Newspaper Page Text
0 fte prntiii) Ibfalfc. Mostly I'1,1"' ,,n,or '" Our Advertisers the Best Results Get Klimatli Vim, No. r7. OSD JL ARE INTERESTED jestion of Raising Revenue for City Causes IJECTION TO OCCUPATION TAXI yorarnl Council Will Make Conditions in 01 her Cities llcforo hikinq Action May lake in Additions to City I TU ll '""" l"l',c '"r '""",,lun .Milsjsialhetinlioml iUvMhk tlur lal'lii.' revenue lor urn . . ii... t. ........ ..f l(f Tde Minn"" nirii. iimii ,- p.i.t.v". B.jjli.t tain kindly ibe I1'"" larluvlllu ' '" l"1" '"'' Llwol, tint the la will U liui high II iltll.rat that I Mng I'onili). Anotkrr argument I that llu It nil nit I equitable If levied un LrUla Hum nl l,itiri- it '!' re Jlriiol llie amount nl hiisliiva done lu ani'iiint ol money Inteated. Meftliraequeslliiiiair) rcielvltig the illrrstlori nl the Mayor and the lesrll. Ill ii mllil liy i-utjoiii' that Mini'. isf mutt U dune, hut lint nirllilnif i cuiln nunc auumenta ami I mlsf nisny guml suggestion lioui r bailnrts iih I professional men w ho lid U ctlleil Ujii to pay the tax. It proposed tint real estate llrma ! kjsctd tqttat ol Ills) vr annum, (Mayiillliriii object In thl, ilalm (that the amount is far In eirea ol Utility should derailed upon In pay IVatliftla lllmll ftllitp ImalliMaa flfflna I ---'--", ...-....-. .- Ultn Into iiuialdrratiiin. Again, xrtirf inrrchaiitit who object Ion tax IW jrar, ilalmlug that It la to ncnlir the amount ol business Iran. TUprolIrm confronting the iniinlrl. liottiorltlr h onmli'icrving of gre uiJrrillnn ai oin it hinge the sue of flumnciiiKtlin rlly without tliu KttMlroiiiihelbiuiir traltlr. While ire Ihoie who ipiose a tax anil at lur llm opioililoii cttu all klmla iMauysicuie, there are also thorn 14 rvalue that in orl, a,,,,,,!!,!,,,, IwLtiilneitlnaritv ami ln,v H... Wlon ol iha government 1 line ate thnuiie who are In faor fmwnhldaiiile,ullalila tax. ITbvcouneil Hill not he liasty t,k. IMloii on tl,, u.ntttT ami when the o Is lliully rettlcl It utll Uafter hUlUrklloiiaiiil a ihorniigh Invealh p "I IU mcihmU umplojeil hy SUIT GASES TELESCOPE CASES U you are going to take a Trip We can fit you out K.K.K. Discussion lliormnjli Invusliqalion of iithi't tillra Mho hale tolieil the name ptohlem, The argiimi'iit l liU'ln that the ir' rilpatlou tat hII rei lit in the raMng ol the roil ol the riertnarlea ol lile, hut Ihi argiimeiii too weak to merit any nuiilleratlon whati'rr. A III in lin ing a ID () huluei annually, In onh-r to rai Ihe neery V)(or the occu pation tut, moiiM tie f.jmil to ald Ihu tiillla on toiMiy ilollan Horlh ol bu. iirta trnnilu.l, or, in other hoi.U, to IU It an that the atore keeHr will makoj hlaimul protttll will lw neiuttary In II a twenty ilollar anil ol rlothet lor Ineul) ililUra ami leu tenia. Ill tale In ray that ll the men haul will tell ttie pun haarr that the extra ten tent i netileil to par hit iKinpitlun lat he will gel it without any argument III coriiirclloii with the matter of In creaalng the rvieiiueol Ihu city it haa Urn (tiggeateil to ailuill nuuilwr ol the aililitlotia Into the municipal rot nrtlon. Moat ol the parllc owning tho i.ltivu will he willing to eomo in il they am ure that Ihey will not ho c.itlel ii jmmi to uy uioru than Ihclr juat hariMil Ihecit)' tatea. It I eell that theav matter rlaln lug to tho llnanre nl llm city l well ninaiilereil hvlore any action Ii taken. A learn hllrheil