Newspaper Page Text
m w Jsld B" frs?: 6' "" ft sv 55 B New Goods Good News : They are beginning to Arrive : 1.000 late Cylinder H Records. THE NEWEST AND MOST IMPROVED TALKING G. HEITKEMPER, JR. (L.-Jv?"4v Win 3SKSS8f i ,v-l ,- SJVlM a J "US IBT staaw.-i' Lttf.TtTr'.Ut! aw a'i TRAVEL IN 7iV til rCii rrr-f i.1 I IV 111 mmmmMm i-'rSSlBiil'iffi From Klamath Falls to Dorris VIA STEAMER AND STAGE Going, Steamer Klamath leaves Klamath Falls 4 a.m. Returning " Passengers desiring sleeping berths can secure them on application at the office of Klamath Lake Navigation Company MAIN STREET NEAR BRIDGE FAMILY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. CITY BAKERY ICE CREAM PARORS MRS. R. M, SARTER, Proprietor PHONE 315 OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL HOUSTON HOTEL DINING ROOM OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11:30 to 2 DINNER, 6 to 8:30 Are prepared to serve banquets and dinner parties MEALS AT ALL HOURS I have added to my already su perb stock, new and late patterns in staples and novelties II and Disc Phonograph MACHINES -:- WHY SUFFER FROM -:- Kidney 1 Bladder Troubles When MYAL'S STONE HOOT COMPOUND Is such m positive remedy 7 It stimulates the kidneys lo the full performance of their function, eliminates uric poisons from the s) stem and arts as .1 soothing, healing atlent upon th bladder. By Its timely use, healthful conditions of these organs arc promptly restored. PRICE, $1.00 per bottle UNDERWOOD'S 0RtHM , 7th and M tin PHARMACY....:. Streets Klamath Falls, Ore jen COMFORT DIRECT SERVICE WITH THE RAILROAD ,. va&SL arrives " 8 p.m. BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND CANDIES Th. Amsnlllts of OyaLrt. Otic of tlm mint profound timit. irer umilo by tlint profound philoso pher Tint, kern), wim when Im punned two tub uf oyntom side liy side, Hint ho ww oiio wii hibolcd "In. doxen" mid lllO lltlllT "In :M dori'ii" llu ox claimed, "How tli"o o) uteri must halt, oncli other!" Well, "ou'ii mi oyster tuny bo crossed In lou" iiml William I'emi llowclht ban imollior talo to It'll uncut tlm p) t'lmloKj' of tln o.tntcr At olio of llii' llttlll HIippiTH llllll till' lIlH't 1.0IIKft'llllW Kavt i tin' lirllll.ini riimlirldKtt circle JmilC llllnill l.ownll imiiM'il with the tiiniHr lint I. IsimI nloi III lihllo of oysters in ')' whlinnleiill), "1ft ii h timlnhlui: linw till-no follow lii pop 1 per " "Pour tin'! You iloii't mi) no!" ojnoil lated ii mot', pros) old Kciitlcuiali "I1" lined to sloop tlimuith tlio suppers. Tlio It'tUptlltlOII Mill toil ntronu to In' lflll nl. mill Lowell Mini fmiiy liiiiuclit'il linn mi neentint of how n nil popivr mvklontnlly ilroppoil Into n linkct of v)nti'rt ti.iil Ihi'ii ilrntiii out with tin I r n doon of till' liltnlle rllilElliK lo It When till' ft IT IJ.'titll' I.OIICfi'lllllV lllti't pmod til N.110 M lllllltlT uf flll't Olil frlonil UranJntV Dattlnation In DouLt Uthel It of I In- mature of (Ur ItcccDtl) her cranituiottir concluded i tint It dctulved on Iw to ltitruct tin ;btld In religious uiattci , "You must l n ro.vI etil Klhcl ' i ' i.ilj 'Thou yon mil ki to lira t fit nlit'ii )oii till- ' Ktlirl M-i-niiil non rt-t-l)- plenned with .liln reward for oxrt-pllotinl i-otiiluct. 