Newspaper Page Text
V 31 m w-lJ m MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADYs SO PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KIAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. EA " "" " " w - uaMiiMWfWWWIIPMrwwwMnMMiHaM :iL' -7-SW- -w'.i' ;7 . , .tll m, , , . .1 ...... ...Ml.. Il Incorporated November 20, iqqq THE EVENING HERALD luncil Dully, Kxwpt Sunday, by the HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor Classified Advertisements j SUMMONS ni'iili Court of llic SUBSCRIPTION KATKS Daily, by mall, one year , I AW Dally, by mall, six monllii 2 M Dally, by mail, lliree months I W Dally, by mail, one month w l).tlty, delivered by carrier, one week 1" KLAMATH FALLS. -THURSDAY EVENING. JULY 2. HKIS SIRES AND SONS. 'I tie luiHrlal unticlloii of tin- mar rlas of I'rttu-f Takedu of Japan with l'rlucesa 'ramie, the emperor's ildtit daughter, was recently nutiomieed Princes lleiiry f H ttt-ii-r; dc- ItXht III ivIUUnu UkS Sill' KWMSIH u hookcae full ir M'tloiH trorl.4 ami devotional liut'tl), In v tiKli h.r fa (aao Stephenson, fulled Slatea sea ilor from Wlseouslu. worth $10,000,000. 11 felf wade. I'realdent ltooaetelt recently tecelrtal a luaiiullkeut Turkl.h riif. Ibe sift r lli Kiiltun of 1'iirLr. Ham IVrry of Maiwell. Okl.t.. aged I " l"K- " "'""' , Ml. part Choctaw Indian, tin 157 Diubess Philip or Wiirtli-mlwiB N Kntmtchlldrvti. Ill youngest tlill.l lia i "'' bo tlio mot ixipuhir of nil the recently married i r0)"' ladles or tleriniiii). mid tiitiiti of William' Jackson, the K-neral , her K.iiUtll U due to her Inlc.vit inaiiaHvr of tin North llrlllli inllway, lu lhv h" ,""r lia a uul.ue record. He baa walked ' " the entire leiiKth of tbe North llrllhdi I Medical MnttCrS. railway. What other ireueral mamia-er - i.f a .item li'W mile In Icuiftli ran A Uuiilou phyalitan has rwently o- Inlm to lune walked over the whole erated with the knife f..r toiiMiiiip- f t; I ll.m. ah oenini; win maiie in die pu HEAL KSTATK I'UK SALE roll SAI.i:-1IO ,i"n llnnrli IjxmIiiI II mile emt ol Kliumith Pallri n biil!- In lliel noiilt Court r llu Naif i OnV"ti. Im llii'lounl) ol Mnniiiin, llctilut It. I'onnei, I'lulnlill f Daniel II ( miner, Defeiitliiiil J To IMnlil It. IVmier tlifiiboiimnie. aln lor mini' l"iinceel(i'r, ll iillcular ,,,.nliiiili You me lieielix rniilml Inquire at ll'liolllre. (Ml F0K SALE Kor .suio or Traile. llraMenci' ami bnslne )rofrly In the Ivit town In Wllhinielli' nlley. Inquire l tbe ItootonSlote. One m!io!o bneine blmk in Klaiunth Kit 1 1 : (or rule (or foitrceiit on tbe ilnl l,ii of vh il It Miit itoitb llility lii) ,i,;o. ('. I. WIIImiii. ("Ol! SAI.i: One onv ilillint: lemn, well lnoko lo rmlille .Hill liirmr'. (,'enlle. emvl iMU'lein ANo hllnr UUil bilcul tvniili'li iblie lki ' in i'jII ill llil i. Ilice. for Sale Htiguy nnl "iniile b.ui"' Kniiilieot Mik li.W. M:il"ii. i'rvKlilent ItooKinelt. It I aal.l. U get' tin); reaily for hl trip anuiinl the worlil. 