Mostly Keml I'mier i"
Kl jirititli KiiHh
Our Advertisers Get
the Beat Results .. . .
Second Yi:ah. No. B8H.
Thirty Days in Jail
mid $400 Fine
s Allowed to Plead Guilty
lo Only One Count -Other
Chorgos Dismissed
ln Ni-llle II. IIkm, of ltn)ton,
p'rad guilty l tlic Iilt1 Hlatet !)!
Iilit ('"tirt Tuesday In mi liullrliiit-iil
(barging bcr llli frlonlouily onln
mill, ninl wa elltcm-ed by Judge Wnl
wilnii, l arrni SO day In llm Mull
Miuli roiinly Jail mid In pay n lino of
l'j l lug aitalglird lfnr Judge
IVottrrtuii (ill the indictments relumed
ajiliiil her by I he last Federal grand
jury, miiM-nt alio waa allowed to
IJ guilty In only ih count , tint il
.nliig a letter written liy Sill. Fled
CitEi'lf II, ol Illy, tiil adtesswd to rln
.lock Uibin A Co., of Hu Franciaro.
The fuiir charge ol eiiilierrleuiclil filed
ajslrnt lirr by I lie grand Jury were til
mWtcdas lull realltulloli baa been made
tlllir (vlxitii mulcted, liJ it lb
opinion i)( til It.-J Mates District At
tniney MiCuuit that severe punliliinetil
aa nut nrccaiary,
Till- llelelldaul Mil CCOIIlilllci In
nurt l.y lirr husband, Ik-rt liagari, liri
inblhrr, mi l loo ihlldrrn, Hurry, egwl
I, an I Vivian, Jml 1 year. Aa llm bain
li Ion young lu I taken (rum I lie woman,
Jldg UoUettnn, after accepting tlic
I'tftnl k'uilty, i In n quandary what
l.nlnicc lo pronounce. Ill view (if tlir
winy crimes fattened iioii ilia former
1'iitil ewploje, ilia court evidently lil
nit feel Hot lull Jiutica would be don
The hat with
IJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJI ,i ;-'v'?-4aVaaaaaal
aLaV VSaaaH
B I. Hi J T TaaaaaaaaaH
RRr '" ISPaB
When Walkovers Go On
Shoe Troubles Go Off
-K. K.
liy Hi more Infliction ol n llm-' ami ton
acqileiilly made the order fur 3H ilnjn' I
CiinyliiKtliniliiM in I, it mini ami'
lending llm liy 1.) lb hand, .Mm. liny in
was t-si-niliil fimu ,i, rouilriKiin li) a
deputy niaiahnl, Hit hiiahand mid
mutlur brought up In . real, itixl tdt
inouttilul iiiHtMciti lu (In. nniiity jull
stalled. N'nlmilly r,.,t n-atllng ll.
futn confronting Iheir motliei, tin' Inn
lot played together ill g'eat glr Id
baby Kill l ju.t Un-ly able to loddle
and little Harry tool gnat ilrllJ.t in
inuinlly atiiatliiK hla nlr In wall
cria titer cull, Wlirii tln time lor
ltliiK arrltcd Mm. Itagaii nml her
mother wr on the u-ige prictMlinn,
ami Uitli wept lilltnly.
Mm IIikhii linllctnl on many
cliarurr, lliu full (iaitkiilnri ol xliltli
etc irrl'Mi.y raHirt-l In tin- Ui'tol.l.
flio i.aitlrular rilinn for uliirli rlir urn
euleurtil at for oH'nlni; a letter m.
ilrraaril In Wi IntlOrl l.uliiu Couiiiiiiy.
On tlm k of lliu itiH'Ioxi w tlie
iiiiii ami aMre nf Mm. I'ml Ciiih
Ih-11, ami ferllii); atauttil tlist ll.i. lettel
cuulaliirl an onler for iatlin uiiirl
arrompatiiiil by tlie nrrenry niiiiie),
alie iiiii It,
Her (iilcioiia em Mrll fmimleil, but
lb order UM not mit Mra. li.ik'in, n
none of llm llilut; eiiiilnerateil hiiiiM fit
hrr. Aivoriliui;!) berbanuriltlieunlrr
fur artlcleaof nbicli alie war lu l.cnl,
U'llevilnt llMt tlm paikan uuld pa
tliroiili tlm lto)lon nlllii), liy forne
uilalaki) the itu-xli eie rent In Mra.
t'nniiWII ner anotber mall ruutu ami
Hip mUtltutlon illcocicl.