'Don't )oii mint lo pi to henteiiV' tkeil irramltim with it look of re prosi Ii ' Oil. I tlOll't kllOtt " tl'IIIKrlllll lllln-l "I Kilos not " Why lull" tlriuaiiilnl crnn.lmi Vrrfl) . ' llocnUM- iiioiIhi I tuUliln't Kit nut," llimert'il i:ttnl ' ou uouMtt't want to ni-t out" 10 pllrtl uriiuiluin "Oil, )t"). I MiuuM." n-turiiiil Ctlii'l Ml tli onn lotion. ".No." nrcunl crniiilmii. ".ton trouM not. Why ttiouM you witut In cvt out of liparfii;"' "Why." nuiuvnit llllii'l "I KUfi IM want to go mid nco you om-o In nttlitlf wouMn't P"-Woman" llfitnH, Coto IRDt0U IJtntifitJ. Although ntrnns uuallr till milch way tlii' wind Mown ocrnnlonally evi-n tbo ntr.iw int4 mlnlMit tuv I'rvt Ifiunly to I'litorlui! iht rallronil yard no nblrlnnlioii KufiT plrkil up , ii n null. ictlttiTlni: objtvt from tL nM walk anil, wltliunt cxitaiinlni: It tvry . rlonoly. plljniit It to liln itmt Tlirti' ' lulnuti-t l.itiT lip oollldml Willi it nlonl) moTliii: fri'iKbt train, liurliil nxitatt n pil mul ilckr. up Intnnl. b!i- The train dlspatrluT. iiuililt-d liy tele plioni', rallnl up Patrl.-i. Imylt. thu yarduiamer'n a Intitnt. mid nnld: "You'd lifttrr Miirili liH nickftt, Doyle, rit.d out win) lie U. notify Id friends and ri'iort to me " A few raoruehtn later tin' report mine: "Tliore'n not n Hue nf wrlllnc on Ulra." aald 1'alrlrk. -Inn nVvo Mentl. l!i-l lilni hy tte liflilui' on lili cunt lle'4 a Lady .Micculne "-Kjiliaiiv'i- Confuciu t Pott, for tbono who want to know mjm thing of Hie puetie abilities of Con fuclun, Ibe Orient Iterlen putliili'M BOWe translation from a collection B n to tb Chinese world XM yearn H. C. On or tbe 1 called The Ilrld ronioth " Th turtltoi. ilHrilla In il. mpl tint On eoni'ih n a l.riU 10 Ui tunwl A iunirU rirrtarti !. i:on In iiut 7h rnairTil'4 horn th yuune ilov liniri,1. Tlili Udjr corimIi aa llfloni" (U'il A I.Lnrnl ci.krlola on it. rual liai pr Th turtUilot ahull (ill ll.n ino.le'a nt fill, travcla far from tu luv iinl rtat, A liunJrtd carriage licr rank num. On, Sirvlc Qarrcd. A famiiiM lAiidon liitrrlntor iviih upon one occasion tnlled llm to defend ii cook tried for murder. Iielnc nccuned of hat loir pQlmirfeil till innntcr The rlster ufter u uinut nldo mid hrllllaiit defruiit of the (tilprlt H'Ciiriil "nn iic iiultlnl. The conk, mixlotin to nhotv lilt fratlliiilc, u.ilil. 'Tell me, nlr, whatever cau I do forjou id renurd you'r" 'Ilm triumphant coiinnei mmwcri'il, "Mj KOod man, do (iti)tliliu )ou can. hut for flod' sake don't ever innli for inn"' Honctt Craft, "Jones made the lwt part of hit money hy Krafilns." "Why, I thoucht he Iiml nuch n hU'h reputation for honesty." ".So Im ban. Uo iuut (,-ruft, HioukIi, for Im keeps it fruit iiumery."-Ilali, morn American, Curloilty, If )0U want in llnd out how lmiy uitn lire, paint a red rlriK on your door. Every man nbo pattiM will atop to fl&d out. what It Ii for and Hum ivclt until the next man come- along that hu inny tell about It Atcblmu tjlob. Trvllcp.'i Roclpa For fov.t Wrltlny. Mr, Trollope wrotu Imiuuntely and lierer waited for Inspiration. He bald tlio best recipe hu knew for noel writ. Ink' was a patch of cobhtc-r'a wax on lits chair and to take (treat cure he aat ou It. "f.tuTHi Prom u Life" Long and Short, Knruier 11, This 'ero iapr say they nln't noililn' f'r un uppetltu llku a long tramp. LIU Wlfii-I.andl They don't know what they're talkln' ubout. X xhort one c'd vat Just t much 1'aU-finder. Toilet Articles for warm wea Our lino Is complete. All cliwws of Toilet Artie on mul Houilolr buppllen at iuir,,CilVo . m will Hmt tlmt ortlcle here tlint you eomu n hi nuwuvru in luwii. it w t r, . -price winch Is reaHonnliU". Our luwe utock ami Hystomatlc buyln eiialilo im t ,.,r. r n,m J,J nhle ipmlity mul vnlue.i ' COMPLEXION CREAMS lor I'iih nl Hiiiilnirn nil klmU KUIIIIKK tiOODS huh. 