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" "0m9m '-sv 'TL'mmmamamm9mmammmm u.r ARC OPENING UP WITH IT'eoMPLtTt .TOOK or $nwiihWiium PHIHTS AND VmiSHiS II ou need anything in thl line we will ba gU'l to .how .oa color cfil and quote price. Hi know wt fi nil )u. . Geo. T. Baldwin, HAKDWAKE DEALERS Klnmnth Falls, Oregon WILLIAMSON RIVER and Sprind Creek RESORTS Tl.r Iril tt "It rtilllim III Ori-gOtl. KutIIi-iiI iit''iiimiltioh for miIIm l'i-g HiHll for rent. t--ri.i mnt ground and butt fr lent trine in- .- " -- ftd-hli-"- nilllierlloll. Arcjiiiiu -lalioiia to K' lu Crster Will lllrrt pllllr At Klamath Al'nc) FRANK SILVIES rKoi'RirroR Klamath Afjoncy, Ore. Zim's Plumbing Shop Contracting ana JobbUuJ Klritela Lino of Plumb ing SeuUIea ami flrt clin Wurlunanililp. A. 0. U. W. Building Klamath rail Jackson Hotel Fort Klamath, Ore. Clean room, good beds. and the table always up piled with the beat the market nf fords-Terms rea onable. C.C. Jackson, Prop. PACIFIC SHOE WORKS All Hrpnlr Work Dom ProaayHIr and ut Reduced Prlcci Men' Hull h'nli-a, .V; Holes "Hie. In, l.'J'ljU.IUV Hull S.N-. i aj II.-vIm. L'.-Vo; Child 'in' Hull Holer, .Vl ce ma, ,. , l"iM-.l uiili nil modern liiaihilieiv oponMaln St. J.V.Houatcm Mk Professional Cards W. WM. MARTIN Dentist Office over Klamath County Bank DR.C.P.MASON Dentist I Aurlcn Hunk x Trn.i r.i nuii.tlmf c F.STONE Attorney at Law Offilce over inntolDre, Klamath r'alla, Oregon Tt"nioNi. u ' D V. KUYRENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath FIU, Orwgon Ckl Bfe M 2i ALliEllT TA&SOJV TETtHUJVE ii'. -'. CUI'YHICIIT, 1008. ny ULNRY W. SAVAGE "Hit fllllinilll Mill llvr HIT," alii iiiiiruiiirt'il, linlr In liiTRelf "Ho will never iniilvrRlninl llinl u'a Jnl n allly, hariiile, ni'iiiliiiHital lulk llirjr'r. having" Mvluorle of thu witfn of inlou Muraoilan huihaiuM ilul. hilo her mind In lint primitive rutlierlaml lllVtfl linit U'i'il U-Mell re, ii ml miir. unm-mr ir, noilieillllig iiiiiiiI le done, mill ilimv iiulikly" -imiri worn ahe lolnoleil the ler 'fined MU ,,Kii nothing lo any on. 1 1 lit' I'll ml Mini- I'lipurr nut nf Hi sirnpe If I run ' I Before Mill could replj aim tiail ill. appeared down a path leading in ibv i ri'ur door of I In- aumiiicr home ' Meantime 1'upoff, hi curlinltj mini terlug lilui, bad lft III m-al Mealing fur no lit on tiptoe. In- iit hi ; lu tlif keyhole of (lie wkker Ouor He had earcly In-lit our thin when Dallllo, linjilx-tllnu In pas by oil lilt tiny lu lint gale, nueil lii nmuii'iueiit Rt alghl f tin M-iranvlan Niiilinmailor Hum ntimlug t L role of I'mil Cry , "Wliy, hill. nlil ilmii" itIwI Hie i .iliui'. "Wlmt re -on up to-" I "llllalil" 'Airiinl l'oKitT III tin eicltrO lilnr "A Imly Henl Inln Hi.- mini inir Iiiiiim a few iiilniile. nc'i nltli r Bvtltlr-ttmn I t mi't '! tliein -it) ilerrly 'I here' li inurli fliifT In t tit. keyhole Hill they're ullllnu oiioin encli nlhrr "Itli only n little tntiU- he tnrrii thrill The Imty'R haiL I In mr, hut tt ometow iooki inniimr. The limn U tnlkliiK n raniiill) ni If ho "ere trylnit to horron- inmie) Nnur he". Iiemlliig ncroi" Rinl Llmlns her (mini, ami the ilrx.n'l iiii to inlml It, why. hleix uiy Mini. It. that fel low le Jiilldunl Will, well' Of all thliiBi! Now. If only the Imly otihl turn her face im I roulil her"- foiue away, ilr"' IM-Kiicl Unnllo the whole ttluntluli hurnllliK liu III mlml, Ho ruht I'hkiu" l-ee, hut the Riiihaixiilor thiuk htm off I "let ine nlntie- he whliiiornl "Cnn't yotl lee whRt It all inenT II ineniii c'r fotiml the laily I'e Julliloirn In love with, the ery nmnaii e'to both Itch looklliR fort .Mid now If ahe'll Juit turn her heml a little I'll he ahl to Rro her face, ami thni"- Theu you ilou't know who hc I.T' qii.rtnl Dunlin. No. Hut I'lf- "Ihcn lake my aiHlo- ami don't try