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,tn,i"Mvwo:' H(l!M v Mi ,MUt '-it 'l3ll wonb 'P1" J0toa no ,ot o) rH "I III 8M 0UH qql u Hum" aM noX UHSIWI ON SlNId jO M0Ol lirieJWOO V MJIMdn'JNIM3u jiijv Jiir . Geo. T. Baldwin, HARDWARE DEALERS Klamath Falls. Oregon WILLIAMSON RIVER and Soring Creek J. " n m RESORTS 1Ur U-.l limit IlililutC In Ori'KOti. r.ix'Uriit arrciiiiii'lll"in lor '",M , , I jumhk otittllo lot rrlil. hrn i4iiilliit Itfi'illi'l" mill l.utf l"t tlll Kin itii' for lock. rrlrimiiK niniiertliitl. ,miiiiiilnll'n to ' l (.'tiler ' Will inri't iiill' nt KUinnlli Asrtic) FRANK SILVIES fKOflllETOR Klamath Agency, Ore. Zim's Plumbing Shop Contracting and Jobbing riratrtaii l.ino of I'lumli mi: HH-cialtlea and flrat rlata Wiirkmnnalilp. A. 0. U. W. Building Klamath ralla Jackson Hotel Fort Klamath, Ore. Clean rooms, good bedi, and the table always aup pllcd with the beat the market affords-Terma rea sonable. C.C. Jackaon, Prop. PACIFIC SHOE WORKS AU Repair work Dose rronptly and at Kcdvced rrlcci Min'a Hull Hnlea.' "no; Hnlea aidlleel., tl.'J.-, Udlea1 Half S..l.-.,r,n,. Ileela, L'.Vi Child uu' Hall Unlet, .VI eenla. . . . jiiipi-i nitli nil itiiMtern uuuhiuery Shop on Main St. J.V.Houatoa blk Professional Cards DR. WM. MARTIN Dcntlit Ofllce over Klamath County Bank DR. C P. MASON Dentist Wilcan llAiik A Trnal C.i.'a Aitlldlim C P. STONE Attorney at Law fJlHlce oyer iBontoflko, Klamath Fall, Ofi'Kon Trit rHONB: in D. V. KUYKENDAJLL Attorney at Law Klamath Fallty Oragon Tim and HisTime I By W. I'. IIUYAN. ''I'l'yiiKiii I'M l.r a... I I ill)' l'r.. lair I 1,11 'I'llll llnscoi. Mil mi I III) I mil Ihk lit ttm rnir of i In Ktiiilnii unit Kll7,., ,iu tn.llclltcilly iihii , Minliliy Hull liiwn, I'nr llm IHil linn. . ,,, , lmpri'-il hy tin fuel I In, I l'l,i.ii, CVnlcr pnaacancil I n Ii.iiiI.h mil brick pnalulllin Hull Klmnl 1)11111 ni;lll frnin otlici tiiillilliiKx iiml paid ii h'hI ' Binary Ill it llm. Ii ul.l r. ,l..,r ii i... im.i .. ir,..i .,, .in... .r i ,,,.,: jk -;,:,!" tvr r: r "7"' r' ...,....,. ,....,. ur.M, m ,-j.",. llllll nil ' huddle nf uimhIcii bulldlm illlreiii llllll, lll-U-llll) III llllll Hell mi,..,, I I.... ..I.... . I - .- k.iii' I'ltii... .ii ikm.'i iirnimmiy nun 11a niiiiititiilii nf nintiiiiiry mill It x rrt nf humanity llm. Inn through tin- liiirmw rmiiniK uiIIimI niintK I J . nnliiliTi'il ulnit .Mull m.iil.1 HiliiL I lit n iiiiiII) tin irnlii In. in tin- Juinlluli nlinilM lull In mid ul.l. uliniild llilnl mi tin ntulliiii iilntfi.tiii. roiiii,ir llltt I liu ilnr In tlio .Si ink din. Iiml I Juat Iff t II I. ml iiitn-r .-Ii SYit j Villi, I'Ul In llii'it linn Ii iiImiiM tin I w r illy. I'lnl In kni' ii I .i tint Mnlli' nmilil in'ir iikiiIii l inniiMit iillli I'lii'lilnii iVnl.r, tniirli li' ultli i IJiilili'lHiili' Klin nnuM iliil.' tin tint n mill Ita m-iii1.' nllki' itn t !' inmlii ll.' Iiml imirtliil well ll r liinil.atiil, Itiiliiiril llrMIn I lnil hern the M-rtrtnry tn ii nillrnuil Tim had nalil cnndl.y with unutiial luennliik na he had helped In r nli.'ird Hie train nt lln IVnler 'I hen had Itrt-li tlinre tlnill II hint In llena' letter that ah had n nintih In liilml for Mn- ' x Hi. All thai hud linpn-iiei Iwn mniitl.a nt-n Tialay Math waa ciuiiIiik Imtiie A furnlT nhlalli ni.l.iilll.i'i'! I lie ni ptonch nf tin train, nml 'llm niiiilerel , annuel tn tin nf tin Million lie platform waa crowded with nutKnliiK paeera and (In llaual n-tepllu.l cn.n.ulllie nf amall rnillilry tnnn lolllip-m, 'Mill lo.t hllUM-lf In the rrowd until the trnln pulled In, nml n lithe, itlllUh lltf.lti priini; ilnwti Ha Cullman atepa U-fot Ihe porter rniitd nffrr til hand Tim had heii wnt. Iiliik lln il.iy cnachea, hut he aeliaed .Mnlle" pn-a nice and hlllllnl In lillre h-r nf hi r caae II waa Hie llrat klun nf III' r inure, t ila auhatllutlou nf Hie am.iri leather ra for Ihe near leather vallx which had Uvli i iiutlili-red good 00 1 Ml TO mi mi tin: Mir or it ) ou i iaik ov -I .1.. 