'll.tlili' ill "II n'llnolin Kloti -llli!i' "ii.ip illnlien mill lioi'llli'. TALCUMS -lo i ool Hie nkln. nlwitrlt pernplnilion mid n-lioie inlliitloli. 1IKUSIIKS ILilr llnmlii' mid fniiil) flullif", Ttmlli, Null, mid nil other klmln nl luilln' GET SOME "RED STAR ROSE CREAM" FOR THAT SUNBURN -:- STAR DRUG STORE " THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY " IIKIH MINI ion l.l.ltl' II I Ik II I" "'lldlll! I lf ll III .-prini! fleek. Lost l.iitht luti Indie' Jtiket. Iliidt r leliirn In Vinerlritii linlel. Itt'ld. Illle. Itiit kl ill II II)' lUlel). i,iite iiieicin llolel ll i Hep III tlld lnok ill 'Hit line ol IVI I jnla 'i. Ilellkemir 11 I ii.ii. Clwuln mid Umilv m'l lte In niiiir I'n-ek. ui tin' nmttiiiiif. Merrill. 1'ro.eity Is reasonable. I'ur treiier! limine rleiilHUit nod rhln nev nnr-nit neeplni: call on Welili A Mon.'uld I'liinio :hm. i liny Wn'ler itenl tu AhUnd tin mornlniT I" Jttiml l'lulitiiaii. Mir Ihr i.t ri in lon rail at the M iniiiinlli M.ilie. II. W. Mian, I'm prieinr Hill it. Hind ha itWH" tofraler Ijtke to Mll-'llllti-nil I lie LllilMlini'liI ol Hie piartei lnr tin lenMin, ' "-lep ill mul look nt our line ol l'nl fmli. Ii. Ileltk Iier. II ( .unit) iimrt lu l-'ii In ie..ioii all , lUr, miditni( liilln and I'HiVniif liter road i-tltlon. Merrill Valley the heart of Klamath. 1 Ire Crraui at the i'll) llakery. line, ill a Intl. olM.i.lle Auierlran lintel, ll- ' .lut in ul H intern litrife nhlpmel.l ul irrunl lur the IMimiii plioiuvrpli I UisllOp I'mldm-l mi le.ol hy I i Urtrv coure)liori at tlm I'mbvtc rlati , church lait iiijiM He mil pirach i a i tin lonllit Hlep In mid look lit our line nl I'm I 'Cardi.-li. Ileilkempr. 3t j You Citii k,'et u "J meal tiV .it Will. , anil' hotel lur l. Hoard and IoIkIiij; .'i ja week ('. ll. H'IIImiii, I'mp. tl I I Murk I.. Iliirna arrlied in the illy i from Ikirri lnl ruhl, Mark u I tllini! are Ikhiihiiik In the little Inirx and that nuut new ImiMintr ie in the cmifii ul loiMtriiitinu. Weruri aupply )nu with any kind id liirmturv uml liou.e InrnidiiiiK. Vir I'll A tu, at thu liridiie on Main tlint. Attractive llveiware jiml riiiiti-l at H inter a IPilrf-rt ria),mni ol Mm. 1 1. M.lirll (It It ol Oden.iu, uml Mn Courtwillil nl A'M.iinl, wem in.uriiil t Anhliind n fiiw ilaia ak'o and are -nilliiK their Ii iriejiniKjii ill (lili-.. j. H'iulera Im a complete Ii I IMIoii plinnotrii)ih uml all l llmlali-.l firnnln, II you order jour clothe at the K, K, K. alore, joil'll i;i n lit an I exactly whut you want. 'I lie Klmuutli I'hIN lull taiii i, i, (,t play at l.akevli'H to-lay, omIiik tu irniiio mUtako In thu urriiiiiieiiiunl of the Kaiiiei. The lemn will piny minthcr K4ine tomorrow. Bornatim, Worn, A youtiK lady wun lecently tliltliiK an editorial olbce mul heluii abowu uround hy the editor. ApproachluK cane of drawer upon one nf which waa the label "Ms.H.." nbe naij, 'Sow, bow would you pionnunru that?" "Oh," wild the editor, "iwiinellme we rironouuie It iiiuh utnl aouiutlu. wen "-Upplncott'H Miuuzlne A Contradiction. "Tbnt youiiu doctor I a ipiet-r con trudlctliui." "In what way'" "lie has nn cuvedlUKly Ifowl tfeln Jier, and yet ho Ii lueklmc In patlenU," llaltluioiu American. Courtey l hu aatet, cburlUUuen lablllty.