Newspaper Page Text
IINQUPWITMs stock or SHUWIH-WlLUm pjllHTS MID VARNISHES 1 .mi nrnl AtiylhlllK In till" Ua we will l' K1"'1 " MW -a, color card mid quote prlcM Hi tntiw trf fiin lultyvii. r I'OMK AMI H-K U-' a Geo. T. Baldwin, HAKDWAKE DKALKRS KliiniQtli KbIIb, Oregon WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek RESORTS Tin l-.l trixil Halibut in l)ii'K"'i. Klirllriil atwimiudatlima lor Ciiiiiiiiiriniiili I'" ""'1 . prr!al ramping giowida mil boat. nf rl Klnn tu.luie (or ! u. frlrptione connection. ArcoinuMalatlona tii K I" t"ltrt Will Hint i.iM' l Klniuilli Af-iicy. FRANK SILVIES PRorKirroK Klamath Agency, Ore. Zim's Plumbing Shop Contracting and Jobbing K!iatrlM Line of I'lumU intt SM'clltle and Drat claaa Workmalialilp, A. 0. U. W. Building KUnuth hlls Jackson Hotel Fort Klamath. Ore. Clean rooms, good beds, and the table always sup piled with the best the market affords-Tcrms rea sonable. C.C.Jackson, Prop. PACIFIC SHOE WORKS All Rrpalr Work Done Promptly nil at Reduced Prleei Mrn'a HhII Hole. 7.V; Kulea I ll..-l, 1.'. ; UdiiV Mail Solra.l.ta: llccl, S!fto; Clllld- tfii' Hull Snler, .VI cent Ko,uli-i with all modern micliliiery Sliop on Mttn St. J.V.Houston blk Professional Cards M. WM. MARTIN Dentist Olllce over Klamath County Hunk DR. C P. MASON Dentist A'li'rlrnii iai,L ,v Tnial t.'n.'ii HnlldliiK C t, STOKIK Attorney at Luw 0lf, ,iver rmatoHlc. Kliimntli Va. Onyon U,HUN. Ill 1. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law .; 1 DISEASE AND PAIN. Fh. Tha). That (lulf.rlnu la Msnlal Mora Tlinn Phy.lcal, A gii-nt ilivii nf iiiifgdi piiyiicni mr fcrluif M prliuiiiitf mculiil A Kreut lliiwy i.m.i,i l,,u,. iijci',1 MiMin" or ills ('life, plllll. llclillll), fiillj-iii., dli-ild, In I llli ll lli mill IIIM-t l i-xallitit woea .Mlllll ill Icil III. in e.O ll-llllM ee I Mil Iw Ii.iiiiiiiiiiiI mill. mi nun,',.,. P liicilleiilloii ilu .,, Ullll ,1iy are nut n-iil nuiri'iincn 'iiu.j , leal iih Him Kriuo, Inn .) , tl limuinlcil III ph)i,ciil Inllriiill), iiimI I III')' ll Not In Iw Illicit Mill, physic 'I lie llillnl lri-i oiiica poaaeamil rtf n run lcllon Unit ii icrlulu nrt i,( lln l,,v l lllllllll lllllt ll.iptllca lilllll , Hmt MI III ii'nr nil ilu. nn-illi liii'ln Hi" unrlil IIIIIIiIIi-iIh nf peuplo ..flM i, K,, Ml. nflor Ihe phial, inn hua eiucii H It nut his fiiull, nrnl It in nut their fiinll Hut lln) mi. aliuply lnnl l cian Hiljwmitl In lliem until the) rnn not think nt nil i-jii-pt ii(.,ri Hun mm sllluptluli II I. mi "niilii sliKKcalloii," 1 lir It la II fiimlll auggealhili, niiil llii. old) wnj In ii'iiiini- In by ,i. Kor "ii" ul'T NiiKUfniifjn uf nniitliiT -r 'null 'llm i.ilue i.r ii 'Hint lilea" uf I lll'llltll. t IIIK Olll III,. l.'IIKMUl ur II Hied lili-ii uf iIii.tiiii) where Unit, tun tin uik'Jiili ituiuii fui it, iiiii hardly li illaputrd vl Him mniiol iitfifiii .lial- Ilu- multltiulca tlmt ilii-li- in.' if Iheao liiMillila lillnv In padded ihalra ' lilnl nuLliik' iciuly fur llichcaroHi'-ie . l primarily ini'iitiil. iiiul tin lilllll) llierc mi., nun In, wlm uiii ii Mllvlil i.rnnl. lullrtiilly and lime In in Haiti Ha .-ir.-. la ii tliuiiajiiilfiil.l liv ulili I Mi' unit .nil "houachulil aUKkfcs Hun" Mui I uMlimii In MlJiillr Month! AN INSECT TRAGEDY. , Tha tJaat Ih. Molhtr Uutlarll Ouilda Tor H.r Youno. 1 'I here la anlileltillitf really pathetic In the uay n iiiuther tuittcrlly ImlliU ii neat for her hlldicu In the lint plllie, the Utile huiiii. where the c;i;a are ilciallnt icpii-cnla ii itrent ilejl uf ainrlllic I r II la limit with acwiul la) in uf don ii iltukcl from Hie moth cr'a nnn ..