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KW '? 4 Kl c. m, 'l. if l.i'1 I HE EVENING HERALD Imumi dUr. rsrrwt KumUr. bv th Herald Publishing Company W. 0, SMITH, Cditor HUIWCRUTION ItATKa IWlf, tiy mall, ft yr. tUttr. by mall U month. tun. . IM 1X5 .60 1ft Hallr, hf malt, thir rmtnt lH"r. tj mail, a monin. . Jiiflr. tUItrrmt bv ranter, a now Tti KRMir.-nd money onlr, iirM x)r, nonal chack on rmir local bank. tarn, coin, or cmTvner. Nit war a re law or ORKooN.-ftkm SftSof Ihalaw of (rtun provs.! that whanawr any tnMnrnntnMltnc a rwapr ahall mall auch iMpapr to any ro In thU 8uta without flnt rrrvlvlnc an enter thrfor, auch nawapapar hall ha daanwj to h a artft, ami no iht or obhat tun ahail a-wrva aaalntt aurh ptraun, whether akl nrtiaper t revclr! by I ha run t whom l U aent or not. TUESDAY JUXKV, IU0$. I A Train Belated! MARSH LANDS 50 per cent, vegetable matter. Klamath's greatest Oregon's richest soil. , """- bargains at $20 per acre and upward!. Easy Terms. OJ1jiBji jfJj THE h' n M CRATEKtr" f ' N C I Mini.- I I rjv(' U I iinuviinbr.'Min By TROY ALLISON. I I B m Copyright, l!W, by AKocUtoT IJI- rary I'm. a Jitiu Dllwood, Junior partuer of tbe Ersklne i. Dllwood Ian- tlrm. wandered aimlessly n round the new IHiloti sta lion trylug to LIU tlmo walling for the train, -lie hid promised bis partner that, as lie would I In Washington that week, lie would make n iHvlal point of meet In; Mr. Krsklue's train nil transferring lirr safely tu tlio aouthtound train. Ilr bad started to tb station an bour earlier tbati news sary In order that bo might have tlm to look at I Ik- new station which every Wasbliigtoulnii was loudly procl liming tbc biggest In tbe world. Hut bt-iv bo found that mi bour wan more time than n railway nation could satlsfac torlly till, even though It lived up In Its reputation. He looked nt bl watch nnd foimd to bl sntlafactlon that It lacked only six minutes until tbe I'lttnbnrs train was ducT lie hurried through tbe rates mid reached It lust n a l.' 'official marked tbe train nn hour late. Tbe official seemed, from Mr 1)11 I wood's lnt of v lew, to take n fiendish I dcllgbt In writing It oloivly and rare ' (Ml ! r J K LA M A T l-5!LiiiA ! ( INDIAN KLAMATH kTION rx.- iV x i- -lr'l" . f. I ir liV.f'y.'" Mt tu T I 9'.-" ' fiftk ?,-f"r" Krt'A t 1 1 S. 4. . . i " ' mX..... i i I V I vv i ,r- i . .pry ojfnv j (s rsrrtji VC.V'YA v. i. M M' lifer 1 J i?lW"J BBBBBBBBBBBBl sTaVlX D&VaBBBBBBBBBBBB "Mm . Nnw VvLvi I VtM I A ' ' 4ljlAMATM '.'jtii TaXV, ls -J?; ' " ...' T-rr J "what a :uir iiocnl' OILWOOtl. fully, aa If tbere was plenty of time for everything. -Uli-tn," said Mr. IjIIwocmI lu an loquent balf voice. Tb girl In front of blui. wbo bad beD auzlouily eying tbe naiuu bulle- ery luacaztne on tbe staud." ' Tbe bot cbocolate evidently npealeJ to Uobblu. DIIuoih saw liliu lead tbe way lonard tbe cafo wit It nil nbulut ludlffercuce to tbe failure of lluu scbedule. U'bcn Dllnood stoptn-d at tbe casb ler" denU later to pay for n clear ih tunecf tny borriirn L'iri came io Irliw lur tne i-lux-nliilii lcoi.u:co nit. tuat bad fallen decidedly nliort of rupylne nn entire bour. Ullwoud, ll.'btlm: bit clear at tbe llfbter, sioLe to tbe canbler, "That uesteru train ba bad tiiuu fur a full tUed wreck." Tbe clrl's eyes dliated, mid sbe turned suddenly, utterly obllvloiM of bU Ix-ln.' cally "If tnu will iy Hint rliante I llli-l innclu a lia.ty nearrli for til. nskle, I will tell lur Io fur It In- rnnlnme. foru sbe lentrs." "I bapM.n n U, ttltriMnl. ami III. Tin wirry I j;nto yon mn li n frlebt." entlr nullnfactloii nllb III. lot In life bo wiM Wbeli be found lT eerlllK l'aml frmn Ida eye "lie I. a re tbroilRb tbu burn ilun ti Hie track inirknM) prninlaliitf boy Mlm '1U I'm nlnop e(x-ctlns n nrk-l' dale" lie nas In tbe iiieantluie trrlnc tiu, iaij ox arm ui uiu iua 1 1 uoy uu uuimrouuccu man. "nia you say wltii her. tbe western train bad been wreckedV" "Ob. dear.'