-Chlcago Kecord-Herald IIUNnUHN HKMEIIES All pnpul.t, on )our Mii'ull'in. I'KKrU.MKB-.MI Ii wn uml I SUNDHIEil-l'nt Hie nlik,. i. , luit, iitotrlliiiui )on mil Iiml in , ritor. ttf !mi' An ConnJiJ Sign. Mm.l it l,.'.ieliolder at the llirny of Hi pnlnlei ' I" llnd n IhiiiiI of ayiiipn 111 r Willi Hie aludrlil of Hlilllf.ini Hill terntly In Hie lueldeiit taken from the fan I'ratirlaiii t'linnilclis 'I he core of frnterull) limi"- on the rniupila Were In the pnne of U-luit elemied up In preparnlloii fur the rttrplloun mid llllll lliiicn to In- K'lti'U lo tlillor oil Ihe da) "( llie hl fo-ilntll K4lne A III till k,'"t Hie iiillllai't In point one of tin. hoiite while Willi the lllldrtitmid In f tlmt itie inn iiiuit Iw ilium mid dry Ii) n nrtnlii d) After niakliiif a nili lrl He ptlnlir mkel erinlloii In liallk- mil III! lk'U III niplrat Wit trianlril. and lie put up n coii'plCUoil nnnouiiri'iueiit titer Hie front 'liti, '"llie 1'riMiil-.- Ilelliif I'ulllliil hy lltniik lllank ' 'I lien Ihe work dragk'ed II would mine on day and ta away two Ho Ihe I in pn I lent nillr"laii added In the nlk'ii until th autioiiiirrinrut read The rivtlllac llelUh- I'alutnl by lllank Itlaul. .Sow aud Theu " A Calm Wltn.n. A lawyer wa trua ejainlnliiK a nil lie with a vlw to vetiluu lilni mud ille.1 lu hi telliniin) 'Ihe fullonluc luetloii mid anawer iTiirrii- "lltd yotl are the plaintiff faint a !.... .!..." .llllll llllll .,! I e. air" i '1'iople turn pale when they faint. I don't they" "So. air; not altvaya." "H'hll! Ui )oll llieun to trll III that n tmiii ran faint aud nut turn pale) Did yuu eer hear of aiich a rno" "Ye, air" "Hid )ou eter nrli a raV "I did, air" "When" Aleitit it year nifn air" Who waa UV "Ttvn a tieian, nlr." 'I lie lnv)er eirtlt Ihe wltlie Cltn-luiiatl I'ouilurrcUl 'I rllilllle. . Tha Moabll. fitan. 'Ihe rnlleil llnjlille atone wa dl coiere.1 hy Ibe Iter I" Klein lu IM.S auiuui: Ihe ruin of Dblhan. Ibeaurlrut Dllaui. The alone wa of black Ik all. rounded at the tup and bottom, two feel hroad, three feel leu luche hlsti and fourteen Inrhe III Iblcklictl. hut wa ijufortiiuati'ly broken hy th. Aralei. whii.e cupidity had been arnua. ed hy the luleret that wn taken lu It liy the elptollT. The frnKlllellla Were afterward ioIIih-IiiI nnd lalmrlotialy lltleil together, and the Mono liowr aliiuil III Ibe I nitre nt I'nrl. The lii;rlptloii of thirty four line I tu Hebrew riinetilclaii character mid ap pear lo I' ll record of Menlin, kill of Monti, ineiilluiird III 11 Kllik'n III, refer rhiK to hi nurccaafill mtolt nalixt thu kltiK of Inrnel Sew Yoik Ameri can A Modal Frl.nJ. What true frleinlahlp conll III d iH-ndn ou thu leniM-ruinuiit of thu man who hiin u frleinl, It I related that nt the fiinernl of Mr X., who died n-Hi-iucly Mnir, the imially cold hluoileil Hipilru TluhllUt wa much affected. 