1 n recent mller at the White Iloiie he aalit he traa ilannlui; to p In Neil Xealainl nlthln the next two .leatN ami that In the courne of a norlil tour he Inleinlfil glihiK rouuld rrahle time to the orient, Iti'iir Ailmlrnl Charles S. Slurry. Mliw ro'iiiivtlnii with the American tlret It likely to ! a notable one. It u tlelit'a back nutl the iIImmm-.! part of the luiitf remoxtsl. I'jiH.jaiiane aerum, the ill.-oery of I'rofeor lUiimerlch of Miliilih. I rUliniil lo completely ileitmy illph tlierl.1 bacilli, een III the Mia-real cae, when aprayisl Into the pitlent' throat. In the cac of eplleptlo flu plaro n folJeil hnnilkerchlvf UlMceii the teeth to preielit the toiiKtie from helm; hit natheof Unwkliiiaiid wa. Krai!uatcJ I ,c- , ,M"C,? n ',llUm' m",,',r "" ,,,'"', from the Naal acailemy In 18L He became a tear admiral In lfOil ami ha Jiet'H invaMent of the Naial War col lege ami a lut-inhcr of the general board. ' Charles II. Scbermerhorn, the oldest telegrapher In point of service In New Jersey, celebrated bis serenty-tlflb birthday anniversary recently, lie bat worked as a teletrrapber sixty yean without belni: off duty a ultimo day. He U hale and happy and declare tbat he Intends to keep at work for m quar ter of a century more. mid keep the patient on the floor, m she will fall out of n chair or the 10 Town Topics. The Writers. Krant T. llulleu. who was a tailor Ions: before be became a writer, aays that most hook about the sea are full of blunder)'. Mrs. Humphry Ward, the nortllat. has become the special oienilou of the suffraseltt both In Kuxland and America for her outokcu opinions on tbe icied question. Zola'a sense of smell was abnormal. Sitting In bis workroom, the uorelltt could tcil what was belnc coAiil In tbe kitchen below what kind of meat, dab or vegetables-and name them all Bernard calls him a "sympboulit of odors." Marie Corelll continues to write and apeak against "votes for women" lu England, while Beatrice llarraden Is busy traveling from place to place fc'tv Ing readings from "Ships Tbat I'asa lu tbe Night" and her otter books to ralsa money to help tbe suffrage cause. The city couucll of Milton. Waih has passed on ordinance taxlni: lurh elort t'i n year. In the flint directory of Now lork city. Issued lu I ML only firty-lx IrMi names npivansl. iblrty-four tJermnn twenty-one Trench, fourteen Jew lib lu ITlK) the noiiulatloti of It.illlmon i was only 13.50.1. It was fifty years, o; In 1SR, lieforv Baltimore had cllmV'o up Info the l().lJ iluoH. .She could Unit count half u mllllnu lu lliuO. unO today tbe reconH UIc1ok a population of OSrt.iin, MISCKLLANKOUS I'Altl ITS iii'blui; neit liH'aliixi In t .)ll bmlliii'SC.ili obi nil leliibleilllor- milion In t ttilitt in I'.illinv: on ii I'm Mii-lbui ivii I'd. 1 1 lie I.'ihiiii- i.'Jil '.;' CoiUll'., P.iilltn.l, Oicifim .,..,1 (i.ninr Iho ililillilillnt ll'co aualiKl ion In Hie alu fiillllfl "ill j ,, oi I- ton. the !M day ol -' lHH. '"," I Inn the but ibi ol Ibf lime l H"' onler j ol the pulilli-atloii ol lhl summon", Hie, llrtt pitblkalloii tbeieol Iwlnn on Ibf II ,,ii ul June ll.w and II ou (all " to uppeir and aner, for nam llierool llm , plalntltr will apl'lv