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Ite jfefalft. Mostly Kiwi Papw l KhimiHi Knllrt . .' Our Advertisers- Get tlio Heat Re.miltn . . . Second Yi:au, No. GttO. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17. 1908. Prick, 5 Crnts. FORCES RILE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION TAFT SUMMER PLANS MADE allies cease fight TRUE BILL RETURNED , AGAINST SECRETARY1 Main Crater Lake Camp Will Be at Arant Station SEASON OPENS ABOUT JULY 15 largo Cabin Will Be Constructed So lhat Tourists Can Secure Mealf and Lodging Plan Also Call Tor Camp On Kim of the Lake AiriMiKMiiriiU lor the atiiiiuier at Cra. rr Ulc are being made ami Will IS. Steel, uli'i baa tlif mailer In charge, hit ilrcl led iiti tho ettabllihiiierit id tli main rain at Ilia Aran! alallmi lit to water It plentiful and where tlio cimpcan lie eitabllthed U-lore tlio innw mtlli on Ilia llm of tlio lake. Mrt. II. IMIumvr, ol Hau Franclecu, will bv In charge ol thlt rarup. She will arrive In tli eitjr tcnlght ami a eoun at tlio ii- (llti ran I taken to tlio cauip tlio will Uncharge. At tlio main camp tlio plant rail for llm eroctlun ol a lain nlrtUntlal ralilu anil ramp equipment Dial all the comer cau La cared fur. iltalt lll be tcrved ami (mall peitlet ill Ik alile to arcure lodging. Another riuii illUe4UblUlilut lliv ilia ul Ida lake about July 1ft, that lima when v Ilia aeaton ont. It will bo io ar ranted that parllee ran lunch mi tlio llm ami ilrep In a cabin that la to bo ritcteil during- tlio aeaton. Tho main "rtnip lm l-ern located at tho Arnnt tutlon In order to onlvo tho ttatri ittkii. Thero la no arallablo water on the rlui alter tlio anow goea off, and Italll U luitwalblo to put In a water system and a pumping plant. Mr. HUv will ari'l part ul the hum uier at llm lake, but ho bat to planned tilings that ho can leave at any time that lie fluda it ticcctiary. Ho tlunkt llioreaaon will tee man)' prumliient people at the lake, and that at tlio licit tctalnii of Uongrrta It will bo an tasy matter to tecuro an appropriation that will enable the aiipoilnteiidellt to make annie nl the nrceMary Iniprorenienta In the park. Outlook Is Promising Chairman Lodge Loses Control of Conven tion at Mention of Roosevelt Dreplto the fact that tbla haa been a had spring lor cropt rcjuitt (rom all. parU cf the country give atturanco that the yield will be nearly up to the aver age. In Klamath county grama are do log well and on tomo of the dry land faruia the cropa are aa far along aa they were at tbla lime lait )i'ar. Lake eoun ly aeuda forth the rcorl that all che lation la doing well in that section, and from Modoc county, California, cornea the report that In all parta of that coun ty the faimcn entertain a liotwlul Uew of the crop tltuation, notwithstanding the long period of north wlnda. The ralna of tho pad fw weeka liavo been quite general, providing a great boon to the entire country. Chicago, June ij- 'li'iiipniitry Chair, inoii Hiuriitta called Ihu ciuiViiillori In onbrat IB I'l. Chnlrmiu Iraiigherly of tliu cudi'iiluli lommlttrc nnnounced that the rommittie'a riputt hii not ready at the member did not gi I to bid until iWrl'Hk tblt morning. K-natnr Henry ('abut lidge, i.f Mnttarhtitnte. a chofcn thalrman of the Ifrmnhi'iil 'rutilMtloii, and in Ida h-cIi raid lhat llio 1'ic'ldcnt was intuli abiiHil bii' popular. In appreci ation of hit remnikton President Koon- Hell, Ihucrowd went wild throwing up their liuta, litiikeiihlrta and any nrtlclo han Iv, in the air, Fenitur l-ndge lott control of the o. mention nnd was mi able to mtorj quiet for fully a half hour. The baud pl)rd and tried to drown lliecliu-ilii.'. It wnt the most reuiatkablt' dcmonttratloii ever wit netted at n contention. It it el lent that Taft hail control of the convention by an n em helming majority. 