'Von thouiilil ii -,'reat deal of hlui, I ailppimi)" nomu nun naked llllll, "ThoiiKht ll ureal deal uf til III J I nhould think I did Them waa n true friend I lie lietvr linked mu to lend hlui n cent, HioukIi I knew wvllnntih hu wns nlnrtliiK lo den I lit" Too Eap.nalv. Two lllllii ulrln who wcro takmi to a Olhello" wern much Impreaied liy the ilenth nccne. "1 woudir whether they LIU a lady every lilk'lit'r" linked one. "Why, of coiinu not," aald tbo other. "They Jut pretend to! It would l) too i-xpciirdiit tu lually kill a lady evnry lilHbt'" Uwati Sorrow, , "I can't pluaae my fileudi," uobUJ I bit yiiUIIK III Me. "What" tl,.j mailer, pelt" "They Innlit thut I lau't Im happy wllh ii fatbeud llku you, hut, oh, hus band, uuil"-Vimblngtoii Herald. Dorii.atlo Amsnltlti. liiilil.i-i I've nulled nu hour for you lo ni jour hut i,u stralKlit, Mr. ICnliker-Well, I've wulttd longer than ilinl for yon to get your fwt oa "liiilKbt.-Nt-w Vork Hun, Decision of chiinicter It ouo bright Koldeti nppie which every young pr vou ahould strive lu the bgla4jig to pluck from the tre. of Uf. '"Iiiiiiiii -r "It, "nl iq ' him WE ARE LOOKING saaartttttaBitaaaf.TiJ I'm "i i , aifv .,1 . u, ' -I i , nimii.i n i I( fl 1" II - .. ., t.acli al i . ,, lo r ii Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES J A Mod.' t st I U Ml ir )f thl r' i If I ran ol ABt alt nri i 'Uuirr. j rrnlmn li .-ii'ii-if, A tlubwouian i ' I'lrSv ililpliU Ilecord i- - 'uillcl ioullelic) In ii- lm tall hy IHlltie W-ntlieh -r w tl ttftr tint lialllr Mie "A touple ( i I kail lion to tend a i- i'fJ man, aud In u.iii ' 1 r9t lr lleur) . -. o; tv priw whu in i. rj n U- ilUnuiit letttr Jrn . net ill aid 'I tin li"t ai i ke W Mi-tillty iubmrrni-J . - mj kit lit ml I do ii"' I "-" ddri'.l by in ' " -" Hrtt I am married i u. - rean wtj I aleiuld ne i ' - HI1 Uf linllio It Ainu I'"" ' tvrole In Ihe li.ili, v fe Jull Ol I aim- II l-orc ll- i "U ' ,bf woman In uut-ii ' l rloU tame recently, "mien tie Iiu:-dJ !W and my fantldi..u fi- i was left wlilow. I write hu mrj ludcrM and, .cnrliu; In i'r nrt tooll Ina, liik piiriinii"' , ,u nUf" her n "Mr. Aiuiii lb" M'f to llil from her i. i" lr " think aU.ul. -IM ' ' " I 1',".,, far fri.-f.llen nit t I ll'"'' Mid, . to be !.... ' auanJoall iinine itlioKi'iht-r' I " . n )u "wn nddre.n mo a Mr- inn "' '- lure, pl.-iin... I mu '" "' uiifrtB widow, hut I ni"i loiir hutbiwn iiauie. I think'" Tli. GeiH-M-lna. . i. ... ..i. ., .. n ilitrUV l i ncconinio, ii ., ,-v menl of 1. I.ri't "fr"": tl Wll llUOUU'd III l-J I- '' iiutni-il Diimiiiii mid .. ""?,', one know, of n w If " f"0 ni..l.irnnK,.ofke)..i.hrr1rt'''J udinlnslouof wlu.ll-meliiltiid. i accordlotino Is no.- m "Tj Tl... pro-'r'"'''70" in. mi...., .I,.... i.y ..; ;B; who Inter Ih'Cii.i.' a """"'"" L science. Itn if. '"-, fJ whom, roputntlo w rli-W eleolrlcl work uml ',,,f'Ji was one of the i-iir-W"! ''1 to make ..tperltueui. I" " wllh uibniimitt cable, frtjtofiw oier. was an .xtraordloar J declphmer of '$$& should lilio hate dabbled I" " IntNitluM. nm. i" ' "'" KcUi Whealstone'H miunnl "".r.-.ut hi acletitllle dUro.eiii'S '"ot a.ralght from nchool .. be b dMu inanuf.icturl.iK muiWi nr aud It waa lu I8W. ut,"ie11"(1'l, ty-seven, that ho took ou' ' for I bo coucertlim " ; " .,rcipl. Interested III III "m" ouwhleh.m.nlcalh.-ruwn,'alll Mrticted than In uwf ' "0(p1 acoustical nnd tuunlf" . 1 , (j soon draw him lul i ' 'rk- t, ibiiv idectlM' ulK ,w .... -, I Loudon (llobe. Jl -i" j 11