I" I " r,,l,, ,,,r "" lellel I'lajet' mr i ei'i"M i In In ll: I'm n ibtree ill""olliit lb'! .ili,l ol mnllimony exUllliK Iflween iihilnllff and ilefenilaiitj lor the i'i' aiiditiilixl) i Loifiii' J t'onlier ami llii't-oi'l" iitnl ilM iimeiiieiilol mi" on:1 nml lor "licit t.lht'i and lilltbrr lellel n 'lu Ihi'iiiiiilmax ii'iiiiiiUiidnmlibti' llil hiiiiiiii'ih I" "ciittl b) piibll" ...llloiillifliol In the r.vrnliK llel lid b)' niili-rol Ibe llouoiable J. II. Oilllltli I I'.iinitt Jil.lKf ol Klamatli IVilliU, Of" ( Kim, maile. (Intel ami Med in ttiU "till ut Kl.imalii K.ill. Oiteon, on the II ol , I line lUlt. Whit li "ll oi'br It i iiiliiil "iitiiiuoii" In llil" "till I" publish! ilourc i iti-ek, lor u ilil id l unv. Mile lllld iMIIlitlllilc weeks' (loin lb" II ol June. Iw i WhiiIiiI I'liiln or lilici entile In the day. Alice I.. Welre, I jleldi Inn. yil II W. Kimm. Allomey lur I'l.iliillll LOST AND FOUND Lost A pair of pcclai'h-" pIciM' leaie ranie nt IbU ollire, turn to'l ho. Mai tin. The V'lotlolH I'oiulli l near, your fireiioik an. I itifoiatlnns at ."'lur Oriii; More. Punier l,r II.- Natinl forol. KSTK tK I.IM.1 IS Noll.-e I. Iicrrl.r glirn iIimI Iti .mi.( .lcrrllM-i let. iw, rtnlirrini lUl.rrr., MlltilntL(a'rn 1 Uoii4l M.r (Irrcull. Hill I (ltJm l.i llllnrnl n I try uit.lrr llic pr.tTUI.iii. ,.i Hk l.otnr.i. law. .11 ll i 11. r.1 r.nir. an., mr , . ... ,, ,, . , ... ., ,. ., I1M..11 -.. in Ki.t.Jui .iihet'niiclcuiei iVon; A Klamalli I all MIIICI! I'OM I'OIII.ICAliON IVUltllieiit ol Iho lutellor, P. K t.111'1 Ollhe, at I ikelli'K, tlltai'ill. June '., IIHIS. Not lie I' hereby KDeli Ihil Wllllnin I'. ."cllli Iner, ol Klamiltll Psll", Oit'if.iii. who, on Aunu't PI. It'll'.1, made lintui'ftiail entiy, So. "'I", for '.'i -PI,. .".. lion I. I'.' NP'i f.llon in, ftt'i, S", Set lion l, Tonifhlp .17 s, limn;.' (I P WllUmi-lle Meridian. In lllitl noli. rol iulelltioll to innke Plnnl PlVe lear l'iil, lo rtlarill.h ilmio to the land itl.ile ilffrrdwl, Uf.'le Coillll) CleiL Klimalli I'oiiui), at IU olll.-" at KUiua'li I all", Ori'ttoii, on Ibe 3nl da) nl Aiii-ii-I llais, Clilinnnl iimne a hIIii(-( M. .laitiifoii, ol KUioalh Pull. Hie K'jii, llenl'arli.le, ol KUtualli Pall'. Hi - Sporting Notes. Pittsburg Is planning to couduct the American bowling congress) turuey In Duquesne Garden next March. A sister to Sonoma Girl, 2M't. named Lottie Lynwood, U entered In the Ken tucky Futurity for foala o,f lfju7. nana have been completed lu Iwell, Masa, for 200 mile automobile rucu July 4 over a ten mile circular course. Tbe race will be for a trophy cup given by Butler Ames. Dan Broutbera, who knows some thing of tbe game, aaya tbat, next to Kllng and Breanabnn, Tad Jones of Yale It tbe greatest baseball catcher lu tbe world. Wllgoose, the great Cornell distance runner who was dropped tbe past win ter on account of coudltlona, may en ter tbe University of Pennsylvania next fall to take a coarse In engineer ing. The Royal Box. It Is said King Leopold of Belgium hardly bas a true friend In bis king dom now. Ho Kept His Job. Pallroa.lH