1. ,.1 Tit. UNCI 1-nouitu for traveling when . left hutue. I I -Your P couldn't set oer." he ex j plained aa ho ralacd liH rap without ( otTerlng hla hand, lie had heard that f Jieoplo In the city did not alinlo liauali. but almply laiweit, "Father ali-kV nll Matle ipilclly. Tim ahook hla head. "It'a only Ihe rheuuiatliuu," he ex plained, "hut ho thought It would be. bad to i:et out In Ihe cold, ntul an te aakeil me to coine. I'll Ret your , trunk." , , , . I Matle luindiil lilni Iho check in l i..e.. nml nreai-iitlv the Niii.trt new trunk had Jolneil Ihe null case In the box of Iho botnlcd, and Tim offered her hi hand to help her Into Ihe aeitt. "It nlu't nil nulumol.lle," he n.ilil nnoloiretlcnlly. "hut I llimiuht you'd , wh.i iiia.U Ma auiimirr linitie , ,,,. ,, ,,1,,,,-r .uu, iu..l lhiplrali ,,,, , ,,!, Fil)1 ,hc ,.car .foof ,' ,.... the hill, l.nel nf (Inril-nvali I l.l nf mi.-.I. frn... Il UilmneiH IntenallUil t-.tahll.l, claim to the laud lmvo ile-' Ml., had m.-l otH inarr e., I V ly R. I,,,.,,,,, ,,f the hhiw. Mnlle laid Krll, liefor. touiily Cl.rk, Klamnlli ' xt,, ."iLJ'',, ,"T i. . Tr . "t ,,"r.l,nl"1 ",K"' T,,M " ,'"1' '"." I.hc r,'"M- c," ' l x'1"1' 0re- -.., MM ...---1 .' " -, im-.ti, kite i-xiiiaiiieu, .n iiie lime i W? vaaJalilataalHBalBlalililililB Mr- . "I'M bo In hurry lo gel syntir rtcnU Jf M, married one nnd couae u how nil your pretty thing-., an I t ' , ' .. Llll.. , ,,,,. ' ' .-.... i, itn, eutter.' ' ' ." . .... .. ..1.1 Mnlln i .u.e "lo want To U. i hty I In the eyes or Hovernl people. 1 never appreciatively. Uoan o dHputy ta l the y'lndera I br. I hack rm MBr nlU wo lnt , Unvo. tow... 1 in. .to o ! i , fl)rBOt(e ,unt Whcn I wa. married ff"'' T -r-w York on the train, nml I'm hungry." I " "Your ma sent over a box of lunch. Convmlmt. ,il7"VhCnlSrHbi An eucrgtk v?caVr ofan EngiUh and prw nelnu . !'"' ? "'lM """ ' m.ntrv imrUb. who had long labored . ..,n,... cuke ami Liacuu anmi wlchea. Matle gave a cry or delight. "That' Just like mother." alio de clared aa ahe extracted n lingo wedge of cake. "Alio ll"'"' '' ,l0 "luKry rur homo' things." .,,,.. "I should thlnl in could get better cooking In tho city," observed Tim pes ilmlallcally. "They tell me Hint mum of their coola get $1,000 ,b year. "Lots of them," assented Matle, Ihe chefs lu tho restaurants. Some get more than that, hut they can't male tnsto like home. They Un t know what homo Is In the city. TVu. 'I ahould think man could mala pretty good biscuits for n tuouiand dol ars a year." anW Tin. practically. 