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Ik efaJii Mostly Kn.l l'lor I" Kluiniitli I'""" Our Advertisers Get the Results . . . SGOONii Vim.. No. BW. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 27. 1908. Prick, 5 Cents. ftvnina 1 MAYLSTABLISII A-WW CHURCH Bhhi INitlcliicfc, of the Cpl- rnpnlUiiirilii Will Visit Kliiiiitilh Falh 111,1,11 i " ' ''i'i"i- ' '"' riiinnfk " IH-mlllmKilcoMi 1..I... !.., ..Ill il.ll (,0tfll ' '" """ ""' ""' " " KUnitlil ,.t and will hold services latlill ci' " H"mly, J"'y fi' This .iiiirii" i' i'' ll,", v,,lt '" ,,',, pttoflin ""I I' ' tH-Ufvr.l l h-til'!"' ' """'l " "iniiiirn m I tl,ii!riiii' ' 'U llinidar to lake sointi i ll)ii iii ir.v ij establishing achurilt tr I iiiiml" - i Uio ltcl ople liavn nl trt'l l" I """ illllinra til roll IlitMllr If'" '"') tnwanl the ailpHt ilidiui'i iii 'I ll lliv lllalmp II ml" that lUt'Jpl'"' 'l j'Ulllyll.i'rSlablliiiiriit tlitbur ' hi' uiidimbtrdly "111 tin so. Ilpitfn'i ' 'in l baring llielr chll ilnn Uil Hill notify Mr. T. V. Mrplicni ar'iigrninls rail t made firtsnic I iniiJ llilni Paddock's vltll. DAIRYING IS PROFITABLE Hoianii llullutin Tells of the Doings in the Cream City of Klcimuth County Virjll l-mii will leave to-morrow norulnf for tho railroad wild anotlirr Mniiriii .isa Kniti'l of butter (or li hvraiiiriiio inaiket, Tlit laum in our rountrjr maintain cc ddrr r-w lit tlio acre," ulil Mr. I.itlleof l..l)H County, who visited ihlititli nlaitwiel, "Of rourae Dm swar . ..I llir fauna la ainall, about 0 terra, an lam -till carnl for. Tin hru.trmh-MiMMid Die soils ami auil lioll (or the plants and far Illli inteiiijinily. These farina arc The hat with tiaaaV&rataaaaH laaaVU.'Hfll.HaaH PMHH If ''.'iKSaaaH WALKOVER SHOES When Walkovers Go On Shoe Troubles Go Off -: WE ARE - K. K. vrrittlilii kuIiI inlni-a Our yilley U alxiilt llio aim nl Yntini talle). Wn liai two Imhka mnl I hi-y pay i.nt In tin. lamina i-ach tuiuitli, primlpiill) fur billlrr III, IIMMKU When II, I. Ilmianrn country la umlcr irr Ik'iiI Ijii. lnjr) Ihk w III Iw llio iiliiilml iin'ii,ni"ii, idmplt I came It will lr iliu must iiritnllc ..i,f And I Vrutiitr to tay Hint under ilij lamilng lhne who nm milking lor t !. creamery, rrrilnll) If they lmu good dally slink, find lliat the brit paving ami moat antialaitui) biiilnrs tnry Invi tllidertftkrii. No butter rnn ctril V"H III iiltllt " , The ll-mania Cieamrt) Company has ' ll i) w n steady ami drniali!e maikrtj lor Ita product In Sacramento. I lit' cum , luliiluu hour haa lilglil) tuiiipllmiiitid (lii coiiiiaiir mi I lie neatiir-nid It jwnk I aura and llir itialily nl I In- Imlli-r lint-1 trr qiiotatliiiii cmitlnu" lox.and it i ilulialilu that t lit tlc- ul Imtlrr fat tlila iimiilli Mill imI iiind i;i, ii'iiia, (ul llrl(liliKii, ciiliiiiilMluiia nlnl out nl inaiiulaUtiir limit iU-dmti-1 Ituin llir g uia rml,i fur llir lullur, Lilt tllll (lid rniiiiaii Hill dl'liilfiitu Dili luuiilli aotiiK tll'i) aiiiiilirf tl.u latiiii ta. Iliu liuuiliri ultima mr iiitiiMiluif, ami i V vral latfr livtili Kill ! addr.1 llila film. lurr. I'iril Vliiiuii Imi iiirctiAnl I lid rml ilt'tictt irujt'rlr u( Hm. Kiortt un Main tiral, l.innrily ck-ciiiIiiI liy II 1 KIN gun. Tlie itlir pail wi VI. II. K. Halniilraiid A. ('. Ilimraii if tiiriiislKatillilavliniiillir tullload Hliilr lliry had Urn hiiIi a liiimli til inulva for ililHiiriil. 'I hr) loadiil Ml lirad (ill llir cara l'ir thr Nuitlirrn CnhlutnU market. A. II. limit, futinrr ntliii-trl at Itrm), urn atrliitil Ix-fntr I'nllid ritatri Jintito Uolviiton Unluvtdj) cu an liidktinrnt cluilni; Inm Mltn cm-Ih-uIIiik alwilt Jti xlill" In'iii ploy nl llir (iotritiiiKnt. Ilv pliailid guilty. Mr. Wunl and ami OmI,-, Jlr. A. M. Itlcliatilimi and M Miinirr nr rlr) (rom (Uklml lait iwiiiu uud liatunoiii' liiOilt" In' ' wirka. .vrrlal hiilidt) ilnmtral tl.t Ilium tun lluttrl Ulnnliiic Itwim. Irmu 5:30 l 8-30. Thoroughbred -:HATS:- a Pedigree and EXCLUSIVE K. STORE - WILL HAVE NEW TRIAL Jury in the Arant Calf Stealing Case Could Not Agree. EIGHT TO FOUR FOR ACQUITTAL New I riot Sut lor luesday Will Necessitate Expense of Stiminonintj a Special Venire-Case May Go Over Until Next Regular Term tin um iii llir A Hint cunr rcliird lull rtrnliiK at ' V), itml alter 13 liourt ilr hU mil. in dutln nlilcli lliry itked for in-t rui tiott. fioiu llir Jmliii', thry fall. II In KHe "lid H''11' dliclinri;rl. Till Jury itm I H lur at-Ulttal and lor con IlIIiiii. 