(! Ixaly The cKita tintliiK ln laid inrefiilly iihiii thla luxiirluua pretty niiuli, lite prulivlril hi mi Ciimll) prelly lorerlet lliflile of the nine iiiatcrhl 'I hoe Imlterll) Uilclutliea lire often nrrniiL-iil ullli nn Inlrtcacy Hint laiiulte curium mid 4TiletliiK Himelliiu-. a Ut la llliule .o thnt enrli rejiarale dell 1 cnte hair Manila nprUht. llnia cltlui; tl Ill I re li't Hie llp,vlinimc uf a lit He l.ruali uf dun ii) fur 'llieli Hindu the ik'ita are laid .plrnll) luilliil II Mill liintlrll and. na tin terllilt fullnna their luiirae, the effitt tcellihlc the lilllll)' tall of ii fo(. "Ill) the Heat la more licuutirul than the lirindi of the flm-at fut that I'H-r rmtiied uer ciiun try Iheliillldllik'uf thla don ii) neat la Ihe la t.a t cirthly laNir of the muther lint tcrlt). fur In the time It la completed her on n dellcnte Nl) la denuded of IN natural oiterltu; nml lline la imlhlni; left for her lo do hilt die, n aaerltlie which ahe promptly nml herulcnlly iiiiiI.ii In the Interval "f the coming liuiierll) k'cucr.itluii Mull Pnaln Thamaalvaa. Ilullieatle a.TMlllH III Ci rlnaliy cilllli. under Hie l.m that ohllnea all N.rauna l,ow a icrlaln Income to pruildu for their old Iiite 'Ihe poatulllce laalleH carda mid Htuliipa. nml one of tlieae atampa uiiiat Ih dated mid alIUc.1 to the card eery Mundn) Sometlmea Hie cinploj era liiiythecnrdanud aumpa nml ahuw lliciii at the Htulllre each Uioiitli Soiiietlmea Ihey vxhiI the cnaut' to pa) half Hie luuney n liilrvil Women nho itoout hy the day Iti'l their atampa ill the lioiiae Ihey nor). In on Mon, In) . If ii Klrl marrlea .),,. one crnae lo Imure ulid ma) hae a aum of money toward her outfit, lu that cae ahe will n-cehe no old ntw pclialuii Hut If ahe Koea on nllli her Inauraure alio will from 15 to '.'ll niarka (13 to Jl) ii month from the atillu nfler the lice of aevent). Worklno Hla Patl.nt. Ainuaaa.ulur W'u ThiK rniur "a nine. It la ullcscd. tellliiC nboiil cer tain Kelllah politician. II" said- '"Ihe iiimi icinlmlM. me of n doctor of Hhaim A mandarin came lo thla doctor for mlilcv. He could not alcep, had nu nppetlte, auffeiiil u KOd deal floui de luvaaloii nud iieertlielfa waa lukliiK on fat at nil nlamilni: tale. ''i "I. "'Hin put )ii In condlllun ncalu,' I the I plualclan. 'What jmi nee I I- ivlae -limal. hard eeivle I our lime n I week J mi cm lome lice ml put In j Hie iiiuriilni; pollahlnu ni) lloors.' Hut why not my own llooraV the uiand.irln Inquired. '.Mine,' Mild the pli)sulnn, I "ure lamir.'" I . H III, 1 . tUI.1.11. f ItaoDii an" ,.. Did you kuoiv that n hliorl. liarp whiatle fiom Ihe uioiitli would atop u ruhhlt? It Hiirvly iliK'a. Next time J on ..... U..II,. i.,ii,it,iii Ikhii fioui uer , HVV lime .ii'.u.. . -- I hurrow and uuil.e off don't fchoot: Juat 1 wl.UHe Whether fioui fear or ciirloa- .. . . ...n I. m ul. will KtOII 8(111 liy 1 cainioi it-n, ... "- In her irucka Au antelope has heen kuuiwi to do liken 1-e. An AfrUali hunter one Mild thai luo elephaut U tUu most timid of nil animals nml can he frlKhlened Into u cold Bweat ty luyotellom iiolo.Xw Vork I'ress. Thoaa Conaultatlona. "Why do they lia consultations or phyak'laim, paV f P8onilliaM one doctor can h Ink of .,n,.,l,ii1.Cktwrlllo lor that bun t iHiTissT " :'"""'".. ..., . i.u t cnnuiuai cinei " - ght lu