu caught himself Jum lt n,,,,. An hour Inter, lu n m-islde p.i 1. half o inllo nttuy, n he mi! nlmio on a bench with his lew-lie Hlong iimii him. n young nmn mid n girl look u seat back of him. A bimb hid I hem from sight, hut his heart gate u leap ns hu heard n well known tolce. it wuh sayiugi "No, Waller, there I no occasion for jealousy on your part. Mr. Gray Is nnu of the nicest men I iter met, hut uu ii uu ihu uacueiiir mm lias never uiougni or lote. itcjelcii, hu h nt least forly-litc, wlillu I nm only uliatueii, Thu Idea of my luurrylnf a man old enough to bo my father! Why, It's perfectly ridiculous"' There was moie lunverK-iili.o. but Iho Junior piirlner heard nothing fur ther. Uu rou fofily uml tiptoed riwiiy some distance. Then he cat dotvil on another U-uch uml held ,H faco lu his bunds until (he ncho (i-.'n.eil, Uu forlyt live, shu nineteen! Old enough lo be her father! Old bachelor nud nover thought of love! A lldlcilloiu Ideal alter wuu young. Youth nmled with youili. And Ihu leteiles and (he dreams and tho fiice passed uwoy lo return no more, and the boys at Iho ofllce said that ihu "old man" was pitching Into woik us If he wanted to get something off bin mind. Incorporated November 1 i 1 t 2, 1900 i -.l - Slstemenl of Condition of the. Klamath County Bank Klamath rails, Oregon D1C1MBIR 31, 1007 IUUOURCES Ina ami Discounts . $340,cao.uo Honda ami SccuriticH . Jn,52ri'.B4 Itvftt Eatatc, BulldltiRH and Fixtures I4.74n.ln Cnsh anil Siht Kxchunuo IG(J,247,ou $885,010.51 LIABIUTIES Capital Stock, fully paid $100,000.00 Surplua and Proflts 2 1, 753. U Duo Other Banka . . 32,000.04 DiKslta ... 431.205.40 $505,010.51 I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of the a . '..mrd hank, du solnnnly swear that tint nl ' ute. unlit Is tnie tu the best of my know, l.ili;. !, ., Irt AI.KX MAltTIN, Jit i. ,r. .SuhacrllMil and morn to lieforr nu n. of Jsnusry, Ivus, ISralf f II. in,i Notary Public f. t n orncEKs Uy AUtX MARTIN K. R. RKAMXS ALEX MARTIN. JR. LULU ROGIRS Vice President President Cashier Aus't Cashier Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT. Proprietor Choicest of Wiles. Liquors nnd Cigars F Caters tu tho better class of trade, ! nothing to ojtnd Uki most critical. You'll notice the iT-rrr.c tihrarM try It. Just the place to drop In for a rrffcihirf bait age when you ncr! a atlmulsnt I ure liqunn cf til kliuls fur family trade a specially Ready for Inspection Our line of Garpeta. Matting, Tapestry, Linoleum, Art Squares, Tabic, Lounge and Stand Covert, is ready for inspec tion. Something entirely new Also Silk Float and Feltolenc IVoltresset Brast and Iron Beds-Adjustable pel cil woven wire Springs, the only into; for hot weather. Polahed Oak Dining Sets and all oak Rockers. W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. George Bishop Phone-Store, 61 Residence, 155 CIJAH. K. WOKUKN President A. M. WOKDKN Cashier I'ltKIl MEtHA Vlce-Prf"1 The American Bank and Trust Go: 1 , Zil" ISJ, r-lM " t"n I.H mm mm mi r i si ig'' iaaRaal BT5rtr KSs? 'tSBaT " jB B9fl Issal 9, CAPITAL. $100,000.00 cor. Sihaai Mala Street ! i l - ? L'' i , UEJr"W J-