'IIiomi ttlio Ptmid nut fur coif ilrllmi Hi-tr A. ('. I-wli, I'ttil Mukrl, llurt! Mnx.ii and I'.. W. (Illlrtl. Judi'M limkr, (nr lliv ilrtrnae, aikrd fur an i in nifl i nl lieu tilnl, and Jmlyv llriix.ti tit Tuitduy iiioriilnsat'Jo'iluck lur lliv lit'jiiiiif mid imk ltd a iivilnl Capital Taking Hold Lake County Mines The tiiii. e ul l.akr county am trgiii niiu' to nttr.irt conildrrntle attention, and t'jilal la Utoiiiiug Intereated and hIII tnkr a linld uml drrloi mine ol tlie UiK'Ct. It la now moro than tno -nr an.Cf tin- tltat tiic)t-rlt a of gold Hitr made In that lertion, hut rllll no limit' hm Ui u oiennl il. Mol ul the g'Ml irimpri t nte o mil hy heepmen and ruiicliei' ho hid not laiulllar with iiilnlii; and lue held onto their rlalmr, rxx'ctliii; that aoinriiiiu would inako a ill li itilke and that they could then ill lm' nf Ihrlr iotraaiona at a liig pilce. Mnt-c thi lia not Urn the car, tome ol thrin are letting go now and the pro-prilu-satr iaing into the handa ol piaclkul mining men. a Guarantee AGENTS ;- Venire of L'5 tuuiuiunrd foi llir Jury. Nine setting the time for a con trial, tlio matter la being congldrretl of letting tlirraavgoover to tlio nuzt term of Court. Tide will nave tliu ex pen no nl luinmotilng a iccial venue. Thu ile (fiife lias not Jit aateil to liave llio care laid oer, Imt Judiiu Uenton atatet tlmt If tliey aik it, he "111 grant tlie rrurat on account ol tlio heavy ex ienie lliecoiinly haa already In en to In tlio Care. Tlili Spring a number ol capitalist! and men of exrlence in mining have vlilted that section and some of them liato secured either lrases or options on souieol the liesU claims lwth at New I'ine Creek and at I'lusli. One ol the biirrr.t deala was consummated a lew djya ago when the group of claims In the fine Creek district was leaked for n term ol years, and the payment made was f 1000 In cash. It is the opinion of manr mining men who have mado a thorough investigation of the dis trict that some day Lake County will he known as a gold producing sec tion. On one of the claims near ew I'ine Creek a small stamp mill has U-en Installed and will be operated during the summer. On many of the other properties shafts are being sunk and the usual assessment work Is being done. A Three-Legged Colt A freak of nature In the shape of a three-legged colt can be seen at The Ex aminer office. It was foaled on the ranch of D. Chander, of Drews Valley. It lived for nearly a day. It was unable tn feed Itself and was given too much cow's milk, with the result that It v. a killed by colic. It is perfect in form, except that it possesses only one leg " front, the left lore leg is missing. City Recorder, Snider saya that lie saw a similar deformity at Alturas some time ago, and that tlie colt was then a yearl ing, and may be nllve now, at It was ac tivo and perfectly healthy and of normal site. Lakeview Examiner. Merrill Record Items The new Catholic church in Tor wllligcr addition to Merrill is nearly ready for tho painters and paper hang ers. C. U. and P. It. Merrill sold last week ten head of two year old mules to A. T. Gsrnett, ol Willows, Cal. C. II. Mer rill drove them to Hie shipping point. T, B.Luther, who has earned the title ol "ssa-o brush king" of ilutte creek valley, it looking over the Mer rill valley and Its many Inducements for the home-builder. An attempted suicide occurred near this city Tuesday morning. Goorgo Dick, well known resident of this section, took it .generous dote ol strychnine. Previous to swallowing tho drug, Mr. Dick had gone to a neighbor's barn, and upon discovery of hit act ho was immediately removed to his home. ) Dr. Alex Patteitonwas hastily called) and the pal lent was soon pronounced out of danger. Mepsrs. Htenart and Qrlgsby arrived i la automobile from tlio Day city last tfeck and spent several days in this vicinity buying horses. They werealter saddle hones, presumably for the army, although the gentlemen were ro'.Iccnt m to the ultimate destination ol their equine purchatei. They suc ceeded In obtaining rjulte a number ol very good homes in this vicinity having bought about thirty