Moving Pictures
Tlie Came ii;raii plcturra enntinuea
ti tl'Xxl liiiunea at tlie 0ir.
llniire. Tliu lllma nru uptoilate, lliu
illualraltil mia ijihI nml tbe iilce U
inn only ten cenla, evirylMiily K"e. To
iimrruu allernooiin aitrinl uintlnm will
tltlMiifor cbllilreil. .illnlsln.' rta
for ililblien under twelve. Talo tlie
little onei.
a Pedigree and
Judge Benson Says Saloons as Liable to
Prosecution for Offense as Before
the Writ Was Issued
llu-it-aei-uis to U-a illlfercnu-of opln
Ion on tin- p-iil ol the lumen in to the
dfitl of tlie writ ol riul urantvil ty
Jii'lt;it Ih-ii'iin, In llm local optloii can.
linliff llu'itnii, Iihhc-xit, inloriiii t lie
lli'ial I Hint llit writ of ii-virw ordered
! I not n H'.lifliiiliin onler toiilnj( tlie
Jolllierii fioru t'liforciiii; tlie Iwal ojitlon
U. but tlmi'ly t'liniiiminliiiK tlio Conn
ly Court to take no further leat pro
ceiillnija lu tlie lua'ter until tlie cats la
Inn nl on July IS. Judge llenaon itatea
llmt offemlcra of tlie prohibition law
after July I, are juit aa liable to pro-n-mtloii
a beforu tlie iiMiiriK of tbe
Till rt.iteiueut by llu Circuit Judu
puta n ililferent pliaae on lliu matter en
tin ly. It hu generally timleritool that
tbe onler of the Judge bad the effect of
Kinnllm .1 mplto to tbe aaloonmeii
uiul nearly a'l of tliein ueiu making tr
raiiiceuie'iti to continue bualneat until
tlie liiul dicbbiii lu tlie caae. I'nleai u
tomorry Injunction ia xmnted before
Candidate for Vice-President
Is Seriously III
Clew-land, June SO-The Miners of
Congreaainau .lames .y. Iierman, Ite-
publican noiniiu-o for Vlrt-I'resident,
111 still eautlng comideralilo alarm.
a Guarantee
tlie first . all tint auloona will liave to
top bualneai after next Tucaday. Kul
luwlnir la tbe wording of tliu order on
Tbe writ of review la granted, "order
Ing a transcript of tbe proceediuga bad
In tlie County Court, In the matter ol
the ictitton for the local option el
ection, etc. to tlio end that our laid
Circuit Court may cause to be done
thereupon what may appear of riht
ought to be done in tbe premltea, and
In the meantime the laid County Court,
tlie Comity of Klamath ud ita olbcera
are commanded to deiiat from further
proceedings In aald matter ao r-ouglil
to be reviewed."
The uiUunderatandlng n n on the in
terpretation of the last part of the order,
it being contended that according to
it the 1'eace ofllccrt were prohibited
from enforcing the order of tlio County
Court declaring prohibition. Ju-igc
lienion'a explaination of hit order, how-
ex cr, will probably bo accepted b)
the taloonmen.
Since till removal to the Lakeside Hoi
pltal from the resldenco of ex-Governor
Merrick, he has had several Intervale ol
real, but at timet his condition has na
turned a tcrlout phase. Mr. Sherman',
illness, which wat at first diagnosed
a blllioua attack, turne.1 out to have
been caused by gallstones.
The Congressman It being attended by
Prt. Allen and Carter, cf Cleveland,
and Dr. Oeorgs Botkowitt, of New
York. Dr. Finney, who attended Mr.
Sherman during an attack of the tamo
trouble in Washington last year, Imt ar
rived, having been aummoned from
lUiltlmore. Mrs. Sherman ia at the
bedside of her husband having come
from her homo at Utlca Immediately on
learning of hit Illness, With her It her
tun, Klchard U. Sherman, an instructor
In Hamilton College, at Clinton, X. Y.
Has Klamath Falls
A City Attorney?
Hat Klamath Falls City Attorney?
Tills ia tlio question now being ilia
cuiteil. 8cH-tlon 10 of Arttclo 1 of the
city charter provides that "No person
shall be eligible to any ofllce, elected or
appointed, In tlio corporation, who hat
not resided in the city of Klamath rails
for one year next preceding inch el
ection or appointment."
lobu Irwin waaappotnted City At
torney by Mayor Stilts a abort time ago,
and bat been acting in that capacity.