to find out. well rnour-h alone Come away, ohl rliap, anJ" "No. no! There; J oil pullej my head away Juat the mi tuniliik' aroiiud. I'd Imrr aw-u her In onuther w-coinl They're R-lttns up Maylw the) 'II p mit hy the other door, and then I shan t he ahle to know vhu" "U-t me du the lofiLlnii." augseated Daullo. "If either of ua bai to play the eurdropper I'll" "No. It I my place." erti-d I'ojh off "Hut I'll bet ou a hundred franca It's Mnw Nora Knrltch" "It nould be like Mealing a man' watch. I wuu't take tho let. Cotue away. ilr. and 11 the matter drop where It la. Tor your own hap-plneat"- Hut ropotf wa once more at the kcj bole. Ihey're Rtandlni: up to go. " " portcil. "Now Rhr'a iK-stuulni: to fc till way. ii - . k"-' ". Tho oor old man atneKired an from the door a tliouisb "truck U- t tweet, the ye. ll'e l cur'11! ' collapaed and hurled hli Uci In hi hawla- ..I "No. uol II coiTt 1I III"" ii " moaned. "And yet t ".uld hardly lo mUtak.n. Jly wlfel Ami - "Ilrace up. your eiielleneyl rMtta -ed Dnnllo lu iti-HUlue dlmrea. I uu yourwlf tosethcr. There nro l-cople ' . ." . ii. i-inii'i innkii a I cotniiuj BIOUB iuw "- - aceue. IVrhapi ou were mUtakiu ..v.,. I ,. Iierl" LTOiined I'oliotT. My own wife nud Io Jolldoul And i... Liuun.1 lu-r hand." . I on I ilnrn uiy htf wo" Uioro ktHl nM moro ki . ..T-7.1 thai. kl.lngl" Uanllo obaeruM -" r. . .....f..l Mir. A ' wholii lot of people an wnui.i i-i- hot." Then let them 1iiov tue mi crle.1 I'opoff In voice that brought "uiuher of gueata hurrjli.g lo the W ; 'I'll denounco her before thou. " Comooutof.l.i'ro.-I.obc'llowisl.h; fng forward. "iHilh of youi Come ou Ho threw tho num.ncr hou-o door wide open nml " lmek' "'cri,U" lous, nglm.t. 'nrrVhreahold aloud I Jo.hlon . ,., and-Soulal ., , . ... ,. JrttfMBJ: ""..'.'."TS- " u" """". . ... .. ....- mil " rn. you called to ui ?;--: ",. turued Bonla cnltnly. "ay what you wanted of usi Sonlal" eal'- l1ttU- And UwubU th. confusion of many excited voices .be beard him and tbrlUed to tho not. of anguish lu hi. half .tided cry. 'If-lf It was you who were In ,be" wltk ,M. do Jolldon" stammered Popoff, "where la my wlfoi "new I am. doar," au.wered Nata U, toStag out of tho' crowd, with which "ho tad mingled after ber hurried exit through tho rear door of tho lummer hoXf "Her. I ami What to the mat- '"Mattar .nougbl" cried btr hu .band. I could hart sworn I aw m ftlB in that arbor with M. JoMvx." erry Widow Nniiiire'N exclnniiitloii nua a triumph of allocked propriety "He mi Umliii! jour band, I thoimlit," win! on tho ilaziil amhataa- ' dor Thli time Niitnlle mou-i uway from l.liii in f.rr.iii.iiMi iiii.t.ii ii.. iin....r ...... ... v. ...M-..1' ..Ill I V1-M 1 InmtuMKil to throw til arm about hvr ninl ilrnw ln;r h:irk, i "I ua nroiiK," Ik- aisureil her "a hlumter of i-ji-alKlii noli,'lzuI I'm aorrj I" ' I Im-kIii to iiiiiliTTiluiul," put In Honla, teppltiK forunrit In feiir leat Natalie oienlo her pom of lrliioua Indhrnu. lion, "It -h villi that the llunoilan I iimljinaior ha ilumi tin the honor to Itnteu at a kejholi In hope of on-r-he-irlni' my i-omeraiitloii Hooner than illlaii.)liit him, M. i)v JolldoD, will you ple.iti. reut to him Juat what you anil to me In there V I Jolliloii iimleMtiKnl If Natalie ua to he Miu-I, If Koiila a not to Ik- tulketl nl-oiil. herolo ini-uiin- wero in H'.nnry. 'I Mine Koiila Hudouu," an I J he, "to ilu mi- the honor to become my wife- linnlln inotlouleia, hi Up act In a white line, aiuM the buzz of con Krntiilatluiia ami laughter that followed It.