Io a wagon loaihil with nl iN'ramc Irightcneil Ihi noon at K. A. Diiiiham' automobile ami ' lartnl ilnan Main itrectou a ilead run Frank llrjant, who wat JrUing tho Irani, hehl lit plaru on the real ami kept the team In IheuiMJIuol theitreet until they hail run keieral hlocki, when he got thvlii atopiK'il. Chaa. Weatletorn ami family, former ly reIJeuto( WikkI ItUer Valley, havu taken their ileparturu lor Watonllle, Cal., where they will reIJo. Mr. Woic tlelorn recently iliixmsl of hi Hue ranch In the north eml of the county, I'll I nit It to I.. W. CoiKlaml. 1lu con- Morallnn wu (7ilo0 for "40 acre. If your oe trouble jou, iro Wlulei. Complete Stock OF TRUNKS STORE KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Dairy Public School Grad uates Large Eighth Grade 'I ho drat eighth grade graduation rx- llshes a record lor regularity ami puiict ncUncl the public school was helJ in! uallty in this district. Wlillo llm lIt Hi,- clicxil house on Friday etening A i-iriKeiitalKv ninlleiirp wai present li Ji'tnl I'liioiiragemcrittoamhllimj )outh. Ihee-ealse wereoiiened with a sung Iti-ciial by IW. A number ol ri-iiinii juiiiimt iiit'ii voiieil itieir Ideis I on silnml affairs anil In general gave i i .-.-.. . ... lb - ny iircai io the effort put forth unrig me urn year io raise Hie cliool nt M ijI itl In iitniinur 'it equipment nml elliilency. I'roiiilnet among the apenltM were V. I'. Hedge, Orrln Mc (.uinUr. W. I., ami J. It. Welch ami II. H. Oileri. County Hurlntnent Wight, preaentlng the Diploma, pre ielei hit talk to the rlaaa. hy making a few remark on ro ot-rlloii between leaiheraml parent. After the tpeaklng thetahlra were (preml wllhgooil thing the laillea hail prepared. In reporting the work ol ten month an rage dally allemlaiiie of ninety lx and one third lierieutwa attained. I'u pi I neither ahaent nor tardy were Wald, Klllc, Car rule and (lerald Oilen. Till eiiab- Report of the Finances of the Public Schools The public school of this city main tains limit separate fund, and the fin' ancial condition of each ol of them at the clou-nl this) ear indicate that the Indent body ha ncled wisely In hand ling the mone) of the school. At the close of school Ihi year the fund were a follow: MBIIAUl n Mia Rtl'MITII Nor. 1M, I1KW School Kntcrtaln- merit M.oO Dec. IU, l'.OI-(ii(t Mr. Itulenlc. . .11.00 Ki'b. 11, I1M7 Slo lath 40 Kelt. II, 11107-Salo lath .01 Feb. IS, 11KI7 to June A, IMS-Klnes t7.W) April. W, lW'-Utt Book. M.N.C. CO May. 4, lnOS-.ale of old book .'.0 May. 1M, lUOS-Lost Book. M. N. C. no May. 1, llJ7 llawley Kxcurtion 05.25 Total I91.6S llialll'lUXMKSTH, 1007 Cype pier Ur (A Mar. A, l!"07 J. K. Duvall, (wheel) '.',00 Mar. 18, 1007 Kcliallock A Daggett...') Mar. SO, 1807 Library book and quettlona t-.OO Apr. .1, 1007 Wntjiplng pper 50 Apr. -5, 1007 iJtdle Home Journal 15 May.'.'!, IN07 W. K. Uowdoln (Tick. tt) '. June. .1, 1007 Ue of boat $40 00 Juno. II. HK)7-I'lcturc 11.00 Nov. 15, 1007 Library book 85 Dee. 7, 11HI7 Library book 35 Jan. lfi, I1KW. wrapping per 15 Jan. SI, 1008 One clasalc 'JO Jan. 24, 1008 w rapping paper 15 Feb. 1, 110S Kxprea on book 50 Mar. 25, 1008-Kxpreon book.. ft. 25 Mar. 27, 1908 Wrapping per 15 Apr. 9. 1908-Drkwing...' 25 Apr. 24, 1808-12 Dicktn't Carol.. f3.C0 Apr. D, 1008-Bau't AnlmalLlfe. . .t4.35 June 5, 1008-BaUnce $31.80 ToUl W (XAMINATIOX fAfSII rDND RlCglfW Jan. 15, 1907-CoIlectloni pupils. . $13 35 May 16, 1907- " " .. 