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Pie wiftfr f fli lit df Llr 'i ,,n"or in Our Advertisers Get the Beat Results .' . . iKhmnth Full" oNI)YPH.Ni tf0. HUM ATI I I 'ALLS, OKKGON. SATURDAY, JULY 11. 1008. Price, 5 Cents. PTURE A SUCCESS DEMOCRATIC STANDARD BEARER STATE PROSPEROUS Hefalo. ockholders Are Satisfied With Bonanza Creamery JSINLSS IS NOW ON EVEN 1(1 El WpfctiZgJ viAi- "" jT,ir j&? GiZ'MV &&w Sm JM It Veiir s ()tt'riuons u msmtiiioii snow lor I tinners Fngtiqed in l)iir inq Outniit lli . Increased More Hum Ihreo I old :N ki ei wgmm. ....... ffisilafe. vi kiirnrie "' ' ,ln'' " i Ln. it-' i"kt ,,", "' "" "" (.'iiainri ( .mpnnv nii thoi- iln licfi' . tt i- iiiiio In Auguit. Win ii lln-r-icnUiy hu lit Hprlng- rieel. Ui tear ho llifiitlni-tl .Mr. Mlvl. il.. ,j Mlltln I " I'"' "ll11 "' ,ll,,r j Hint fiiilmilly , Imii ,b k.iuIiI f.i,il inifnt nI t " 'Hie I'lfmiiiry jl, Mirollmi nt liU limit ni m l,, a 1. llli.iiilkvi.lniil, nnr -Hill It lorMHitlfHiwul, viirii to vult Hip Kin Lime but Hi- Milium U now mi ""' ""h !" 'I'll )er, it I. ien rrniol an I II"' Mll.Uel.1111 (.fll'"'1'''- that h will i-ltlliu flahini.- due to''" .on account i.l . " lr nn. .hiiuk. Lltonrnl ' r r iiflHiro liar I .ill till , llirrnrllH l' t Men Kl.lul.i UK- 11:1.-1 OLIISUti .'iiCll.l 15UI lUr nt llir iiK)ttillllty the tatty cffn- ' '"" ".'"""H li wale deei ii in lilClfin ' nlnpnny was organ- I hliwialli munly liet Utdiinda) hiiI I In Ike " "" "' 'W' ''"',' Mi,''r""l"",-I"IIH'" ""''I .Smmilwr lt I In- bilrr ! I Worllrpll)' I'" riitlrr m-hkiii for female dorr .tw-mmt nfii nn , nifstrrnt .t Hm limine", nml or M ''pteinlfr lt. Mid clotr. thf mint ;. llum to gathering the llliiras Urn mate hiii. N.i liilul.-r ! im, parking atlil lIfili4r 1 atlJ--l In kill nmn than llwdrri hi UK ml keeping the Ixiokt without one trawii and Iniuling Mill, dugt an. I Thf.n. '.suing Inttliiri has 10 , liy ntoht ii prulnlilinl imr s'&. WMWM,. If- UWB." '' Mi' ?. mm itMW. !!t, f fJ I J it .J ItiP.1 Mms.... .... j& V II N WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN OF NEBRASKA Irrl H'r - Umn nuw dl Inn Lrl litnonlli y rtfliiM il llic Com- lt ilmul 3iO. I'.ir llir att plhtlip nirr irn-ur.1 (nr litltlrr hi Itnllnt llltf inlitt lirl, ilnlllclllIK kuf lli'l.-ii Hint C'llillliltlloiK. It itirciitKltrrtl athltiililo to innlii b tli ilfi i.l liullrr-Ut Hi 14 i'nl Itoiiiitlilt iii.h It will I nrrviiai) ttrp It at tint tifl.n (or iiTrml klbmitli tiit liUli.-r Imttrr iiiot pi lint mi- rxfcliil. Ihtfiowtii il tlm crram riipitv Ii MA III tlie (tit tlmt itlllltlC tlin llllt tb( llirxotriifi-, oiib )rr ago, Molil uin,t (or lnillrifnl, at ol 2.1 crtii.. uii. fi45. Iji.i innntli rirlnlrr, tlm Inlnl m)iiiruta, at llit of IS, cental km JIM1. !lllIM bit-tin pecrctnry to jjo Fishing rtitikhihli-t llif proprietor n( U.o luittiriit. Html, lauulliorlty (or tlm ibrami tiiut .liirinv tlm Hummiir tMaiydoriUM miIi n party ot tin mJ, Hllliinl K-w ct'ki nt ila polirtfirii l,iiMr,tBry ,,ni ,, 'ir.trroiilliil! In tlm iiiK), villi nr- Prcr mr talil lu In- iikhh plilitllul hi tlil (rctloii tlilt ).-jr than llii) Ii.ii- lit'fii lor iptrral ).oriMl a iiiiiiiIkt i-l litilitrt nia il..iinlii: In ,;n to tin liill III tlm tally nr! jI tin rriioli. A I rinl r If oi I uliunltl U inmlit to itvi-iit all lllivnl iIiuOIIiik il 'l,,r " tliat tlif iiiiinOr will not It ilirri-anil. I llnyinK Near Merrill b'vwralnl lln ttilt cnil u tl riiiuil) liat Mvun liM)ln,;. "S I - J liiti riiji hIIi tint ! full oiif, lull tin . imrclly nl liay will maku It moir viilun lilf Dili rail than houM lit" the cam il .my one Iml limnp.T nop. N.i tmulile It mrt in m'lirini: liamU ami the HK.-i lll 'm 1 1 .own !)' 