tl"" I"" "Ul. i...i. iti i htpi rin frest uie the teiitleiestr - ARTISTIC TASTE, ..,." In Thla tlio rrsnch Are Flrat and the Irlah Com. Naxt. Arllitle tnatii la ilui. in temperament, nmJ when- tiiii i.xMm Hie uluiiilfat inn. li"Hiil li'iiil tlii'iiiMu-H in nrllilli' com. I IiIiiiiIIuiih nml lii-iiulirul I'lritiH, 'I liu rn-iiih nicl In ilnlnly, tuneful ilcaliina I.i-iiiihi. nf lhi.r volnllic. lull Ih luilnit li'iiii.iiiiii'iilH Tim (IciiiiiniH iii iii'ci 1 1- it h llii'-i. hi.KhH iM'tuiiFf their li'iii..'i,iiii. iiih iiiv Jiint Ilu. re ti'ine, whlli. It Iiim hii'ii iuiimiI In pev ithI (.rkrouinii Hint, next to Ibo I'reneh, Hie Irlah teuiieriuneut In the iiiuil nrllHtli' 'llio nmrii nrllalle the u.mhtiiI trnln IiiK uf u iierauu the mure remly iiru Ihey lu iiiirei lute nnil -uollt hy tho lllltf liru-lui'lluiiM uf nllielH, heme we lire Klml in ! nml Knileful ror tho lUlvlleii nf miiiljlnn the "minlelii" hrutiKlil from I'nrlti cneli heimoii liy Ihe clilcirlluu luiiurlein InculyllMi )cnrH iiku In I'nrli nml biinlnii the ImiiacH Hint culeicd lo , Ainerlni mid Hie cnlnuliii put nxlde fur " '"""'', "' Tlmt'n why I don't lie thla Irinle mi iIchIkhh Hint were Ion !'" II"' unlive Aiistriillun enn rldo ' eitreme or ' KcreniuluK" fur the fiiHtld- oMtrlchni,"-Nev Vork I'n-M. Imm huiiie l.iicm, miytt the Mllllnerj ' . Trnde Ilei ten Hut IIiiiim lime chaliKeil. ' Mr Prophat. mnl the ineriiun unmnii l-i now inn- Ktudy or .M:irj proiei that planet to aiJeieil the iliKiie.l In the world, uci:py varthulae In eouiv nort the poit uint ihe l.-iiii.-m ur Auitrlciu aiKlety of prophet, for lu addition to the tldo nre Ihe num. -n who illrlnle ijtute ns lllllrh lia the elite uf I'miil." MINE TIMBERS. Th.y Add Clglil Ccntt to tha Colt of Caili Ten ,( Anlhracit,. 'the mat of i-1 er loll of miHuaiile la lllileiiud SieliOi Ii) the expelKI' of the mine Hinhera 'lo aupply thee tlm l era taya the Vegetarian MnpazlLc, leqnllea inch Viar the picdilct of ap ptoilmiitely I.VI.IaHl nciea of fureat. 'llmlicr la lined for iro.a Ilea for . tram road a In the innlu hauhiKe waya. ua n.HHleu roller, nml aa propa. A aet of ipiiutua) con.lata of Ino , legi. com.nonl) nine or leu feel loins .mil ill-mi itilrleeu Inrhea lu diameter. . mid a iull..r all or reieu feet lone. ' '"' 'v' "r" '"1,l'1 " u" 'rn" '" lutenul- or n,e line vaiiicuoy riMliienil) loiitiiina I law eta. and ten ' iruiixu'i). in ii lolliery la not tin nu t llanul tiiiml-r 'Ihe incroK'e life of the limber la hurdly nbuo iui, jeiira Torly-tUe r cent uf the tlml-cra are deatroyed by ileeay. while hreakne.'. wear and Inn-eta d.-alroy the remainder Hy ieel I I n it the tlmlH-ra and iroH-rly muiouliiK i Ihclli mid epelall) by cltliaT thelu n tieatm-'iit In olla or ihemlcal aulta their IcIIHIh of aenlie la materially lu I renaiil Tli. Marbla and tha Pancil. 'I he marble Irlck la na old aa tin-day of Arlatotle I'maa the middle and fore iln.-era mnl mil u marble K-tweeu ! them. The marble will feel like two. U-Cauae It U U-lllK Telt III mi uuaccua tuuunl na If n pencil la drawn lie I w fell Ihe i r.naial lliiceiit the one iell ill will fii-l like parallel burs. The Mini.- llliiilon may li muked by plac In. tint iM-ncll U-twii'ii the llpi and then iuoliiK the under lip to onu aide, (aualiiK the incll to feel like tno. More ilirlolia lilllll mi) of theae la the unit where the furellinrcr la cronaed , out the Utile llmrer U-lilud the oilier tno mid then applied In Ihe end of the liuae Not old) inn )oil feel two no-n-1. but one of Hi. 