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Pie fuetitei Hefala. Mostly Keml !PP '" Our Advertisers Get the Best Reaulta . . . Klimnlh 1'nlln Second Vi:aii. Uihtm. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. MOST RENOWNED DEMOCRATIC STATESMAN DIES CALIFORNIA PARTIES HERE g, K. ( ommissionsr and Promoter INTENDS TO RETURN Ihe Visit of Col Forbes to this iw:,..i l.iv Min More II..10 It. Annarpul (1,1 p A I nbei, one of the bil loom riiHiirn in Nurllteru Callfor tilth! Il.r owner ol newspapers at Yicka, Cli i"l Maryivllle, arrive) allirll) li night ami la spending tht dtr here He Is eccouijiariled hy Ui nn, l w ill g l Adams ranch lu tiilt for lew weeki, anJ by A. ('. Irani, railrua.l commissioner o( Cilihrnis, riicjr litre been It Norl h tmCiUI"tii4 Mr Forbes It looking alter b.i Inlnrtlt and Mr. Irwin on business ndhkIoI llio California North fMltrn "IV j'lii had an off day," taltl Mr. urlilirn aknl II ho wa litre on time nal liiitlnrM, "and 1 Induced Jlr, Irani in come In Klamath Falla tlih m to luuk uvcr Ilia country ami to liiit t nutni-er ol lllae who UN to go t) school lo in, amurm them Frank Ward. U' are not here on aujr but I ita, hut later on In the season I am mmlrif-back hero lor a limiting ami Mil( trip I llkn the country, that It, dial I have neu of It, and when I come Utk I tin yoing In morn ol It." Col lurhi't promoted tlrctrle rail i)i in llir jcriirnto taller nd ' i(ull dredging proposition on the Klamath ntrr. Illtrlill to thl section tut; mean mora than It apparent for he lit uiiii olio repreienta considerable ripitstaii.l In- would not oarlook an c'irlunin lor a good Investment, lie an-l Mr. Irwin will tlart for Sacra mento in Ihe morning. ' Will Locate Here K, II, Milihill, who hit been here from MtMoiiri lor the past several vm-ks, stalled fur hla home thli morn Inj He wit to favorably Impressed wllli tlil tecllon ha will return hero !tli hit tamlly.ihl. i'lill ami will make Milioiiieliilhltcjiiiity. Ilehai leeii shilling In brother, Horace V., In Ihe stock Ijinlin-m time he caino here. w 1 1 Xt ,ij amiHBMeaiiaBB- For Ladies' Khaki SulU. SkirUand Leggings. Outing Boots n.l CM m .11 ., .. w . t..ln anil Kllftki SUitB, 11818, Gloves and Leggings, Walkover and Napatan Boots, Straw and Outing Hata of evary dweription: Tents ? Hammocka. Pialiing-Tackle, Moaquito Netting, Blankets, Quilts, Duck.etc. K K K. STORE M.AMATH FAILS BIST VAIOE G 1VES Snow CloiiiK Off l;nst I'ark Hanger II. I Moni)i-r hat re turned from a trip IhrniiKli Culi-r I aki National I'aik lli'dld not yoatlur in Ihe rluiol Ihelakcoiiaccouiilnf tin-snow At ihe station ol li superintendent mot I ol the innu hit yon off, hut then are ttlll runny lr lltn that an- several liel deep, hlnce Ihe warm weather hat let In t hi' mow i going i.ffvi rv fait ainl already teams an- (orning nero tin moufnaln patting hy tlm Aranl slMloii. Indications are lliat the n ut'iii will riien earlier litis jear Ihan II Lai for everal )eart. While the early part ol July It a hiil lime In make, the Hip on account ol the lln-i ami moulto, ttlll many local parllet ate alieady planning lo go Iheri'hiimeillately after Ihe I uiirth, and It It very hkel) that a number of Ihoto who will attelul the Indian I 'oil l III ol July celehiallon will go on to the lake bufore reluming hnitie. Eastern Star l$itiHuet Meiuberi ol the Order al the Ktiterii Hlar tendered a banquet to Mrt. I'., II. Ileamei latl nlitht at the Mitoiilc Hall. .Mrt, lleaiuri wat elcctelUrand Worthy Matron at the letcnl tirand lndge meeting held at 1'ortlautt and the frit Ivillci nl latt night were in honor of her home coming. A uiiiilial and literary pn-giam nan tondred and Ihlt wn followed hy the liaiiipiet Jiidiie II. I.. IVntoii acini at Inatt mailer ami among Ihote who n- ondcd were V A Oelrell, Hun II. V. tlatea, A. I. U-atitt, Ky Taj lor and Mlu Lulu Mraw. Thehlge pretcnled Mr. Ileamei with n l-eaiitiful tiUcr lierrydl.h, Mri. II V. Miirdoeh unk ing the preieiilallon i-ech, Mri. Ileamei retp-indivl, thar.klug the lolgn for the Qjany homiri the had rcveluil, and riprriilng her hearty appreciation ol all that the Older of Uatlerii Mar ha. U-ttowed iihiii her. Thaetciilngwatoiie of the grjiidetl etenli In the hlttory ol the local Iwlge and all nhe were in nttendaiu-e partici pated lu ouuof the leading loclal event" nl Ihlt aeaion. An alarm of lltu wni inmidetl Ihlt inonandlho fire ilepartiiirtit turned out. A Hue In the City Hakery ilarU-d on the roof, hut More the lire gained any headway It m cxtlnguninM oy meant ol a garden hora. Tint lire coin naiilea did not turn nu the hiiIit. Oiio-f.nirlh off on all cut k'u" and hand palnUtl china for len diijiouly nl Wtnlcn Jewelry itore. Mcnil- The town without a boom. ARE YOU GOING CAMPING : IF SO :- OUTFIT AT THIS STORE WAS THE ONLY LIV ING EX-PRESIDENT Grover Cleveland Dies at His Home Princton. N. J., After an Illness of Over a Years Duration (Hjcltl to Ihe Herald) I'riiiietini, N. J, June 21, Orover nrtelaiid,e 1'icclilenl ol Ihe United Glutei dlnlal H:tU thlt morning. For Ihepatt lilli-in monlhi lumortol lilt III ne Imte indicated that the fatal