.' sbe walled. "I never was tabe asle.1 breathlessly, so dead tired of waUug lu ifr life. If i -So, nol Don't be frightened. I I only knew be would I sure to torn uss merely JoLIiik about (he Ions It wouldn't nm so bad. It will be I wait." be basleiied to ussure her. Mbc balf past C before tbe tralu Rut Inlfavo the cashier a thirty cent check now. Bobble. 1-et'n go lu tbe cufe and i and a bill and lu her excitement rush cet some bot chocolate. I'm tolnir to hd off without tbe chance to t with drink wlue a KKouful at a time and , ber own eyes the latest bulletin. Ill count ten between each tip to help wood smiled nt tbe cashier, make. that bour past, for L'vu read ev -pu. these women!" he said whlmsl IN THE UTTLE PRINCESS aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaaL. KdaaSBaaaaaaaaHH You get more room, more cooking surface and convenience than from any stove ever sold In JQamath Falls. E. VIRGIL 6 SON Dealers .in Furnitjire itnd House Furnishings. Bridge on Main street At the Tin' initial friend- llnem of ber tone hIhmu-I ii rhlldlih liidlnerrure ro bU lieliiK u itraunor "IVrttai you hateli'l lltnl In a city lour." he hazarded, an In.I. Uiille iciiue- IbliiK cnihIiis lilm to lin'ik'liie that illy n-a)s ntre ulr.uife to In r. "Olt. yes- a ,.-(nn years." Her eyi-t Were Mill fneimed mi a dlttaut llil on the trick. IIIIwunI found hlniDcir Hiwesii.d of an amount of curl.xlty foreign tn liliu Tbe ilitiauey of her face, tlliratliig Willi the Joy of lliliu. ytt friink to a childish decree, fuscluated him "I you don't mind my talking In you ulid-IIbMe," b illU'Cled, smllini; Into the filelldly faie of I lie U("y, who had been tuklui,' slock of him admiring ly OIIwoimI knew bv bail ii kimhI tailor and was Kralllled In Mti Unit hu bud at least mndo a cood Impn-sslon on Hobble. The boy's sinllu broadeiietl, "You won't llml talking to my sister a hard Job. Khodoes It nil herself," he winked mx la lily I "Now, Iloblili! 'I Male, you are nl ways pretending Hint I talk too much itnd tbnt I run K-gln lu Ibu year one I nnd bring history up to ilnle In nn Hours comersnlloii." DllUood Hilled llolible mi (be buck lib uu affection not generally elicited by hiiiiiII Ikij-s. but he no longer looked upon IJobble us n hiiiiiII bjy I4 wr.s a method of procedure. "I hoK tlun, you win consider inui you lnie known me at least llfliiti mliiules mid will skip tho cre.illon. Iho full of Umiie, Ibu cnii war mid n row oilier ileum mid bring history far enough down Io date to lell uiu inoro-frleiully things." "In Iho beginning I ncceptid ii posl Hon under Ibu civil serUo mid moved to M'nsliliigtoii mid put Hobble In ibu public schools, where hu plajed fiKit. bull the llrst part of the term nud fall oil In Ijilln the second purt thereof," sbu laughed. 'Thero-I told you she could till every miiig hiio Knew lu u few lulu. ulcs," doclnrcd Hobble dihgusledly, "Hut she's promUed not In lell John about tho Lallti. He's coming on tbli tralu we're walling for Khu perfectly daffy about John." An unreasoning dlsllLo to tbu iiuidh of John spuing, full grown, to (be heart of Mr. Dllwood "la it permitted to ask who John may be!" bo usked gloomily, "Oh, ho may bo president sumo ilui or most anything In that lluc,"dt-oluied tho boy nlrlle, "hut just at present he's our big brother coming to spend his two weeks' wicatlou with us. Ho'm bceii lu Chicago sli months learning to bo a lawyer. He's a clerk In Krsklno (tjgllwooj's oUice.'