!,a New Goods Good News I have added to my already su perb stock, new and late patterns in staples and novelties .... : They are beginning to Arrive : 1,000 late Cylinder and Disc Phonograph Records. THE NEWEST AND MOST IMPROVED TALKING MACHINES G. HEITKEMPER, JR. ISrn ROM GRAND f 4th of July CELEBRATION AT -:- WHY SUFFER FROM -: Kidney 1 Bladder Troubles When MYAL'S STONE ROOT COMPOUND I tuch positive remedy 7 II iilmulat.-s theklJncysto the full performance of their (unction, cUminatci uric poisons from the system and acts as a soothing, healing agent upon th- bladder. By Us timely use, healthful conditions of these organs are promptly restored. PRICE, $1. 00j.tr bottle UNDERWOOD'S ,,--, PHARMACY Streets Klamath Falls, Oregon IIRIEr MENTION llirea Kent IV-ir at tlw city Uakery. opposite Atucrlcnn Hotel. S. Wonlen went out on tlio boat I hlii iiimiiliii:. Fourth ol July decorations nt tin' -lai Dnij! Stole. J, V. Overcame up ftunv Ki'im i'f tcnlay. Hatpins mmlo from tea I rosebuds ami carnations, a in nature, n two alike. I!. Ilcilkcmpor, Jr. I It. $. 0'lliy Is H'Krtcl ery b (rum stou acli trouble. Ho la lUlntf on I Ills ranch near tlio gap. Wiliest lino )l llrcnorks In timti. ' Star PrilR Store. C. I'. Iel.ai and lit" Krandiiwllier. i Mil! A Di'l-ap, ivturiiitl home last evening. I I I or tlio best tin in Inun mil til the ' Mammoth Stable. II. W.Mran, Pro ' prietor. I'nil. U. W. ltoblnu, tlio musical "director, arrived hero l.i-t iilsht (ruin l."S Angeles, II yon order your clothe, nl tlio K. I. ' K. store, you'll gel n lit and exactly what you want. Mm. J. (I. 1'ierco I'literlaluid llir lldies'SOOclnh this sllcrnnon, at Inr home on Conner Avenue. All kinds ol tlrcwoiks. tlaga, hiinlliifl etc at tlio Mar Drujf Store. .M. I). Williams nnil bride returned la.til..jc(r..ll.r.ll..H..ln.l . ,0;nt celc-!rilt 1011 by WhitCS taken up their rcsldi'iiic In this ut).i Oiie-fourth off on all rut glass ami ailtl lUtllilllS iiml pniulcd rlilua (or ten laj .iil nt Winter jewelry tore. The iit'W stoaiiUT, Maznma, will Dr. 1'atterson an I family wlu litv- convoy paSMOtiKOnt to lllltl Ikcii In the city, returned to their homo I from lilt' urotinils in Merrill today, i The latest noulty in lialpln. made. , .li ,,-t.t fitl ride on the tpper l-ake. Kino camping grounds bain N-en ar ranged (or the convenience ol all. Klamath Agency Horse Racing Baseball, War Dances Grand Ball At the sign of the Redact lliio)oiH'tl 'M n vllt In oui tuto hi .mi , ,, Ul.l mi have It II liol, illil n get It lot , "' 'llcta iHiri'iidioiii imitiau (lur tnlli't niih'lc Iim i , , "." Itli lii ideate otcrv linly or ucutlriiian In Imn U IhhisI, hut o know nur Simp I. Up In tin),. gtcslo anil Me always try to keep ahead , RRIISHES AU '"- n.iir iim.i. onuonao rtmtu nn t.imi)ili xt IWuhos. every slse ami sl)le at ptogiis.iti, , PITRITIIMRS K'H'h n lait'n vni'ii, , CHAPS iuhy ""p". Mi-ii. ,u. 0nrO ,,,,1,11,, Tiillel Him,. I lull line ol Nliavliitf Snap , TAN and SUNBURN ' : :!; i ami a perfect "llit." rl a Ihiv of (;i -i . , .' " '.''' JiUlli r iirimniiiii rn, eteam umi I.., .'"' """Inr In ', v " I Ilk, " ,' ''llhl ' " lliinl,,, ' '"""ii'lNili " i"l Itl'k' "fli,H.M. hn mli ' "' D,,..1. AM tir mr i I'm "viiimuH im i iimim uini M. .. . lleinriiilMir TheHlari ll.e "STAR HKAUACIIK nnil Uni!l'J; POWDERS." IT K.NOUKK A IIIIAH.U III "eUHAlCft STAR DRUG STORE iiic aiuic mat oavL-n ion rVlOllCy ' Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS 100 Designs by Fred Hodgson, Chicago's Leading Architect, to Choose From Wo iilno furnUli plaiiH nnil Rpccllkiitioni I , U -i,,,,, a( rt'KiiUr price. Yur palronaK' ' uliciud DWELUNGS A SPECIALTY CALL WATSON, LAKESIDE MX Commencing May 1st Ease and Only 12 miles of staging and then a delight ful boat ride up the Klamath River to Kla math Falls GOINGr-Stttraer Klamath