dil-inn- from whhh he hat In-en a lufferer fur mi long wat grtdually hallllng the llllol ihe moil rx-ert ph)tlelam nl the country and that It wit only a mat ter ol a thort lime hefore the great Dem ocratic tta'eiman would niccomh. i:ili time thete rumora were emphat Icallv dcnlisl liy theattendlngphyilclini and memheri of Iho family and recently ilnlrineiitt were made that the dli-llnKiil'hi-d patient wat rapidly recover In hit old time ttrength. Hit death, then fore came ai a itirprlte. At hit L-e-lfl'le at the time of lilt death were Mrt. Cleveland who for the put month hat licen molt devoted in her attention refuting to iermlt any one hut hertell to care for her huihand, and only under the rtrictett orderi of her doctor retiring for hriel ierladi of much ncivlnl rett. All of the children gathered to hid farewell to their dli tiiiKuMie I lather. Tueiday afternoon a coutultallou win held and the unan imous opinion wai that death wat but a mailer of a few liutirr, although every effort known to acieuce nil put forth to ward off the fatal hour. At timea thete effort would reem to Bucceed, hut Ihe ex I'reiiilelil gradually failed until thti morning when he tank Into a coinatoio from which he never rallied. Telegram of condolence arc pouring In from all parti ot the world, one of the tint received being from 1'reildent Hootevelt who expreiteil to the be- r.avcil widow Ihe deep aorrow he and the entire nation felt over the loaa of one ol tla molt valued cltltem. Many from Portland Will Visit Klamath This Summer "Many of my friends In Portland will visit the Klamath country this Summer, to spend their vacallont," said U. licit kruiier, Jr., when asked about his visit to the Mato metropolis. Uo continued, "1 met many people who are Interested in this section and who talked strongly of coming here to look over the country wlthii view tolnvestiugat well at for tho purpose of visiting soino of tho re torts In this section. Portland people are very much Interested In Crater I-ako Park and many of them were very much disappointed that the appropriation for this year it such a small amount, and they will work for a large sum next year. It It considered a direct tlap at Ihe en tire state ol Oregon that the appro priation was cut down lo S00O. The people ol Portland are fully aware that Crater Lake la one ot the world wondert and large delegation from there- will visit the park during the next few raonthi." When asked about the business con dition at the metropolis, Mr. Heltkem per stated that from talking with tome of tho largtit dealers In the city he gain ed the impression that conditions were Improving nd that In the past fsw in ThU we followed by one from W.J. Ilryan. Order were limed directing the placing of all flagt throughout the country at half matt. Princeton and all New Jeraey li In mourning, for dur ing hit retldence in this city and itate Preiidt-nl Cleveland lint endeared him ell to all of Ita citizens. Arrangement! are being made for the funeral which will be one of Ihe moit noted ever held in America. Grover Cleveland wai born In Cald well, N. J., March 18, IU7. Hit father wat ltev. Klchard K. Cleveland. He received a common school education In Fau-ltevlllo and Clinton, N. Y. Ills first -oilllori was as a clerk In the New derived Irom a few business men and an York Institute for Ihe blind. In JW5 effort Is going to be made to get every he went to Buffalo, N. Y., where he be body to lend their support and financial gan the study of law, being admitted to thebarln 1803. That year he was ap- pointed assistant district attorney ol Erie County. In 1805 he was defeated for district attorney. In 18G9 he became member ol tlie law nrm ol l-annlng, Clevelaud A Foleotn. In 1R70 he wai elected ilierifl of Erie county. At tho end of his term he became a member of the 11 rm of Han, Cleveland A lllm-11. In 1KS1 lie was elected major of liuffalo, which office he administered with brll llant success. In 1882 he was elected governor by an unpiecedenled majority. His record in 'hit office secured for him the nomination lor president in 18S-I, to which office he wat elected. In 188M he waa defeated for re-election, but was iticcctsful In 1892. At the cloto of his term ho retired to Princeton, N. J., where he baa since resided. Since his retirement he hat betn much talked of as a candidate for a third term, bat each time the question wat broached he em phatlcally declined to be so considered. month business ol every kind had pick ed up considerably. In speaking of tho political tltuation Mr. Heltkemper said: "Chamberlain will be elected United Stales Senator. All oi the Statement No. 1 men hare been Interviewed and every one hat said that the promise and pledges made dur ing the campaign would )e fulfilled. The sentiment In Portland It strongly In fa vor ol Ihe election ol Governor Cham berlain, although the Statement No, 1 men did not think that they would be called upon to elect a Democrat to the United States Senate." Quests of the State Sheriff Silas Obenchaln and Deputy Sam Walker returned last night from Salem where they took W. II. Blttner