Hot Weather Eatables- ?V0MtTK STOCK OF &6e Merry Widow liy ALliEKT TAysOJV TE7WUJVE The warm days make the house wife look for eatables that are especially suited to the sea son of the year. Seasons demand a change In Groceries as well as other things. We have the articles that will keep you well .... v! i c .. COPYKIGMT. IOOS, UY HENRY W. 3AVACE '2'C-C-5.-0- i SHtMM-WlUJM fUHTS HMD VMHISHtS If you need anything In tkls io we will I bM o hw rou color cards antl quote pricei. J' tnfiw ire (an luityoH. v . COMIC AND U Geo. T. Baldwin, HAKUWAKK DKALKKS Klamath Falls, Oregon WILLIAMSON RIVER and gplntf Creek RESORTS .. i p Tli lt inml Jl-lilnii I" Oregon, KiitIIciiI nwiwiiadalliuis (or MlllM. , , I'luiliiUKOiitllli ll rent. rjclil ramping gioiiiiil" and mii l'ir rrnl Hii imliiro lor stink, frlfpli'ilif iiiniirrlliill. ' ArroMiiKxUlluiia til K' I" Ualir Will mnt piitlr. nl Mamalli Afrntr. FRANK SILVIES fHoi-Hirro Klamath Agency, Ore. Zim's Plumbing Shop Conlracllntl and Jobbing Firitclai Line of Plumb ing Sprrlalllca and first diia Workmanship. A. 0. U. W. Building KUnuth rills Jackson Hotel Fort Klamath, Ore. Clean room, good beds, and the table always sup piled with the beat the market of fordi-Terms rea unable. C. C. Jackson Prop. PACIFIC SHOE WORKS All Hrpair Work none Promptly and at Reduced Prlcea Men's Mull fi,Av. :Ui Holm i;lllr.H, llj:,; U.IU'.' IUII S...;,V: ll.tln.Wcj Child- mi MUM Nllrf, .VI rt'lll Jl f I ! -- I wllli I modern iiailihicry hop on Main SI. J.V.HaMto Mk Professional Cards W.WM. MARTIN Dentist Onto ovrr Klamath County Bank PR. C. P. MASON Dentist , All"Hfan iun, , .rr (;,,,. nldlng C'K'STONK Attorney at Law I omtc 0 "Vor pnatolllco, Klnmftlli Full, I Orenou Tm '"0N(! U D-V. KUYK1NDAJLL , Attorney at Law . Klamath Falls, Oregon rim illalniit iiri lii-atm liml Ix-i-ii play, that will give you mire surprize than l lii'l rvrr mndp" love to her, llitf iiunlli, IliU Hint not ii nuiiru nlr, ' pleasure." Ho Interi-nti-d wnii Natalie In Do Joll- lint ii ilriTiiny liiniiltHy ,,.( Vlt-n- luk " fulling. Abore the myriad don's parting apwh tbat alio illit not licit- twill Tim i..imiIiik nuti-a f u, ' colttii l IIkIiIi I tin I dulled t ! Kiirdon ti-ar lliu amliasaador, juit outside, de lltlllllllliK IIMlmly, lliullcli enriclicil ,y Hie moon una tlnlitic Almu '"ii-' of , rlari i-lcltnlly: tllatiltxi, ui-ri wnfliil hoiic im . Hm I''Ii:im .ntli- I.m.IIhk In Hi.- mini- "NUli, I'm turn I paw that aunwuT ll.lliKlly in Hie lliiiink. ioiiil(. . "' li'inrn n mini uuil u Mimiaii tcr- !i'uo iluor done bvlilml a lady' skirl! TOMliMd.i lriilllnu Mini-. .Sutiillu 'unir mid II. Lot' lie Hlio la In tlivret" m-J-l, l. I til Jlllltlllll Wart Si'p-ji ' r T '"' P" I I i (MEiL rum ' (inn iiiiiiM'ii.iiiii ninn nn)i'ii like Mini) IiIuimi llllra III llilllilll ulth (lie tiiilali-, lr lliiht ati'i acurud) louihliu rarlli u llm prlliro culdctl her tliroiuli . iui mnriMi ni inn ilium-. j II Htia n ulrnnix ilixtiloua Mciul of I raat and vi-al, of llaaoiu orlijllnl iki. , turlii ntiil of ulldliik'. liioU-rn wnlta I ., H... . u. . . .. it.... ...! ttiMi-lliii ery Hjitry of motlmi, Nor from llm II rat nntn until Hip lait atniln nf IllllalC lllml un- did I'lllllT llaiKMT'n