'Uut he doesu't make them at all. declared Matle laughingly. "The mosey a cook geta tbaMjcol: Uu Just orders I ho nrnuiul. At III') liull'l Wllflu Hchh IIVI'K the chef iI'k'h urn i.M.ii t ,,11, IMI, fl,,. , nulled If you were Ik link lilni In," "Ilcas Uu In a hold?" nxl.cil Tim III surprise Hlinlllil Uilnl; ,T0H, mat ii Inl of money HIM I'uili nn,,i,.,l nl m hnli'l, iiml II,., ih.iriicil lilni n ilnlliir iiml ii lnil r ii ihi) . iiml the) inner fnl lilni fur Iiml." ' ll'XH llllll ll, I,,,,,. , riHIIIIH In uu npurliiii'iit hold. .,lnii., .Mull,., '"II" ! x:i.rMi ii jfnr Just f.,r nit Iii'iiiim" Illn whittled "Voii could luillsi for Hint:" In fried llUllll n i "Not III I In- illy," .!,(. reminded. "l.ninl riMlM tin) Hindi. They Innc to I hulld houm- MkIi i,i Kt. ihe vnltii nf I I In liifnl, iillhuiii'li, of fiiiirB, then lire ' .. I.,. ..9 ...I. ..... ... i.".'"' ".""'' ""'" IMTH'lll" I " .: "r. ,"; "'",r !"",""' - -w. - 'n .,, ..,,,,' n I,,,',,,,,. lilt nf It," ili'dmnl Mil II.' "ll'it Inure Ilka linini' t Jul n "-.-- .Nuw Inrl !, iiml I'm JiihI crnr.y In i-i i.'iinli'iunli'." 'Mm linn li.-il ui tin tt-nni, "We'll l IhiTi ini'tly himiii," In mild li" li tn the lilll ulieui Oni-. up tin ii- lln t.liuiild roine III tillil nf ll Iiihii im-iiIIIih; In llm talley mi tin nllii-r' nf tin illilili. It nan n ti-illuiin rllnib, l.ul iirexeiitly It m ucriiinilllie,l, inn u nlmrt drltu lirnllKtit tliem In tin) lirow of Hie lilll mi Hie oilier iilili. Miitlo Kite n lltlli rr) nf ilellitlit uu tin run 1 1 lirol.e tlimiik'li llm 1 1 . A tiny rlter unuml Itn uny mt Hie Innn. ii liiiiMk nf flume liiillUlnici ulntiK tin- ulriik'lilliiK imiln Rtreet, with u half iii7iii luck rlre.-U itiniely fet tled 'tin iimn imeied rwfn Kleauieil una awn y I could ahul my ejes mid nee the InHM. hut It wumi't real lllu till l" 'Wl.nt'a the ue of lilltlll. ynur e.en mid w-.-l.iu n male lx-lleu Oar- dent ale when )uil could (cli them and ce' thlrt) "lory hulldluipii' ue 'llm practically. "Mcbhe the tuwn la i Mrt nf conlmut hut I tup- pnted that you would come hack and mnLe fun of our tnwu mid the people. What'll you do J oil u hack tn New lorL In III el" "Hut I'm nut Kulmf hack," "lie de dared Hlnilll) "I Lnow what )oil mean," ahe iiddeil dellautly, "lleaa wnnliil In iiiniry me tu u younif limn down I liile She wanted to dazzle mo with the tuun, mid then ahe thought I'd la tn marry In May there, hut i ,i .in i. i "U'lie nutV naliil Tim hn-alhleaaly. "I wna nlumil iiihauu-d to come over after you III the I hi In nfler your riding In nuloinol.lle nml In the midway and Ihltiga Hie and I didn't aup'Mjmj you'd can rur thai lunch after all the city truck yuu'd Ihvii entliiK," Matle ri'Kiirdeil him Kcnnirully. "lleaa did one tlilns." ahe anld iulet , ly. "She iiiadi me contended with uiy 1 I..I. 'I hey lite III n real palace with a huiidted aerintila, and they don't eer ' wnlk iii mid ilnwu at.ilra They have, lieitntlful riHima mid costly food, hut It'a not Hie it Ihiiih. Why, Tim. moat of Ihe men In New Vork don't fien ha T.e llini lit hue their whci. They're lio liuay MialliiB money." 'i'.'in tle.uetl Ida and Died hla gare i.n Ihe illMaut hllU. ".Matle." he anld timidly, got n lot nf time nnd-and" "l-l ve ....I ......... I..u..t .b.l.i,. I, n.nL'lt. lyouriy miieralde oVcV , r I rXf d'd SSfi ,l,..le.l Math. "I'm afraid vou don't ,uai,o very good ui of your .time, ,n ottM precc. """'o w " ,.. ' aplriloua, vinoua, fermented or malt llq ' ....... ..' l I ......itl... .!.. ..A lt.,n I ibb boIiib to apena me reii or ii in telllug you Itiat I love you." laid Tim boldy, and Matle'a face gave anuranca that the Idling would be welcome. Tht Brlda'a Waaknaaa. That la the Mcoud tluio I havo done that w Itl. 1. 