T - ' -f"" "
IPWTK aaiwwn r
mmihWiLum .
U you nccil anything In thli
joa color car.h ind quott
Jnw ( W tultyou, t
.con anii U
Geo. T. Baldwin,
Ktiiniulh Kails, Oregon
Snrinri Creek
P ar aapajajm r
T)i -t ir.ti Itoliintt In tr-on.
i'lrrllflil arrMiitiiillll "'
Willi-'. , ,
i aim"" - ,
hiffltl mhliiit itriiiliida nii'l
Uxt l"( ""' ,
hll M'l'l'" ""va.
frlrpli'iiiiTinin'Cllim. i
Arroiiiniolalliiiia to kh In (.rater
Utr. . ... ,.
Will in"'! iull' nt KUumtli
Klamath Agency, Ore.
Zim's Plumbing
Contrflctlnjt and Jobbing
hutch. Line of I'lumli
ing S-tlnltir and rtrnt
rliM WiirVnunthlp.
A. 0. U. W. Building
KUnuth TM
Jackson Hotel
Fort Klamath, Ore.
Clean rooms, good beds,
ind the table always sup
plied with the best the
arket a Hords-Tcrms rea
sonable. C. C.Jackson, Prop.
AU Repair Work Done fromptly
and at Kcduccd Frkei
Mi-n'a Half Hiilea, 7'ic; Kolea
S..I.-. i.k.: .-(... Ac; Child
rru Hall Hole. ,. "at eentt... . .
r'!iili-il ultli nil modern
loop on Main St. J.V.HoustO) blk
Professional Cards
lOfflrc over Klnmnth County Bank
If-ii l!4nL A Tinal Co.' Itulhlll
Attorney nt Law
Pice in,.r .ntoIU'a. Klamntli Fullat,
l tHOM- 9
Attorney at Law
Klamath Falle', Oregon
Humor and Philosophy
Ulica tin ii lliii. h Jrali-ia ruiiifl
A iririol rliuuKInt ili.iu.i
About llio inuii hi li-ml n l,.F.,l
'lo lln.l mil ,i,w in farm,
llllt Imw II;. (nllrKn Hiniliialn
tinea furlll III ilinw II,,,,! ,nw
Tu mil iii null 1,11.1 aee.il. ,n, ,,
Alul itiunu the row
Tim hinn who round nut how In fariil
lly wolklliK ill hla llmln
IW .luck up wild llm rurmrra who
Hy (iilUKra in iiiinle
ll may i.iihIiii h. (ntKn n rru;
Hill, thru, Im ihieatl't kh'iW
What (hemlrala hy unimo mlte.l
Imlured Ilia icrnlii In aiow
II l.ri'l Nil In Mil-hint ,ny
Or wri-aillMK wlih the ,.iw
Thai Inakea n man auicrnl or full
In fainniiK t.nlurea now
In knowliiK how iu thwart the hut
that Inula Ukhi Ma ciop
II lny U lunfliiat half Ilia lima
Ami .Mil come out mi top
Tea, ..Line, with it hlrnIlK hnn.t,
llaa ill, Into the cum.
Tu aliow tho molem lullnria l,.iw
They l-et Ilia ..ll may mm-.
Ami how lha nlilrat ami mine, home
r'rom ihll. (a I'llm.J la .how
lilt falher huw tu tun lha .l...
Tha way that II ahuul I to
"Haw J on trli-il tba neir ti-.tnu-
I "V a "
I "How la ItV
"Well, It ttnuld h nil rich! If
i-Kira ere na freali na Ha tvnltiraai-a
Adtquala Punlthmant.
"Viiii lien hi how he linpo.ed oil
"Well, he mill In l- a milter, nml, (
lint Irikt learned knI innniient at that
prnfeaaloii, he pnnnil hlmii-lf off na h
"I auppv aoelety uua furluiM hi-n
II fiiuiul him nut "
It una wild"
"Wna nu tliluc ever doiio Iu puulali
hi III for 117"
"Yea; hu wna eiM-lleil from the wait
ra' union "
Abacnt Tr.atm.nt. i
I'r.a.rva in. fioiu llm ran-lkl mri
Whu I'll, ma to my far
Willi rrankn... raw nadir what
Ha Ihlnka about my ra.
If ha mud wmry n'rr inr alna
.Ami of my faulla kei track.
I'd inuili pirftr to hat a him lj
III. worat thlml my hack.
What Did Ha M.anf i
"Ymi ny J oil nre compelled to rdntf ,
by jour parental"
"Ve." I
"Vnu alinuldu'l."
"WbfV' ;
"llecuiliu J oil ham no olcu In the
Utttaia Alent.
"Are you koIdb to end the auminer
t the aeaabore)"
"No; I fear I wouldn't i njoy myflf."