!. rerveniiy to tememN-r Jusi hl. Ii of the twenty einplujee tins 'Ibslnle He ' hlm-lf for the firm nnd M-iit very little time In the ..nice "Oh. Mr lilltvn-.l do j on really think soV slin ipiestloned engerl) lor fan i Hi. died ullh pleasure ; "lie has the mming of a llrst rl.i.s lawyer," be votirhisl stoutly for Ihe eapnMlltles of the jotilh of ttirnly Ihut he was In mortal terror be would full ,10 rmogulre when ihe train arrived "lU't It n iiieer cnliirldeuni (bat we I Should llleetr be n.kid eagerly " I have in .... risihlM loniorrow alioiit soon. n i.-ii insirui (Ions, nnd In think bo happen to . j.,ur bnither" Mr Iillwixsl's by..s-rlsy vns si. Hdckly luld on be fennil even Ihe frank. iliisusH-ctliig eyes of lh. girl could see Hint he woiitil have In manufacture Ihoso special Instruction Ufore Hit ueji nuy "Oli, they bnvu nnrkeil It nnolhrr hnlf hour bile." she nodded townrd Iho bulletin. "What's n half hour" declared Mr Dllwood " di,,,,, r.,lllt n rn.r ' terestlng banging around n railway sta tion up pretty good Hsr Gtandird of Ccrnpsrlion. "Vesj hu's ler third husband." "How were I lie hvul" "Holh worlhless." "Then he must show by coiupiirlsou'" .Sot by tiiuiparlsoii Ihe men his ttlfo says shn might hue m.irred."T Clevclund I'laln Dealer. Bo ThouflMful. Nell-Vet, tho count Is very attcii. Iho to ber. Khe mlmlr..,! ., . Hho saw In n florist's window tbevf vvcru passing yesterday, so ho bad mm flnil op 10 llcr Hello-How thoughtful! Ncll-Ves; 0. O. D.-falhollo Hlaud ard and Tlmis. mvr-mmmmm mrtmmmimmmmm Incorporated November 20, iqqq Statement of Condliion "" . tlf Hie Klamath County Bank Klamath Falls, Orcriou DICIMBER 31, 1007 RESOURCES 1mm nnd DlwountH $:Mo,r,3o.eo IkmtlH and Ssxrurltion ! r.,- "" Heal Kutato, lliilldinKx ami 84 FlxturwH . M.7.Jr. in Cash and Sllit KxcIiuiiku l0,247.'69 5080,04061 LIABILITIES Capital Stock, fully mlil $ 00 SurpluH and I'rufltM 21,753 II Due OlhtT llankH .'i2,OO0 04 l)t.Hwlt . 4:il,295.'4fl $SUS,040i I. Ales. Martin, Jr.. Caslder of tl.. , lmni bank, do solemnly swear Hint ll.r . ,,,,. mriit is true In Ihe best of my kiioH.-k. ii.' niiii.rrnwii ami iworn lu lietore i . . ,i,. of January, WM, IHralJ OFFICEKS ALEX MARTIN c ii ii,,.... .. Notary I'ubli. f - iirrs.n E. R. RIAMKS ALEX MARTIN. JR. LESLIE ROGERS - President Vlcc-rrcsldcnt Cashier Ass'l Cashier Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin THE OFFICER E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Choicest of Wines. Liquors and Cigars Catrrs tu the Utter cists of trade rwtlnrx; Ue5n4 I be most critical. You'll nonce n.- i iTrrenr Nps try It. Just the place to lirop f r a rrfrriUrjUirt age wlien yoti ncrt! a atltriulant ltt livm tf tl kiruls for family trade a sMcialiy Ready for Inspection Our line of Carpets. Matting, Tapestry, Linoleum. Art Squares, Table, Lounge and Stand Covert, is ready for inspec tion. Something entirely new Also Silk Float and Feltolene Mallrenct Braat and Iron Beds-Adjustable pel ' cil woven wire Springs, the only thiij for hot weather. Polthed Oak Dining Sets and all oik Rockert. W. H. DOLBEER . Successor to B. St. George Bishop Phone-Store,, 61 Residence, lftT) CIIAS. K. VVOHDKN President A. M. WOKIIHN Cashier lltEOMELHASil Vlce-rrrd"' The American Bank and Trust Co, I ., - Sort of . SoulliroTund. t iffi W Q' flK SS Z? S Sf t VVJ .. a--(!3javs . They're eullng dinner t!S "Uh-t s si now." ''Aioyou suiu'" Lcsllo'u Weekly. " " CAPITAL. 100,000.00 Cor. Siaaad Main Slreti jl