Mr. Irwin wat alto elected a director
of the Water Users' Association this
Spring from the Bonanra district. Last
winter bo taught school at Olene but
be always hat made Klamath Falls bit
headquarter. If be should claim
Olene at bit home, It would dlt-qnalify
him at City Attorney, and If he claims
Klamath Fallt at hit home, there It a
question at to what effect 11 would have
on bla position aa Director from tbe Bo
nanza district.
Mr. Irwin could not bo seen tbit
afternoon, on account of hit duties aa
Deputy Tro'ccullng Attomoy at the
court home, ao it it not known what
1-oiltlon he wisiimca In the matter.
II is believed, howevvr, tint he claims
residence In this city at be. bat been
her more or less tlnr first coming to
the country
Upper Lake Items
Arthur Wakefield and IVter I'elerson,
the boat builders, hao been helping
John Totten get the Wlnema In shape
the last few days.
Capt. Corbett, of the Eagle, lias jast
landed a St) yard load of sand for tbe
maions. Tlie sand came from Mood
Itlver and la of good quality,
Mr. S, O. Cbnppel hat bought the
targe lighter owned by Scha'llock & Dag.
gett. He has had It repaired and will
uio it In transporting wood from Odesaa
to tills place.
Work has been started on the big Ad
ams dredge. Messrr. Johnson A Fruit
hae charge of the work.
Arant Calf Case
Goes to the Jury
The defense In the Arant case did not
finish their evidence until noon. Tbe
prosecution brought in a large number
of witnesses In rebuttal. At 3:30 tbe
rTidence wat all In and the lawyer be
gan presenting the case to the Jury.
Attorney Stone opened the argument
for the state. Ills expected that ar
guments will be completed by five
o'clock, when the case will go to the
J irv, which will probably return a Ter
diet this oveiilug.
Tlie Woman's Club will serve ice
cream on the Court House grounds to
morrow Hfteinoou. The proceeds will
be for the benefit of tbe I'utillc Library.
Arrangements are being perfected for
the Klamath District Methodist Minis
terlal Association meeting; to be held at
Aahland, July 7th, 8th and 9th, There
will be quite a delegation of minister!
in attendance Irom all over the Klam
ath District, and Elder It. W. DunUp
will preildo over tl.o deliberations.
C. W. Miller, of Portland, a represent
ative of the Construction Company
which is building the railroad grade
across tlio dyke, Is in the city today.
He made an Inspection of the work on
bis way in and says that everything la
going along nicely and that the work
from now- on will bo rushed to com?
(lei your tiro cracker and decoration!
at the Star Drug Btore.
The proof of
the freezer
The White Mountain Freezer
mikes more cream, better cream, and makes it easier
ami cheaper than any other freezer on the market
Price, 5 Cents.
The Governor to Vis
it Crater Lake
Other Prominent Men Send
Word They Are Arranging
to Visit Klamath
Tbit will be a big year for tourittt in
Klamath County. Many prominent
people have already tlgnlfied their In
tention of vlilting Crater Lake and
other parti of tlio country, and every
day word It being received ol tome new
onet being added to the lilt.
WHIG. Steel, of the Crater Lake
Company, received a letter from Gov
ernor Chamberlain ttatlog that he and
hit family would visit the lake In Au
gust. Mr. Steel Is a life long friend of
tbe Governor and hat been trjlng for
years to get him to visit Crater Lake.
At last bit effort! have been luccestful
and th Governor hat contented to
It it believed that Congress will recog
nixa tbe Importance of the National
Park in Klamath County and will make ,
a suitable appropriation for ita Improve
ment next year. An effort it being
made by Mr. Steel and others to get at-
many ol tbe prominent legislator and
high government official! to visit thia
acenie wonder at poatible, to that when
the matter of an appropriation comet
up in Congress, they can ate tbeir in
fluence to Increase tlie allowance.
Governor Chamberlain it a busy man,
but he haa promised to work for Crater
Lake when be goei to tbe Senate, and
il It for tbe purpose of acquiring per
sonal knowledge of the scenery and the
ueeda of the Park, that be will take the
time to make tbit visit.
Late information baa been received
Irom E. II. Harrlman staling Ibat ha
will not arrive here until tbe latter part
of July. He expect to apend a week
or so at hi retort at Pelican Bay before
he maket the trip to Crater Lake. Gil
ford Pincbot, Chief ol the Forestry de
partment, ha ilgnifled hit intention
ol visiting the lake thti auinmer.
John Sharp Williams, Democratic lead.
erolthe house of representative, I
another prominent legitluior who will
vlalt Crater Lake. He it expected to
lecture at Medford, and will take advan
tage of Ihi opportunity to villi lliu
We are looking for tho iiwt ililhYull
catea in gloat fitting at Winter.
is in the