- Jnllilotr iiiiiiniiiiit'iiieiit Koala iioliil hi iiKuny ami arilil Joyfully to herai-lf l) prlnii-, I think I e nou! VoJ'il him to tpmk, MKin or late, now, ami when j on do' - "Ami Miimoilj lone the twenty mil IIiiiik" I'oporf miilteri-!, riroierlnic hi lf p.nepii i ii II J komenhiit Iwlated I) ritneiiiU-rliii; hi ituulry'a neiil. "I'rlnre." talli-il Koiila mltchleioua , Ij, "I hnieu't tieard jour conirratula lloua jet. Vou ilou't look n happy a 1 you might at the in " "llaiip)" cehiHil Dnnllo. with a acornful. tnlrthle-i lung!) "Why ahoulilu't I lt Accept my rongraiu latloua, my paternal blrMlng ami any thing i!e J on ilnxxc lo li-vj on me ' for M own motto l, Mno when you amy, proune m-IJoui and marry not it nllr i.ei me ten you n nine iniry atoty: Then were ouee a prince nml n prln- 'ca They loinl ench oilier. Hut the prince wa or and dared not tell of i hi loe for fear of IxIiik thought a fortune hunter III tlleiuv lunik- the prime angry 8o he went nud prom- lu-J lu-r luii'l to nuiitln-r man, and they all llwd mlwrably unhappy eier after Ami the moral of that atupld little atury I that I'm nick of reapect- uhlllty. ami I'm nnoke from my crozy dream of love, nnd I'm going back to Mattm'a, ami jou thii all go lo-Mar- mul.i'" ' Ho love we' lie lore me!" panted fonU under her Lreath CHAPTER VI. At Maxim's AXIM'S after midnight the how reitaurant wbituer aigiu seeing Americana and other imirui riork and wboao dizzy. rfT'r:. .i . "r:.":;y.i of mnchlno made merriment tlicy aoiemn V " - - ' irue ninun . ii.. ii.a nt, .hi nf Rnola'a irarden party one group of men and women who en tered the Jolly restaurant were so dif ferent from tho usual habitue of the place u to come In for not a. few amused glance from their neighbors. They wero Mine. Natalie ropoff. Muie. Nova Kovltch aud Cascada and Bt. Brioche. The vUlt was Natalie's Idea. Sho had heard Panllo'i wild speech of iNodby to Bonln nnd his announcement " M A . . I. .ld IfAli t ho was .off . to Maxim's. Ileuc. the ainuasaauora we, tium .-.- i "'""", ntnno , ,omo way for the ' 'K. .w..r..r M, ... m ...a ... in h hono of securing a word In private with Danllo and setting matters ngui again. Natalie bad not confided ber plan to ber husband, and now at the party were ushered to a secluded table In aa I .rafw t ai ) 1 1 VI I alcove sho glanced at we nuiwu. . about ber with a delighted nervoui ness. The delight vanished suddenly, however, and the nervousnese waxed to a panic fear as a familiar voice smote upon her car. I'opoff had Ju.t come In and was standlug not ten feet away from the secluded table where hi. wife eat "l,bwMt to see Prince Danllo at once," bo .aid to the bead waiter. "Has he arrived" ..,. '.'Not yetuslr;L'2SU?8-rB-,I )ffll- J "iO'O'i'O . : r i 1 1 iijaai'Zf. vi vts - WsSB00ff $SsM v 8x At Mtizlm's. will "Co" here M-ry noon. Tficre"fiih Riipper party waiting for him orcr there." wnilne to a tableful of gayly nppan-le.1 girl with tired eyed men. "Iteolly!" exclaimed the nmbanxndor. "I'll Jut Join them till he come." He loJdled off to the ill'lant table, where, to Nntall' Jealou eje, ho aeemeil to make hlmaelf nt home with a phenomenal cnae und fjulckne. He waa acarce aeated when Daullo atrodo In. The whole table rose to give the prince noly greeting "Why, hello, your excellency!" cried Daullo. "Tula la queer company for a monument of respectability like youraclf to wander Inter' i came only to see you," protected the ambaiaador, drawing him aaldr. "I waa bound I'd come hero and watt till you npieared If "Oh, 1 aw." cut lu the prince, thor oughly enjoying hi confualon. "Koola ruah lu where" "1 didn't ruah lu," furucd the am bassador; "1 crept here lu n measly cab, and 1 sneaked Into the place like a pickpocket for fear some oue would recognize me. 1 sacrificed myself to my couutry. Suppose my wife should bear of It! 1 came to Implore you. to last inywlf on your mercy, to beg you once more to prevent the widow frpjm"- To Ho Continued Petition for Liquor License TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY COUKT OK TH E 8TATE