'Pie iirdcnliale committee ratified the National lOiniiiHtce In every conU'tl ou-r M-als, and tbla glvea Taft ccii hundred pledged utvi on the flint ballot. The rej-firt of tJ-o Credcn- Halt coiiimilUc was then adopted by llm Contention, ending tho light of the Allies rgalnsl Tall and ueturlug him the noiiiliiatloii. The Vico-I'reildeiillal boom mil form al1)' laiinchid for tiovernor Cum mint.'i, of I mi a. Tho plank adopted by American Ted ration f Labor, was presented to the tub-rommltteu with recotnmviidatlona and the request that it bo placed In the platform. Tho preccedlnga of the con vention wua blocked by a hitch over the Injunction fight. The Oregon, Cali fornia and Washington delegate) went on record at opposing Prcaldent Hooee veil regarding the anti-injunction plank In tho platform. Richard Balllnger, of Washington, repreaenta the coaat In the uh-roinmitlco conautlng of thirteen membere. The platform at drawn up haa nothing In it regarding Coaat defence, for which tho western delegatea have mailc audi a atrong fight. Mines Look Good - WE ARE - SLAUGHTERING SHOE PRICES FOR FRIDAY and ...SATURDAY at Take advantage of these SPECIALS BO prs Ladies' Kid Oxfords, pat. tip Cuban'heel, reg. $1 50 Fri. nnd Sat.$ .90 25 two strap Pat. Sandals " 2 25 ' 145 12" Novelty Patent Sandals " 2 50 " " 1 G5 21 Fine Pat. Kid Tie plain toe, mott. 'top, Cuban heel " 2 50 " " 175 24", . Boys' Satin Calf Shoes, box toes.. " 2 00 " " " 150 $ I -K. K. K. STORE- KLAMATH FALLS BEST VALUE GIVERS Hoag mining dlatrlct In Lake County glrea promlte ol developing eome good proi-erllei during the coming aeaton. Anuiiiberof ttrong mining men are now at New Tine Creek waiting for the now to get out of tlio mountain! o that they can get into the field to begin work on the proapacti. C. K. McCleary one of tho experienced mining men in the field, aayi that the outlook la very bright and that development work will lie puthed thla Summer. Several ot the elalrua are taking out rock that aaoaya $100 to (200 per loo lieatdea large amount of low grade ore. In apeak lug of the propertiea Mr. McClearv aald, "I do not care what people lay, but when I aeo ore of that character be ing taken out, and with all the favor able turroundinita, with timber, water and an agricultural country on both alder, I know that a great ctrap la on the evo of developement." J. J. Arant Indicted For the Lar ceny of a Calf LISKEY'S BONDSMEN DISMISSED Arant Asks For Time to Plead Grand Jury Considering Other Matters-Judge Benson Pronounces Sentence on Bittner and Getter tend tho Lakevlew tournament In July. Klamath haa the material for a fatt team, one that would be a winner at Lakevlew. The boyi are atao planning a trip along the main lino of tho South ern faclffc, and if thla materialize) It will retult In good advertialng for the Klamath country. Tickets on Sale Soon T. A. K. Fanett returned lait night from San Franclaco, where ho (int a few daya on buiinen connected with the catabllahment of a Southern Pacific ticket agency in tbla city. Ho aaya the ticket! are now being printed and will be on aale In a comparatively abort time. All arrangement) have been completed for an Interttato commerco rate under the regulation) of the com mlaalon and the ame will go Into effect aa aoon aa the ticket) arrive. News On The Upper Lake Making: up Reports County School Superintendent Wight la now engaged in getting up hii annua report! and in getting out the report! of the pupil) wbo took tbe tight grade ex amination. In entire Klamath County 53 pupllo took tbe examination and of thla number .10 patted, 8ome of the grade! thow that the puplla have done excellent work and the general average of the itudenU who took the exami nation la very good. Tho sheep camp of ferry McDaniela, about two mile! from Barrel Spring, one day laat week