rjm lia I In' ntlii-r'a livr, t-nciT ami ttriml, m In llm gaiv of varli i:y an Id openly to e)e U lid noil ("lo Hit luwiiirrlioui ulMi I il y-M(onin. what atitleii prldo forced back from the lips- , Theli a last dreamy churd and tbe music was uuineti. I'aiuio ii oui started, amazed, us (hough from some vlalon of paradise. The uldow. finrful lest by Impulsive word abe mltflit wreck her plan of brluglni; Uanllo lo her feel, dnrted breathlesaly away to welcouio a now irroup of guests, Tho prince, left ulour, stiired after her, open uioutbeil. A clapping of .pplaudlug bauds nrotued hlin. "Ilraro, bravo, my dear prlncor wheeietl tho nuibassndor, toddling for. wanl. "Whnt n delightful little dnnccl Hut Is It customary to catch oiie'a part' uer In n Jlu Jltsu grip like that, or is ( fashion Hint baa como In sltuo luy MalttluK UaysV Tho old boro'a feeblo Jenl brought Ditiillo quickly back to earth and to ft aeimo of everyday aiirroundlugii. "Wore you looking for tuo V ho aaked, none too civilly, , "OnU to seo If you had nuccecded yet In finding who tho lady la with v horn Ho Jolldou Is In love. Bbo must he made lo win lilm nwiiy from ouy lilea of nmro tutf tho widow." To blnioa with that nnd all the rest of your silly plans!" shouted Hani Jo. "Don't worry nny moro nhoiit tho widow. It's no uao. I tell you. Bb la going to mnrry n Freiicliiimn In up te of tia nlll And." he went on bitterly, goaded by llw chagrin nnd " appointment In I'opolt'a face, "I'm go lug to dnuco nt her weddlug. "oolug to mnrry n I'rencbmau. 1 aho?" relied the distracted ambassa dor. 'Treposteroual I'll nud a way of itopplns HI And It Is no Jolldon ho thluksof murrjliis't' "What's tbnt to uie? I dou't know who she's engnged to, nnd" Bui Popoft wnlted to bear uo mors. Catching sight of N'lsh. he rushed upon that unhappy clerk, "Kind M. do Jolldonl" ho command ed. "Keep your eye ou him nil the rest V: x. !-.... an. if be makes love .. .... mill reuort to me. Ii Wave already told Mine. Topoff to souud him ou the subject. Among us all ws ought to leant something before we're done.'' You'll-learu 'soroethlug' If you keep ou spying." tuuttoted nanllo under his brssti as he moved away. "But I'M SJT a ysar-s Incotns It'll to somsUUinj r irr--r JXZ wrT AkhIii lliflr i-yea m.-l Willi u muiiiiil imiiumu ini-y nr-w luuaM i-arli nllii-r 'rl i. i. - .... ... " " unmii un iiiiifrciii iroiii ' nun jukiuifiy "vnu told inv to. Ili allllty iiiiuciilliimil Imllrixjiii unlUI "llul-lml jnti nnn'i, will jouV atiu a miKjiilliilil iIIiTiti from n cnnullim I iili-nditl "Wli) iluu'l you looL at m naru, Willi innri- (linn n dint of llu-l What nr juu lonLluit a IV frw, iiiarti'liiualy crnci-ful io.. of' I).. Julldnd'a i-jn hud fallen on tli HIiMiinlc ilaiKt-ra, Dnulln mid Honlu lr j fun tjrit-11 My f.ri;iMlfU on Hie laUf. Kan Hii-lr uniiilrniia walta. ' 1, fdn ji.ii lual mid ttul your 'lliniHliiK liirnclf hail. Inln Hit . Iiimband km Lflid," he ald, lialidlnil tniiKlli of III rlrdliiK iinlirnci-, Hie . It In Iut V-t-fJ'VSsr J-aaBSsl I kPLBaiJk. MtMW ? fSMH i "Alltl ktl tutir twiftliv Int. I. mill an. yU Hir lnL vl IhidiliK nut wli'.iil I mil In lutf ultliV" lv Julldoii nan "Vci," Hie uuilinimjilor )iUUK (vlfu