OF OREGON IOR KLAMATH COUNTY. We the ttnderalgned, residents and legal voters of the precinct of Wood Ulu-r, in tho County ol Klamath, State ol Oregon, and actual rcrldrnta therein for more than thirty d-ija Immediately preceding the dale of signing and filing this petition, do hereby respectfully .il,l..n n. linnnrnt.lA in Clint Tlll'. J M, ,,v,,w. , t . n and Issue to James II. Wheeler, a rvsi- j drnce ol said precinct, a license to sell plritous, vinous, fermented or malt liq uors in less quantities than ono gallon, In the precinct aloreuld lor a period ol six months, from the 3rd, day ol Jul), WW. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, that this petition will bo pre sented to the County Court aforesaid i ihnrnnrt rnom In the rltv of Kla- j math Falls, Oregon, on the 1st, day of July, A. l. 1UUN, at me nour ui iu o clock a. ut, ol ald day or na soon thereafter as said petition can bo heard. Dated this lotli nay ol .May, ivua. .tamca u. wnecier. NAMES NAMES 0. E. lloyt J. M. Emery Roy It. Wine N. J. Johnson II. 11, lroalcy 0. 11. Bunch A. a Droiio Ralph II. Langiton I.. W. Copcland Irs. Englo Wesley Colo D C.Courtney Wm.M.Skeen II, J, Suvridge D. E. Noah W. II. Norton A. L. Melhae J. A. Glb.on Clark Win, Denton F. M. Denton Leo Denton I.. C. Slimoro J. II, Heuig F.J. Oden Jos. Ileatig Rube White Frank Silver. D. Ryan. Dsvid llsniley S. U. Gardner J. K. Voo (1. K. Voio P. X. Dompter Taul Tirsons Frank Dumpier J, II. Pmart M. 1. Morgan W. M. Thomason Iuls Hrannan I,. C. Drake R. A. Moon Q.T.Gray Walter Dlxou C. Gray M. 11. llesa 0,0. Hill G. B. Hoyt W. J. Jamison R, M. Jtmleson J. L. Vote John Gray Notice While tho lime I have nn hand lasts It will be sold on demand, after It I. gone it will be necessary to haveJM days no. tlce to permit ol my burning auotber ktln. If you want lime this Summer get it now. 0. D, W lllaon. -Hot Weather Eatables- The warm days make the house wife look for eatables that are especially suited to the sea son of the year. Seasons demand a change In Groceries as well as other things. We have the articles that will keep you well .... CHASES SANBORN COFTEES ARE THE BEST .... FURNITURE Our goods are new and attractive. ALSO THE PRICES . W. GILLETT & CO. Bert E. Withkow, Vice President Abstracting Map, Plant, Blue Print, Etc. Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers DOK J. ZUMWALT, C. E. President Klamath Falls. Oregon East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Fork and Poultry Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all kinds. We handle our meats in tho most modern way in clean liness and surroundings. Try us and wo will be most happy to havo you for a customer. Free Delivery. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. The Gem Restaurant and Lodging House Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par ties. The largest and best arranged eating house in the city. Open day and night. WOOD WOOD Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 401 or K K K Store, Phone 174 -T I, FIELDER Wood Yard aad Off Ice d. ii, rir.iini Near Clty IIgU Phone 84 2500 Acres Free The Lakeside company ha 2500 acre ol land under the Adam ditch that It will give RENT FREE tor one year. This includes the use of the land and water. Tho renter must clear and place tho land In culltvatton. Tho rent or gets all the crop but we reserve right to pasture the stubble. The Lakeside Company, J. Frank Adam., Manager, Merrill Oregon. VAN RIPER BROS. ALLll. I OAW, Sect '.uy M. D.WlLUAM9, C. E. Treasurer Office on Fifth Street CENTRAL CAFE Open Day aad Night Private Dining Parlor Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. the The Stilts Dry Goods Co. has received several shlpmentsof Eastorn dru good. Call and Inspect the new line. W If m'js "My daari".