waa robbed and the camp burned. Two dark colored men did the Job, and compelled the herder to go with them for about two mllea from the camp whore they robbed him of liia watch and all hit clothea. Al- turns New Era. Baptist Association The Eaatern Baptltt Aatociation for the torrttory ot Modoc, Klamath and Lako countlca and the Rogue river val- loy convene! at the Baptlit church In thl! city at 2 o'clock tomorrow after noon and will continue in aetaion uutll Sunday uight, Evervont li invited to be present at (he sesiiom. Will (io To Lakevlew Thofauiof tnla city are already tak ing an Intereat In the baa ball team proposed by the boy! who bare Juit re turned from school. Tbe team will lie organlttd within a few day and It la very probable that It will be managed by one of the clty'a bualneai men and that It will have the lupport ol the town. The boy! are practicing every day and ara making arrangement! to at,.- Steamer Winema lain commlstlon and will probably go up tho lake tomorrow. Steamer Hornet brought down 100,- 000 (ret of lumber on tho laat trip. B. St. Ccoige Ulahop'a palatial house boat, "Lady Vera," la In commlaalon and will be taken In tow ai far aa Cryi tal creek in a few day). The iteamer Eaglo waa the firat of the big lake fleet to get under way. She went up .ho lako laat Sunday. Mont Hutchiaon took a party up the lako yeiterday. Four big lumber rafta got adrift from Buena Yiala landing and floated acroaa the take. A large brown bear la aaid to have been teen near the Buena Viata boat landing. The bear hunteri are getting excitled. Col. W. II. Ilolablrd hai leaaed a at ill In "the Buena Vlata boat liouae w herein to moor hlaluo launch wnen he haa occasion to come to tho city, The grand Jury thla noon returned a true bill against I. J. Arant, who li charged with tho theft of a calf from Clarence Harris on January 20th of thla year. The indictment waa read to Mr. Arant and he atked for time toieehli attorney before pleading to tho charge. The caae waa continued untl' three o'clock. The grand Jurv returned not a true bill agalnat Fred Llakey, charged with ataault and tuttery and the defen dant being out on bail tbe bail waa or dered dltmlafed by the court. Tbla morning upon tbe convening of court Judge Benton eentenced W. II. Bittner, who plead guilty to the larceny of a borte to one year In the peni tentiary, and Clarence Getter who plead guilty of forgery, to two yean In the penitentiary. At three o'clock when the caae of Arant wai called he appeared and atked until In the morning to make hla pica. The requeat waa granted. Thla afternoon beforo the Arant rate waa again called a fowimall civil action! were taken up and ditpoed ot. Tbe grand Jury atlll continue) In aea aton and while tho deliberation! ot the body are private it la uuderatood that aeveral other Indictment) will likely be returned. Yesterday evening Judge Benaou heard the evidence in tbe divorce caae, O. T. Anderaon vs. Fronla Anderton. The decree waa granted. Alturas Gets Indian School It baa been definitely decided by the superintendent of tbe Indian rchoola that Alturai la to have a day ichool. It li alao very probable that limllar achoola will be started at Lookout and at Fall River. At Alturot the building for the inatitution will bo built tbla Summer, but tbe other place! have not been definitely decided upon. There area large number of Pit River and Piute Indiana in that section and the only achool that they have bad hereto fore haa been at Fort Bldwell and It haa been too imall to handle all of the chil dren of achool age. The proof of the freezer it in the freezing The White Mountain Freezer raakei more cream, better cream, and makes it easier anil cheaper than any other frec7er on the market LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS &1HANKS HARDWARE DEALERS