1 u week," said tho bride of alx moutlia na ahe put down her pen, with a dl'KUatcd exprcsalou on her race, "and I Jut don't llko Itl" "What have you dono now" querlel her friend. "Done? I Imvo inado out a check, algned It, Incloaed It Willi a bill and mailed It, exiecllna; to receive the re ceipt hack, and Instead I have got the check, uud across It la atamped, 'No nccoutit In this bank." Of court I have nu ncoount there, but I'vo sign .k.i tina Liii-mL unit niv in n i no ii iin ma in ed the check with my innldeu nnmo in ....liile Imvo made nil kluds of trouble. ' a ftn. it nniunrllif rlillcillolia lu n.. ..w.m... w. h, -,-..... m - to ralao the fuuds necessary to add a set or chimes to bis parish church, waa one day both surprised and gratified by au elderly lady, who, though reputed to be very well off. had hitherto declined to contribute, offering to complete hli BUbscrlptlou list provided the now cblmcn would be sounded at a ipecWe hour each cveulng. This was agreed lo, and they were soon lu active opera lion. .Meeting her out one day, be re peated hU acknowledgments, laying: "I am so glad to hare been able to meet your views. It must pleaae you ety much to hear those grand old liyiuu tunes nt night." "Oh, yes," was the reply, "and It U i.xilly so very convenient! That stupid mnld of inlue brings me my medicine now quite regularly r'-London Tlt-Blta A Dllsinm.. Ue Ho your father tlioucrlil I wanted to marry you for your money. What did you nay? Hue I persuaded lilm that you didn't, find then be said If that win tlio cane you illilii't lioto any sense. Jewish lA'dger. Not th 8mt. Miss Woodhy-Ho Mr. Hninrt really aid la considered mo very willy, eh? Minn Knox Not exactly. Hi) unlit lie linil to IoukIi uvery llmu lie met you. t'lilladelplila I'retiit. Cuplti MltMi. I)n Cuplil, 'iplt lilt rmc, llai now lin brouglit t nlisine. ' Imva i'lcovcr:l inl'l hli kluxi till tiny rro oft iniika Mra. -Jimii Bchrtlber, Jr., In I'ltuburg I'oit. Building Not In 1923. In onlei In complete the four hun dred nml tenth atory of the Bltyndl cute ImlldltiK the coulroctori "III have to rnlau the ky thrca or four feet. Hnrir'a Weekly. How Ho Enjoyod It. ' BrlcKi How do you enjoy your wo- tor cycle? I Orljga-Klhi-I All I need Ii a coat of tar aud feather to feel like a bird. New Vork Life. Notice For Publication Depnitincnt of the Inleiior, I). S. Ijind (IIBient I.nkevlew, Ofegnn, June 1H, 1MW. Notice la liereliy Klven that llerlicrl J. KiivIiIki, nf Ft. Klamath, (Ireiion, ttlm, on Heptemhcr W, 1!02, maile homealeail, No. L'773, for H'ii f-'ection SfJ.TimnsliIpSL'S., Kange 7,'ijE., Will. Meridian, haa Died notice nl in Claimant nanifi aawllnrirea: Christ Wei", Kdd l-ever, Charlie Martin and Jamea Kinerv, all of Kt. Klainatli, Ore Kn. nt.'J J. N. Watmi.V. Ilenlfter. Merrill Valley the heart of Klamath. Notice For Publication Ilrparttnent of Iho Interior, I'. S. IjiihI OIUcc at Ikelew, OriKon, June S() l!H. Notice la hereby Klven that Aa Kordyrc, n( Ft. Klamath, Orciion, wlio, mi Augmt 1, 1101, made liome lead entry. X WJ3, for It 11,11! and 13,rVclloni,Toinltb3.1H., l!ant!o ".', i: Will. Meridian, haa filed notice ol intention to make Final live year I'roof, to ettahllah claim In the land above de actlhed, before Comity Clerk, Klamath County, at lilt oflk-e, at Klamath Fall, Oregon, on the latdayol Augiitt, 1003. , Claimant name aa witneatea: Jatnea (Jordan, K. M. U-ver, II. J. 8aidLe Innd Chat. Mattln. all of F't. Klainatli, ' ft-'il I J, N. Watkov, Kegiatcr. Petition for Liquor License to thf: iio.norablk county, coukt of the state of ouegon foh klamath county. We the tinderalgucd, retldenli and legal voters ol the precinct of Wood llhcr, in the County of Klamath, Stale. 