and Clarence Getter, the horse thief and forger, who were sentenced to the state penitentiary by Judge Benson. They delivered their men to the authorities of the Institution, and while there took occasion to visit a number of Klamath men who are- guest at tho tate Institution. Sheriff Obenchaln, lay most ot thmare looking well and the life Mem to agree with them. Many Inquiries Coming In The Chamber of Commerce, Is recelv I Ing many iriqulrjea Irom parlie looking for hornet on farms, Thete are coming I not only from thecltle; and agricultural , districts of the eait hut many are com ling from Washington, Oregon and other western slates. An eastern Oregon rancher wrltei asking Information con cerning this country. He states that 1 he has a .100 acre wheat ranch which he expects to tell. lie rays he is tired of .raiting wheat and wants a -10 to 80 acre farm where he can grow alfalfa, hogs and chickens and probably keep a few dairy cows. From the number of Inquiries being received It looks as If Klamath county will have no trouble In settling op ita urplus landt. The Chamber of Com merce is lining good work in helping to advcriltH this country and Is tending nut literature and answering correspon dence as well as they can, but the di rectors reallre that a more extensive plan of advertising is necetiary In order to get our share of the homrseekeri. Other towns and counties are spending more money with greater success. Every dollar spent is bringing twenty Into the country. The entiro rupport of the Chamber It asiistance to carry on the good work. If every clllien will.get In and dohia part, be that ever so little, the thing will be easy, and there will be no trouble In tet- lllng up this entire valley In the next two years. The Arant Case Still On What it becoming the famous calf c re Is ttlll the main drawing card In court circles today. The protecuton completed their evl lencc at noon, with the exception of ono witnest who wat III. The Jury, Judge and lawyers, ac companied by about thirty men, went to the barn in the east end where thecal! it Ix-lng kept, and made a thorough Inspection ol the calf, which Mr. Aront claims Is tho one in dispute and belongs to Harris, alia of the cow and the hide of the calf, which Arant claims belongs to him and which Harris dltputet. At the afternoon teislon, Mr. Grltgby was the first witness. He was followed by W. K. Arant, who was (till on the stand as the Herald goes to press. The evldenco of both the witnesses wat mainly In identifying the two calves, and no further facta have been dis closed than were submitted at the pro llmlucry hearing. The court room has been packed all day but the main Interest teems to act- tie on the battle which the oppoalng Uwyort are putting up rather than on the evidence us lo who nvvnt the calf. i4tlSAMISi' The proof of the freezer The White Mountain Freezer makes more cream, better cream, and makes it easier ami cheaper than an other freezer on the market ' LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS HARDWARE DEALERS OUTLOOK GOOD FOR STOCKMEN Shortage of Beef in Eastern States WILL EFFECT PRICES Range About Same as Last Year With Prospects of Average Hay Crop Stockmen of thlt taction feel that this la to be a protperont year for them. While the scarcity of beef In the Last hat nu direct hearing upon thlt country yet in an indirect way It will effect the price of Klamath county stock. Horace Mitchell, in speaking ol the situation said: "The shortage In the beef supply In the East will have some effect upon the local market, and I think that this la going to be a good year for the stockmen of this eectlon. Much of the beef In Nevada and Utah that has beretoforo been going to the Western markets will go East because of the shortage and It will retult In an Increase of the price of 'I Western beef. It Is also very prob able that stock will be shipped to the northern market thlt year ami this will also make an Increase In the price." In speaking of the range condition Mr. Mitchell said, "I think the range la about the tame aa it was last year. Stock la looking pretty good and unless some thing unusaal should happen the bay crop will be np to the average." Preparing For Reception Pelican Lodge is being fitted up fcr the reception of the Harriman party. A large shipment of furniture was taken to the resort today, and the many Im provements and changes In the place are nearing completion. Col. Holablrd, who ha charge of the work, ( has had several men employed for the past few month with Ihe result that the Lodge Is equipped with all modern conven iences. On of the last thing to be done it tb wiring of the resort for electric light. R. J. Sheets, of the Midway Tel. A Tel. Co., h it gone to the Harriman resort, and, assisted by J ml Low-', will do th electrical work. It I not known at what time th Harriman party will arrive, but there has been no contradlct'on ot the report that the time 1 fixed for about the mid dle of July. The latest novelty in hatpin njade from real flower a In nature, no two alike. G. Heltkemper, Jr. is in the fieezinj; ft HANKS W'S