"Why notr
"Well. I timvu't anylbliik to .-
but tln tumiuer."
"What la a tpeiullhrifir
"A commercial limtltutlon,"
'A whatr
"A clearing bouao for the aecurltlea
and fund of the family."
A tlendy Job nml n strict Ihhi mny
tm one nnv of nltiB the ynulli of our
' country that nald ymitli may t ap
preciate until It uoiiuiea na jein.
Tbo coinertalloii inelhrnl nt "P
iininchln. tho mntrluionhil iiueallon
mny bo Intellectual, but It doot uot
commend llnelf to llio nverngo Klrl
nearly o atrongly na tho theater nun
Hometlmea It It really ill'iipMluHui!
nml ilepreiuilUK when people Jt mit-
iirnlly fH ve down to '' 'h'"1"
level we bno mapped out for them.
' L i
Tbo lew aoiiw
peopln think of
na tho more uu-
holy gleo we
f,el. '
Many n mail
who cnn'l talk
much miikea u '
big bit nt keop-
lug atlll.
Tbo tUll-t for Lnowledgo that uwat (
bolt feel It not inc ori mni .- .
r of tho public school leepi on Up-
WlnUr canuot always bo with ua.
but In tome portion of the globe ho
eVui. to bo trying to sec how close ho
can come to It und still bo safe.
Strlvo uot to be prejudiced, but It
you cau't help It don't Id It Interfere
with your aide.
Many n man make, a bluff, wullo
mauy another U made hy a biurr.
Occasionally n "" WMb'd "P
thea-ore of matrimony by a woman a
Uar .
UiJn't MaUh.
! i-l(MrAi'
Ml iW1 1 1' C-i'7
Humor ; Philosophy
II Ii nil ery Mi'll fur you to risk llm I
mother iwiLu iiml mil t.ti curly, hut
whoiloyou itiiit in mil mother?
Mont "Merry Widow" hula owo
oil i
their Jntmllm-H In Ihv u Mowed irvHNvit
under them.
,' n ncquolnt' I
mice wltli Mil
i nllectors m i y
not aeem denim
lile; allll, ir Inev
Itnlile, It la wlao
to make tlium i
think j oil art
Komi felloir.
A alnteaiiinii of the Btri-linoni nud ,
Id milk tJK- nu Iri-ltiK rellreil wouhl
liinLe nu Idenl liiiTrlmll run.
A uiimiiii uiiii eiipulile of iiiurry
i line n uiuu uuulit In he enpnhle of mak i
liiK hi in aiippmt her, and alio generally
fully n luiMirluiit u LiiovsIuk ulio
t In know Ii kim-Aliii; ulio lint tn know. ;
A pltlliilHT lieer aeeuia to pliimli
Mry rnpldly, hut mimehnw hU hill noun
k'l'M piiimii run i.r iiniima.
Our llllli. eieentilcltli-a ure bornu pa
th nil) hy our frlemla und ridiculed by
our em-iiilei, )hlle He nre entirely uu
uwnni or their exIateiKe,
A mnii who enu't find nu excuae tn
K" u ll.lilnu tin-in il.ijn liaan't eiioiiKh
I iirlKliiullly to atnnd o(T the naicnaor.
It i.l..ea ...,i-". ir i .Mni..tf
ttiuu mill liniiiel) women all come to
Cether In n hllucli.
Tha Ollftranea.
Whin uii man n i-rrily alrl
l.tfa arrtn.. oh, o auniiy,
Al.il you inka her ull arouml.
Throw Iik out your inon.y.
Whru aim eiKilly lurna )ou down
Ufa ari-ma oh. ao ahaily.
Tor you nrvrr Ihoudil aha wn
Thul kln.l of ii lajy.
Willi a amlla that mrlla tha hrllt
Ami n innnntr wlnnlna.
Rha apnra uM,n lha acrna.
That I lha lira-Inning-, ,
Aa nu rulluw htr arotnnl f
All imr larra illmlnlah.
Ilul Ihi-y ruw ei-aln when ah
llutiil. )uii tluwii your flnlah.
Ijve at flrit alsht, you ara aura,
I'lla il,a ayiuptoma Ihrllllnr,
(Jultp ilrarrlora your cup of joy.
That I. iii..r than .iillllns.
Hut nu firl aa II ouKh you'. I toat
Home ami fiirii la uinl mother
U'l'ii aha ) that you can ha
Ju.t her ll l-.l,rilhrr
ltar I. all rlaht when It lak.a
Ami whi-ti llli aia Milling.
Hut when aha aaya "Nil" It mora
Painful la than killing-.
Whrn thliisa .monthly run alon.
Il'a Ilka milk anJ honey.
Hut nn Interruption la
Wuraa than lonlng money.
1 1
i ir 10M DIDH'I HANI
AN vint Oia'fpjrN
Homcn fond of Joket, 1 woo-
"They inuat be."