frequently nrihi- eon sclenie money. On one of the big mndt of the middle m-st n conductor who had been lu the employment of tbe company for yearn was lu the habit of "kuocklus doun" fures. Tin fare over his route was alwut :i. .Money tvas generally scarce hiiioiik the stu dents, and when they wlibed to go to Ibe larger city they were In the habit of taking a silver dollar, placing It un der a card of any kind and banding It to tbe aged conductor when be came to take up the tickets He used to slip the dollar Into the palm of bh hand, punch tbe card, and the studentH saved 12 u trip, (he conductor pocket lug the extra dollar. In October, 1!H, Iho officials of the road were astounded to get, together with his resignation, a full confession of bis cullt lu the form of n check for 2 1,000. tho sum be bad atolen In twenty yearn. Kver ouo thought tho road would protucnO the old man, but It didn't. The olllclals were so flabbergasted that Instead of discharging him they raised hi salary. -St. Louis Itepubllc. tlh.t'i. .In? wlttW who dciuijr n. ii (trwhl faiih rUlinlrif anjr ( al I un.U for "crl cultural rlnr to January I, I . and ba( not al.aD.lnnrl -amr, liat a I'lrferrtirr iltXtl lu tualr a ti.iiiir.tra I rtitrjr .r lliv lan.l. actlialli; 1.I. laii-li m llitol U mi llir ailaitmi( l ll.c Hrrnni tanu ,n.t oiuw ni.oi.aipa r, rlrlii lutjr. i to (be rlor iikiiI ol atir i. h (tllrr, urli artt ter or all Ik ant l. .piallrlril li. fnalr buinfdra.l riiirj ar.l ll.v i.l.rrnr nti.i I. iicirl(. rlnr lo Angm! nib NS. on whkb mil U- (uMwi to rilkmrnl and entr) by ant .piallnol rrvon. Thplati.I. ire a. follont Hie r bloi SI .(r.r.i-3j, Ibe 11 I.I ol .Nil qr.M. .'I. Ililr.l i.u lir.llnii if Je I'. lime, ft Klaualb llrr(nn Ibethf il Ml air. Ibe M t cl HU r)i ibe S M o. Sll ir cl !V.,r.eVr ti. un a.iiratioti ol nbrr man Kr.iuri, roll Klamalli nrr(nn lb an UntOiurv atlaietlew. Iir..n, on .lucu.l ! Oregon: II. Mlllkrv, ol Klamath Pall Oiegnn. M J N. WiTwix, l!rifiler. MiriCI! I OK I'tJBI.ICAIION m-pirliueii nl ilir Interior, I S Ijtud Olfiiv, l l.ikcileu. Oiron June .'i, !') Sollie ia heieli) 'nvn thai William Albert (He), nl Dirrn, I ahfoi nia, hIio, on April .', H"J.1, made tioun-. Ifad enliy No. '.-.17, fur W'u ,S'(v"4, m:4 xwi ni-i4 sw"4, sttuii is, r.iKli.hlp II S, llatitre 7 P, Wlllauirtle Mi-ridian, baa nonce of intenlioii lo male Pi lu I rile Year Proof, to i a lahlMi llilllll tolheland L.fore Cuiinl) CI. ik Klamnlli Couiili ir oi rr. nr. inenr r oi nn .ir pre a, ine r. in ., i i. A,n. fi... -.i t- n .. .t.MV.i? aH....ti..n of In. 1.1 I "' l'l Ice. K Imnatli la II..O.. von, on iHov.ii.lcrl Klainaib.Oresnn Hi Mftfntt " tin nay l IIIKU.I. I lalinanl ir cc:i,Til IU.L ll lltr u-un aii. nar.iea an nitne.rea: Pilie Moriran, til lunolliaui'io limn li '""'I' '"' Keiio, Orrifon, Itlchar.l Kearni. ol Dor- iniiiri.jrO, apprmrnately ec V. 1 tlS, KC , . ,. . . ,. , , , , ,, it.bfslnnlnsataiiiiAitbaiD.wuihol . il. California: P.Uar.l Itradj.M IMrrl", oriiri ol rVt il T a n, lt;i-Jt, W CallloriiU; Joilah II Utey, of IMrrl Rtpartc. He Tell me. dear, why