ti 1 1 . it .. r. 1 if.. I ..l.. til HMviiiirii iiij BIIUIIJ JUU Will marry llif Mldi.w " "U'llV tlmtlldn'l IV iillntlcil IIh Joll iimi jukiuifiy "Vnu lolil inv to." -inniik kihiii; auiiiiit ririuuu oil. i llllltf II; llivll. "l-Ml in- n 'ii(-n " Hlii- rnli n acntrnce on tl.v fan dl- ri-oiy iK'tii'iiili llm inri-t wurua in- uau arrltilili-il tin- nlulit liffon at tin1 ball. "I'lu-rp." Ub alulicd, hniullni; It to lilm; "U-rit that in a reminder.' Hm I...I.I ft.., fti III, In III. Hi mi; "iep mat na a ri'ininiier. . ii.i i...t.i it... fin mi ti tti. Iti.lit tul I read: .- ..! IIIU IHI. ..I. ... 1... .. .. , I -nm n ilullfnl trlfe" "llHiii'iuln-r Hint alnua," abe ad Junil "Nul.illfl" In i-rltil iiiraliiunti'ly. "II la trui I nm u dutiful wife. It I li.ivc Utn fimlltli ruoilKti In llateil t your lou-uiaLluic. nt leaal I bare never rt.rounii.-Yil It. I bare altraya rcbuffetl you fur lonacleiire'a aake, I am a duti ful" - "Why reinlDd me of (be huHlt-MlieM nf my loieV murmured le Jolldou "Vnu may refine to nlirioate It, but ynii raiuitit preetil my tcllliiK you" "Hut I cull After thla ereiiliic we muat not meet npalu. lly huibaud Inula me. Tbla muat Ik- our farewell Inttriliw lin't try lo alter my pur poae. I biite made -p luy mind. Aft er ttiU eri-liluj I ab.-lll UCMT" "Nnlnllp. Jim iaii'1 iiicau" "I do. 'I Ilia N llio laa lalL W two .ball pvit !:vr !. " " n e . f'tlis ft? i jC'f.ltU .It tCjmm. MnA'.T: WW 77 lssal'117' I i V r.r NM "- 7eAaA riX-i w 7 . 7vl(JfittrvftiMrnBm NsssTv: asr7 m&mw Vi Zr I'M AWAKE FROM MT CRAZY DREAM OF LOVE, AND I'M 'GOING BACK TO MAXIM'S." "Then," Implored Dc Jolldou, "If It Is really to be tmr farewell Interview. ...i... ..mar up mile hero In the garden. where at any momeut other may come to claim your alteuttonir urnni mo a tlual half hour of your aoclety all to myself. Ict the talk bo uninterrupted. Ut us sit In tho little summer house over there. 8ee-lt Is empty." Tbey entered ths little Inclosed ar bor. It was lighted by a string of Japanese lanterns, and two rustic chairs were at opposite aides of Its .......i Anni.r tilde. There waa a door' at each end of the tluy room-an Ideal spot for n tetea-tets coat now mai iue moonlight bad wooed moat of the guests out of doors. Tbe llgut wtcuor uoor iwuui ""i -bind the couple. Natalie quite en joyed tho prospect of llsteulng to her adorer's melodramatic wonla of fare woll nud of posing beroclally as a self sacrlllclng, dutiful wife. In half au hour ut hioat she would rsjoln her 1ms buud with tbe righteous consciousness. In her heart of having dismissed for. OYcr tbe ou man. besides .Popoff who i ii. iiiif.-i rui.-u niii. Aiiituiiv ill ar'7 tfwii' j ilon'a partliiK npi'i-ch tbat alio did not licar tliu amlinmindur, juat outside, lie . rlarc i-iclteilly; ".N'Kli, I'm turn I rnw that aumrner liouo iloor (loc bvlilinl a lady' skirl! Lvt'a ur Hlio la In tlivret' Ml att CHAPTER V. To the Rescue. I.SII, who bad obediently fol ' lowwl Lie Jolldou and Natalie t I'opom. iirdera until tbey ' Lad i-utered tliu auinmcr boufe. nun wniiKieu imi" lienrlin lln nnibflaaador'a voice. now ntiKiried forward In confualon on "- r, . - "IHtl joti rati me, rf he asked. I moil antvlv did rail rou. Sir