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fit f , w. 111 You Have My Guarantee With every article of Jewelry bought here you hive the assurance that it is just as represented. There is a guaran tee that you are getting just exactly what you think you are buying. Past reputation is a good thing to judge by. Old customers of this store are custom ers now, and they are helping adver tise the business because they are sat G. HEITKEMPER, JR., REPUBLICAN BLOCK ...Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician... BRIEF MENTION Summer Outing O. K Iliniuleiiburg, t lit' lather ol tiro. 0. Ilmnlriiburii utid Mm Hrlt MerrUl Valley the heart of Klamath. Haft lifttu amaaIaI mmnn hat. Sat urday only ai tho Portland Plow. ,kmpei, hei lt Miihl "" Fred H..,lnR I.I. ..tcrdy for Minn- i "'"' " '" ;"I'"I-I '' " . e.otato .p.n.1 tl.. Summer .III. hi. j "'' '"' "' , " '"'V ,"" motj . i will ItMxi. tliollrloC Itiwiiiiintli fur r .''., ... . .1. i. ...... .taluiel whim, they lll pilch c.iu. for lllrta Hoot llor at the illy Uakoiy. ' . ,,... .1.11-.1 ... ilii'Siiiniiivi. Mr. Ilimiilciiliiirif xlMlni opiHiitlte Aiiicricmi Hotel. II- , , . ... ,. ...,, 1,,,, " n muiilcr of thii Klamath ietl lal Cut glaaa, allwrwara nnaranter.1 f-r rt,.),n ly 1, allli.ii Skira,iilhlili.l "d lnleil ., Ilir ni 111 nii 1 " - back bete. llM)a he alll '! I"r lew month' Kl Ira.t. Shipping Hoxcs A. WeMlall, a raitroail man ol Hunt ington, O.f ., la In the city, lie I. look ing over the country ami may decide to locate. ! The prvttleel thing the T, IIIC it,r mWf lYmpaiiy ' coulil turnout In allverHarr nl Mrllat-I,,, 01 ,(1 ,ril ,,, ol lnr Ian'. Saturday ami aiioll.rr lilniient lilt tu tor the l.t rig In town i-all at Hie ,y, n nil a hall carload ha U-n ent Marun.oth8lal.lei.. II. W.flraw, I'm- lu t. minud and by I hi- lal ( thl' ,,r,e,,,r' ' ! nMLniuiicli will lnn the na.l to till Mr. ami Mr.. W. II. lUlleumii eutcr- I , )gl vtr r,o Uno are rpoiUd to taloed aauiallpaityollrlendtlait night, jK11 ?liBCifl.o where the company haa a I It being their, fourth wedding ''''r.'"luritl.roiitrail. ary. 1 , Odd Fellows Attention SPECIAL SALi ""wwtau,. " RED STAR ROSE GSEAM 1Ijiii IU lUtlll aaliaiawua i t . 1 iii.iv ib vuiii tiiiuiv.u 111 llfW i Summer h supply of the daii.tu . erndicntor of twin, minlmm .u .. elfectH of 11 hot miiniiicr .mm ,. KRDSTAK KOSK CKKAM I cnvinhlu name with nil who emollient cream for tho face SPECIAL 15c THIS I I.mI HUr llo.e Cream .ell. tftiiitttt 1 1 u..c weak only w will 11 .mi n. , for 15c per bottle. 50c bottles ini ,0jt harmful n 1 WlOllflg WEEK I l ait. I J0 cents ..BETTER GET A SUMMER'S SUPPi STAR DRUG STORE .... H.w. uiuuim iwii money HaVr 3811 1 -:- WHY SUFFER FROM -: Kidney 1 Bladder Troubles When MYAL'S STONK ROOT COMNUND la aucb poalllve rcaicdy7 It atUmolaKa the kidneys to the fall perforauncc of tkelr function, cllainaus uric polaoaa from tkc system and acts as a soothing, bcallnil adent upon Uu bladder. By Its timely use, healthful conditions of these organs arc promptly restored. FI1CX, 9 10 per battle UNDERWOOD'S C0EMM PHARMACY...... Streeu Klamath Falla, Oren rl3j:jJt3aL.-Ba'"iinaJaf Commencing May 1st Ease and Comfort In Travel Only 12 miles of staging and then a delight ful boat ride up the Klamath River to Kla math Falls GOING:-Steamer Klamath leaves Klaaith Falls at 4 a. n. coanectJaf wit starfe at Teeters which arrives at Dorrls at 8. COMING:-Arrive at Dorrls at 4 p. m. by statfe to Teeters and by boat to Klaautk Falls arriving here at 7:30 in the evening. Oregon Sc California Transportation Company FAMILY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. BREAD, CAKES, FIES AND CANDIES CITY BAKERY ICE CREAM PAROUS MRS. R. M, SARTER, Proprietor PHONE 315 OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL HOUSTON HOTEL DINING ROOM OPFOSITE OPERA HOUSE MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11:30 to 2 ' DINNER, 6 to 8:30 ----- Are prepared to serve banquets and dinner parties MEALS AT ALL HOURS A line line ol iii- avta ami lvcr In the popular "Vlntato" ttrin Iti-via 1847 war. at .Mcllattan'a. kfcrrlU. A natural traoecentcr. Mra. lon J. Zutuwalt lias luuel hnt"re iiiIihI lualtrml. tatlona and program, for a long recital to be glvvo by lier pupil, next Krlil) tTenlng at Hie IIIkIi ScIhI IiiiIUIIuk. Work In tt rat ami miniil ilrk'i'" on .-atiinlay neat at .t oclk kliarp. Ai Notice While tlio lime I I1 nn Imml bit. it You can net a 2J meal lok at Wlll-i iii , jj ,, .jc,in,, irr It I. itone .'