"Jut look nt tho tort of man tome
of Ihem marry."
HO miaiaa.aaiaina.ai.. w,..vw.
"Murrlagea ro mndo III heaven, you
.. .,..,.- .a .u. aa.l. AaBj.-
but not for homo comuinp-
"Why, wbiitdoyou luentiT"
"Thev nro Hblnncd to thla planet, aud
sometimes the palm get nucoupled Iu
t(10 tramfer."
Cam. Down For Ch.nge.
"VOII know aoiue it.-viiw viuiuj w -.
Ueacended from uionkeya."
-Vea." '
"Well, the latent l wo detcendeil
from treea."
"That It nothing. I'robably we und
ascended them Ortt looklug for cocoa-
Raaton He Atktd.
"Uo naked uio to go out and have a
drink with him."
"Did you goi"
"No; I told uliu I wutu't Urluklug
auythlug now." .,,.
"Vesj I had just told him that before
ho aiked you."
Not For Him,
Rich Young Man-Waul a Job?
Poor lloy-Wnat It It like
It. V. M.-Oo along with me aud take
ill tho advice tbut my friends want to
giro me.
p, B.-Chnsw yourself.
"Ho It a downright good fellow."
"How enri that beV
"I've always thought him nu upright
mini." .
Hut cim a doctor help hlml"
"Oh yetl Ho can hold out hope to
him as long a his money hoMU'ont"
1 ('' iKlfJJ fj
l 1 'Wi- A
X I s'iV'v''1
1 V Y I (ill
I (1C LU
I der."
What Thty bid to Him, '"
"Why IM Napoleon lintu llio Eng.
Hull?" once naked nu Instructor In III.
tory Iu a public ichool of Clnclntintl,
to which (pjcjtloii no Immediate reply ,
nua iiuciru u nu iuiii,
"I'M sure somebody knows," snld .
tliu teacher hopefully, scanning llm
faces before In-r.
"I think I klu tell, mum," dually
ventured n flirty faced Ind Iu Hie renr
of Dim room. "Ho tinted Hid CiiKllali
hecnuav the y uindu liliu IUu nu' illu nil
ny uimacir uu I ne roca or mi. iiciena.
Horpora weekly.
Bo Gallant.
"You know," mid the fulr patient,,
"when I met you nt the alioru Inst
summer It neu-r occurred to inn Hint'
you were u doctor of medicine,"
"Not" replied llm young phyalclnu
"And wlicu did yo i find It out;"
Not until papa cnlled you In to nt-,
tend mo."
"A 111 Hut then I became a dortol ;
of dlrlulty."-Catlioltc Standard and
Timet. j
Slrawbarry Shortcake. I
Dew of ilnwn on hllla or ilraain
ll.alrn ckk ami Iota or rrtaml
llrath of bloom rrom val.a of aw..l
Tail, tha flavor whlla you aati
1.9) cm of anow ami hara of I'ulJ
In Wtwr.n th.m, cruthail or rollail,
Ilcrrlra from tha tinea that run
To lha rtilJ.nlni; of tha tun!
UoJa, upon Olymuua' l.tUl.t,
Cro your I, ami. and tak a hit.
-Ilalllmora 2e-.
Notice For Publication
Hepnitliienl nl the luleilor, I'. S
lunl Olliient l.-ikeIeM, On-K'Hi, June
,1H, l!HW. Notice In hereby (jiven that
, llerliert J. HarMge, of Ft. Klamath,
OreKOii, io, nu r'rptcinber 2.1, lWi2,
iiiadn liiimeatead, No, "77.1, for SVj4,
Heel ion :V), Tow nshlp.T.' K Itange 7,'K
Will. MerMiau, liaa llled notice of In-
I tcnllon to make Final Ave year Proof, to
e.tnlilMi rlalm to llio land nlmve. de
'"''"'' M,,tv Cunty Clerk, Klamntli
Co., at Ida office, nt Klamath Fall", Ore
Knii, on the lat dny of AuKtut, l!K)8.
Claimant namra na wltneu'ea: Chrl.t
WeiM, IMd louver, Charlie Martin and
.lame. Kmerr, nil of I't. Klamntli, On
Kon. fl-'.K.'
J. N. WatmiN. Iteninler.
Notice For Publication
Depnrlment of llm Interior. U. S.
Iin.IOlIlre.it Ijkelcw, Orexon, June
'."fl I'.KII. Not Ire la hereby niven that
Ar-a Knril)ri of Ft. Klamath, (Irt'non,
who, on Auttuitl'l, HJI, made home-
alead entry, No 1!4:B, for Ita 11, 12 and
l3,h'ectlnii4,Townite33K, Itanxo "'i
II., Will. MerMinn, ha. filed nntlco of
intention to make. Final five year I'rnof,
I to ettabli.il claim to the land above, de-
'ccillied, before County Clerk, Klamntli
County, at lilt ollice, at Klamath hall,
'Oregon, on Hie lat day of Au.uit, 1903.