11 00 May 28, 1907- " " ) Jan. 25, 1908- " " .. 15 10 junel, 1908- '" " ..12 65 Total 52 20 PMBURSKMSNTa Jan. 20. 1907 Newiom A Under WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10. 1908. by parent Were few, jet patron having children In iicIkkiI havo iiliowu marked Interest in tho work. A healthy chool rplrlt ha been engernlerod and tuilaln ed throughout the Kchool )car and a clof graduate la the remit. Thoae graduating hae tlgnlfled a ilttirml nation ol lilting themecUe for the high er thing of life, Mil Zelina h'edge will enter high M-hool at Antloch, f'nl , and will afterwaril take a lourao at s3n Jour Normal. Miaa Klla Anilerioii will enter high achool ut lierkeley, L'ul. Mlna nil ptel a creditable examination and glre promlao of a itrontr atudent. Mla Klaie and Wald Odcn will probably enter the State Normal at Weston. Our teacher, Mr. Hall, Is an alumnus nl ihi Institution and these worthy young l-eople hale hope of becoming protlclent teacher. The following are candidate! for honors nextyear: Iran Welch, Her. aid' and Carmlo Uden, Georgn (Jray, Helen McCumU-r, Jessie Andcr.on and Henry Hoehtlcr. wood $11 00 Jan. 20, 1907-ltebubllcan 1 :tt June 1,'07-Neniom iV. Underwood 11 00 fNipl. 20, 1907 Itepubllcan '.', Oct. 2, 1907 Illank paper 15 Oct. 21, 1007- Drawing paper.... 2 25 Jan. 8, 1908 Illank paper 20 Jan. 27, I90H-Underwood COO Jan. 28, 1008 While 5 40 Jan. 28, 1908 I'aper fitdenera. . 25 Jan. 28, 11108 Illank paper 10 Feb. 18, 1908-Wank paper 10 Apr. 28, 1908 Cutting paper Juno 2. 1908 While 2 10 Juno 2, l't08 Underwood 1 82 June 6, 1908 Hy balance 8 47 Total $52 20 mjo rcNn RECIIITS Oct. 20, 1907&chool entertainment 190 00 DIaCaEMENT8 Nov. 7, 1907 Nail, b'ldlng atage 40 " 14, " M. i:. ltoblnson... 80 85 " 10. " J. A. Uonard 2 50 " 10, " Mr. C. E. Wright, 1 45 " 10, " Itepubllcan 3 50 " 10, " J. V. Houston, rent 10 00 " 10, " J. S.Taylor 2 00 " It), " W.K. Uowduln.... 2 50 " 21, ' K. V. Coggawell... 12 00 "21' " Draying 5 75 June 1, 1908-llalar.iv l9 85 Total $190 00 Dairy Win. Wight made final proof on hi homestead June 28, Election at Dairy went off ury quiet and orderly. Old timer say It was tho bed election crowd over seen In Dairy. A new girl catuo to Mr. and Mr. Early Arnnt June third, I. II. Gray took a load of veal to Kla math Fall Wednesday. Jacob It neck and C. W. Sherman went to Klamath Falls to attend the Water User' lueeting. F.-M. Dennett, J. It. Welch, D. Y. Gray and Lud wig Sterxl went to Kla math Falls Monday, June 8,' to make final proof on their respective hoiueateads. J. Q. Wlllits, County School Superin tendent of Lake County passed through this placo In a four ho"rn caravan Mon day accompanied by somo frlem's. A mnss meeting of the Water Users, was held at Bonanta to dlicuss some Important matters In regard to the rec lamation work, chief of which was to unite in urging an early beginning on the Clear Lake dam. Much dlssatU WHEELS 0E JUSTICE Regular Term Convenes CRIMINAL ACTIONS ON DOCKET Cases of Considerable Importance Will Attract Attention and Take Up Much Time of Cowrt-Urge Number x Civil Actions Are Also Pemlinf ' faction I apparent on account ol the numcroiiadela). Iloraco .Mitchell wa In Dairy Sunday. Toney Murratu la engaged painting sign for W. I', Bedgo today. Shoots an Indian On last Sunday the Indian known oa "Copolosit)" came riding Into town with blood