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wr ARK OPENING UP WITH A COW rUfcl VI wwn wr SHERWUhWlLUtHS PKiHTs and Varnishes you neril anything In thin line we HI le Klal " ,I0W rod color cards ami juot prices. tt'iknw ut (in wityiu. , bmCOMK ANtl SfcK US Geo. T. Baldwin, HARDWARE DEALERS Klamath Falls, Oregon i gywp WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek RESORTS Tlir U-it I rmit lUlilnir In Urt-gon. lliiTlirnl nrrimiiiaiUlinii lor I'trlln ( uitni! outfit, (dl ir lit. h-rUI ruiiliiK UIkiiiiiIi mid lost, lor mil Klnv iliiip fur ttxck, rrlriliiiiii rllrrlliM, Arruiiitin.Ltloii. tit u' l Crater Uto. Will Hurt utllr nt Klamath A(rlicy FRANK SILVIES fltorRIETOR Klamath Agency, Ore. Written from the Play by Albert Payson Terhune Who Wroie "The Man of the Hour" ILLUSTRATED BY RYDER The First Installment of This Great Musical Dramatic Success Will Ap pear in the EVENING HERALD on Next Saturday June 20 The Sensation or the Year in a Love Story Which Makes A Hit on Its Own Merits-Superb Illustrations for which the "Merry Widow" Herself Posed. O & TaCk K5X;P3Pia9IE- Ci. ? tKA-Ji&l.imzm '- MI - Zitn's Plumbing Shop Coniractlnd ana Jobbing KirttclaM l.lnn of I'lumli Inc Spveinltles nml first rl.i V(irkmnnililp. A. O. U. W. Building KUnulh FIU Jackson Hotel Fort Klamath, Ore. Clean rooms, good beds, ud the table always sup plied with the best the market af fords-Terms reasonable. C. C. Jackson, Prop. s. a gsa wmrw w-. .vi "' v.i.fyAi'wffJUiHixm j:, r?-? vr sz&Uy v i lift MlWv 5m4M - vv, mmmmsAWMMS PACIFIC SHOE WORKS AU Rrpair work Don Promptly and at Reduced Meet Mhi'h Hull Mm. 7r'j 8oli il IIi.Ih, il.-J-l; I.mllH llntl sl.'Mio. iffciH. sai Chllii- '"llnUHiilrr.Mlcviiti. t. . 'qnliN-il ft Itli nil modern mmhliiery nop on Main St. J.V.Houslon blk CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night I'rivatc Dining Parlor ' Oysters Served in Any Style J. V.HOUSTON, Prop. The HUH, rjry Gooj, C0) ,1M rocolvoJ wvral shipments of Eastern dress goods. CH nd Inspect tho new line. All HER MAESOVIAN QUESTS WORE THEIR PICIUKE8QUE NATIVE COSTUMES. lift 'i IV . DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Offlco over Klamath County Hank DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American Dank & Truet Coa Uulldlw c. r. STONE Attorney at Law Offllco over postofflce, Klamath fulla, Oregon TCLSrilONE It) D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Fall. Oregon Notice While llio lime 1 have on hand laita" It n III bo sold on demand, alter It la gone It wlllUiiujcoMary to have 30 daya no tlco to iwrinlt ol my burning another kiln. II you want lime thla Bummer Kct It now. 0. D. Wlllion. MONEY TO LOAN-Hard tlmea but I havo lome money to ban it you have the ecurlty.-E. B. Hall. 3500 Acres Free s The lakeilde company hai 2500 acre a ol land under the Adami ditch that It n III give RENT FUEE (or ono year. This Includes the use ot tho land and water. The renter muit clear "and place the land in cultivation. The rent' er geta all the crops but we reserve the right to pasture the stubble. The Lakeside Company, J. Frank Adams, Manager, Merrill Oregon. -Hot Weather Eatables- The warm days make the house wife look for eatables that are especially suited to the sea son of the year. Seasons demand a change In Groceries as well as other things. We have the articles that will keep you well .... C. t. Wlllson Is closing out hie whole sale stock ol liquors cheap as the cheap est. CHASE 8 SANBORN COFFEES ARE THE BEST .... VAN RIPER BROS. FURNITURE Our goods are new and attractive. ALSO THE PRICES E. W. 6ILLETT & CO. Bekt E. Witiirow, Vice President Abstracting Maps, Plans, Blue Prints, Etc. Allen Sloan, Secretary Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Don J. Zl'mwalt. C. E. I'renident M. D.lWlLUAMS. C. E. Treasurer Klamath Falls, Oregon East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry j Fresh and Cured Mcata and Sausages of all kinds. y, We handlo our meats in tho most modern way in clean- rf lircss and mtrroundings. Try us and we will be most happy to have you for a customer. Free. Delivery. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. ' These Lots are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots nre FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. Office on Fifth Street The Gem Restaurant and Lodging House Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par ties. The largest and best arranged eating house In the city. Open dayand night. WOOD WOOD i ii i, - i ULJBmmaamm Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461 or KKK Store, Phone 174 J. L. FIELDER eYAdjKl( PkoneM l'w