. Cliimant namet at nitneoea; Jauiei
Ifiordan, 11. M. Iver, II. 3. Havldire;
iandChai. Martin, all of Ft. Klumatli. i
, N. Wato, IteKl ler.
Petition for Liquor License
We Hie unilertl.iicd, rctldentt and
loicnl rntert of the precinct of Wood
HUer, in the County of Klamath, Stale
of Oregon, and actual re.ldrnta therein
for more than thirty di)t immediately
preceding the date of aignlnic and fllliiit
thit petition, do hereby respectfully
etlilon your honorable body to grant
and it.ue to Jamea II. Wheeler, a resi
dence of ald precinct, a liconae to tell
tplritou), vlnoua, fermenteil or malt llq
uort In leu quantitlet than one gallon,
In the precinct alorciaid for a period of
ilx tnonthi, from the 3rd, day of July,
I Notice it hereby given by the under
signed, that thit petition will bo pre.
tented to Hie County Uouit atoresai.i
. - .
at the court room In the city ol Ma
math Fallt. Oieson. on tho III. day of
July, A.D. 10OS, at the hour of 11)
o'clock a. in. of tnid day or at toon
thereafter aa .aid petition can bo heard.
Dated this IGlli day ol May, 1903.
Jamea II. Wheeler.
C. K. ll)t
Roy R. Wise
N. J. Johnson
David llamley
8. 11. Onrilner
J. K. Vofe
II. K. Vote
F. X. Dompler
rail) VlrsoiiB
Frank Dumpier
J. II. Hmart
M. 1. Morgan
W. M. Tliomnsnii
m Hrannau
I.. 0. Drake "
R. A. Moon
J. M. Kmery
II. II. Loosloy
O. II. Ilunrli
Asa Dropo
Ralph II. I-angtlon
I.. W. Cnpcland
Ira Kagln
Wesley Colo
D. 0. Courtney
Win. M.Kkeen
II. J.Fuvrldne
1). K. Noah
W. II. Norton
A. I.. Mediate
J. A. aihsou
Win. Deiilou
r. M, Donton
l.ee Denton
I.. CSlsmoio
.1. II. Hestii!
F. J. OJen
Jos. Iletsli:
Rubo White
Frank Silvers
D, Ityans
iG.T. Oray
Walter Dixon
M. il.Hee
0. 0. Hill
Q. S. Hoyl
W. J. Jamieon
R, M. Jamiesoii
J. I.. Voeo
John 0 1 ay
While the lime I have on hand lasts
will be aom on Menianu, auer u it Ko"i-
it will be necessary to have 30 days no.
ttce to permit of my burning another
kllll, II you WIU 1IIUV una uu-""'
gat It now,
C. D. Wlllsou.
-Hot Weather Eatables-
The warm days make the house wife look'for
eatables that are especially suited to the sea
son of the year. Seasons demand a change In
Groceries as well as other things. We have
the articles that will keep you well ....
Our goods are new and attractive.
llEHT E. WlTltltOW,
Vice President
Maps, Plant,
Klamath County Abstract Co.
Surveyors and Irrigation .Engineers
C. E.
Don J. Zumwalt. C. E.
East End Meat Market
CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors
Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry
Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausages of all kinds.
Wo hnndlo our meats In tho most! modem way in clean
liness and surroundings. Try us and we will be most
happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery.
are Advancing in Value
When blocks in Mills Addition were offered
at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves
tors bought; since that time values have
increased materially.
These Lots are Bargain Buys
nt present prices, and there is every reason
to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem
ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and
deep more than double the area of most
town lots offered to investors.
Land Salesmen.
The Gem
Restaurant and. Lodging House
Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par
ties. The largest and best arranged eating house
In the city. Open day and night.
Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities.
Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461
or K K K Store, Phone 174
JT VIF.T.T.F.R Wood Yard and Office
" rUiUUEtR Near CHy Hal,
Phone B4
2500 Acres Free
Tint UUslde company has 2500aciea
of laud under the Adams ditch that it
will give RENT FREE for one year.
This Includes tins uae of the land and
1 water. The renter must clear
! place tho land iu ctilltvation. The
rent -
it I, Ke(8 a) l)0 crol,a i,ut ttu tvWte
rght to pasture the stubble.
Tua Lakeside Company,
, j Fk MtBiger
Merrill Oregon
Al.Lt?. SI.OAK,
Sect .-tary
Blue Prints, Etc.
' M. E
Falls, Oregon
M. D.WlUJAM8, C. E.
Office on Fifth Street
Open Day
-HdNlkjhl '
Ifrivatc Diiji''
- .,'.v;yv