0 onjgon, all( actual residents therein .. mnM fltan llilrll .laa Initnpillulnlv '. ... XVX'S Vf our honorable .y ,'o Sr.nt and li.ue to Jamet H. Wheeler, a ml- uura m mm uai...... ...... .. .... tin the precinct aloretaid for a perlal ol j ilx montln, from the 3rd, day ol July, 100:1. Knilrn la lierehv elven hv the under niincd, that this petition will be pro rented to the County Court aforesaid at tlio court room in tho city of Kla math Falls, Oregon, on the 1st, day of July. A. D. 1003, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. tn. of said day or as soon thereafter as said petition can bo heard. Dated this 10th da) ol May, 100S. James II. Wheeler. NAMES C. E. Hoyt Hoy It. Wiso N. J. Johnson David Ramley 8. It. Gardner J. K. Voie (1. F. Vose F. X. Compter Paul I'irsons Frank Dompier J. II, Smart M. 1'. Morgan W. M.Thomaann liula Brannan I.. 0. Prake K. A. Moon Q, T.Gray Walter Dixon C.Gray M. II. Ilesa G.O.HIII G. S. Hoyt W, J, Jamison NAMES J. M.Emery II. 11, l-ooalcy 0. II. Hunch Asa Propo f ltalph II. Langslon I.. W. Copeland Ira Eagle Wesley Cole P, C. Courtney Wm.M.Skeen II. J. Pavrldge P. K. Noah W. II. Norton A. 1. Mell.aso J. A. Glhinn Clark Win, Denton I'. M. Penton DeiBlnn I., C. iSiimntu J. II. HesslK K. J. Oden Jos. Hesalg nube White Frank Silvers P. Ryana It. M. Jamlesnn J. I. Vose John Gray Notice While the lime 1 have on hand lasts It will be sold on demand, after It ta gone It a.111 be necessary to have 30 days no tlce to permit of my burning another kiln. 'II you want lime this Bummer get it now. 0. D. WilUon. -Hot Weather Eatables- The warm days make the house wife look for eatables that are especially suited to the sea son of the year. Seasons demand a change In Groceries as well as other things. We have the articles that will keep you well .... WSST!1?"" VAN RIPER BROS. FURNITURE Our goods are new and attractive. ALSO THE PRICES . W. GILLETT & CO. Bert E. Withbow, Vice Prealdent Abstracting Mapa, nana. Bine rrints. Etc. Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation, Engineers Do.w J. Zumwalt. C. E. I'reaident C. . M. I Klamath Falls. Oregon East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry Fresh and Cured Meata and Sausages of all kinds. Wc handle our meata In tho most modem way in clean liness and surroundings. Try us and we will be most happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain .Buys nt present prices, and there is every reason to.anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. The Gem Restaurant and Lodging House Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par ties. The largest and best arranged eating house In the city. Open day and night. WOOD WOOD Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 481 or K K K Store, Phone 174 J L FIELDER Wood Yard and Office j. ii. riEtidULta. Near CIty Hill Phone 84 2500 Acres Free The Lakeside company has 2W0 acres nf laud under the Adams, ditch that It wI.TbIvo ItKNT FKEK for one year. This includes the 110 of the land and water. The renter must clear and place ihe land In cnlltvatton. The rent er gets all the crops but we resorve the right to pasture the stubble, The Lakeside Company, J. Frank Adams, Manager, Merrill Oregon .; ALUi: '.'I.OAN, Secn-tary M. D.WlLUAafS, C. E. Treasurer Office on Fifth Street CENTRAL CAFE Open Day aad Night Private Dining Parlor Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON Prop. The Stilts Dry Good Co, has received several shipments of Eastern dress goods. Call and Inspect the new line. flf im h. :