. M.I lor 4. lloanl and lJli 5 1 , , ,, , lMp . ,, . a week. C. I). Willmn, I'rop. HI. .... lice to prrnill ol my Inimliii; aimtlii r 1L.M . .. .11 M..l .l. .. iA .1.1 .1 I ...r, .onl-........w,. ,u....v-.n,v . . . -.,, w.t II, .. I liavotlie quality ami are uwlul- aoiur new thing, at Mcllattau'a. II. V. Ktijk.nJall led llilt iiiornink' (or Kugetie where he will Join hla faui lly. He will be gone a few nceki. II ) on H.ltlt Ki't It hum riiiiinifr 0. I. il.on: Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOJ 100 Designs by Fred Hodg&uu, Clilcctto's Uadlng Architect, to Choose 'roni We also ftirtijtth plniiH nml hkcII1ciiIi i ri'Ktilar price. Vour mlriii(ip : ti Mt! -!J WE ARE LOOKING Kur iip-loilatu jifople to carry our watihr.. W'v can iiipply walclii'. (or anjone. Irnui the Joiinf Hi to the .elate oM nun, llacli Hatch i. tarantriil lo tim Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES Stock Rnnch l:or Kent In U'oo.1 Ititrr Valley, KUinith Co lOnUinlln: l-Oni'ir., !') arim iuralim ' One-fourth off on all cut cLi.aml ami XM lu.tntr. til rnclo.iil. For' 'hand painted china for ten ila)o(,l) at lurlhrr pirlluiLin lnui' ol T A.! Winter, jewelry ttore. nlU-rLmi, Anlilaml, tlrr. M Mr. and Mri. J. CMiigratehae re ,,.... -,. ,,... ,, , . , . ,' ... MONK TO U..N Hard tlmr. hut I I.-,...- .. ...... ......v .. .-...... ...i. luyp tniiie innney to nan a at the home of Mr. and Mr. the security.-1:. II. Hall. E. L. Nile. We arx looking for the moat tlilticult 1 cawa In alaaa QtllnK at Wlnteri . Geo. Mclntire and biMe arrival Inl the city from I'ortland lait night. They were married a (ew daya ayo and twill rerldein thlirity. lew Cream at the City ltakrry. lln' ua a trial. pwite American llott-l. tl Merrill. Froperty la reasonable. I (in w i d!it;htful prrfur.nancr ut Houttoti'a 0ra on licit tiatunlay .night, when I'ranrli llroa' Traretty Company appear In a well arranged , ' programme ol Comedy drama and high clati rpcclalliei between the acta. He ' aerred aeata SOcenti. Merril. The town wilboat a boom. 12.60 hat. at $1.43, 13 hat. at tl.'.O, 13.60 and tt hat. at .'.76 at the Port land Store Saturday only. All the lat ent atylea ten caiet Juit receited. Convince yourteK by looking at the window. The aUauier Klamath will make a j apecial trip to Teeter'a Landing fiatur- day afternoon and on that occa.lon will take puaengera for the round trip at apecial ezcuraion rates. Saturday night France Travealy Company will give a performance In llouiton'a Opera llouae and it prominea I one of the innet intenaoly Intcretllng performance ever Teen In Ihla city. There are wine 10 nninhera in the Company and they tome highly roc commended. ' II. V. date, will arrive here on the iM lo look oer the imuroreiiieiit that will I iiudu by the Water Com. pany tlila Summer. Work on the nmi Irolra wilt be begun aloiit the (Irtt of juiy. , The Klamath Baain Irrigated Lamia Co. haa opened ofllcet upitaira in the Kepublican block with Ueo, 0. Ilranden burg a manage. The company hat al ready formed plana (or cxteiuive ad vertising and will help In getting the Klamath country before tba home teekeri, TheFranclaTraveaty Company will be teen neat Saturday night, In a aplen- dU programme at llouiton'a Ooera Houae. Naoneihoaldtnliaaeelng thla high claaa company ol playeri In a clean performance. Reserved oale can be ae cured In advance. DWELLINGS A SPECIALTY CALL WATSON, 1 PRESIDE I HOTEL FOR RENT THE UICHEL1KU, Till: )y HO TEL IN MERRILL, COMI'LLTBLY FURNISHED. WILL LI Afv TO .... DESIRAHLE PA KM .... MRS. T. A. BALIS, Merrill, Ore, .-.t Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED Wc nrc in recent receipt of a carloaJc the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing n Poultry Netting in all ttitltb. We rial ready to guarantee ever) rod of EM Fence we send out Geo. R. Hum Notice All account! dua mo muit be let I led by note or cash within thirty daya or they will be published and aold at pub lic auction to the blgbeit bidder, 0. D. Wlllion. FREE SOAP wnjmmwr After years of experiment ing The N. K. Fairbank Co. have discovered the proper ingredients for a PERFECT LAUNDRY SOAP. THIS IS aaHKjMkll' V- .TaMlSSl BSBSWfiaBBal I"- ZZ SUNNY MONDAY V. U pure white, efficient, contains no rosin to rot and ruin Ti i I ajajiaM; a rClilamTKalDlC CW BOHp "IU1 "i I called a dirt starter, that MAKES clothes. Can be used in ani WATER at ANY TEMPERATURE Ask us about the FREE DEAL on Fairbanks Products uoiauust, Glycerine Tar, Fairy, Sunny Monday, Prenuw SaaBaSJBSSBJBJBJBJMBSBaMaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaiiiia.J.-l. . -m ti0 Mr. C. 0. Young, . Special Soap itcp. win b. with iu in a few daya. dlvlnd way aoap, ao wait for Vhedeal. Van Riper Bro