are you like a table? She-Why? lie Because you're woo'd. She (Indlgunullyj-No: Ucause I'm board. Yale Hecord. ; Playing 8f. If asked la tell a woman's ng. My unatvrr I'd oal(iono Until I reached tb other end Of a long dlatance phone. Chicago News. balm, tb.iic aguib o cbalni, Ib.nre tl lo halm Ibence 8 mcbalm Ibesc K Mtbalm, .bence Nairt.aliiilolutolbelnniii(, upon allrallon of Itny K Wire, ft Klaioalb.tlrr ion (urvrle.l.llnM bl of W hf . hrt 4J. T H , KK, upon 1 1 1'hratlxu of J L ro.ile.llmlan'1, 1 Orcjoii, allesln aeiileneni ll; ibe HIV ir ol iV ir nl ttr lu, T ti 8, It 10 t., un appllra . Ion ..I J I. llbari, llocand, Orrsnn.tlienll ir ol SK r. ILe W hi uf HK or. ihc 13, lb Ml ir ol .S'K ir, Utt li. T fl it, II 10 K, Uu a..ll latlunnl Juliu klder. I'llnetltle, (lrr(n; lb K hf uf UK ir ol HE ir, See S, the K bl u( NK r, Action S.T2I 1, It 10 )'. uw.n ai.t.llcailnn ol Uen. Nolan, llo.lan.l, Oreson, . HIKH im.NNl.Tr, C'oiniuli.loner of tbi-Cien.ral Mnd IMUre AoproTcl May &, n IIIANK I'll.lX'K, Hnt Aa.UiantlVrretarriifllie Inirrlnr i im :;, m. ii-.i, li., uu, vm r. ii liH J N. Wataoi, Ileiiltlrr, Notice Noilce For Publication Still at It. Church I see that auctioneer liar, an automobile. Gotbam-Olveu up the auclloneerlng busluesi? ' "Ob, no; he's still knocking down things " Yonkers Statc-smtui. Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED We are in recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting in al! widths. We stand ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. St. Hum Depart m( lit nl tint Interior, I', K. Pan I Oiluv, Lnkevlun Oregon, Mnj IB, I!I1, Notiii. ia hi-n-hy "lieu Unit Alia tlarrliion, i.f "Muuialli Pnlla, Ori-gon, ho, no JI iv. R, 10)7, inadi' limber ami Hone application, No, KM.,, for Nil'.,' XW'f, r-Vctlnn '."(, T.iiinlle .'17 S Itaugoll i: Will. Mtrldlaii, lnm llli'.l notice of Intention Id iniiku Pinal I'rtKif, liiatahlih tin. in to tint land hIxjw ile-"t-rihcl, Coiiuly Cloik Klnniatli Co,, nr'lila oliice nt Klamalli Pulls, Ore,, un Iho I Ith day of Ati!iit, IliOM, Claimant iinnicn as iiltni-Kres; Joliu (!, Scliult.M k, of Klamath Kalhi, Oregon, T. .1. Hliil.-n.iil Klamath Kails, Oregon, Albio Jamison, n( Klamalli riille (Ire. xoii, Win. Cailinle, of Klamalli PhIIj, Oregon. .1. N. W.uso.v lleulilei. r, IB All nccnuiilt due mo mutt be fettled by noleor rash nilhlri thirty days or they will liepiiblUhed and "old at pub lic auction to lb.' Mlie. I bidder. 0. D. Wiilaon, Dissolution of Partnership Notice la hereby glien that lint part. ncrlilp heretofore exlatlug between Seeliorn and Kates, at proprietor" ol the American Hotel, It flat ilty ilitwilvi-d, ' W. V.. Keehoru auniliu! all ilebta and collecliiii; iircouiila dm. n, (Irui. W. P. Siriioiis .1 line tSI. I'sw. M. A. Karra. B, rHMUTIKM nr TIIKIS'TlltlOlt,i,ssrtsi ., I-' uxn orrnr, llaiblimioi., i, i a) t u iwm. .S'utus i.r..niiv i.r i-tiiiii-ui.a ,.. r, iilooi a.., ,aiaT Mnlli l( Itertbr Kltrii ibe Hri rr'arr of il.e Im, rlnr ha, a. alnlilrparinienialoiifrr ol tnil..awal In ao far ai ibe tame affrcu lb for Irrl Hatpin .lll.o,ri iih.l.r Iheallol June ;, p... I.TJOIal., il (or n. In eol.tii rtii.ll ullh f,e klainaih I'mj.ei.nreiriiii i.i ib. rollowlincie ;rlW. laii.ti In u,e rial. I n (on, ami bi Ida aiithailty mhIi ..