'I'liit In Wo. rliopcr thmi lit 'iri Mil tin almiiil.'imc ol linmla rinl n Wfiicrnl milii Kency nt the llmei tlieili-niMM-. Win, ILilton Ixkuii lnt MoniUy, nciil ilncn then ninny ol the amallvr (anna lme ataitril llielr Icllei". Mertlll ItcClllll. NO MORE J5AD ROADS Southern Pacific Bent on Reach ing Navigable Water I ruins May Cross Hill in About One Month Three Steam SIhuoIs .Now Working on Roadbed Between Dorris and Marsh Edge It ii ipiite urlilcut llio .Suitliern I I'neltlc Company i leiil on reaching j the inuitsiitiiin H liter in time to estab-j Mill lioat connection with this city lo- hrutvht on to tliia city, nntl uion iti urrival it is again taken In charge bv the Mclntire Company ami II' delivered at tho ftore iloor or narchouie the tame ai foie the roiiilt become baJ. Tlueo fleam ' under the old method. ihonlanie noivnii the work thit aide niiiie "iioi-iii-iiii-GrouiM" hiu ami Boating on Crater Lake llie!rtidu to the nianh w 111 lie com-i t l..t I I..... u.K. P..II. i:ein.r nil tho I '' "ri! "'..... v . graven. rt !..... .i ,. ilmi ii, .,,, turniV.jcitenlny evening Irotn trip to I WUIUP ll' J niv- "I'll""'. - --... JULY SPECIALS We will make special prices all this week On Ladies' Khaki Suits SKIRTS, DUCK SKIRTS SILK PETTICOATS Watcli Thin store FOR JULY BARGAINS l.uiK''"! und int I'omptel.i line l IM lion riionoi:raili mid rn-nr.H In Mime 0u, ,,(, ,10 XK, Blll ts will bo laid ath county, at i: W .Mnllcr'i. corner jllcr0 tNU ,m Mu trnnrporlatlon lor (llh and Mnln Uriel. allft L.0i,ttruotioii iiiirt"Mef h 111 then be es- JtAhlMieil tiitheM.Uo lino. f Tliur.i In n.i lliit chame thut thu tnuieli kiikIo ill not be compleud to the rliHiinel by the lime the mad I n-d It lliiifliod. The eoiiluctiir mo Imvlnn conridiTillilo tionhle with the new dredge and mi iicrniiiit ol necldeiil it hint been laid nil' (or ulniutt n lull week. The old dredge which in doing ' tho iidviinco work Ii In good condition , ii ml lit Hulking il aplen.lM ahowliiR. Il In thought thai im himiii na the third inn chine, which I tu bo enpeoially ad.uiled tllnililng piirpo'fi, U put on the woil; heller proie will be nnido mid llieeiiginet'lii (eel confident that before the llrnt o( the year the trains will bo rnnnl'iK tn Ihf water to connect with ' the IioiiIh, K.K.K. STORE i , , ! Store Door Delivery ltecenl LliuiiEes in traiuporlatlon cir cles have not affected the delivery of (relght to Iheetoie door nr warehouse an was nniioiinced pome few days ngo. The only chinge In the handling ol tho freight to thai Instead ol hauling to this city with teams tho .Mcliitlre Company hauls to Teeter's liiiuUiik wheie every 1 thing to trauelerred to the boat and to Crater Like. They weie the tlrst part ies to go don n to tho water this year. They found the row boat in good con dition und made the trip to tho Island. The launch, which was wintered on the Island, was not damaged by the heavy enow mid appeared to bt In flrtt class condition. They repo't croiiiug about ten feet of snow in going to tho lake. Duffy Gets Married Wnid has been received In this city that I. A. Duffy was uianled to u Sun Ki.uii'isi-o lady a lew days ago and thai ho nnd hli bride have taken up their rciiitcnco In Snu'Dlegn, friends of Mr. Outfy In thl city have not been able to learn the name of the fortunate lady that won the affections of the former' Klauiathite. Banker White Considers Oregon in Splendid Condition ATTENDED FINANCIERS' MEETING Reports I rom All Parts of State Show Deposits in Banks on Increase Since Financial Flurry of Last Fall. Portland Capitol Exceedingly Active owned nil of the land cotnprined In the Hot Spring? trad. He wns a nun ol cor.idderablu prominencu In politics arid waa rccogulrril as an able lawyer li. this itate, he hnving practiced his profeaalou bold In this city an I nt Portland. In recent years he hiu cuitom hnuio col lector at Port To'Amcnd and when n mora active 'man he was Internal revenue collector lor the Government lor thirty consecutive yesrs. Deceased to survived by one unmar ried daughter, reMdinv In the WailFing ton town, and by one ion who to an offi cer In the regular army, and who was rent to tho West Point .Military Acade my from this city when he was a young nun. Putting Up Framework The forces at work on the Govern ment llumu luvo completed all of the concrete piers and (or a dlitanie of 2700 feet all of the framework Is 'completed. The flume will be u little more than mile In Itngth and tho contractors are making a good showing on the Hoik, The conatructiou of the box n lit not be begun until all ol thu framework to put up. Advocating Early Closing Since the jewelers ol this city have Inaugurated the early i losing system the clerks and mauv ol the proprietors In other lines of business are thinking ol following in the steps ot the jewelers. It Is very probable that the movement will result In closing all of the mercan tile establishments ol the city by S o'clock lu the evening. Sunday Dinner The new Houston Dining ltoom will serve their special chicken dinner Sun day (rom 0 to 8:30 p. in., table de bote. Price Wc. Positively the best meat iu town. Lunch from IS to L' p. in. Frank Grohs was In tonn yesterday Irom his Klmrock ranch' on the state line. He reports the hay crop will be exceptionally gootl this year and that it will take his crew of ten men two months to put up the crop. Honania Itulletin. "Oregon to prosperous. Times are good In all sections of the state," was the statement made by O. W. White, prealdcnt of the First National Bank, uion his return (rom-atwo week) visit at Portland. He continued, "The r-'tate linkers' Association was well at tended and the representative! ol nearly all of the towns ol the stale were feel ing Juhi ant ovir the prospects. In a few small towns the banking business has fallen off, but every town of Im portance Is gradually forging forward according to tho statements of the bankers and in most places tba amount of deposits are now gradually Increas ing. Kastern Oregon town are much lietter than they were last Fall and Portland to growing everyday. A num ber ol substantial buildings are going up and in every part of the city homes are being bnilt. Many ol the hornet are substantial buildings." When asked If he intended to build this year Mr. White Hated that the conditions wcro such that he cannot at this time put up the kind of a building be wants and that he wonld wait the approach ol the railroad when it woold be easier and cheaper to get the ntcee sary building material! for a building that will be a credit to the city for a number of years. Finish Dipping Sheep Ed. Drown, the Cornell sheep man, was doing business in this city last Fri day. Mr. Brown informed the Record man that he had about finished dipping his sheep, under government inspection, and in a (ew days would be hitting the tall limber (or better feed. HeealdAp plegate had also finished dipping, bat that Harlloroadi had not yet begun. "Feed," said Mr. Brown, "to beginning to get a little short near water, bat there will be plenty ol iheep grating faitherback. I received a letter from Lake Co. paying wool waa selling there (or 13,V and 14 cents and at their mar ket Is practically the same at ouri 1 believe these price will govern here." Merrill Record. Every singer and everyone who has a (air voice, and those who are Interested In music ought to attend the Summer Music School. Death of Major Brooks Helatlvea in this city have been ad vised ol the death ol Major Qulncy A. Urooks at Port Townseud, Washington, nheio hu had leslded (or eeveiAl years;. Ho died on Monday at tho llpe ago ol SS yean, und hiu leinaiun were laid to lest In the cemetry nt the town where hto daughter uow lesldes. Major Brooks was for many years a resident ol tbla city and at one time m The proof of 1 is in the m the freezer k i freezing I The White Mountain Freezer I makes mon; cream, belter cream, and makes it eatier and tlir'aji'rr ilian any 'other fieezer on the market m' LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS & HANKS '') J HARDWARE DEALERS I r '; A y Hi'