'in i-iviu to N- uliout nu I Inch Ioniser Hiau the oilier Thla hint 1 aeliaallou la ciiuiil by the fact that we do nut ordliurlly feel Hie edito of ' any objivl wilh tlieae tno IliiKcra at Ihe aame time liulesa the part felt with I the llllle lliurcr proji-cta beyoml tho 'part fell by Hie forellnuer - St Loula Iteimbllo alio Said 8o Anyway. The youurf man who was endeavor- I i";,il tlie favor of Hobby's pretty alaler met the boy ou the street oue morning and greeteu mm wim muvu cordiality. "i:r-lo you thluk your sister was plcai-ed to know I had called the other ilnyl" Im "t last fotx-cil to nak, blunlly, after eernl efforts to Kuldo Hubby's couennllou lu that direction. "Sure!" said Hobby, with gratlfyluit promptness. "I know Mm was. 1 heard lier say so. "When she came home mother said, Mr. Hronn called while you were out.' mid she said: 'lie did? Well. I'm .lad of thai!'" Vouth's Companion. Ink on Leath.r. .r Ink spots on leather chairs waah the sMts with milk, renewing the mll tlll It h no longer stained mid the spot ou the leather has disappeared. Then wash the leather with warm wa i Icr, und w hen dry mllali It with very little lliiheed oil und vinegar mixed lu equal parts. The Ink stain should bo removed iih quickly iih possible, for If allowed lo dry and hardeu It is doubt ful whether you will ever lie able to entirely remove It. A Bttttr Authority. Young llnshmid-Xly dear Jenilum, I intuit say that this pudding tastes ery bad. Wife-All jour iiuu.iuuiiou, ueai- The cookery book sajs that It tastes evcelleiitl-Louilou Telegraph 8alf Satlsfiad. "Look ut tha self satisfied dub! Now nbat coinmeudable trait does he pos nesaV "Well, that of bclus easily pleased. Louisville Courier-Journal, . - Thres Fsat and a Yard. The trouble with buylnif lesldeue. property bv the frout foot Is that It lequlies consldeiably more tlmu tore feet to imiLe u pieseutable "yard." Kuusas City Star. ii If money didn't tulk, some people would uever be beard of.-Pblladelpbla Telegrapb, Riding en Oitrloh. "' don't lcllcn tho HtorlcH inM about tho iinlUcs 111 Afrltn mnl Aiiatnilln riding oatrlchea," said a Cnllfornlan ' who kIvm rlillng lcioo In o NcwYArl: rUlntt nendemy, "nml 1 nw tlil-i (in-tty well tried on on ooennlon In my ntnti'. ,A lowlmy who linil miikjuIhIk-iI ctcry I'ony Iki ccr tinilnrtrKik Id lirciil. In h'iih IikIuchI to try mi uilrlcli, After mi hniir'K Iiiuil noil; lie niii cceiloil In liioiiutlliu the Mnl, which fit llrxt Irleit lo nhiil.ii mnl roll him off, hut them tnt'llcN of i (Ml rue hml no cITeet iiiuii the , cowhoy. 'then lu Milte of till Hie innn 'coulil ilo the oalrlvh mivcn-dvil lu Ket IIiik Ilu heod nrouml nud nelzliu; the rider hy lh ciilf of ouu Wit. I'ltinlly the innn, lifter much frnntlc I'.kkliiK. ,1(01 hll li'ic flL'L'. Ilu Ihl'li dullhled hit feet under him, nud tliu onlrMi rench cd oer hl,i wlntt" mid (tot u uood. fnMt hold on Ihe nmn'a hack, throwliiK him i lienvlly to tho Kround nud trnuipllni; on him. It tixik three of iih lu chnao the Infuriated oatrlcli nwny, nud ire I nceoinillahcd It Imrely In tlmu to nine llBhtri It thrown upon our paat It l hy uny or loreiciiniK our iuiure. u eua. I, lei iih to no ineun extent to forcneu I what eM'iiluully will overtake the I en rlli lii priKenH of time, InnHinucli nt fruiii ii acrutliiy of .Mara coming event cant not their ahadona, hut lln-lr light, hefore II la the plutiet'a aire that tits It ttiui for the roll, of leer It smaller bulk has cauu.