all over hi horie and raddle and id that he had been ihot. The hooting occurred at Pine Creek and was done by Dan Loul. It aeema that the Indian wa drunk and quarrelaom nml from what Loul aay had threaten eil hi life. Loul gotdiold of a rifle and shot "Copoloilty" the ball entering the hollow ol the body and coming oat juit below the hip. Ttie wound I a danger ou one and it I a urestlon ol life or death. Altura Republican. Novel Advertising: Parties coining through Macdoel few days ago witnessed rather a novel way ol advertising. Two Dunkards who bad lieeu succes'ful in raising bo'h rutaba gas and children appeared at the station as the train pulh-J In and held up for tho Inaction ol the passengers the ar ticles of which they seemed very proud. Some of the travelers wondered if they were adiertliln? the vegetables or the children, for in one hand each hld an enormous tulubaga, while In the other each held a stout, healthy looking boy. One or two Klamath Falls parties wbo were on the train are thinking tit mov ing to Macdoel, .presumably to engage in raising rutabagas. Club Elects Officers At a regular meeting of the 21 Club yesterday cienlngthe following officers wero elected : C. II. Underwood, presi dent; Frank Sargent, vice-president; Ilurge Mason, secretary; C. P. Mason, Hoy Walker ami W.O. Smith, Invita tion committee. The Club w III hoi I Its next dance on Friday, June 20th. School district throughout the county will elect otllcers next Monday. wi"" The proof of the freezer The White Mountain Freezer makes more cream, better cream, and makes it eaiier and cheaper ih'an any other freezer on the market LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS 6 HANKS HARDWaARE D1AL1RS Price, 5 Cents. of Circuit Court Next Week The regular Jut Una ol the Clrenlt Court will convane nest Monday. Ther are large nnmber of criaslaal cmm, but many of them bar bora on the docket for yean. There are also several ol recent date and tby will attract eos Iderable attention. The criminal dock et Is as follows: State vs. J. F. Mans, charged with murder. State vs. Goodlow and Norcroatv charged with larceny. State vs. Josbaa Back master, charged with larceny. State vs. Liskey, charged with tbe larceny ol a horse. 8tete vi. Richard Roe, selling liquor to minors. State vt. John Doe, sodosay. SUte vs. John Doe, aseaalt and bat tery. . State vs. Albert Fitch, osmqU with deadly weapon. State vs. J. W. Bark, anon. Staters. Albert Marshall, fcffnjr. State vs. Fred Collina, lareeay of hone. State vs. Hjordt, larceny ol a steer. State vs. Chat. lUmaker, lareaay from dwelling. State vs. John Doe, killing animals bo . longing to another. State vs. Jos. Cobarn, larceny ol a cow. SUte vs. Ernest Wolford, assault with a deadly weapon. State ts. Wo. Monro, larceny. State vs. Fred Liskey, Mayhem. State vs. J. J. Arant, larceny ol a calf. State vt. S. II. BlttMr, larceny of a horse. Two of the parties, Monro and Bitt or,ogalnst whom the criminal action are pending at confined in the oonntjr Jail. Some ot the otbera are oat on ball and many have long tine lslt the coun try. In addltton to tbe criminal docket there will be a large number of civil cases, including several action for di vorce. Court will be in session for a ral day. F. A. Autenrletb, the agent lor the Klamath Falls Transportation Co. at Dorris, It in the city on built. taw.wv. i in the freezing s. 'V-' ,um rl