Nlahr cried rnpoff, "And I told you I rviia certain I aaw n lady, or, ratber, a lad) 'a aklrt, dlaappenrlux Into tbat luiuuivr bouae. Who wai bef" "I-l ilon't know, your excellency." treiublliik'ly lied Nlb. "You ought to knowf' scolded TopoU. "You were atandlng nearer tho sum mer bonae than I una. Didn't you ace her nt all-" "Ye, air-yea, I saw her, If 1 way say ao, but I don't know who the was. , I really don't, I"- "Waa abe alone?" "No, your excellency, not quite alone. Then) was, If I may aay so-thcre waa n geullemau with ber. At least he looked like a gentleman, but I didn't recosnlte hlin either." l "Well, well, wclll" chuckled the ooi l.naanilnr. tetitlax himself In a garden I cbalr mid eying the summer bouse with delightful" Intcreat "A little flir tation, cht Ooue In there to whisper aweet nothings where uo ono can lu terrupt 'em. I wonder who tbey arel Now, I really woudert Mr. Nlsb, 1 would not for ths world have you think I am tbe least bit curious. But-l'll just sit here awhile, for a Joke, and watch them come out. in the mean time, Mr. Nlsb, you might slip around to tbe rear of the aumrner bouse and e if there la another door there. If there Is, you might lock It. Under itandV "Ye-yes, your excellency!" mumbled panic stricken Nlab, scuttling awav among tbe bushes. The little clerk sever pauaed until he had found Boula. To her he poured forth tbe whole story, gating with wild horror as she broke Into a peal of uncontrollable laughter. fluddeuy!kejww!ober. To Be Continued Msnll- TkttowawHhoBtaboon. ftfiR&ISn mM VAN RIPER BROS. FURNITURE Our goods are new and attractive. ALSO THE PRICES E. W. GILLETT & CO. llEKT E. WlTllhOW, Vice President Attracting Maps, Plans, Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Don J. Zumwalt, C. E. President C. E. M. I Klamath Falls, Oregon East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, VeaL Mutton, Pork and Poultry Fresh and Cured Heats and Sausages of all kinds. We hnndlo our meats in tho most modern way in clean liness and surroundings. Try na and we will be most happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land SalesMea. The Gem Restaurant, and' Lodging House Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par ties. The largest and best arranged eating house In the city. Open day and night. WOOD WOOD Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461 - or K K K Store, Phone 174 J T. FIELDER Wood Yard and Off ice J. Ii riEilUACifl Neir diy Hill Phone 84 2500 Acres Free Tim LakeeUle company lias 2600 acres of land under the Adaina ditch that it will bivo KENT FREE for Aie, year. This Includes I lie use ol the land and water. Tho renter must clear and place tho laud In cultivation. The renU. or gets all the crops but we resorve the light lo pasture the stubble. The Lakeside Company, J. Frank Adams, Manager, Merrill Oregon. Allen Svoau, Secretary ' Blue Prints, Etc. M. D.IWlLUAMS, C. E. Treasurer Office oa Fifth Street CENTRAL CAFE OseaDay aad Night l'rivatc Dining Prlor Oysters Served la Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. The Stilts Dry Goods Co. has received several shipments oiEaatern dress goods, Call and inspect tbe new line. J V ,-"'' c'