Newspaper Page Text
i'W You Have My Guarantee With every article of Jewelry bought here you have the assurance that it js just as represented. There is a guaran tee that you are getting just exactly what you think you are buying. Past reputation is a good thing to judge by. Old customers of this store are custom ers now,' and they are helping adver tise the business because they are sat lsnefl ! Peralan Newapapere. Persian newapaponi nro reproduced from hanilwrllluii by lithography, iw typei being uiod. CUrabaldl. CJarlbnldl dlott ou the Uland of Ca pita Juno 2. 1882. nt llic mro of cv enty-tho. Cliirllinlill made no fume n writer. After INTO ho wrote two or three iioxeli. luit they wore wry ue Olocro production ntul created but lit tie itlr In the world. Snakee. When the Fintkp aucds It klii, which occur frpiji'iMtly, the efcln of the eye comes oil w th the reat. Trnnilueeut lu most part, the skin over the aiiaU'e eye Is pcr'ectly transparent. G. HEITKEMPER, JR., REPUBLICAN BLOCK . . . Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician . . . sue R' ti -:- WHY SUFFER FROM -: Kidney B Bladder Troubles When MYAL'S STONE ROOT COMPOUND Is tnch a positive remedy 7 It stimulates theklJneyito the full perfornuuee of their function, eliminates uric poisons from the system and sets as a soothing, heallnO. agent upon Ihj bladder. By Its timely use, healthful conditions of these organs arc promptly restored. PRICK, $1.00 per bottle UNDERWOOD'S cmi"x PHARMACY...... rr - Klamath Falls, Oregon "Bi Lraratf" MaWr'l" -r"". - a BBBBBBBBBBBBBBKaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBEaBBaaBBVCBaBBBBBaiC eBsBBnBBwBE fKKaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BJBBBJBJBJBJBJBaaJBJBJBaBJBJBBaBBBJi Commencing May 1st Ease and Comfirt In Travel Only 12 miles of staging and then a delight ful boat ride up the TCIamath River to Kla math Falls GOING:-Steamer Klamath leaves Klamath Fallt at 4 a. m. coaaectlng with ilarfc at Teeters which arrives at Dorrls at 8. COMING:-Arrive at Dorrls at 4 p. m. by stage to Teeters and by boat to Klamath Falls arriving here at 7J30 In the evening. Oregon & California Transportation Company FAMILY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND CANDIES CITY BAKERY ICE CREAM PAROUS MRS R. M, SARTER, Proprietor PHONE 315 OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL HOUSTON HOTEL DINING ROOM OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11:30 to 2 DINNER, 6 to 8:30 Are prepared to serve banquets and dinner parties MEALS AT ALL HOURS Cold and Chloroform. It wna foumt Hint mi nppar.itua fr Utllni: nullutila Mltli chloroform In ) England would not ork In India, ! cnne thi high t fin pom tun- pit-wiited llio miiri'iilrnllou of tin chloroform vapor. 'Hint IbN una the uim n prouil by the fact by phclm: lif In the bo tliu iinlmnl were rt'iilll.i killed. I Jaruialtm. , Jfiii'alciu Ij now nothing tut a atudoir uf tlj' maguliUcnt till of mi rli'iit tlnii'i. It U a Lou t tliiu' lullt'D tu ilrcumfi'rvmv uuil.U .ItuatrJ uii a rocky iiiouutulu, Pelaen. Wheti jou potvhaao a bottle of pul ton rim n braas headed tack lulu lli top of tin cork. It (win aa a marker, ami rlillilri'i) will be more cautloua of the marktd bottle. If the label mini off or li discolored ttio marker reinalm ai a ikull and croaabone warning Petition for Liquor License Th Chlnaaa Dtntlit. The ixmIiIoii of the Chlnne dentlt ' l not tcry lofty amotii: Mi country' iuvu. IId M regarded na half nay lu social Importance twlwi-eii a barber aud n laborer. to tiii: iioMiitAiti.i: coi niy couitror-iiu: nurBor oiikoon 0K KUMATIICOI'NIV. fcWVllie uiiiU'rulk-nnl. rcaliloiita ami legal Milt'u uf llio I'twlnct uf W'mxl l:ici, .ii the Oinly il lliniiii ri- uI Oii-Kon, ami arlnal )c.llinia tucrciu fur mnto tlnm thltly il liniiifilialtfly pitciitlti)! tln ilito n( lnnlni! ami lUlnn tlili p.lllli'H, iln lii'ri'liy ii-apriilull) pi'lltluli jour liiii)urlil.lljr .I" K'it ami lin liJi)ii' Id Wliwlrr, a real ilriHiMitr.tM puvliirl,a ll'ii U -ll fpltllmi, ltiniip. fi'iiiH'MW'il i iukII Hij' nura In !' iiinnlHl' t li m om inllon, In the I'tnlnct olona.iM Inr a Ifiloil ul r month, (mm tin1 li'li ') ' J"b' 11H)h. NdiIu'Id liiu'liy iiIvpii liy lli innlir alinil, Dial tlila pvlltlon lll U' l"" ii'iiliiltmlio County tuilit al.uriul.l at tin' court room In tliu city o( Kl.i malli Full. Oiitctiii, Him ! 'y "' July, A. D. IWW, at llio Imur ol 10 uVlock a. in. nl nalil ilay or aa aoon Ihrrratlor all xtltlon can Ih lii'ttil, Hili.1 thli HUlnla) nl May. W. Jamra II, Wlirrlur, Miaaurlng Tlma. ' Jut ulien tin day U-caiuv illflili-tl Into hnura la not kiioun, nor li tti procf'1 vxplalunl. The (Jrvckt anil ItomaiM tiivnaurvil time liy the water t'lim ami tho aiimllala. The hoiir uixi. flllril ivllli aand, na tbo out- Icrouth of tin-He veoeU. from which ' the nalrr ilrlpiMil through tiny open- J lnr NIMI'S -. i: Hom 1,'oy It. Wine N. J. Jul. inon l)tM llamley it. It. llnidnrr J, K, Von U. I". V(H. V. X. DompUr I'aul I'liaona frank IKmipIrr J. II. Hmarl M. I'. .Mnrcati V. M, 'I luiniaiMiii jiiil Hranniu I.. C. Drako I.'. A. Mmiii n.T. (itay Waller Dlion I-. (Iray M II. W" l C. Hill li S llo)l V. J, JaniKin It, .M, Janilriiiu J l v... Jolinttr.i) NAM 118 J, M.Kmerv II II. Ixialoy U. II Hunch Aaa Proi Italpli II, IjiiibIiiii I.. W. Coivlaii'l I l.i Kagle 'rf (.le I) 0. Courtney Win, M.HkiTii II. J.ri.vrl.l,;.' I), i: Noah W. II, .Vol Ion A. I.. Mrlluw J. A. (lllwjii Clalk Will. IViitnu I . M. IViilou l.rr IVliton I.. C .""'I'limie J II. II.-IK r. j.iMcii Jot. ImIC Hill While Frank Siliria l lt)in At the sign of the Redsg IIiho )ou evrr 'nli I n 1-1 1 liinni aloiti n ,. r , Dlil mi Imve U7 II not, illil tin khI It r ., '. Hit Mllcl,,. onrniHoMi tniliian tlnr toilet uillHri ,. i, J'"1 .."." U I In plenfo iet) laily r.Kfiitlvttinii In toivn 'ii .. .'"""Mm ni u IkkiM, lull wii Willi out tloio up ,1,,,, "("VMinJ m, Kietnlw ami e alwaya tiy U l,.r,, w.rtl , V "" n. RRITRHRS All klmta-Ual, II,,, ,",l"W.. TimiiIi llriuln... ti.,.,,.1.... ..',. "." lltu.L. Iliuhea. overy alieaml atyle at luottm.Uu,,,,, """', i Xni PERFUMES H.wh u"n v'iit. I., i ,.,. CttOe IIjI.v H,,a. l...,,. ... ' ' "'ii,,. ,i M ajaaam V iTB - " 7 af i-i I'liiMlllll I .. ..." ''"'""" ilUlle Toilet Num.. i lull line nl rllialiit Hoapa TAN and SUNBURN uu -,. " 'Iliir.l.V. ' fW iM , 'ii 1 eacii. ii.i. rlecf'.Uht." tlet Utile of t;, hTUMmft":!?'1 ..I our rM it,-.,,, a. I h, ,' H;1(;'"!A 1 1 nnlli.r .....I i 1 . - -III.,-,. ,,.,.. ... . " " " nun a ineci -a: or a jar i l(eineiiilH rOWDEIH." IT KNOCKS A IIKAIMl III. WMf2& STAR DRUG STORE 'That Mtr thai . v.. .. . .... ...... uaii.a iuu money" I Th Fiahheek Cactua. The Ilahhook cactua It the cowpam of the iletert, for It nhvaj polnta to I the aouth While Iln. Ilino I lute on luml Uti a III )e "l I on 'li'iiiaii'l, alter It la cne it will l iirrexnrr to liaviO) laya no tice to ivrioii ol my Imrnlmc another kiln. II vti want lime lhl hummer tret It ixih, 0. 1). Williou. Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR 100 Dealgna by rred Hodijsoii, Chlcaijo'i Leading Architect, to Choose From WWW 'i I i Wo nlso ftirnlah plans nntl upoclllcntloiiH l H.hIbso,i tA roKiilar prici. Vour pntrminut' frilai., follcittd DWELUNGS A SPECIALTY CALL WATSON, LAKESIDE I HOTEL FOR RENT National Oabla. A atoti' la the aole Juilje of Ita own rolrency and la not only at liberty either to repudiate Ita debt or com pound nlth Ita creditor, hut creu when perfectly aoltent may materially niter the condltlona on which It orig inally borrowed. Egyptian Cotton. KKyptlan cotton laud produces nearly four tlmea n much kt ucre a that of thin country A Geographical Slip. One of llio f.iuioua American draw atUla rule nil I.'gyptlaii play and had tho l.'usllsh ofllcers of the kbedira allp out of n reception "to paddle ncrof the Mlo to the Island of i:ie phautlne." returnliuf lu an bourJ time. Elelihantlno Uland li opioalt Aaauan, at the tlrat cataract, CM mllea from Cairo. Out the play went In tbla coun try and In England, Naw York'a Tamparatur. Afeteorotoiflcal rnrnrilri for ripfviara ibow that the mean tein(ratur In M'iv loik city la rl o. and thli li mad up U-tneen the extremta of 0 below and 101 nbo zero. Singing Cure, Tho auKirestlon that alnglng nay U ucd lu the llulit atfalnat pulmonary tubcrculoiH la an Intervatlna; one, aaya tbo London Hospital, and la a further Inntauco of (lie therapeutic value of byctenlc tnvniiirea nblch la ao large an Item lu the current profeaalonal creed. Aatronomara VanlftilrW. j Tho dlatnnco roparatliiir the earth iroiu ine ami la or m much linportanco In astronomical computations that It U aometlnici rpuken of ni the "antrouo mer's ynrilatlck." a- WE ARE LOOKING For ilp-lo-ifal.' n-opln to carry our watilir.. We ran npply Hatrhea (or aujoiie, liiim the )nunc-.-t In the (il lie old into. I'acli walrli ! KUaratitnil tu)!le ..... . . Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES THR RICIIKLIEU, Till. BEST 110. TEL IN MERRILL, COMPLETELY FURNISHED. WILL LEASE TO .... DESIRABLE l'ARTV .... MRS. T. A. BALIS, Merrill, Ore, 1 a Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED Wc urc in recent receipt of a carload of the Famoua Elwood Steel Fcnclitf and Poultry Netting in nil widths. We stand! ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. R. Hunt , Poetical Savagia. I The inlMlGiinrlf tell omo very pret. 0 stories of the lue of words liy some i of the lrllH!j of Africa. One trll-e rail lliilliiler "the sky'H ltju." mornliw la culled "the duy'a child." nnd when Ice ni Hhnwn to theui they nuld, "It la ivater naleei." A Certain Party. "A fairly common error," aaya an Knylluli pnper, "In the use of the phraso 'n certain party' us applied to one person. This Is quite Inaccurat. as one man or woman fan never It 'party.' " . Notice For Publication Department ol the Interior, U. a. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, June is, ivus. notice is herehy given that Herbert J. Saldge, of Ft. Klamath, Oregon, who, on Geptcmber 25, 1602, made liomettead, No. 2773, or SWJ, Section 30, Towiehlp32 S Iiange 7ffK., Will. Meridian, ban filed nnih.a nl in tention to mako Final Ove year Proof, to esiauiui) claim to the land above de cribe,'. before Countv OlerV. KUm.ii. Co., at hlaoIDce. at Klamath Poll. Or.. got), on the 1st day of August, 1008. uaimant names aa wltneeaes: Chriet Weill. Edd Leever. Charlie Mariln .n.i James Emery, all of Ft. Klamath, Ore Bankruptcy Stock of Stewart & Lyon NOW ON SALE at Midway Liquor HOUSE Come in and Stock Up before Dry Season Begins C. O. MORGAN RECEIVER IN BANKRUPTCT gon. fl.22 T J, N. Waiion, Rtgliter.