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He ftaninn BeftUL Mostly Kiwi Pnpcr In Klamntli FH Our Advertisers Get the Rest Results . . . Second Yi:ak, No. r,81. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 18. 1908. PnicE, G Cents. WAR SECRETARY NOMINATED ON FIRST BALLOT 7-l Z b : ! ' LARGE PARTY COMING E. H. Harriman Will Bring Eastern Friends to Klamath CHIEF WILL REMAIN TWO MONTHS UblifiquiahcHl Party Will leave New York on a Special Train, Coming Direct lo DorrK-Pluns Ueinq Made for lluntinq and lishinj; ' Yuik, June t H. I!. II, llarriinan llli-ri.. mil IfM Until two month In Ihinllliiil l'.r Klamalli UVo tlit hummer. Ilcrclofiirr tht lnluruiiilliiii iiyirmoiil lhal Im Mould remain lint i l.w wrrli nl hit mountain home, IVII ran Hay jtlf, the umn as lis did lal jrtf, dill III now atate-l that Im will Ktonlj accompany Mr. Harriman ami tlilrln sons lit Oregon nest munlli, Ut lint he will bring ii special train !oJ of Nrw Yorker and irniiilnriil nilirii oi wllh Mm, alwi flint he alll throw Ida game preserve on In Mi Kluirud gurale anil will supply Iheut llli launch! boats, ami will, suit U tacU gHfcf M Ashing at III. tort. (Uiut ot nmfwil abound la tbt lurnli surrounding 1'ellcan lUy, ami thr lain and III muuiilaln stream ill fumlali rmllrM sport (or Ilia dis rl.lr7of tsase Walton who all! m In thsllsrrliuan paity. IUW. II. Ilolablrd, of Harriman'. rsnnal italT, ! Ikiii on tlic ground lor some tliiH-, anil nmlcr lit supervision aorknitn have overhauled Ilia odgt, Itt ilalVI electrical equipment and other iereiililf f r the comfort ami luxury il llin litliiriiUliK. visitors. The parly will leave hern aoaa In at rltsatlVllcaulliy atml July II, ami Mr. Ilirrlnim it n arranjlnx lilt bililneas affair so aa lugrl lliiiu iImiiI tint llinr. Fwcll fr ll bring tin party In I i-urris, l. rrnni Ilicir u Ii a uuiance of eleven inllra to lln l-unl landing, where thr strainer makra rotiiiertlonfnr KUmalli Falls. Trlrphune ami trie- graph line arr being elahli.ied fur the um-iiI .Mr. llarriinan ami the parly Hill tairy with Ihrm a complete cor of up eraloia anil alengrapliera so lliat nr ktrnl liualnn may be attended In. Ilarrlman'a ronal atalt will accom pany lilm, a will tl.r family pliyili-iin. According to tellable iulorrnatiou Mr. llarriinan wll luugh it until, rVptemUr lilfUaaVrvT lauitly will probably rrmalu longer. Amonj lb pa'M-ngrie who wi'iit out on tlie boat llila morning were Mr. and Mrs. T. W, Hephens ami dsughtrr ami llie Mlast-s Una and Minnie, llarnuiu. I- K. Wlllltt returned lait night (mm I'urilanJ where lie hrlxd I-j1 I lie Klamath country during the How Car. nival ami alto attended tlie Masonic (Iraml if. II. V. flatra, lliu president o( the l.illlit and Water Com ny ant alio ol tbe Midway Tel. A Tel. Co., will arrive in Ilia city tomorrow nlitlit. MA gk V JaVaaa"atKlll I mmK A '.X WILLIAM H. TAFT OF OHIO. CONVENTION ADOPTS PLATFORM lavors Tnrilf Revision and Contains Plank Asking Courts to (mo Labor a Hearing Before Granting Writs of InjunctionPermanent Currency Advocated Clump), June Irt Immediately ((! TliiMilore Ilurton, o( Ohio, who deliver Ion Iiik tlie nil.ipllon n( tlie pliitform tlie ed I lie nomination peech (or William roll of atuteii iiai culled (or nomination , II. Talt. Following Talt'a nomination, (or I'tinident. Onii ol tlie lliat utatea tuiliiiiltted ll pritllvkl) lo Coiitfremnu ttJ - WE ARE - SLAUGHTERING SHOE PRICES FOR FRIDAY aird ...SATURDAY Take advantage of these SPECIALS CO pro Ladies' Kid Oxfords, pat. tip Cuban heel, veg. $1 50 Fri. and Sat.? .00 25" two strap Pat. Sandals " 2 25 " " " 145 2 " " Novelty Patent Sandals . " 2 50 " " 1 GG 2'1 " " Fine Pat. Kid Tie plain toe, mott. v top, Cuban heel " 2 50 175 24" Boys' Satin Calf Shoes, box toes.. " 2 00 " " " 150 -K.K. K. STORE- KLAMATH FALLS BEST VALUE GIVERS Joseph G. Cannon was placed in noml. nation liy CoiiKresiman Boutell, o( 1 1 1 i noia. Chicago, Juno 18-William II. Tad, nfOlilo, naa nominated (or Preildent tlili afternoon on the drat ballot. Ilia nomination wat conceded alter (he re Hirt ol the credential! committee teat liiK alt the conteated Taft delegate. Tad had out teven hundred pledged votes. T(l received 703 votea. The iiuui ber necessary to nominate waa 491. Tho nomination o( Taft was made un antmntis wllh the consent ol the other candidates. Tlie convention adjourned unlit ten o'clock tomorrow. The other candidates received tho (ol lowing votes: Knox, 01: Hughes, 03; Cannon, III ; Fairbanks, 40; UFollette, SI: Fo raker, in. Chicago, June 18. The Republican convention convened at 10:17 this morn ing. Tho committee submitted their report and dralt of the platform. The majority report ol the committee on the platform was adopted by tho conven tion. The platform contains an anti-lnjuiic tlou plank, asking courts lo give labor a hearing before granting writs of Injunc tion. Favors the immediate