-d It to age quicker than our earth, and In contcqucnce It hai Ions lnce pnaaed through that atago of Itit i plmietary cnieer which tho earth at , ..v Iy .....,,, ,. .,. ,., ,,, , ,,,,. oap , whch ,., jm, tl(j c.nrh ,t)lcf mait como ,f u Im ,m, V(.nvll,.llm.d forehand by other ctnmr,,,,.. , (It.t of conrae no two )alt(.tn of .nrferent Initial maaa repeit ,,.,, ,)ll,r.p( ,,,lutlouary hlatnry. but In n Kdieral "ny they wvernlly follow ,omi.llriK , tlH ,me rofld ivrcVal iime ivntury Why tha Tabl.i Ara Graan. "Hllllarda la one of tho oldeat (,'amea I knon- of." mid n fportlna man. "It la ol, hr ei en than croquet, which was plnjeil by I'rvncli klnpa n irreut many liumlriM )eaia ago. Hut, while billiards la hi old, I'll la-t none of tho devotees of Ihe liorlea nud the cue can tell mo nliy a billiard table eowrliu Is Kli" The bllll.inl table la alwa)a Kreeii. Well, the answer la simple viioukU. Hllllarda la merely n corruption of the KooJ old l.'iiKllah KAiue of UjwIj, which wan plA.tiil on ii beautlmlly Kreen lawn. On inlny and winter days, how ever. )our Knullali sportarunti couldn't enjoy Ida laiwla, an some clever Johnny . coucvlwil the achcrue of playing bowls I Indoors on Ida Imitation green lawn. It waa ton inucli of a cinch. lioneer, i plnylui; thla same with Ihe hand In . audi che quarlera. so Ihe cue waa Intnaluced o put skill nt u premium Thnfa why bllll.inl Utilea lire un-u."-i'lillnilelplil.! lU-conl. ! Diving For pith. A unique methial of llahliiK U em- pli)od tiy lintUea uloiiB the I'nulauns rl)er. Two dugout boats nre empi0)eu , nlnut thirty feet lone, wllli two men with tout; poles, one In tho lain-, the other nt the stern pimtlu the boat j nloni;. They stretch a louc rope mado of bamboos and plaited srass nbout n hundred yards Iouk and weighted about eu-ry ten yards with big stones. This , the) let don ii Into the water, nud the flab are frightened toward the bnuls. j Tli.. .llrera I lieu 1n um lu thrvo at a I time, remaining dowu about twenty e. remaining uowu aoout , Lt?J'$Z een Inches long ami uiunoo-s wmi cords attached. When they strike n tlsli they let so the gaff, and the fish Is hauled up lu the boat. A bb flro Is lighted ou tho river bank, and tho men warm themselves before It when not diving. Rangoon Garette. A Wall In a Churchyard. Itadstock, In Essex, possestea what Is probably a unique water supply. It Is entirely derived from a deep well In the parish churchyard. The well Is over MX) years old und la as St. Itotolpli'H well. Tho Inhabitants of HaiMock declare that It contains Uitt heat drinking water lu Great Urltaln, and. as the village Jin question Is on of the healthiest places In Katex, there Is undoubtedly some truth 111 their lionst . lAiudon Strand Magazine. Fab. 29 Births. Vary few distinguished men liecu boru on Feb. ft of leap have year. Among them nre Ed waul Cave of the (eutlemnu's Magazine, who was born lu ltal-, nud Ilosatul ou the sa'Ho day u hundred years later. ArcliDti'.iop Wliltglft In 1G0. nud John, the brother of Sir Edwin Landseer, himself an artist, both died on this day. Tha Limit. 