(..,. I inn, ., i,are ni'i U.n (reliit'i finally ami are not .-""-,' ""''"i'. inriiiii nr aiii.ri,iri "'.'. ,.".. ,u"J,rl I" ellleinenl llli.lrr Ibe M.bllc lan.l lawa ol Ibe llnlle.1 Hlalea on ami alierJiilr.- IK. , but .hall not he .nl,., 1 1 ,'!'!flr(ll1"rellli.ii niilll aiik.i.i ji, I , al Ibe tin l.l Hlalea I an, I loin. .7 i.t-l!."' Drigiin, wariiliis llns e.rely Hvm Dial no trv,n it III he ri.illle. i.i k.iii or er.e .:,,J taaita.irr iiilIi r any Mlllemenl or wini.ailon uiiii slier May May I, pan, m prior o Julyt". ima all (,' .element ,',, ! nV.'n'i"?, a",', J'.'."'1.'1:1"" wlllan.lie Merl dlan.l II 8., 11,1,1:., M-. .., hi. .if an. I Nil or St) or.HiV qr Ml -,r.N 1,t Ml ,,', ".t n" i " fi , , Utr-p liKNNrlll """' i RAsJcTfi"!?"' ''' "" '"""'" '", """ lril.tiii(iiniB((rclaryol ibe lihenor Heavy Frelghtlim a Specialty. Baggatfe Orders Are Given Prompt Attention 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company J Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving Office 871 PHONES fern 671 Koildcnct 04.1 KENYON & GRIMES, PROPRIETORS Statement of Condition . .01 the Klamath County Bank Klnmath Folia, Orcijoii DECEMBER 31, 1007 RESOURCES Ijmuih nml DIucoutitH 53'10,G30.UO llonilraiulStH;iirllli)ii OM.BZc'.fi.l Honl KHtuto, HulldiiiKii mul Mxturvd ... Cash and Sluht Kxt'lianno 14.74A.IQ J00.247.flD $S05,040.r. LIABILITIKS Cuplliil .Slin'k, fully .al.l Surplim nml l'rolll Din OiIht Hanlitt )ims1h f 1 00,000.00 2I.7C3.II 32,000.1)4 4:11.205.4a $505,040.51 I, Alof Martin, Jr., Cashier i.f tin ,!.,, ,nu,i bntik, do Mileinnly swear thnl the nl. i. , (r III. lit Is true lot ho beat of my know!. -de. uli.. ..( AI.KX MAIITIM Jit ta i... MiiiM'iiiM-u aim smomi to iicfoi, in. n , of Jaminri, I'.nil Seilf ' II Wlllll, Nolnry Piibh. f. r i. . OFF1CEKS ' ALEX MARTIN E. R. REAMES ALEX MARTIN, JK. LESLIE ROGERS rrciililcnl Vice-President Cuslilcr Ass't Cuslilcr Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin The Eldred Company F. G. ELDRED. Manager Bonanza, Oregon Saddle!, Harness and Supplies We make a specialty of first-class, guaranteed, hand-made Saddles and .Simps. Our Saddles have an established reputation. Orders From Everywhere Solicited Ready for Inspection Our line of Carpets. Matting, Tapestry, Linoleum. Art Squares. Table, Lounge and Stand Covers, is ready for inspec tion. Somethlng'entirely new Also Silk Floss and Feltolene Mattresses Brass and Iron Beds-Adjustable pen cil woven wire Springs, the only thing for hot weather. Polihed Oak Dining Sets and all oak Rockers. W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. George Bishop Phone-Store. Gl Residence. lfcTi CHAS. K. WOltllKN I'ri'nldi'lit A. M. WOWIKN Cashier I IIKI) MEUIASK Vlje-PrT'eient The American Bank and Trust Go. - - i i .i i . ... . ';&' Csi cd sgb 'ii '; i MM 3 CAPITAL, $100,000.00 cor. Slkanfl Main Sired A. u z