admission ol New Mexico and Arizona as separate slates. Advocates permanent currency system; amendments to Shermaj anti trust law; enforcement railroad rebate laws; extension' rural delivery; con structlon ol roads at publio expense; equal rights (or negroes; conservation of natural resources and establishment of a mining bureau. The platform contains the follow ing plank on tariff revision: "The Republican party declares une quivocally (or a revision of the tar riff by a special session ol congress Imme- OUTLET STILL OPEN Waters of Mysterious Tule Lake Are Gradually Receding FLOW SHOWS SLIGHT DECREASE Indications Are That Water Winds 111 Way to Some River Through Subterranean Channels Reclamation Service May Experiment Next Year dlately (ollowing the work assigned to tli appropriate committees, and coin mends the steps already taken to this end In Ilia work aolj-ncd lo the commit tees of the two Uouies which are now investigating the operatioua and effect of existing schedules. "In all tarrifl legislation the true princlplo ol protection Is beat main tallied by the Imposition ol soch duties as will equal the differencs between the cost of protection nt home and abroad, together with a rcaronable profit to American Industries, and the benefits that follow are best secured by the es tablishment of maximum and minimum rates to be administered by tho l'resl dent under limitations fixed in the law-, the maximum to be able to lie available to meet discriminations by foreign coun tries against American gords entering Ilicir markets, and tho minimum lo rep resent the normal measure ol pro lection at home, the aim and tho purposo of the Republican party being not only to. preserve, without excessive duties, the security against foreign competition to which American manu facturers and producers are entitled, but also to maintain the high standard ol living of the wago earners of this country, who arc the most direct beneficiaries o( the protective system. "Between the United fc'tatcs and the Philippines, wo believe In a free inter change of produc's with such limit ations as to sugar and tobacco as will avoid damage to domestic interests'" Resides advocating revision of the tariff, the platform endorsed President Roosevelt's policies anil declares Ihe Administration fearless and praises the president (or curbing tho criminal trusts. The history ol legislation under the republican administration during tho last (our years I reviewed at con slderablo length. I. Frank Adams is in tho city from his ranch, He Is Inspecting tho work being dono by tlie dredge on the experi mental (arm and Is also completing ar rangements (or the construction of a dredge scow on the Upper lake. Recent measurements ol the waler flowing through tho Tuta lake outlet show a decrease of a fuw second feet. Several weeks ago the flow- was S3 sec ond (eet, but at the last measurement It was nlnteen (ee't. Thedecreato in. the flow Is explained by those familiar with Ihe conditions as being directly dun to the (act that the take is getting lower, and as the water recedes tho stream through the outlet decreases. There Is at this time no Indication whatever that the water is running Into a cave or cavityjlhat is likely to (111 up but those who have been watching the phenomenon are liecomlng convinced that the water Unds its way through a subterranean channel into some river In California. Engineers of the Reclamation Service are kept informed a to the condition ol the outlet, and it Is very likely that, next Kar a considerable mm will be set aside to enlarge the opening so that It will bo ol practical use In the recla mation of the Inundated lands In the Tule lake basin. There has been no work done on the outlet sinco early in the spring, and it la thought that the flow could lie again In creased to 23 second (eet if a channel were dug from the deeper water to the opening. The lake is gradually getting lower, but this is due to a measure only to the outlet, for at this season of the year the evaporation Increases and the Inflowing water decreases, causing a gradual receding of the lake. An Excellent Performance la assure1 Saturday night when Francis Travlsty Company will bo seen in Houston's opera house. Three comedy sketches. "Tho Seal Skin Saquo" MM Dcplomacy and "Papa's Roy" will be given, besides high class specialties, Illustrated sing and animated pictures between the acts. Reserved seats can now be secured In ad vance at Dunhams Candy Store. Price CO cents. In Ihe divorce case of Aina Campbell vi. Frederick Campbell a decree was granted by Judgu Ilenson jestcrday eve ning after hearing the evidence. it m- ,. ' arwK The proof of the freezer is in ihe free7inj The White Mountain Freezer make more cream, better cream, and makes it easier anil cheaper than any other freezer on the market t l.KT US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE DEALERS