leaves Klamath Falls at 4 a. m. connecting with stage at Teeters which arrives at Dorrls at 8. COMING:-Arrive at Dorrls at 4 p. m. by stage to Teeters and by boat to Klamath Falls arriving here at 7:30 In the evening. Oregon Sc California . Transportation Company from real (low era as in nature, no lo ullke. H. Ilritkeui4r, Jr. Mr. anJ Mm. P. M. (inmlli anl MIm lMn.i WIU camo ilon from (.! ! - iiilay to meet a party o( lourirt, who arc pilng t'i lli L'i-cr lake report. Iliey relllllitM inn anermiuii. lie Cream at the City liukery. Oite in it Illil. npiile Aiiieriean Hotel. t(. K. V. U tiitliik', a prominent ilruiMlit iol)raille, Cjlil,, all, I wile who liare! livn 'iiJing the pait ten il) at Kla. niutli Hot Sprimfii, ntt here Ul.iy bii tliclr way to the retort at (),leia. j The Klotluui Fourtli li near, (irt your Uruttoiki an I decoratiuiia nt the, ' I Mar I'rut; More. ' Cut illan, illvernare 'iiaranteeil (or 'li5)cci, uinl lilili uraJe h.in, palnlnl ihli.a at Ulnleia. Mrr. I' A. Walker, ol Stwkton, Cat.. imiel In the city latt iMinn. .che will li-ave in the morning (or Merrill to tpenil the summer with her dauxhltr Mn. Henry i'arriili. Wo are lookinn (or the moil tllldrult catea in k!' titling at Winters. . tttMI1t1 i HOTEL FOR RENT i WE ARE LOOKING Th Needed Preamble. "I a?o that Potiitlihy hai eadoweil a hospital " "lie limit le k'oliiK to purcbaae an auto!" Denver Newi-TluiM. Kor llp-to-ilalB ,rnple til carry our at(he. We ran eupply watchc (or anyone, (mm the yininc et to the reilate ol.l man. Kacli Hatch l tpiarantetil to girn Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES t THE RICHELIEU, T1IK HKST HO TEL IN MERRILL, CO.MI'LLTKLY FURNISHED. WILL LLASK TO .... DESIRABLE 1AKT .... MRS. T. A. BALIS, Merrill, Ore. Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED We arc in recent receipt of a carload ol the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. R. Hum Out They Old, Though. There cami. n aurnm.r day In iprlnr; Tlirri cnturc.l out a lid of atraw. fitr.t-t Kamlna illdn't ilo a Ihlnc Wl.in that prrcoclou 11,1 tlivy taw, Urvr YorkTimei FAMILY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. BREAD. CAKES, PIES AND CANDIES CITY BAKERY ICE CREAM PARORS MRS. R. M, SARTER, Proprietor PHONE 315 OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL A Holdup. "Tula perfume, air. I J I nn ounce." "No wonder jou fellutva make iiion y. Kdllnij fi for ii eeiit."-Kaiiai City Tlmea. The General Rule. Oiilnlom ar. In acani dtrnand- TIs lliui In mty samo Tli p'ajrera ki t the money and The umplrn Kelt Ih Warn.. Waahlneton Htar. HOUSTON HOTEL DINING ROOM OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11:30 to 2 DINNER, 6 to 8:30 - - - - - Are prepared to serve banquets and dinner partlei MEALS AT ALL HOURS Stock Ranch For Rent In Wooil Itlver Valley, Klamath Co., I'ontflltilhK 490 iicren, liQ lie re meadow ami 32J immure. All enclosed. For i (urllior particular Insulin ol T. A, Culhorlion, Aaliiaml, Ore. Ill Notice For Publication i Department ol the Interior, U. S, Land Ollko at Lakeview, Oregon, June 1 16, 1WM. Nnlice la hereby given that Herbert J. Hivllue, ol Ft. Klamath, Oregon, Klio, on h'eptcmljcr a5, 1&02, made liomeelead, Nn. 2773, (or SWJf, Hection 30,TownshlpS2.S HangoyjiK., Will. Meridian, hue (lied notice ol In tention to make Final fho year I'rool, to lettaljlltli claim to the laud above lie- fcrllxi-, beloro County Clerk, Klamath j Co. , at lila olllce, at Klaiiiath Falli, Ore gon, on the lit day ol August, 1908. Claimant namraaa ttlliieiueg; Chrlat Welti), Kdd ltover, Charlie Martin and James Emery, all o( Ft. Klamath, Ore gon. 0-22 J. N. Watson, Register. Bankruptcy Stock of Stewart & Lyon NOW ON SALE at Midway Liquor HOUSE Come in and Stock Up before Dry Season Begins C. O. MORGAN RECEIVER Ol BANKRUPTCY fcSVJ