1 l.m ell I ilun't mlud (retting u leiuon 0,. alu, XUvu but Powell But what? Mowe!l-l thluk It Is oterdoliui the thing when the lemon has beeu I bqucozed. Eiehauge. Turnsd th Cut. I Uolly I'ardou me. dear, but you cut u ildlculous figure on the street yester ,day. Polly Oh, forgive lue, dear! If I bad seen you I should have spoken. Cleveland Leader, Couldn't Chang. His Appaaranca. Customer I wuut you to cut my hair lo that 1 won't look like u blamed fool, tlarber I uo lightning change nrttst. New York Press. It It were only as easy to pracUc aa it Is to preach! Chicago New. THERE ARE REASONS WHY You should buy your Groceries at Van Riper Bros. lot. They have the goods you want 2nd. Their Groceries are always fresh 3rd. The price is within reason 4th. They deliver phone orders promptly Phone 516 - VAN RIPER BROS. Get the Habit-Use Chase G Sanborn Coffees FURNITURE Our goods are new and attractive. ALSO THE PRICES E. W. GILLETT & CO. Hfrt E. WlTMhow, Vice President Abstracting Maps, Plans, Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Don J. Zumwalt. C. K, President C. K. M. E Klamath Falls, Oregon East End Meat Market CRISLEK e STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork and Poultry Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausages of all kinds. We hsndlo our meats In tho most modern way In clean liness and surroundings. Try us and we will be moat happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery. I MILLS ADDITION LOTS -, are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys nt present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots arc FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIXT deep more than" double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. 0. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. WOOD WOOD Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 401 or K K K Store, Phone 174 J. L. FIELDER S'al Pkone 84 Notice For Publication Department ( the Interior, U. S. Lund Olllro at 1-akeview, Oiegon, Jane 201903. Notice is hereby given that Asa Kordyce, of Ki. ICIama tli, Oregon, who, ou August 4, IW1, made home stead entry. No 2433, for Lots 11, 12 and 13, Section 4, Townsite 83 S, llango "i K., Will. Meridian, lias Hied notice ol Intention to male Final five year Proof, to establish claim lo the land above de sciibed, belore County Cleik, Klamath County, at hla olllce, at Klamath Falls, Oiftpn, u the 1st day ol August, 1008. Claimant names as witnofscar James (lordiiu, K. M. lever, II. J. Savldge and ChaM. Mailin. allot Ft. Klamath, Oregon. , 0-23 .1. N". Wirsos, Register. Notice For Publication Depaitiuent nl I lie Interior, U. S. Land Otlk-6 utL'iUvlow, Oregon, June 18, 1008. Notice Is hereby given that Herbert J. Savldee, o( Ft. Klamath, .Oregon, who, on September 25, 1902, 1 made homestead, No. 2773, for SWJi, 1 Section 30, Township 32 S., Kange 7E., Atxro SbO-14 Scciutary Blue Prints, Etc. M. D.Wilu.hs, C. E. Treasurer Office on Fifth Street Will. Meridian, lias filed notice ot in tention to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land abore de scribee', before County Clerk, Klamath Co., at his office, at Klamath Falls, Ore gon, on the 1st day ol August, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Christ Weiss, Edd Leever, Charlie Martin and James Emery, all of Ft. Klamath, Ore gon. 0-22 J. N. Watson, Register. To make room for new goods that ara now oi the way we are disposing ol all second-hand articles a hare left at prices less than cost. Virgil A Sou. Merrill Valley the heart of KUsutk. CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlors Oysters Served la Aay Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. Klsmtth Falls, Oreg tiger. ?-' '! ' T. 0 V. tl S f-V'i.