head of J, Frank Adami'aj well as a good many others. Big Bunch of Horses Sold V. A. Cumor sold 2.V) horses this week and droiftlieinto the ral'road at Likely, California, for shipment to tit. Louts, Mo., for distribution to eastern men. The fame of horses of this section Is far and wide. In fact there are no better horsea grown In tho world. And the coining ol the railroad will make still wider salu for the horses cf this section. The deal was made by a Mr. liadley, on a commission bails. The horses were dtlvcndown by S. G. 1 1 ad ley, W. J. Welch, WajnoHanuon and (Jro. Han non. The latter went on to fit. Lout with the band, and the rest of the boys rctumel Thursday and went back to Sumuiur Lake, their home. Lakevitw Examiner. Services At The Churches .Services will be held in the several churches of Klamath FiiIU tomorrow aa follows: Usual services both morning and evening. llaptist Services Sabbath School at 10 a.m. "Morning Worship, 11 a. in. I1.V. I. U.at7:a.m. Evening Worship, 8 p. m. HEV. J. D. GRIFFITH, Taster. I'reibt Irrlau Church June 28, 1008. Usual Services both morning and evening, llible School, 10 a. m. .Mornlnj; WorsMu, 11 n. m. Tliu Sacramant of the Lord's Supper, will be celebrated At the morning wor ship. C E. Prayer Meeting, . p. m. Evening Woridilp, 8 p. m. Subject, "The Snug ol our ijrian Guest." Regular monthly uictilng of the Men's Club oh Thursday evening a 8 o'clock. REV. GEO. T. PRATT, Pastor Christian Science Society Regular services will be held at the Conserva tory ol Mutic tomorrow at 11 A. M. bubjevt "Chriitiau Silence." Methodist Services Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching, II a. in. Epworth League, 7::t0 p. m. Preaching, 8 p. m. REV. P. CONKLIN, Pastor. Church of Sacred Heart Mats dally at 7 :S0, Sundays at 10 :30 A. M. Rev. R. Feuti. S. J. You can get u "J-meal book at Will sun's lintel lur f 4. Board and lodging t3 a weck.-C. D. Willson, Prop. tf Menll. The town without a boon. 9m?T SJ!aiAa nutflV The proof of I lie freezer The White Mountain freezer makes more cream, better cream, and makes it easier and cheaper than any other freezer on the market LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS HARDWARE DEALERS SURE TO WIN THE MONEY Klamath Baseball Team Will Leave First of the Week For Lakeview Klamath Falls base ball team, ac companied by a number ol rooters, will leave Monday for Lakovlewto toko part in the games on the Fourth. It is claimed that this city Is oti ling to Lakeview the strongest team It has ever had, and if Klamath Falls does not win that f000 purse, Lakeview will have to play a professional game. The boys and their supporters are all confident of success. Klamath Falls cl'irens have generously contributed 220 toward paying the expenses of the trip for the boys. The following boys constitute the Klamath team, two extra players being taken along: Joe Ball, Jesa and Holly Sienens, Charles and John Moor, Crews, Francis, Ituper, Swan and Harry Den son. Francia returned last night and Ruper and Swan will arrive Sunday from achool. MORE COMING THAN GOING Klamath Population Increas ing at the Rate of Five a Day Klamath County's population it in creasing at the rate of Ave a day ac cording to the record of the transpor tation companies. During- the first twenty days of this month the Incom ing passengers exceeded by 100 those go ing out. It is the belief that in the next threo months the average Increase will be more than double this amount. As the tourist travel has barely begun yet. It is stated that this increase is due mainly to the arrival of permanent set tlers. At the rate of 150 a month, it won't take Klamath County long to set-, tie up. M. P. Barry, a sheep rancher from Acel, on Warner Lake, was In Lakeview Saturday on business, lie reports set tlers coming In fast in that locality and securing new borcet from the govern ment lands, plentiful in that vicinity. Lakeview Examiner. Mr. Fawcett, the Southern Pacific agent, states that nearly all ol the in coming passengers are being billed through to Klamath Falls. Most of the through tlcketa being purchased at San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento and Los Angeles. Get your Are crackers and ilernratinna at the Star Drug Store. it in the freezing 6 HANKS